《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》5: Strategy and warfare.


Strategy and warfare.

John walked up to the board as Cameron drew a birds eye perspective of a corridor.

"The plan that I came up with is relatively simple, people with these pads like me should shield every one from the front and people who have javelins throw them. We'll sweep along the entire corridor and people armed with other things will sweep the classrooms in case any got inside. With proper weapons and numbers we can win."

John looked at Cameron, fairly impressed.

"Thats assuming there's not too many up there though, right?"

Cameron nodded.

"If there are more than 10 we should retreat and try to bottleneck them through the stairwell."

John got up and practiced how he would throw his javelin without actually thowing it.

"So when do we start this plan?"

A few of the other students had readied their weapons and were perfectly prepared to go.

"I'm ready and I'm presuming most of you are, anyone who is should get ready, we'll head off in three minutes"

John opened the classroom door and stepped outside, seeing the corpse of the orc from before in the middle of the hall he went from room to room, knocking on doors and explaining the situation concisely.

When he reached the room the teachers were using and knocked his english teacher came out.

"John whats going on?"

He looked at her and calmly explained.

"We're properly prepared and the people upstairs are keeping them busy so the best plan is to try to get rid of them quickly."

The teacher was about to scold john but sighed and waved him off.

"If you get in trouble remember we're down here for any injuries... i wont tell the other members of staff what you're planning until youve done but youll probably get in trouble."


John returned to the classroom as everyone was ready, cameron lead the group up to the third floor as sounds of intense fighting and screaming sounded through the stairwell.

"It sounds like its gotten way worse. If we dont hurry people might... get really hurt."

Cameron led the group faster until reaching the top of the stairs, then he formed 3 lines of people in the corridor who were using tackle pads as shields and formed 4 lines of people who were using javelins, john was placed as a spear thrower and was on the 5th line overall.

If the battle went quick john thought that he might not even have to fight at all.

Cameron made the group slowly march, noting that only 4 orcs could be seen and none of them had weapons.

As the group marched john passed by classrooms which people at the back checked on, the further he got along the corridor without incident the better he felt about his chances of surviving.

Then the first orc came into range, he had been pinning a boy up against a wall and strangling him.

The green mass was showered with javelins by the first group which went surpisingly deep and hurt the creature, the makeshift shields mostly protected the group as he charged and punched at them.

The orc fell after bleeding out and the javelin throwers picked up their weapons and continued to walk forward.

The second and third orcs were quick to yell and shout, though seeming harmless at first it made john and Cameron feel uncomfortable.

Then there was the sound of rumbling which was slowly approaching.

John turned to see at least 7 orcs running towards the back of the group.

Everything after that became a chaotic blur, john saw people in front of him knocked down, he himself was knocked to the side by an orc and hit the wall of the corridor.


The people with shields split into two groups and defended each side of their now tiny group.

Johns blurred vision slowly began to restabalize as he stood, he still had his javelin and threw it at the orc who had knocked him over, the creature was struck in the back of the head and died rather quickly.

John felt slightly reinvigorated as the black and blue bar reappeared and grew to halfway, followed by the same voice saying something he could barely make out in the chaos of the situation.

John stumbled and grabbed his javelin, throwing it at another orc who he hit in the stomach which caused the creature to stumble and fall.

Another orc grabbed john and pinned him against the wall, grabbing his bat he beat the creatures arm and loosened its grip, he tried to swing again but his swing was caught and he was knocked down by a hard punch.

John crawled forward and grabbed the javelin of the closest person to him, throwing it at the creature as the remaining members of his group hid inside the classrooms.

The javelin flew into the creatures chest but missed the heart, john got up and grabbed his bat tightly.

He walked toward the creature and swung, hitting its head against the wall several times he felt it cave and was relieved to see the bar and heard the voice speak into his mind.

3 more orcs approached john as he prepared to fight again, then he heard choking and wheezing from the orc he had hit in the gut.

He walked to the creature and smacked it in the head as hard as he could until he saw the bar fill and heard the same voice, he heard a door open and was pulled into a classroom.

John hit the ground as he stumbled in.

John felt a wholly unique sensation spread accross his body as he shook.

He could see that his veins had turned blue and were glowing brightly as tingling spread throughout him.

Johns vision was given a bright blue hugh as his eyes shot beams of blue light like flashlights.

The sensation eventually calmed down and john was trying to process what happened, and then he heard a voice in his head.

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