《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》2: Hypothesis



John was currently sitting in a classroom with around 15 other students, he only recognised 2 of the people in there with him : glasses and chloe.

A blonde girl spoke up, she was quite beautiful but John was currently in full panic mode so he hardly noticed.

"So what do you guys think happened?"

John remained quiet but glasses spoke up as was quickly becoming his role.

"We figured out that we're not in the same place, and that the trees aren't a match to anything in europe at the very least."

The blonde girl spoke up again.

"We didn't pick up on the trees being different but we saw a few small shacks in the forrest."

Glasses looked at john.

"John saw one shack... you're saying there are multiple?"

John just lay against the wall as the conversation carried on.

"Yeah, we saw at least 20 or 30 shacks."

John sat back up and looked at the back of the room, a boy was grabning various things from a storage cupboard.

John went over to the boy.

"You're finding weapons right?"

The boy looked up at john, the younger boy seemed a little intimidated but john didn't intentionally try and threaten the kid.

"Yeah... you haven't actually seen them yet, have you? If you did you'd be making weapons too"

Johns interest was piqued.

"Them? The people outside?"

The kid chortled.

"People!? They were green and had razor sharp teeth!"

John looked at the boy confused.

"Well it makes sense that if the plant life is different the animals are too. Did any of you manage to hurt them?"

The boy was shaking.

"Not even a little... they are huge, their skin is like stone and even the strongest kid in our class couldn't move them."


John hoped the boy was just exaggerating but his fearful tone and shaking didn't make it seem like that was the case.

"So... what kind of weapons are you making?"

The kid showed a sharped pencil to john that could hardly qualify as a weapon.

"Might hurt if you poke them in the eye?"

The kid seemed to get mildly irritated by John.

"Well then do better!"

John thought to himself about usable weapons but he couldn't think of anything without getting into the technology block or getting into the sports equipment shed.

"The sport shed!"

The boy looked a little confused.

"They have javelins, metal bats, heavy balls, hockey sticks and even tackle pads, if the green people aren't armed we could have at least some advantage over them..."

The kid looked at john like he was a genius.

"Yes! But the key would be with a teacher and they wouldn't let us go and get them."

John sighed as his plan was unravelled.

"Instead of what you're doing make something with a longer reach, if it comes to it and they get up here a makeshift spear is more useful than a crappy dagger pencil."

The kid smiled and got to work.

John walked back to where he was before as he heard running, and then silence.

Everyone's faces went dark as they heard footsteps approach the room, then grunting and sniffing, then more footsteps that gradually got quieter.

All of the children who had encountered them had been mostly unaware of what was going on up until that point, then they began crying and shivering.

John walked back over to the kid making weapons.

"Looks like they were right about them being on the first floor."

The kid was shivering and crying before john placed a hand on his shoulder.


"We're in a locked room, and you're making weapons, even if things go wrong we'll be fine so don't panic."

Glasses spoke to the blonde girl again.

"Use your phone to set a timer, if we dont hear from the teachers in 15 minutes i volunteer to go out and try to find them."

The blonde girl spoke back.

"Dont be stupid, you dont get it, they aren't alive if they got found by those things."

More students were crying as everyone seemed to be extremely anxious and scared.

Glasses spoke up again.

"They knew that, they were prepared to come back up whilst being chased, we've locked ourselves in so all im saying is to go and check if they are out there, come back if we find the... creatures, find the teachers if we dont. Its not a hard plan but we cant do it from inside here."

John spoke up.

"Im with glasses on this one, its a hallway so if we see the... things, we can just shut ourselves right back in no problem."

Glasses spoke back to john.

"Glasses? I have a name, its cameron. Now john is right, we just need to check if any of them are out there."

Cameron stood up and the girl set and checked the timer.

"Now if I'm right about this the doors on the hallway will be closed and locked and the green people will have already moved on to the third floor. If not i only have to be out there for a second so don't close the door after me"

John looked at the kid who had just finished making a pencil spear.

"Its probably only single use but if you thrust hard you could hurt at least one."

He patted the kids shoulder who smiled as he tried to make another by putting a long wooden ruler together with a pencil.

John helped the boy make 4 more DIY spears before running out of rulers. They each took 2, giving one to cameron in case there was a green man close to the door.

Cameron took the spear and nodded.

"Thanks, ill feel a lot more confident with this at least."

Cameron began to shake and shiver as the seconds ticked by.

Eventually the timer hit zero and cameron stood up, unlocked the door and walked out, very much expecting dozens of giant green monsters to rush at him.

He turned down the hallway and checked, seeing that the coast was clear.

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