《Crossing the Cosmic Rubicon》• C8 - Family and Friends •
The messages from Enzo kicked the two Conscripts into overdrive—driven by concern for their classmates and anger at those who’ve harmed them.
The two began texting back after their calls couldn't get through, that they were on their way from Puerto and would arrive there post-haste.
Xander and Anna began packing things for their trip to the Chalice Beach Resort, where their friends were having a get-together celebration.
Both of them decided on their impromptu rescue mission without hesitation. Not out of any duty to the Omninexus, but a commitment to companionship forged over four years of stressful study and training.
However, as anger slowly cooled In their hearts, they were awash with guilt and shame.
“We should have kept checking our phones. We should have, damn it! What if someone dies because of us.”
Xander was particularly irked at himself and wanted to pummel his past self. He had his phone in his hand before they left for the clubhouse. He could have turned it on the moment he plugged the charger in but decided not to. That could have been a valuable time that decided a life or death situation—time now lost.
Xander sat on his bed, bent forward. Anna placed a comforting hand on Xander’s back, though her eyes betrayed her distress.
“What’s done is done,” As she pulled Xander up, Anna slowly spoke, “let’s forget about that and focus and save their butts prompto.”
They both employed a tactic they’ve learned whenever they encountered failure during their time as engineering students.
When faced with the what-ifs, it’s best to shove that somewhere far away from your mind and focus on how you can solve your dilemma. Then, focus on solving that problem to the point where you won’t be able to think of past mistakes and look towards the future.
The two did just that with fire in their chests. Though they still felt fear for their friends’ safety, they put all their effort into ensuring they would be safe.
The two Conscripts brought out their weapons and inspected them thoroughly—human or alien-made.
“We ought to bring some extra guns when we gather them up,” Anna suggested as she counted the number of slugs she had left, “we could bring some knives or one of your old arnis sticks.”
“Good thinking. Enzo, Chico, Georgy, and anyone else we find will be able to defend themselves that way, at least.”
Where to get those extra weapons was another thing entirely. Because It would mean approaching their respective families and announcing that they were once again jumping straight into the lion’s den. Xander lightly groaned as he just realized how they were going to explain it to them.
Oh, hello, Mr. and Mrs. Baltazar! I humbly request any firearms you could spare for your daughter and me as we go out into the dark post-midnight city that is currently in flames because we need to rescue our drunk friends from potentially becoming sacrifices to evil alien-worshiping cultists.
He could already hear the incessant scolding for being reckless and self-sacrificing in a time like this. Anna’s family was always on the line, whether they appreciated Xander’s massive positive presence in her life or were infuriated by his penchant to get into trouble. Though he and Anna would argue, they always decided on that stuff together as equals.
Nevertheless, they needed more weapons, and there wasn’t much the two could do except getting it over with.
However, as Xander and Anna renounced themselves to it and headed to announce their intentions, they were stopped once they opened the bedroom door. The athletic form of Anna’s older brother blocked their way, looking even more imposing with the genetic boost he received.
They attempted to look away from Ben’s unimpressed gaze and shimmied their way past him.
The man, however, put a hand on each of their shoulders and pushed them back inside. Once the door closed with a quiet click, he turned to face them with arms crossed and an intimidating frown. It was clear that Ben caught some of the words Xander and Anna exchanged as they planned their little rescue mission.
Anna—used to her brother’s ever-present concern for her well-being—challenged him with a determined gaze of her own and her hands on her hip.
Xander might have smiled affectionately at the display if the athlete wasn't inside. But he needed to play back-up for this dance and took his place beside her with a stern expression.
After a minute of a silent duel of wills, Ben finally backed down and sighed deeply. When he looked back up to meet his little sister’s eyes, his face was fraught with worry.
“Alright. I won’t try convincing both of you from leaving since you’ll probably find a way to sneak out.”
“Hey! We—I won’t—oh, fine,” Anna abandoned her attempt to convince her brother they wouldn’t do something so mischievous. Ben raised his hand to get their attention.
“Instead, I’m doing the responsible thing of going with you whenever you do something idiotic and dangerous.”
Xander and Anna glanced at each other before looking back at Ben appreciatively.
“Thanks, kuya (older brother),” the young woman warmly said as she stepped in for a hug, “we can’t abandon them, and I’m glad you’re coming with us.”
“Mm, thanks for backing us, Ben.”
“Yeah, yeah, save it for when we rescue them,” Ben, resigned to babysitting these two, paused before mentioning, “by the way, there may be some alumni accompanying your classmates, so that’s partly why I want to go.”
Xander and Anna merely shrugged at that reason. Of course, they were going for the same reason, so it was only fitting for Ben to worry about past classmates as well.
As the trio made their way to acquire the tools they needed for their mission, the two younger adults left most of the explaining to Ben when they inevitably came under fire from each of their parents. But, of course, they weren’t going to be left off that easily and had to have at least the courage to say their peace.
An exceedingly worried Rommel, Maria, Matteo, and Victoria were practically sieging the trio’s determination—primarily out of a parents’ concern for their children.
“We have to do this. Those guys at that party are practically our family as well. We shared too many memories just to abandon them when they asked for our help.”
Anna’s father, Matteo—who couldn’t reach the first Tier due to his lanky form—stepped forward and held Anna’s hands.
“But what can you do? Anak, you’re not a soldier, not police. You’re going out into chaos and getting yourself hurt… Or worse.”
Though he meant well, Anna felt mixed emotions that her father didn’t believe in her abilities. But then again, when had she proven she was capable of fighting? She studied to be an engineer, something so distant from violence. And when she encountered a scenario where such violence erupted around her, she was left traumatized.
Her mother also stepped beside her father and said her piece.
“Anna, please stay. We can’t lose you. We almost did once, you and Nina. So let’s stay together, please, anak.”
Her mother’s soft-spoken voice oozed with love and compassion. Anna could only look down and sighed deeply. She raised her head with glossy eyes and gave them a brief but tight hug.
When she left their comforting embrace, she looked back with steel eyes and a determined posture.
“Ma, pa, I love you. But I want to go. I need to,” Anna slowly said as she brought her hands to her chest, “I can't explain it to you, but my friends need my—our help, and we have the strength to do so. They'd done the same for us."
Anna looked at her parents with pleading eyes as everyone watched on.
Ben chose that moment to step in for them.
"I'll keep these two safe. I won't promise we'll get into a struggle, but our priority is to rescue people. We'll head home straight afterward. You have my word."
Xander also spoke up about their plans in detail. He always felt assured whenever he listened to well-thought-out plans and knew their parents would agree.
It still took some convincing on Anna and Ben's part to finally get Matteo and Victoria to acquiesce to their decision.
"Alright, Ben, I'm holding you responsible for your little sister, is that clear?" Ben's mother sternly asked.
"Yes, sir."
After hearing the Baltazars' argument coming to a close, Rommel, Maria, and Nick—who went out of his room—approached Xander.
The young man was about to open his mouth when Nick interrupted him.
“Hey, I’m coming with you.”
“Absolutely not!”
“You are staying here, Nick.”
Xander and his mother simultaneously earned an incredulous look from the younger sibling.
“Oh, come on! I’m a Tier I, just like you! Ben is going with you, so why can’t I!”
Xander groaned at his brother. Sometimes he could be a stubborn, humorous, and petulant kid, but he meant well.
“One, you’ve never been in a fight before. Two, you need to stay here and protect the house. Three, you need to convince mom.”
Nick couldn’t even get a word out before his mother scolded him in their native Filipino tongue and immediately turned sheepish.
“Argh! Alright, fine! But I’m coming with you next time!”
Nick relinquished any thought of arguing with his mother and stormed back into his room, exasperated.
While the mother and child were arguing, Rommel pulled Xander aside.
“Dad, I—”
Rommel raised his meaty hand and halted Xander. The heavy-set man deeply sighed as he looked at his eldest son with weary eyes.
“Son, I don’t want you to go. But I know you can handle yourself."
Surprised, Xander could only gape at his father's trust in him. Rommel, however, quickly switched to a serious expression as he brought a finger to poke at his son's chest.
"Don't think you can do anything reckless because you can. Remember, overconfidence—"
"—is a slow and dishonest road to failure. Got it, dad," Xander spoke low, but he couldn't deny the tinge of uncertainty and fear within him, "I won't lie. This is… it’s terrifying, and sometimes all the rapid changes are too much to handle."
"I understand, boy. It's the same as growing up and taking responsibility for the people you care for. Just… come back home, safe. Alright?"
Xander nodded as he looked into his dad's eyes and saw that as much as Rommel wanted to come along and make sure he was safe, Rommel had the responsibility to safeguard Maria, Nick, and the guests in his home.
The German immigrant patted Xander on the shoulder and went to look for extra weapons the house could spare. Xander went to follow him, but his mother stopped him.
Already, Xander could feel a chill down his spine as he faced Maria Barbosa Stahl. Unlike what he expected, his usually worrisome and anxious mother was eerily silent.
She stepped forward and lightly brushed Xander's dark brown hair, and cleaned a smudge on his cheek.
Unable to handle the silence, Xander decided to escape it by breaking it.
"Mama, I—"
"It only felt like yesterday that you were still that boisterous child who liked to recite speeches in front of his elementary school—so confident and brave."
"The same silly child who got so timid and nervous about prom night that Anna had to come to your house to pick you up."
Xander felt a nostalgic rush of memories. Simpler times. He wanted to laugh at it but could only stay quiet as he saw his mother choke back a sob.
"You were so happy to graduate college finally. You, Anna, and your friends had one more challenge before your life opened up to anywhere you wanted."
"I’m so proud of you. Promise me that when it comes to it. Please, come back… My heart can't take it if you don't. There's no shame in living. Please…"
Xander rushed in and gave his mother a comforting hug as her words broke down, and hot tears streamed down her cheeks.
Xander couldn't help it as the flood of emotions came rushing out through his tears. His mother's compassion pierced his heart as he recalled years of love and support.
The son—a tall and large young man that dwarfed his mother—could only speak in a soft tone through his choked sobs.
"I'll come back, ma. I promise I'll come back."
It took a few minutes for the tears to run dry. Maria was too tired and looked to have aged a decade.
Eventually, Xander escorted her to her room and helped her to her bed. Xander brought his mother's hand to his forehead as she drifted to sleep.
"I'll come back."
Xander, Anna, and Ben left the Stahl home armed to the teeth with dour and resolute expressions.
The trio left Puerto Heights Village through the main gate with two vehicles.
To account for the possibility that they'd be taking in plenty of people from the beach resort, they decided to take their family cars. Xander and Anna rode the Stahl's white SUV while Ben took the pick-up.
The two in the SUV stayed silent as they hit the highway. Their emotions were flared, and they were rearing to get to their friends as soon as possible.
They didn't mention it to the two, but Xander and Anna knew their parents were saying that if it came to the point where their lives were on the line or their classmates, they shouldn't be the hero and come home.
Xander and Anna stubbornly refused to accept that possibility. They were rational enough to realize that a few might have passed on before they got there. But if they failed to rescue a single one, they would regret it for the rest of their lives and lose confidence in their abilities.
"We have to save the three stooges at the very least. I can't accept anything less!"
Xander was especially fervent about it. Though he loved his parents and understood their position, he couldn't help but feel that he needed to answer their love through his actions—that because of those actions, Xander validated the affection he earned.
Anna felt the same. She wanted to prove that she had the strength to take control of her life.
Every time she put on a brave face, she hid doubts and fears through that mask. Sometimes it felt natural. It was what got her through college.
She merely needed more proof.
Her foray into the Marco proved she had begun to change for the better. Although she still felt dread about her encounter with insane humans and invading aliens and still nervously shook, she was able to fight through it all with sheer grit.
As they were three-quarters through the journey, the robotic voice of their ONIM Aides resounded in their minds.
[ Attention, Conscript! You have received a Priority Mission! ]
A prompt appeared from the corner of their vision. The two Conscripts felt the intense urge of its importance and couldn't ignore it. So compelled, they slowed to a stop by the side of the road and opened it.
New Priority Mission received! Priority Mission: Visual sighting of a summoning ritual is being invoked by a Thrall at Chalice Beach Resort. All nearby Tier I's are to prevent the ritual from finishing and rescue the humans being used as sacrifices.
Threat level: Moderate
Rewards: 10 Nexus Merits, 250 Lumina Shards (Rewards may vary) Objectives
- Prevent the ritual from finishing (In progress) - Rescue civilians (In progress: 0/??) - Eliminate all Corrupted Humans and the Thrall leader (In progress: 0/??, 0/1)
A moderate threat level. Somehow, reading that did not inspire a lot of confidence. They already knew they were heading into danger, but having it confirmed by their ONIM felt like a slap to the face.
Xander scratched his cheek as he glanced at Anna in askance.
"You got it too?"
"Pretty much."
"Huh… shit."
The crackle of a radio sounded on Anna's belt, and her brother's voice echoed through its speakers.
"Anna, Anna."
Anna raised the radio she and her brother brought for their travels and transmitted.
"This is Anna, over."
"Just gonna ask if you two got a mission from your ONIM? Over."
"Yeah, it doesn't change anything. We're still going to rescue our friends first. Then, we'll deal with this Thrall and stop whatever it's summoning afterward. Over."
"Copy that. We're quite close now. There'll probably be other Tier I's on the way. Over."
Xander motioned for Anna to point the radio toward him.
"Ben, this is Xander. Let's not count on outside help. But we should find the Harbinger at the Chalice. Over."
"Copy that. Over."
As Anna set her radio down, she looked at Xander in mild confusion over a certain point.
"That reminds me, why don't the corrupted attack the Harbinger since they're practically all-seeing spotlights?"
Xander rubbed his goatee in thought. That was a good question, but the answer would be simple.
"Harby said they weren't designed with offensive capabilities, but I don't believe for a second that they don't have any defense measures," Xander shifted the SUV back to drive as he proceeded with the journey, "they're powerful: teleportation, those tentacles, being able to extract blood through what's probably telekinesis. I think the cultists try to avoid them. They can't really do much about their scanning either, at least, I think they don't."
"The Harbingers seem more useful as the man behind the computer, like Batman’s Alfred."
The remaining drive didn't take too long, and eventually, they turned the corner to see the gated area that was Chalice Beach Resort.
The trio grimaced as they passed a battered metal gate and the corpse of a security guard who couldn't pull out his gun in time to defend himself.
Without stopping to check the corpse, they slowly made their way into the dark open parking lot with their headlights off.
The faint light from the moon cast shadows from the tall palm trees and abundant greenery that decorated the area.
"I have a bad feeling about this," Xander muttered.
Anna slapped him in the back of the head for the possible Jinx, while Ben merely grunted in reply as they stepped out of their car.
They quietly grouped up and followed their [Maps] to Harby. Surprisingly, there were three humans in the room beside it.
The trio quickened their pace, puzzled about who they could be. Were these three Tier I's who got the mission, enemies brave enough to challenge the floating alien or someone else?
As they stepped toward a side building that housed a small employees lounge for janitors, they could hear familiar voices coming from inside.
Xander and Anna burst through the door as they looked on at an absurd scene.
"Jesus Christ!"
"Argh! Get that thing away from me, you fucks!"
"Xand! Anna! About time you two got here! Help me hold this puta."
Three loud voices sounded out simultaneously.
Xander and Anna took what they saw with deadpan looks.
Georgy looked scared out of his wits from the sudden intrusion. The pale-brown, tall and thin graduate looked to have come out of a fight from his frazzled clothes drenched in sweat and alcohol.
Enzo, an average-sized light-skinned guy with a noble and handsome face framed by glasses with cracked lenses, held Chico—a stout olive fellow with a ripped-up casual shirt—from the back and attempted to angle the man's bare chest toward the needle tipped tendril of Harby.
The familiar alien shifted its form to face the new arrivals.
"Ah, you're here. With six Tier I's you should be able to complete this urgent mission."
Ben arrived at that time and took one look inside before backing out.
Xander and Anna groaned. Xander looked at Enzo, who had a red tinge to his skin, clearly affected by the radical change from the genetic booster.
"Why am I not surprised?"
Enzo scoffed back with his nose high as he struggled, holding Chico in place.
"Obviously, it was my insightful mind that led us here. It was rather odd that a floating meatball came in the middle of the party, and we, fortunately, remembered where we dumped the alien. That, and the [Map] was somewhat useful."
Enzo mumbled that last bit. Meanwhile, Harby gracefully snaked the tendril and pierced the stout man's chest.
"Oh fuck, putang ina, yawa (son of a whore, devil)!" Chico moaned in pain as he began to feel the change flowing through his body.
Xander and Anna desperately held their stony expressions before bursting into laughter.
Their anxious thoughts flooded out as they confirmed the three were alright.
"Yawa mo (You devils)! You come to the party late and laugh at us," Chico mumbled through gritted teeth as he powered through the changes occurring to him but eventually started to giggle himself on the floor.
Soon everyone began laughing, letting out all the accumulated stress from the past hour.
As they quieted down, Enzo, ever prim and proper, straightened his buttoned shirt and tied it as he gestured a hand to Xander and Anna.
"After you two graciously left us on read, until recently. We have been doing our own investigation on current events."
With his smartphone and opened up his gallery, Georgy stepped forward—a bit of blood on his clothes, clearly not his, but no one questioned it.
He quickly swiped through a rather lewd piece of artwork and pictures of tonight's party. Georgy cleared his throat and finally showed them pictures of a bunch of half-naked men and women with blood markings on their skin dragging a few familiar faces to the moonlit brown sand of the beach.
Xander, Anna, and Ben, who decided to come inside, and the three new Users scowled at the photos. There was an urge amongst the room's occupants to rush out and clobber these crazed lunatics. Thankfully, the crucial need for information barely suppressed this reckless course of action.
Amongst the several photos, one man, in particular, looked to be the thrall in charge of this mob. He had a handgun and a wicked-looking knife on hand, which immediately made him the most dangerous out of the ramshackle bunch of human cultists.
Unlike his insane compatriots, this middle-aged man had clarity in his eyes that preceded his madness.
"This is the guy who started shooting up the party. He—he hit Roy. The guy was beside me drinking when he got shot in the chest. He died too quickly. I ran to get Enzo and Chico out of there immediately. We started hiding in one of the maintenance closets, then skulked our way to the cabins before deciding to find where they took our friends."
Georgy looked ashamed that he ran, unlike a few who started throwing hands at the mad party crashers, but his fight-or-flight response was ringing that he had to flee from the lunatic carrying a gun.
Chico, who looked out of breath from his upgrade, stood up and patted Enzo and Georgy by the back.
"Giatay (damn), that felt weird. But yeah, mad assholes. So we stalked them and saw they were drawing freaky stuff on the sand—markings with blood and other stuff. They started chanting some spooky shit afterward. It was like watching a bad horror flick!"
Chico made a face as he stuck out his tongue and shuddered.
"It was obviously some kind of ritual,” Enzo interjected his buddy with his hand rubbing his smooth chin, “after we quickly sobered up, we received a guide from our ONIM Aide and sought out this Harbinger. We relayed what we saw, and immediately we were given the mission. We were just about to get assessed and wait for a while to see if anyone else came. Ergo, here we are. "
Xander, Anna, and Ben nodded along as they listened to other bits of information.
About fifteen were regular corrupted, and a single thrall led them. Five of the crazies were patrolling the premises on the lookout for runaways—the rest gathered by the beach.
So far, the rest of their classmates were either hiding somewhere safe or fled from the premises. There were, to their dismay, about ten of their fellow engineering graduates who were either injured or captured.
Harby chose that moment to interrupt their discussion.
"I believe it is time to head forth. The cultists’ intentions are vile, and they seek to summon something foul to lay the foundations of chaos in your city. Go now and put an end to their damned ritual."
The gathered Tier I's, all Conscripts, nodded with determined looks. Xander and Anna took a moment to pull their three friends in a group embrace.
"I'm glad you three are safe, I know this is a Priority Mission, but you deserve to head home this instant."
Enzo raised his hand in dismissal of Xander's concern.
"Oh please, if we aren't present, there won't be any hope for you to complete this mission by yourself, inept as you two are, though Ben here could carry you to the finish line."
Everyone, including Harby, looked at the arrogant bespectacled brat with unimpressed expressions.
"Uhuh. Maybe we should head home and leave it to your unquestionable capabilities, noble one. What do you think, Harby?" Xander asked as he turned to Harby.
"Hm… It is within my power to take everyone except Conscript Enzo out of the mission without repercussions," the alien's massive eye squinted as he raised a tentacle and mimicked a gesture akin to rubbing his chin.
Enzo coughed in his hand.
"Oh, that wouldn't be necessary. I, uh, feel it is beyond wisdom to have all hands together in these trying times."
The rest smirked at his sheepish expression before gathering together for a final time and assessing their equipment.
A minute later, six Tier I's stood in front of their first stop with weapons aplenty—the main function hall where the party was, now deserted of the cheerful celebration and joyous atmosphere.
Before tackling the leading group with the thrall by the beach, they would scour each building for any stray survivors to aid them.
The silence was the actual game here, as it would influence the likelihood of completing their task. The six Conscripts needed to proceed stealthily to avoid alerting the cultists.
One of their items, a new tool that Georgy received, would immensely help this task.
And with that item, the six began stalking the moonlit grounds like lions hungry for a pack of rabid hyenas.
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