《Crossing the Cosmic Rubicon》• C13 - Golden Ichor •
Xander had to reread the green window in confusion.
Superlunary Matter: 22 mL of 'Ichor' detected.
He was always pleased with his intelligence. After all, he’d been able to slip into an academic scholarship at Crusader's University and managed the dean's list most of the time. But, as much as he knew that he had a keen alien artificial intelligence inhabiting his mind—which Xander was sure had a smug grin right about now—he always preferred to guess what things were.
He had to give up this time.
Based on his gut feeling, all he could gather from its wording was that he had a bit over one tablespoon of the stuff, and it had some mythical connotation. He wasn’t sure whether the word's translation from whatever language it originally was implied any sort of divinity or just stated its extreme import.
Xander groaned as he inwardly turned to Aide.
Alright, what am I looking at here?
[ Congratulations, Conscript Xander, for acquiring your first sample of the treasured substance known by many names. All of which have connections to a higher existence. ]
What? What are you talking about?
[ Ichor, dear Conscript. ]
Xander could practically hear the self-satisfied tone in its monotonous voice.
Urgh, whatever. Please explain my oh-so-excellent assistant.
[ Certainly. ] The damned voice paused for a tad too long, peeving Xander. [ Ichor is a superlunary source of immense biological potential. It is essential to elevate your base Aspects to the higher Tiers, among many other vital uses. ]
Xander’s eye widened in shock as his mind raced around the implications. He had always wondered how to get stronger, and he finally found it. The young man paused his thoughts and snapped his attention back toward Aide.
[ Ichor is present within all Tier II lifeforms and beyond—otherwise known as the Awakened or Ascended. Though not a part of the Omninexus, the Senior Acolyte you slew was one of these beings. It, however, comes unprocessed in its base form. ]
Xander nodded his head as he aptly paid attention.
So, it's simply potential energy as it is?
[ Yes, Conscript, Ichor requires specific technology Harbingers are equipped with to manipulate it with detailed instructions—which they will explain further. Be aware that it is easily lost once it loses its corporeal anchor, and if left without a vessel, it will slowly disperse back into the universe. You should not worry in this case, as you have already absorbed it after your battle. ]
How does that work? I was out cold.
[ It is speculated that the substance is partially sentient as it seeks to inhabit any lifeform to avoid dissipation, primarily one with Anima. ]
My soul?
[ Yes. Simply put, it acts as a magnet for Ichor. For example, when one slays another with the substance, the slayer’s Anima beckons the now homeless energy by flaring its pull. The Ichor will then exit the deceased and enter its new vessel. ]
That’s… amazing! Wait, what about Ben? He helped me defeat the Senior Acolyte, so he should have some, too, right?
[ Yes, but only a minute portion. Ichor is quite difficult to separate between multiple pulls. What often occurs is that the one mainly responsible for the kill obtains the lion’s share. Conscript Ben, in this case, has but a fraction of what you received. ]
I see.
Though Xander wanted Ben to have received an equal amount of Ichor—primarily due to having saved his life during the battle—Xander realized it wasn’t productive to fret over the issue.
If that’s the case, we should take turns delivering the final blow as much as possible.
The young man knew it wouldn’t be that easy. There may come a time when they’ll be fighting multiple Tier II’s and rationalizing that they wouldn’t have the luxury of equally splitting the spoils. Xander briefly paused as the thought of hunting down more beings as the Senior Acolyte had set in his mind.
The promise of Ichor’s power awoke something in him.
Xander never wanted to experience being at the mercy of a mental attack or facing a strength disparity against a Senior Acolyte. One that a botched summoning heavily weakened. Xander shivered as he imagined what fighting a higher Tier would be like if they were at their peak.
A greedy portion in his soul craved it. He momentarily recalled his dream, a golden thread circling the flame of his soul like a planet in orbit. His mind conjured a tapestry woven from those threads and into his being.
Of course, he wasn’t mad enough to rush straight into a beast’s jaws to get it. His battle with the damaged Tier II already showed that he was woefully unprepared and outclassed to face in total health.
It needed doing, which required careful planning, preparation, and impeccable execution. Xander looked at his friends and saw what could be the key to taking down stronger foes. When all else fails, throw numbers at it. Humans from times past took down more significant prey with stone spears.
Xander ended his conversation with Aide. As much of a font of knowledge as his assistant was, speaking to Harby was more engaging.
The Conscripts exited the hospital room eventually and decided to head to the Harbies inside the hospital. However, as they approached the area where passing nurses pointed, they were stopped by two security guards armed with Sluggers and gauntlets.
“Sorry, this is for hospital staff use only. The Harbingers are busy speaking with our doctors and teaching them how to use some fancy gear they brought.”
“Oh, damn. I guess it was worth a try.”
“What do we do now?”
The group had been deliberating their course of action. Ben, covered with fewer bandages from before, spoke up with a furrowed brow.
“Things are quieting down, and it's been a long night. Xand and I already feel more than rested,” the athlete spoke before looking at Anna and the other men, “but the four of you look horrible. Enzo, Chico, Georgy, you should head home and be with your families.”
The trio looked at each other before realizing their exhausted state. One after another, Enzo, Chico, and Georgy moved forward to bid their goodbyes and thanks. Xander and Anna spent a while giving each of them an assuring embrace.
“Keep those phones on, got it? If any trouble comes by, let us know.”
“Yes, yes. We’ll try not to be invaded by a bunch of madmen in our own homes.”
The group chuckled at Enzo’s jest before turning to leave the Queen Mary’s Hospital.
On the way, they saw many people passing the hallways, leaving the area rather cramped. Xander observed the patients and noticed most of them had a variety of wounds that came from something sharp or blunt.
They even managed to catch a man strapped onto a stretcher and pushed by a team of medical personnel. The man had a crazed and glossy look to his eyes as convulsions wracked his body.
All six grimaced as they recognized the usual insane ramblings escaping the cultist’s mouth. Anna scowled as she watched the man being carted away.
“What’s the point of bringing that lunatic here?”
“No clue, but it’s probably a mission they’re doing.”
Chico hummed in thought as he peeked at the madman, now a distance away.
“Maybe they’re just curious how the signal works? If they figure out how it works, maybe they can find a way to shield from it?”
The group speculated in their minds if such a thing was possible. Harby once said they were already preventing the worst of the signal from passing through, so they were likely shoring up Earth’s defenses further if they had a detailed analysis of how the corruption takes hold of the mind.
Eventually, they reached the parking lot where their respective vehicles were. Another round of ‘well wishes’ and ‘see you soons’ were exchanged before all departed on their separate ways.
Xander and Anna took the SUV they borrowed from Mr. and Mrs. Stahl, while Ben entered the Baltazar’s truck.
They promptly exited the parking area and back into the highway of a brightly lit Rio de Oro. The sky was alight with a baby-blue color, and the puffs of clouds radiated a sense of normalcy to the chaos that preceded.
Xander took occasional glances at the environment. Queen Mary’s was closer to the city center, and traffic was abundant.
A convoy of service vehicles passed now and then. Police cars and vans filled with law enforcers heading toward a hotspot while fire trucks and ambulances were speeding toward the next emergency.
The chaos caused by the human cultists and their supporters was laid bare under the blazing noon sun. Signs of recently extinguished fires were seen on many apartments and office buildings, while shattered glass windows were prevalent everywhere.
Totaled cars were being towed by trucks, and people ran about relentlessly to help their neighbors.
Xander and Anna looked on to see the people's solidarity in this city.
Chaos was something they were accustomed to. They saw jeepneys, motorelas, or private vehicles filled with armed civilians more than once. Anna slightly smirked as she saw the familiar weapons made of alien tech.
“The Omninexus is getting busy.”
“It’s the calm before the storm.”
“You call this calm?”
Xander looked on and saw a team of firefighters stamping out the last embers of a small store. The young man sighed as he slowly ramped up the speed.
“Well, we haven’t even been invaded yet. All this was caused by a signal somewhere out in space.”
Anna scoffed as she relaxed into her seat. Her eyes began drooping as she let out an audible yawn.
“Way to bring the cheer, Xand.” the young woman sniffled before closing her eyes. “Wake me up when our parents start scolding us again for being dumb.”
Xander smiled as he glanced at his companion falling to sleep. Although he knew things were hitting her hard, he couldn’t imagine what it was like for her to see his and Ben’s bodies beside a charred corpse of a monster.
Xander held one hand on the steering wheel in silence as he drove onward.
Anna awoke to the engine turning off and Xander nudging her. She slowly opened her tired eyes and scratched her messy auburn hair.
Urgh… I need a shower. Wait, a hot bath. Yeah.
Anna breathed out slowly as she and Xander exited the SUV.
The two and Ben reached their destination without much hindrance. The hotspots around the city were mostly in the outskirts, and the main roads have been rendered safe.
As the trio entered the quaint home of the Stahls, a collection of relieved faces sitting at the dinner table greeted them. Rommel, Nick, and her father Matteo were sitting when they entered. The rest of their family was busily preparing a sumptuous meal for the beleaguered young adults in the adjacent kitchen.
Xander went toward his father and little brother as he began to explain what had happened. Anna and Ben strode towards the other occupant in the room with resigned expressions.
“Oh, thank God you three are home!” Anna’s father spoke as he walked up to check on his two children, “Look at yourself! What happened to your clothes? And your ear! Lord, what have you been doing!? You said you were just making sure your friends were taken care of when you texted you were at the hospital!”
Hearing the distressed voice of her father, Anna looked on with an impassive look as her mother exited the kitchen with a concerned look before it morphed into a horrified expression when she saw her state—though, inside the young woman, Anna was absolutely petrified.
Her father and mother were understandably livid. She and Ben had to endure the flak from them while they stood at attention. Eventually, the barrage of scoldings lessened as Anna’s parents calmed down.
“I swear, we let you out of our sights, and look how hurt you got! Ben, you were supposed to keep your sister safe. What happened?”
Anna looked on as her father gave her brother a piercing and questioning gaze while she sat and had her mother look over her mangled ear.
Her older brother tried to remain stoic under Matteo’s eyes but withered in the end. Ben exhaled heavily before adopting an ashamed expression. He glanced at Anna for a moment before he readied himself with his response.
“I’m sorry, pa, it was—”
“Not his fault.”
Anna immediately interrupted as she stood up and gently moved out of her mother’s attention. The young woman understood her parents' worry but did not want her brother taking flak.
She and Xand both undertook the mission of their own volition, and Ben was there they made it out alive. She knew how much the injuries she incurred pained her older brother more than he let on. She also didn’t want to be always known as someone who couldn’t take care of herself.
“Ben did everything he could. He risked everything to make sure I was safe.” Anna sternly spoke before pointing at her mangled ear. “This is my fault, I was reckless, and it would have been so much worse if he wasn’t there.”
Seeing the troubled look on Matteo and Victoria’s eyes, Anna moved forward and gave them a warm hug.
“I’m sorry,” Anna spoke between the two as they relaxed into the embrace. “I’m sorry for worrying you both.”
The young woman slowly left her parent’s arms before giving them a loving smile.
“Can we just eat? I want to head to bed after this. It’s been a long day.”
Her mother looked into her daughter’s eyes before letting out a tired sigh.
“Alright. We aren’t finished yet, but we can at least speak with full stomachs.”
Anna and Ben relaxed as they, at the very least, calmed their parent's worries.
As everyone settled in to prepare for the meal, Anna caught the scent of a delicious vegetable stir-fry as she entered the kitchen, and her stomach rumbled. Her mother's soft voice entered her ear as she saw her and Xander’s mother, Maria, and her two younger siblings, preparing the noon meal.
“Do you want to help, anak? You can make some fried rice for the table.”
“Sure can do, ma—Ah!” Anna pleasantly exclaimed when the little forms of Nina and Gab tackled her to the ground.
“Children! Careful, your sister is hurt!” Victoria chided the two little goblins, picking up the twelve and ten-year-old boy and girl by the back of the clothes and gently extracting themselves from the downed young woman.
The tiny cheery devils laughed mischievously, easing the tension and exhaustion from Anna’s shoulders.
“Big sis!” Nina energetically hopped as she spoke with a lisp and a toothy smile, “Did you go out and speak with the funny aliens?”
“Funny aliens?” Anna asked in confusion at her youngest sibling’s inquiry before realizing who she might be referring to. “You mean Harby?”
“Yep!” Nina enthusiastically nodded, “He was big and friendly and shaped like one of those yucky meatballs you make.”
“Yeah, I met him where I went and—Hey! My meatballs aren’t that bad, you little—!”
“They’re yucky!” Nina stuck out her tongue as Anna adopted an aghast look.
“You only know how to make rice!” Gabriel, Anna’s youngest brother and second-youngest sibling, teasingly admonished with his hands on his hips. “And sometimes you forget and burn it!”
“Oh, you two are going down!” Anna cheered as she playfully wrestled with her two younger siblings. The three pleasantly immersed themselves in the simple, untroubled joy as the two mothers looked on with contentment and affection.
When the three finished their impromptu scuffle and laughed to their hearts’ content, the five all began to help in the kitchen. Though the two mothers were primarily in charge of two halves of the meal, the three children assisted in chopping, stirring pots, or taste testing, much to their delight.
Xander dropped by for a moment before asking them to make his plate spicy. He was followed by other members of the family asking for variations to their dishes, which Maria scolded and rightfully booted the nuisances from her kitchen.
“Make it yourselves or get out! You have hot sauces and condiments for a reason!”
Anna and her little siblings giggled at the sheepish expressions as they carefully left the cooks’ domain.
Eventually, the family gathered around and elicited a short prayer before ardently digging into the plethora of dishes.
Anna briefly paused before pondering. She was somewhat religious as she was raised in such an environment, but it has since come into question with the advent of alien life—both hostile and benevolent.
She usually tried not to think much of it but couldn’t help but wonder. She recalled Harby and her Aide repeatedly reverently mentioned someone by the name of Fhâlma.
Is it their god? I remember the Harbingers refer to her as the Mother of all life. How would that meld with Earth’s religions if that's the case?
[ Would you like to hear more about Honored Mother, Conscript? ]
Anna jumped in slight surprise at her Aide’s sudden voice. Xander, who was seated beside her, looked at her with confusion.
“You alright?”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Anna shook her head before giving Xander a dismissive wave. “Nothing, just a hiccup.”
Xander looked doubtful before returning to his plate of steaming hot rice and spicy sisig.
Anna picked up her spoon of delicious mixed vegetables and rice and stuffed it in her mouth before turning inward and chiding her assistant.
Damn, Aide! Can you not speak up so suddenly? I’m still not used to having you in my head.
[ Apologies, Conscript Anna. You were curious about the nature of the Supreme Matriarch. ]
Urgh, later, Aide. I was just thinking of passing the time.
Though she said that and her mental assistant quieted down, she was genuinely curious about the existence.
The meal passed warmly, everyone stuffing themselves entirely, and their faces filled with satisfaction. The family eventually moved on to speak of things going on outside.
Ben had to guide Nina and Gab to the living room, where some cartoons were being streamed, before returning to the table with a severe expression.
Xander, Anna, and Ben recounted a more mild version of what happened at the Chalice resort. First, they were glad to know that their closest friends, Enzo, Chico, and Georgy, were alright. Then, everyone began to look grim as they heard how many people there didn’t make it.
Anna had to hold back her emotions from rising once again when she thought about her lost friends.
Xander hurriedly moved the conversation away from it before explaining what happened between him, Ben, and the Senior Acolyte.
Everyone was undoubtedly horrified. Hearing it for the first time in detail from Xander, Anna scowled as she heard about that insidious signal.
“No wonder so many people are going crazy.”
“Yeah, but I did get something out of it. Ben, too.”
The young man eventually told everyone about what he had learned about titles, skills, and Ichor.
Anna and Ben widened their eyes as they heard him speak about the substance that could essentially level them up. Anna was familiar with the concept and understood it didn’t come for free and had to be taken from beings like the Senior Acolyte.
Anna glanced at the titles and skills that showed up when she looked at her ONIM.
• Titles • Achievements earned through blood, sweat, and tears. Show pride in your efforts for these are proof of your feats! Sharpshooter Humanity has evolved many ways to take down their foes. But it all comes down to how fast and hard you can throw a rock. Throwing spears. Shooting bows. Firing guns. You have shown the culmination of that desire by honing your eye in the art of gun-handling and landing lethal hits on your opponents. Keep shooting, human! Shoot until they're all dead! +4 Nexus Merits • Skills & Profeciencies • General
Fighting (Lowest) (+) Marksmanship (High) (+)
She was pretty proud of her marksmanship. It only fitted with how much she practiced with it. She even managed to best Xander—grandson of the man who taught her.
Her title was even more pleasantly surprising. She had been relatively accurate, especially after her genetic booster, and felt that the Omninexus rewarded her actions. Even if, at times, she thought she didn’t deserve it.
Eventually, however, as the conversation went on. Xander had to bring up his original plan. Anna and Ben braced themselves as Xander began to speak and looked at their family members’ expressions.
It… wasn’t the best.
“Absolutely not!”
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