《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》4: Heist



John knocked on the door to the classroom, the blonde girl opened the door and let them in.

"We heard shouting and... there was definitely one of those things."

Cameron looks at her.

"We're pretty tired, there was one of them, the weapons really only annoyed it. We only won because it fell over and john was able to... put it down."

John felt his body shake as information rushed into his head and a black rectangle appeared before being slightly filled with blue.

{Earned 25 exp during battle with Lv. 1 orc}

John put his hand to his head as the words rung through his mind.

"Exp? This is starting to make less and less sense..."

The other students were seemingly unable to see the black bar so john decided to mention it.

"Just now i heard a voice speaking to me, and a saw something like a progress bar. It told me i got 25 exp for killing the orc"

A few of the other students who heard this laughed, the majority didn't.

"Then... if what you're saying is true we're supposed to kill them and level up or something? Dont make me laugh! You four were just extremely lucky!"

The blonde girl spoke to john with a stern face.

"Im not saying you HAVE to kill them, im telling you that when i did, that happened."

As the two raised their voices more creatures could be heard from the floor above, sound travelling through the stairwell.

The blonde girl glared at john.

"Well fuck, if your fight didn't let them know where we are our argument just did"

John put his hand to his chin for a second, holding the remaining pencil spear he and the boy had made.

He walked over to the boy.


"Thanks, we would have died without your help, i have a plan but its super risky and i could use help."

The boy looked at him excitedly.

"We're going to the sports shed?"

John smirked and nodded.

The boy looked up for a moment.

"Ok ill help you, but first, your name would be nice."

"John, you?"

The boy smiled.

"Alex, so john, do you know how we're gonna get the key?"

John gestured to where the room with the teachers was.

"We have a P.E teacher here, and before they went to the first floor he left his coat in the english classroom we were in, im just suggesting we borrow the copy of the key that they all have."

The kid smirked.

"So we just need to steal the key and get to the sports shed for weapons, we wont be able to carry them all right?"

John shrugged.

"There are scared and angry students everywhere, 1/10 will probably be angry enough to want to fight back."

John went straight to the door and opened it.

"Are you trying to kill us?"

John continued through the door and went down the hall, knocking on the door to the classroom he had initially been in.

The door opened for him as around a dozen students were laying around, some crying, some angry, some completely not functioning.

John took the P.E teachers coat and grabbed the key after checking the left, then right pockets.

"If any of you want weapons I've got a plan to get some, we'll need to be quick but we could probably get enough to kill a few more when they eventually come."

A few of the students looked up at john at these words and some got up to follow him, alex was already behind john along with cameron.


"Ive been caught up already but i think the plan is our best bet, you got the key right?"

John dangled the key before heading to the stairwell and cautiously heading down.

Each step of the train of now 7 students echoed through the stairwell but eventually they got to the first floor and walked to the sports equipment room.

John used the key and opened the creaking door, inside was a dimly lit room full of various sports equipment.

"Take everything, even the people who didn't want to come will need something eventually"

After raiding the room the group of students headed back to the stairwell, noticing how eerily quiet it was until they heard screaming coming from some of the other buildings.

"So it wasnt just here, well if the situation is across the whole school that makes it even worse."

John cautiously went back to the smaller classroom as the blonde girl opened the door.

"You were stupid and reckless but at least it payed off...lets try and prepare in case they come."

John walked in and had the students place all the sports equipment in piles accross some of the tables.

John took a javelin and an aluminium bat, Alex took a javelin, cameron took a leather tackle pad as a shield and a javelin, chloe grabbed a hockey stick and some headgear and shoulder pads, various other students grabbed weapons and armour and eventually everyone was fully prepared in case the orcs managed to come back down.

"They've been quiet since you left, there are probably still classrooms on the 3rd floor trying to resist them."

Cameron spoke up again.

"Then we have a better chance if we get them with support from the 3rd floor right?"

The blonde girl immediately rejected his proposal.

"We aren't super hero's, we're not gonna win just because you tripped one over and stomped it to death after getting your shit kicked in."

Cameron angrily shouted back.

"You're right, you aren't a hero, i have friends in those classes and i should just leave them because its dangerous?"

The blonde immediately jumped in again.

"We're trying to survive and you're just trying to pretend you can save the day. Just wait for the police to come and sort this out, things will be fine."

John spoke calmly but clearly distressed and woriedly.

"Think about it, its not trying to play hero, its just attacking pre-emptively. If the 3rd floor are struggling well against them we have extra numbers and a better chance of winning if we help them out."

The blonde tried to shout but cameron jumped in again.

"I dont care if you dont want to, i never asked, anyone that does should help and we should try and make a plan beforehand."

Around half of the people in the class including all the people from the other room followed cameron to a white board at the front of the room, he grabbed a whiteboard pen and started drawing up a plan.

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