《Crossing the Cosmic Rubicon》• C16 - The Sunny Side •
• Missions • Scouting Mission: McMillan Park
A team of Tier I's and local authorities have dealt with a group of cultists and one of two Thralls leading them. The survivors have fled the area and outside the range of the Harbingers detection and have disappeared somewhere within McMillan Park. Investigate the area and find the cultists' whereabouts.
Threat level: Low
Rewards: 2 Nexus Merits, 50 Lumina Shards (Rewards may vary)
- Locate the surviving cultists - Eliminate the surviving cultists (Optional) Rescue Mission: Sunny Side Apartments
Civilians are trapped within the Sunny Side Apartments Building. An initial team of Tier I's tasked to an Extermination Mission have been repelled and are awaiting reinforcements. Hostiles consists of an awakened Junior Acolyte, Malformed Voidlings, and its subordinate Thralls and human cultists. You are required to prioritize the civilians, while the other team focuses on Extermination.
Threat level: Moderate
Rewards: 5 Nexus Merits, 150 Lumina Shards (Rewards may vary)
- Rescue civilians (19/??) - Eliminate all Cultists (4/??) (Optional) - Slay all Malformed Voidlings (3/8) (Optional) - Eliminate the Junior Acolyte (0/1) (Optional)
Xander and Anna left the clubhouse with haste.
As they looked up at the sky they saw dark clouds above the city and the cold breeze of coming rain.
“That doesn’t look good.”
The two had a slight grimace as they walked the empty streets, they took the time to read the two missions they had accepted in full detail. Xander nodded enthusiastically.
“These missions seem simple enough,” Anna spoke as she scrutinized the briefing. “It gives us ample room to make our own decisions apart from the assigned objectives.”
“Yeah, it seems that way. Though I feel an odd vibe from this scouting mission.”
Xander glanced at Anna with a raised eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, it’s like in movies and games, right? It seems like it’s an easy mission, but then something unexpected happens that ups the difficulty.”
Xander scratched his chin in thought before shrugging unconcerned.
“Always expect the unexpected, Anne. The McMillan mission is about finding a bunch of defeated lunatics. That being the case, we ought to treat them like desperate beasts willing to do anything to survive and proceed carefully.”
At Xander’s words, Anna dismissed her concern with any unforeseen variables.
In truth, Xander wished to accomplish the optional objectives for both missions but was wary of being too greedy. The young man, however, was determined to be the one to take out the Junior Acolyte in Sunny Side Apartment.
A few minutes ago, back in the clubhouse, Xander and Anna debated which to do first. The two considered things like time, difficulty, and rewards. Xander advocated for the scouting mission, while Anna ardently wished to do the rescue mission first.
“Those cultists hiding in the park can wait. People need saving right now in Sunny Side!”
“Yes, but this will be our first foray. We need to get a handle on how we can handle ourselves and our enemies. It’s also less dangerous.”
“You can argue that the rescue mission is less dangerous since we’ll work with another team. Plus, we’ll know what we’re facing.” Anna spoke assuredly as she faced Xander. “Those Voidlings aren’t that big of a deal. And going by its name, Junior Acolyte is just a weaker version of what you fought.”
“True. Though the Senior I fought was already weakened. If the Thrall brought this Junior here cleanly, their strength would be somewhat equal.”
In truth, Xander was impartial to what order they did it. Instead, he advocated for what Anna suggested as a simple way to encourage a debate where they can get a hold of all the aspects and consider everything in detail.
As much as Xander wanted to acquire a great deal of power, he was cautious of taking unnecessary risks. At first, he believed that the scouting mission's relatively low difficulty would be a quick and easy thing to do, but being reminded by Anna about the unexpected possibilities pulled Xander toward Sunny Side.
Though he never fought a Malformed Voidling, Xander was somewhat confident facing a Junior Acolyte.
Of course, the main reasoning behind the final decision was more straightforward.
Innocent folks need rescuing.
Xander and Anna felt morally obligated to do this, whereas the previous debate felt like a waste of time. Even so, they still tried to look at it at every angle to ensure they weren’t running into the dragon’s jaws.
Xander and Anna always felt at home in their city. They’ve been to a few outreach programs and relief efforts in the poorer areas in Rio de Oro.
Because of this, the two Conscripts decided not to go back home and instead headed straight out of the gated community.
Of course, their parents weren’t pleased with their decision.
The arguments on their phones were heated, especially between Anna and her folks. While Xander had his own problems with his mother and father as he tried to explain.
As the young man stared at their concerned faces from the video call, Xander steeled his heart as he spoke.
“I need to do this—both Anna and me. And I’m sorry we’re leaving you like this” Xander sighed deeply as he poured as much love as he could muster into his words. “Just know that this is the best way I can think of to protect all of us.”
Rommel looked into his son's eyes with a stern gaze, while Maria’s eyes had sad confusion over her face. Finally, Xander’s father gave his response after a brief but tense silence.
“Mein sohn.” the large german man spoke tenderly with his gruff voice. “Just stay safe, yes? I understand what you want to do, and if you genuinely think you can handle these things and come out stronger for it, you have my blessing.”
Xander sighed in relief, but only half of his worries dispersed. His mother stayed silent for a minute—her face was cloudy with unsettled emotions. Xander's resolve and protectiveness over them flooded maria’s heart with worry and love for her precious child. As much as she wanted to make sure his baby boy won’t do something that would hurt him, Maria accepted that her son was now a young man who could make his own decisions.
She let out a heavy sigh as a lingering sadness persisted within her. She formed a small motherly smile and nodded to her son.
“Take care, anak. You’re already a grown man ever since you moved out. I am so proud of you for trying to look out for us. Just…” Maria closed her teary eyes, and her body trembled. “Come home alive and well, please.”
Xander’s chest was heavy with relief and great pride. After a shaky breath, Xander looked back at his parents with steel grit.
“I’ll come back. We’ll do these two missions together and then decide what to do next. We’ll be done before the day ends.”
Xander closed his phone and pocketed it as he looked toward Anna, who had a deep scowl. Xander could practically see the thunder clouds hovering over her auburn hair. The young man cautiously approached the irritated young woman.
“So, I guess that didn’t go well?”
Anna turned to face Xander with stormy eyes.
“Nope.” She groaned, rubbing her face with her palms. “Long story short, they know I’m going anyways, so Ben is coming with the pickup.”
“Huh, well, that’s pretty good, actually. We need a car to get us around. Plus, Ben would be a good safety net.”
“I guess, but that’s beside the point. My parents still think I’m doing something unnecessary. Don’t worry about it. I made sure to hammer the point that this was my decision.”
Nevertheless, it was a good thing in the end. Once, the familiar vehicle approached the two Conscripts as they waited by the entrance gate to Puerto Heights.
The pickup was still the same apart from the tarp that covered the back in preparation for the coming storm.
Anna sat shotgun while Xander opened the door for the rear passenger seat. Once the two settled inside, they greeted the athletic man.
“Hey, Ben.”
Xander and Anna spoke simultaneously as the pickup slowly drove out of the gated community. Ben breathed a deep sigh as he gestured back at the two.
“I hope you two know what you’re doing.”
“We do.” Anna spoke with unquestionable certainty. “It's the best way for us to prepare. Regular weapons aren’t going to cut it, and our bodies are too weak.”
“I’m not arguing with that. I’ve been speaking with my Aide, and I think we should be more proactive with the Omninexus.”
“Then you approve?”
“I’m not saying that I approve completely. We can’t exactly split up the family or take everyone on these dangerous missions. Some of them just aren’t fighters. Anna, our mother may be a Tier I, but she doesn’t have a fighting bone in her.”
Anna pursed her lips as she fell into thought. Xander himself was thinking of a possible solution. The main obstacle was that they all cared for each other so much that splitting up like this in dangerous times provoked a highly protective instinct to stick together.
At that moment, an idea began to form in the young man’s mind.
"I have an idea, but I'll tell you all after this mission. I need to think it through."
Ben glanced at Xander before sighing.
"Alright, I'll hold you to that. I just need to make sure you two don't get into another mess in this apartment."
"Do you even have the mission?"
Ben hummed momentarily before he spoke.
"My Aide said you need to invite me into your team."
Anna motioned toward his brother.
"I got it."
Ben paused as he lightly skimmed the mission he received before nodding in thanks toward his little sister.
The trio proceeded to discuss more about the Sunny Side Apartments Rescue Mission in detail before settling into their seats.
Xander looked down at the folded transparent fabric on his lap, the two gene boosters, and the stim he got from HNH.
When he held the Second Skin Underarmor before him, he slightly frowned as he wondered how he would wear it without taking his clothes off.
It’d be fine if it were just Anna. She knows what’s underneath. But I’m not too sure about Ben.
The athletic man in question glanced at the rearview mirror and spotted the near-invisible piece of clothing Xander was holding up.
“What’s that?”
“A piece of armor I got from the [Lumina Shop]. You can read the description when you stop driving. In short, it’s a thin but resistant piece that can protect you from minor attacks.”
“Huh.” Ben nodded as the combat gear drew his interest. “I should have stopped by the shop and got something for myself.”
Xander gave an ok sign as he pondered how to wear his Second Skin. Xander eventually resigned to stripping himself down to his boxers. Not wanting to remove the last piece of dignity he was wearing, he hovered his finger over the only non-transparent object on the alien armor.
It was a tiny glowing blue button in the center of the chest area. After pressing it, the Second Skin unfurled itself and began to wrap around Xander’s body.
It covered every part of him and, unfortunately, had to press against the cloth of his shorts. Afterward, it briefly shined a light blue before becoming practically invisible on his skin.
Xander raised his forearm and closely observed the millimeter-thin covering. There was the slight texture of miniature scales, but apart from that, Xander wouldn’t have noticed he was wearing anything.
It didn’t even feel like he was wearing anything, and Xander was impressed that he immediately felt somewhat more comfortable against the usual heat and humidity. Of course, he felt it become a tad bit tighter in his nether regions, but he ignored it for the most part.
After donning his usual casual clothing of a plaid shirt over a dark green undershirt back on, he began to review his other gear.
Ben had graciously brought his battle hammer and Anna’s slugger when he arrived with the pickup and their other gear.
Harby was able to recharge his empty gauntlet. Something he was thankful for as well was that the Thrall he fought at the Chalice hadn’t broken it after that blinding explosion. Xander made sure to add some Psionic Energy Cells to his list of groceries so that he could recharge his shield on the field.
And to close his eyes when or if it failed again.
Apart from that, Ben ran his hand on the head of his hammer and was glad that it had no damage due to its self-repair function. He also pocketed the stim he purchased and hid his two gene boosters in the back pocket of the driver’s seat.
“I’m leaving some important stuff in here.”
“Sure, just don’t forget about it when we get back home.”
After a short ten-minute drive, the group finally reached Sunny Side Apartments.
The single five-story building that was brightly painted in a banana orange looked dour over the dark clouds that had settled over the city. But unfortunately, it only accentuated the damaged and burnt spots over its windows.
The first drops of rain began to fall before becoming a steady drizzle.
As they exited the pickup and walked to the front, they spotted a group of five people standing near the entrance.
A heavy-set and strong-looking fellow walked toward the new arrivals with a frown. The man’s clothes were torn in some places, while the gauntlet on his arm had lost its shine. His posture was somewhere between wanting to get back into action and exhaustion.
The man’s low and croaky voice called out as he approached the four Conscripts.
“Took you long enough, huh?”
“Sorry, there was an emergency on the way.” Xander smoothly lied to the man before offering a handshake. “Xander. Xander Stahl.”
The tired man’s grimace softened a little as he accepted the handshake. “Jose Alvarez, sorry about the rudeness, bay.”
The man, Jose, let out a tired sigh and winced at a small wound on his side.
“I’m the landlord of this building, and I was out with a friend. Now I come back to crazy people and monsters taking over my property and harassing my residents. Atay!” Jose groaned in displeasure as he looked over Xander’s companions. “Forget it. Thank you for coming. We need your help getting people out while my friends and I get rid of the parasites.”
“No problem, Jose. By the way, these are my teammates.” Xander motioned to the three people behind him. “Anna, her brother Ben, and…”
Xander’s mouth slowly went agape as he stared incredulously at the younger man behind his partner and her brother.
“Hey, kuya! Hope you don’t me tagging along.” Xander’s little brother, Nick, casually waved.
Xander’s eyebrows creased and an exasperated look formed on his face. Surprised at Nick’s presence, Anna and Ben turned around with shocked expressions.
“Nick, what the hell are you doing here!?” Xander shouted frustratedly at his younger brother, walking toward him with a furious gait. “Where? How? Why?”
Xander was practically breaking and stumbling over his words as he couldn’t process how his teenage brother was here. The younger man in question had a sly smirk and thumbed over the back of the pickup.
“I hid under the tarp right before Ben left.”
The athletic man groaned, scratching the back of his head.
“I have no idea how he snuck in like that.”
“Stealthily.” Nick chuckled impishly.
Xander had none of it and lightly bonked his brother’s head.
“Ow! The hell!?” the younger fellow winced as he rubbed his scalp.
“For being an idiot. You left home and probably have ma and pa worried even worse.”
“I—” Nick began before looking sheepish under his older brother’s stern gaze. “It was a heat in the moment thing. I didn’t want to get left behind while you do cool stuff. Besides, I’ll just hide behind you if things get rough.”
Xander, Anna, and Ben groaned as the younger man laughed at his joke. Xander’s thoughts ran a hundred kilometers an hour as he thought of what to do. But, in the end, he resigned to bringing Nick along.
“We’re not canceling the mission. You’re coming with us, Nick, but you are staying at the back, got it?”
Nick whooped in delight as he pumped his fist in the air.
He quickly quieted down from the three pairs of unimpressed eyes.
“Right, I’ll be in your care, seniors.” Nick proceeded to bow.
Xander turned around to see the five other Tier I’s all waiting impatiently. Jose was pinching his nose while looking at Xander with a pleading expression.
“Sorry about that. Let’s get going.”
A clear division was set between the extermination team and the rescue team. The former was leading with Jose at the back. The landlord’s four compatriots were all men who looked quite capable with their Sluggers and Lustrous Steel melee weapons. The extermination team looked battered, if somewhat recovered after their previous failed attempt.
The nine Tier I’s all gathered their wills before heading inside the cluttered interior.
A few corpses of cultists were sprawled gracelessly on the floor as they passed the first floor and onto the second.
From there, they encountered the insect and tumor-like bodies of the Malformed Voidlings.
Someone from Jose’s companions scowled as he kicked the slashed corpse of one of the beasts.
“Mga putang ina. We had to fall back after getting cut from these things.”
Jose turned to glance at Xander as they slowly made their way past the cleared first and second floor.
“We managed to drive the bastards out of the first two floors and get the people out. We’ll be needing your help on the next three floors. There should be a handful inside their apartments.”
Xander nodded in understanding.
Xander and everyone else, unfortunately, didn’t have access to a live feed from his [Map] this time, but updates every minute.
Instead, what he could see were red spheres on the top floor. One being larger than the other five close to it.
The Junior Acolyte and its pets.
There was no indication about the human cultists and the civilians. Xander, Anna, and Ben grimaced as they realized they would have to do things quite close.
The third floor had more signs of chaos, and the sounds of shouting and screaming echoed across the halls as the two teams emerged from the stairs.
Everyone hugged the walls and methodically knocked on the doors of each apartment they passed.
Some were empty, but a few had frightened families and individuals that Xander and his team escorted or tended to if there were injuries.
Once safe, Ben and Nick volunteered to guide the poor folk back down to the first floor.
A few of the Conscripts made sure to sweep the whole room before continuing.
Eventually, they encountered their first obstacle.
“Sing with us brothers! Si—”
A large hole was bored into the crazed human’s forehead before exiting out the back in a blast of chunks.
The extermination team had things in hand. Anyone would have made that shot when the target was running madly in a straight line for you.
The Tier I’s dispatched a few more cultists similarly before a change in the situation occurred.
While Ben and Nick were still down escorting the civilians, the rest of the Tier I’s were about to open a new set of doors on either side.
Xander noticed something wrong first when he heard scratching above him. The young man’s eyes widened before he shouted at his compatriots.
“They’re above us!”
Suddenly, doors on their sides opened, and a handful cultists came out swinging with blunt weapons.
At the same time, the ceiling above the burst as two voidlings crashed down on the humans.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on whose perspective, the voidlings and the cultists attacked the extermination team first.
Jose and his friends were surprised at the sudden attack. The ambush knocked a few of them to the ground as they tried to pry off the crazed lunatics from them. However, Jose and another were quicker in the uptake from their first attempt and managed to bash away their attackers.
The Malformed Voidlings were like rabid dogs as they slashed their scythe-like legs on energy shields and blades.
Gunfire echoed in the hallway as Anna and Xander took aim and fired at any opportunity.
A slug hit one cultist in the shoulder while a hail of shots landed on an alien beast’s tumor-like shell. Xander scowled as the one he fired upon managed to survive from a full volley from his revolver.
The Conscript holstered his weapon and readied his hammer and gauntlet as the injured monster sprinted toward him.
“I got this, Anne!”
Anna moved to the side before engaging her energy shield and returning to fire on the rest of the hostiles.
Xander charged forth, met the monster in the middle as it leaped toward him, and brought his hammer down in a mighty swing.
Chitin cracked as the quick blow arced down and slammed the Malformed Voidling into the floor.
Though minor, Xander was shocked at the speed of his swing, still made a massive difference in catching the lunging beast. The newly gained power from the Ichor Infusion already paid dividends.
Xander grinned savagely as his muscles felt magnificently more dextrous than before. Anna whistled in appreciation as she saw the impressive display. Xander stepped forth toward the brawl in front of him with a confident stride.
“Here comes the hammer!” Xander laughed as he swung at a cultist’s skull.
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