《Crossing the Cosmic Rubicon》• C15 - Infusion of Power •
The frosty black screen emerged two feet before him for the second time. Xander looked at the expanded menu and smiled approvingly.
I feel like a kid in a candy shop.
Welcome to the Harbinger Nexus Hub!
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New Sub-menus and Items have been added! <<< [ Merit Exchange ] | [ Lumina Shop ] | [ Ichor Infusion ] | [ Mission Board ] >>> User: Xander Barbosa Stahl Nexus Merits: 25 Lumina: ⓛ280 Ichor: 22 mL
The gleaming projection displayed the updated main menu of the Harbinger Nexus Hub. Xander glanced at the three new sub-menus that the Omninexus had made available.
[Merit Exchange], [Ichor Infusion], and [Mission Board] all of these sound interesting. So let’s not waste any more time, then, and start with the first one.
“Very good, Conscript. Exchanging your Nexus Merits will be a continuing occurrence for those inducted into our fold. Your ONIM Aide has likely explained that Nexus Merits is a premium form of currency that is ingrained in you."
And it's a form of reputation, right?
“Yes, the more missions you accomplish and Titles you earn translates to a larger reputation that will be highly favorable to you. Subsequently, many intangible benefits will make more sense in the higher tiers.”
That sounds pretty swell, all things considered, Harbs. What can I do with it for now?
“To answer that question, let us bring up the [Merit Exchange], shall we?”
A new black screen appeared in front of Xander, and the young man’s eyes widened.
• Merit Exchange •
Your deeds have been recorded by Ethmazdhâl and measured. Your actions have minorly affected the survivability of your home city. Earn higher glory and rise high, human of Earth. Nexus Merits: 25 Priming Gene Booster - Might 15 Priming Gene Booster - Alacrity 15 Priming Gene Booster - Resilience 15 Priming Gene Booster - Fortitude 15
Can I actually purchase gene boosters?
Having such items made available—as a premium—was a massive development for every none Tier I. With these, Xander could hand it out to his mother, Anna’s father, and her two little siblings, who were all Tier α’s. Xander shuddered with glee at this boon as he floated in the orange-lit liquid.
“Let’s not get carried away, Conscript Xander. As I have said before, priming gene boosters only work once. And, as the name implies, primes the body for further augmentation.” Harby’s echoing voice vibrated, “It increases the body’s natural malleability.”
It’s still amazing we could get more of this—though the price is relatively high. I essentially need to do three Marco missions to get one booster.
Xander’s excitement cooled a tad at realizing that he would have to work himself to the bone to get these items.
It’s worth it.
Even the tiny boost in stats would elevate the chances of survival for those he cared about.
For now, let’s get one PMB Might, Harby. Turning these Merits into something concrete would be better for everyone.
“Affirmative. The vial and injector will be ready for you once you exit this space.”
The mention of where Xander was sparked some curiosity.
What is this actually, Harby? Your main body is already as large as I am tall, but how can you fit me in here? What about your organs? No offense.
“None taken. My form is merely the culmination of centuries of research, development, and refinement in Psicraft and Bioengineering. My creators have miniaturized my essential organs to make space for other systems, such as the Infusion Pod, the ocular cortex that powers my All-Seeing Eye, and my quantum communications module.”
Xander nodded as his impression of the floating alien increased tenfold. The immense amount of scientific wonder that was packaged into Harby's body roused his hunger for knowledge. Though the young man was impressed to the point where he wanted to bombard Harby with how every organ worked, he had to focus on the remaining sub-menus.
Right, sorry about that. Let’s move on?
“Of course, you wish to do some shopping, yes?
Xander nodded his head as the feeling of the amber-like liquid pressing through his face elicited a soothing feeling.
What are ya selling?
“We have three new items in stock that I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised.
The [Lumina Shop] window appeared before Xander’s eyes, and as Harby said, he was indeed pleased.
• Lumina Shop •
Lumina: ⓛ280
· · · · · · Sound Muffler ⓛ100 Gauntlet Lasso Attachment ⓛ150 Second Skin Underarmor ⓛ250
There was the usual items and weapons on display from the last time Xander accessed the shop, but he skipped all of them to get to the new goods.
Xander saw the familiar Sound Muffler that Georgy used extensively during the Chalice rescue mission. It had been a vital piece of utility that guaranteed an adequate amount of stealth to anyone who was as quiet as a raging bull.
Its ability to muffle the noise as loud as gunfire was also precious. If it weren’t for its short operation time and its need for an energy battery to function, Xander would have immediately affirmed the item and added it to his arsenal. He still felt the compulsion, however.
Come on, Xander, try not to be hasty in your purchases.
Xander perused the next item that HNH had recently added to the catalog.
A lasso attachment?
The item in question was displayed before him as a 3D model, which Xander mentally looked over.
As an attachment, the item itself was a palm-sized disk-shaped device half an inch thick. It was made of a similar material to the basic energy shield gauntlet to which it was supposed to be attached. The lasso attachment was slotted just before where Xander’s wrist was.
Xander was somewhat impressed but didn’t know too much about how it worked. Thankfully, HNH provided a brief description of the item.
Utility Item: Gauntlet Lasso Attachment (Tier I) This item is the perfect tool to immobilize downed targets or tangle enemy limbs and decrease their combat effectiveness. The material is Ba'antite in order to facilitate smooth transfer of energy from the gaunlet to the attachment. The lasso itself is thin silk called Rakasi from an invasive arachnoid exobeast from the death-world Tzens Rakas-Fe. The thread is unique as it can be further empowered by Psi to increase its durability. It has a total length of thirty feet which is propelled from the attachment toward its intended target. Set instructions have been implemented to influence the lasso's actions to wrap around a limb into a knot.
The explanation of this piece of technology successfully excited Xander’s curiosity. The Omninexus then displayed a short video that showcased a simulation of how it worked. One thing that popped in Xander’s head after watching the demonstration was that it was almost identical to a certain red-and-blue spandex-wearing, friendly neighborhood arachnid-themed superhero.
Alien web-shooters, basically. Its specifications can definitely hold just a couple more kilograms than how much I weigh. Though swinging from building to building seems a bit too much for this thing.
That dampened his mood somewhat. Of course, Xander seriously understood its potential as a utility item. Entangling an opponent would give him ample opportunity to bash their heads in. The lasso attachment would also synergize exceptionally well with a Paralysis Pulser. Xander noticed that the non-lethal weapon’s paralysis was inconsistent with how long it lasted.
With these two paired together, they could capture anyone effortlessly. Xander, however, failed to see how this would be useful to him as he had never foreseen himself doing any snatch-and-grab missions soon.
That could change. If that happens, I’ll make a purchase.
Xander placed the item in the ‘maybe’ list as he gazed eagerly at the last item available.
Armored Apparel: Second Skin Underarmor (Tier I) This item is a form-fitting layer of protection that many newly-inducted sapients obtain as a last line of defense. Typically worn beneath actual armor, it still serves as decent substitute to protect against glancing blows, scratches, ricochets, and other minor hazards that would typically harm the user. The material is tailored from a collection of tiny transparent scales from adolescent Nebula Mist Eels found throughout the galaxy. The Second Skin covers the entire body with exception for orifices and others, such as the mouth, nostrils, eyes, ears, etc. This item comes with a minor temperature regulation, self-repair, cleaning and maintenance function.
Xander's eyes glinted in delight as he read through its specifications. This item was almost perfect for preventing annoying minor injuries. Though it could resist slashes from claws, it was not invincible. Xander treated it as heavy and thick padding of clothes condensed into a millimeter thin piece of translucent fabric covering nearly every part of him.
Not only would this give me more defense, but it would weigh practically nothing, and I would still be flexible enough to dodge lethal blows.
The other utility functions it came with would also assure that he remained somewhat comfortable whenever Xander would have to foray out into the city.
Though purchasing the Second Skin would prevent him from buying the other two new items, Xander made his peace with it.
I’ll just have to earn more Lumina, then.
Xander selected the armored apparel and used what he had left to get another stimulant injection. The young man realized how much of a life-saver the combat medicine was when he fought against the Senior Acolyte and made sure to have one on hand whenever he was out.
With his balance reduced to 10 Lumina, Xander nodded in satisfaction as he turned his attention toward the third and critical sub-menu available in the hub.
Alright, Harby. What am I expecting?
“Ichor Infusion is a function that takes the Ichor within you and converts that potential into more useful energy. This energy is then incorporated into your Aspects and gives them a fair boost.”
So, it’s like leveling up, then?
“Ah yes, it is somewhat similar in that sense, but it is more tailor-made to your specific needs. Let us bring up the screen first.”
Let’s do that then.
The third black screen popped up, and Xander visualized his familiar Aspects on display.
• Ichor Infusion •
Ichor: 22 mL Body (Tier I) 14 / 20 Mind (Tier I) 14.5 / 20 Anima (Tier I) 11 / 20 Psi (Tier α) 4 / 10 Total (Tier I) 43.5 / 80 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
What is your wish, human?
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I haven’t seen my numbers in a bit. It hasn’t changed at all, which makes sense. I haven’t really done anything to increase my stats.
Xander mused as he recalled his genetic booster's initial improvement to his Body Aspect. The increase in strength was equivalent to a few years of extensive physical training and the maintenance it came with.
The young man shook his head against the orange fluid.
I’ll think about my training routine after I survive this apocalypse.
Xander then read the bottom row and was initially confused. At first, he thought he would be presented with a simple button that increased an Aspect by one and be done with it. But as he looked at the five words, he felt a compulsion to say out what he felt were his deficiencies.
My wish… I want to be more flexible in my movements. My hammer blows are powerful, but I lack finesse. I wish to catch my opponents before they can get a chance to dodge.
“Very well, human. I am converting a portion of your Ichor to increase your Body, focusing on agility.”
Before Xander could speak out a response, an intense burning emerged from within him.
Xander could faintly see the golden thread orbiting his soul and a piece of it being pulled and dispersed into his inner space. Outside he could feel specific muscles becoming more limber and blood vessels expanding to compensate for what burst of speed it could produce.
Xander also minutely felt his joints having the tiniest bit more range than usual.
After a few minutes of being remolded from the superlunary matter’s exceptional properties, Xander felt refreshed if exhausted. The boost wasn’t that much all things considered, somewhat less than what the priming gene booster gave, so the feeling didn’t take much out of him.
Xander brought up his Aspects once more to see what had changed.
• Ichor Infusion •
Ichor: 7 mL Body (Tier I) 15 / 20 Mind (Tier I) 14.5 / 20 Anima (Tier I) 11 / 20 Psi (Tier α) 4 / 10 Total (Tier I) 44.5 / 80
Xander saw that his Body had increased by one and that the process consumed fifteen milliliters of his precious Ichor. Xander pondered for a moment before making an educated guess.
My Body went from 14 to 15, consuming 15mL of Ichor. Either that means each increase costs 15, or it costs as much as the next level. For example, if I were to improve my Body from 15 to 16, it would cost 16. 16 to 17 would cost 17. 17 to 18 would cost 18, and so on. Am I close, Harby?
“Indeed you are, Conscript Xander. This is the usual conversion rate for most sapient species. But that only applies to your physical Aspects—Body and Mind. I am afraid improving your more ethereal Aspects, Anima and Psi will cost approximately fifty percent more.”
Xander winced at the ridiculous price to increase those two. He would have to fork over more Ichor to bump his Anima by one from 11 than to increase his Body.
Still, he surmised it had to be fair. His soul was practically the most vital part of his being, and he guessed it would take a lot to improve it.
What would that even entail?
Xander thought about the fantastic possibilities of increasing the magnificence of his Anima. Finally, however, the young man had to bring himself out of his dreams as he focused back on his Ichor.
With only seven milliliters left of the golden matter, he had nowhere else to put it. Everything simply costs so much. Xander felt disappointed and cheated that his life-threatening battle with the Senior Acolyte only resulted in one bump of improvement.
The deep voice of Harby reverberated around him before he could continue to sulk.
“Conscript Xander, cool your negative emotions.” The alien’s booming voice chided him. “First, you must realize you fought a damaged awakened being that was forcefully pulled from a great distance. Second, the Ichor you received was only a fraction of what could have been should the Thrall brought him whole. Third, you must remember that you benefited from weapons and equipment to level the playing field. It was the reason you were able to go head-to-head with the abomination and will be the reason you will hunt others with ease.”
Xander stayed silent for a moment after listening to the Harbinger’s lecture. Then, he realized that he was hasty to think his efforts would bless him with tremendous rewards.
The high costs moderated Xander's aspirations as he realized the path to power would be a marathon instead of a sprint.
I could work with that. It simply means we need to get an even greater head start by volunteering for more missions. The opportunity is right here for us to take!
Xander breathed in slowly, surprised to find that the liquid entering his lungs didn’t elicit a hacking choke but soothed the changes during his Infusion. Already he could feel the aches in his muscles and joints lessening.
“I’m afraid I will have to let you go, Conscript Xander. The healing fluid only works to an extent, and your companion is getting somewhat impatient.”
Crap, how long was I in here?
“Thirty minutes.”
“Oh yes, even I was surprised. The humans I have interacted with generally don’t ask as many questions as you do.”
Oh. Well…
Xander’s cheeks flushed as he thought about how long he had spent clarifying all the minor details. He blamed it on the comforting fluid he was floating in, but rationalized that his information gathering was essential to his survival.
Before Harby removed Xander from his insides, a final prompt from his ONIM popped up before him.
Title: 'Golden Opportunist' earned! • Titles • Achievements earned through blood, sweat, and tears. Show pride in your efforts for these are proof of your feats! · · · · · · Golden Opportunist
Lo and behold the majesty of Ichor! You are amongst the first of your people to convert this exceptional energy to boost your Aspects and begin the rise to Awakening! Seek more opportunities by hunting life's enemies! +10 Nexus Merits for being the 43rd human to be Infused
Xander was unsurprisingly, pleasantly surprised with the new title. He was among the first fifty people to utilize this power filled him with glee. Xander looked at the ten additional merits of the ‘Golden Opportunist’ title and hurriedly used it to purchase another PMB of Might.
Finally, after half an hour spent inside the Infusion Pod, Xander was practically vomited out of Harby on sprawled ungainly onto the floor.
“Urgh, Christ.”
Xander grunted as he slowly stood up from the floor. The amber liquid that coated him began to dissipate into the air and leave him surprisingly dry underneath, much to Xander’s relief.
The young man looked up to see the irritated face of Anna, who stood up from her seat.
“Oh, hi Anna. Sorry, that took so long.” Xander shakily chuckled.
“Ten minutes.” Anna held up all ten of her fingers as she threateningly approached Xander. “I was prepared to wait that long but didn’t expect you would be gone for half an hour!”
“I just—”
Anna poked hard on his chest, but the young man's improved body barely budged.
“Harby said you were ‘being quite inquisitive’. I hope you had a good time there because our family knows we left, and they aren’t exactly happy.”
Xander sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He really should have been quicker but couldn’t help himself.
“Alright, I’m sorry. Let’s get out of here before our folks get even more pissed. Let me just look at the missions available.”
Anna grumbled as she moved beside Xander.
“Fine, but make it quick.”
The young man glanced at his companion and noticed that she had made her purchases while he was inside. Stims, a gauntlet, and ammo were what she had on hand.
Xander briskly moved before Harby as the alien intuitively opened up the final sub-menu.
• Mission Board •
Current Missions: None Scouting Mission - McMillan Park Threat Level: Low Extermination Mission - Rio de Oro Port Threat Level: Moderate Rescue Mission - Sunny Side Apartment Threat Level: Moderate Scouting Mission - Verdant Fields Cemetery Threat Level: Substantial Rescue Mission - Robin's Supermarket Threat Level: Substantial
The two conscripts looked at each other as they browsed the five available missions the [Mission Board] showed them. Xander looked at the threat levels and the short descriptions before ruling two out.
“The last two missions are not worth it.”
“Yeah, let’s avoid those kinds of missions.”
Anything that had ‘Substantial’ as a marker for danger should be left well enough alone, at least for the two of them.
Anna looked over the others before ruling another out.
“Extermination isn’t my cup of tea, either.”
Xander grunted in agreement as he looked over the final two missions. He hummed as he continued to read the briefings both had in further detail.
“The scouting mission for McMillan Park is pretty close and seems simple enough. The rewards also look fair if a bit meagre.”
“Yeah, we'll just be looking for strange anomalies. I think we ought to try something easy before heading into riskier territory.”
Xander thought deeply as he weighed the cost and benefits of the McMillan Scouting Mission and the Sunny Side Apartment Rescue Mission. The latter was more difficult, but they would likely have the advantage of being helped by other Tier I’s.
“It seems doable.”
Xander and Anna debated for a few minutes before settling on their final choice.
“Let’s do both. We'll go and rescue some folks before investigating the park.”
“Hell yeah!”
Dark Street
Life comes at you fast, and Julian Marco’s life is one flat tire away from being the worst kind of country song. But the blues may soon feel like an afterthought, once Julian wakes up in a hellish shadow dimension, with no idea how he got there or why. Forced to fight for his very survival may cost him his remaining sanity. Well, that or the fresh pair of fangs and burning lust for blood. Little does Julian realize what happens in the darkness could have drastic consequences for the rest of earth. And discoveries await that may just contain some dark secret from humanity’s ancient past. Note: This is a story I wrote years ago. It isn't complete, but I had a lot of fun with it. Since my primary focus is on Evil Eye: Hexcaller, chapters will be slow to update. I'm going to shoot for once a week, but we shall see! I hope you enjoy it!
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The End came for me, I do not remember any of it though everything else has been engraved into my soul, or that is what I believe, for how else would I have perfect recollection of my previous world without carrying my brain over too? I was born to a happy family of 4 becoming their 5th member. I am the youngest of my siblings (obviously) and will remain the youngest for the foreseeable future. My mother is known as the Blood Tyrant to her friends and Talina of the Mists to her enemies. I personally think thats the wrong way around but what can I do about it? My father is a goofball with no apparent ambition or drive. His goal in life is to torment my mother and make the Blood Tyrant smile. There must be a good reason my mother keeps him around, I just don't know what that reason is. There is a secret hidden from me by my family and everyone else I meet in my little world. But little do they know that I am already aware of it. I may have been a crawling, bawling, eating, annoying, farting little poop factory but I was also aware of everyone around me, learning, watching, stalking. I learnt the secret kept from me and I will reveal it to you all. We have MAGIC and the biggest secret and the greatest crutch - ADMINISTRATION.
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A year after the battle of Hogwarts, things change drastically for Hermione Granger. Experiencing a terrible breakup, she changes from the rule following bookworm to a spontaneous and carefree woman. However, she feels the only way for her to be completely happy, is if she leaves Britain. Luckily for her, she has a best friend who's more than willing to follow. How will things change when Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley move to Washington, living on the border of Forks and La Push?
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The Circus Ruckus! || Popee X Reader!
Have you ever been to a circus nothing like any other? A circus filled with non-stop surprises which you might find weird or random. You haven't? Good to know! Well dear Reader, it's your lucky day. Hold on tight, cause who knows this circus might cause your demise haha... seriously no kidding.(( DISCONTINUED ))[edit] - this book is discontinued. Sorry about that folks, I'm really sad to have this project marked as complete despite the description saying otherwise lol. Although it's pretty cringe, this is one of the first books I made and it genuinely makes me proud. Story Started// April 18 2020Story Ended// June 6 2020===[AUTHOR'S NOTE]=== Hi! This is my first PopeeXReader book haha, in fact this is my first XReader book! I'm really sorry if you find this book unsatisfactory and about the grammar errors lol. But please do enjoy! I really am sorry if I didn't got to update, but I'll try my best to proceed on to the stories by updating as much and as soon as possible! Also, I do not own the characters featured in this book nor is the show itself. They rightfully belong to Ryuji Masuda and his wife Wawako Masuda. I just really love their projects, I can't bear to not make my own fanfic revolving around these funny people despite my horrible writing skills lmao!
8 147