《Crossing the Cosmic Rubicon》• C7 - Harbinger Nexus Hub •
Xander groggily woke up from a light knocking on his bedroom door as his little brother spoke from the opposite side.
“Hey, it’s 2:30 in the morning. Everyone is getting ready to head out.”
Xander could only slightly groan as he sat up from his warm and snug bed.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
The Tier I heard Nick’s footsteps as he departed to help prepare with the rest of the family.
Xander’s muscles felt sore, and his body ached from undertaking last night’s mission.
Surprisingly, he didn’t feel as terrible as he had thought. He realized that the gene booster he obtained included some quality of life upgrades as his mental state felt more rested from a two-hour nap. In addition, he instinctively felt that his body processed his midnight meal more efficiently and used that to give him a boost of energy.
Xander wouldn’t complain about the blessing. He figured there would be plenty of nights where he’d have to do away with long hours of slumber or when he couldn’t get a proper meal.
He let out a wide yawn as he stretched, twisting his form to get all the kinks out.
All in all, he felt pretty good.
Xander had a change of clothes, especially his pants, with a clear tear from the corrupted’s bite. He removed the improvised bandage he made with his handkerchief and examined his wound.
Once more, the gene booster had shown its usefulness as it gave a minor boost in regenerating tissue. Already, scabs have formed at the bite and have begun to itch.
It wasn’t that big of a deal, in all honesty. The bite didn’t penetrate too deep, so Xander cooled any ambition to receive stab or gunshot wounds and walk it off.
Xander checked his smartphone and realized it ran out of battery.
Damn, I keep forgetting to charge this thing.
The engineering graduate searched for a spare charger in one of his drawers and plugged it into the socket.
After leaving his phone to charge on the bedside table, Xander left his room and headed to the living room.
Already, his family and the Baltazar’s were in varying degrees of readiness. Nina and Gab—Anna’s little siblings—yearned to go back to bed. On the other hand, Anna looked to be just as rested as Xander, having received the same benefits as he did.
As everyone arranged themselves, Rommel motioned to gather everyone’s attention.
“Alright, everyone, ears open. This will be a simple convoy to the center of the village, no more than a few minutes' drive. Stahls will be riding the family SUV.”
Matteo stepped in after Rommel and directed his attention to his family.
“We’ll take our pick-up. Victoria will be driving. Anna, Gab, Nina, and Puto will stay inside the truck. Ben, you and I will be sitting at the back as look-outs.”
“Eyes open, and stay safe meine familie und freunde (my family and friends). Look-outs, you see anyone smiling funny, give them a warning shot. Anyone that tries to attack the convoy gets a bullet. Copy?
The ones with guns on hand all sounded out in affirmation as the two families headed to the garage.
Xander took his .357 S&W from Nick, who was given a 9mm handgun as a replacement. Xander humorously glanced at Nick as he gave his revolver a cleaning.
“I see you haven’t dropped this.”
“Hey, I resent that! I’ve been properly trained to handle it.”
“This beauty is too good for your filthy hands.”
“Oh please, you’ll ditch it as soon as you get an alien gun like Anna.”
Though he was slightly envious of Anna's firearm, Xander still scoffed at Nick’s declaration. His revolver was a sentimental gift from lolo Marcus, and if he ever had to replace it, he’ll be sure to put it on a display case for safe-keeping.
A few minutes later, the two families were in their vehicles and making their way onto the street. Ben and Xander locked the gate after the cars were out and headed back to their respective places.
Ben grabbed the side of the black pick-up and lifted himself over as he sat beside his dad. He was handed a 9mm handgun while his father had a 12 gauge shotgun slung over his shoulder.
Xander stepped inside the rear passenger door of his family’s white mid-sized family SUV. Once he and Ben situated themselves, the two vehicles slowly sped forward toward the village center.
Rommel glanced at Xander from the rearview mirror as the german man turned the corner.
“You made sure to lock the gate?”
“Yes, dad. It’s all good.”
“Mhmm. While we’re on the road, can you tell us what more to expect from this assessment?”
Xander rubbed his goateed chin as he searched for the relevant information. There wasn’t that much more he could say apart from what they already knew, but he surmised that they were interested in his thoughts.
“Well, you already know about gene boosters. Might, Alacrity, Resilience, and Fortitude. All four give you a comprehensive upgrade to everything, apart from the attributes they focus on,” Xander briefly hummed in thought before continuing, “picking between Conscript and Support hasn’t really made much of a difference from what I can tell so far—apart from influencing the items you receive.
"Like, Peter, a nervous guy I met in the Marco, asked for a gun like Anna, but since he was a Support, he received an alien stun gun instead. From what I can guess, and this is pure speculation, it will probably affect the type of missions we receive.”
Rommel remained stone-faced as he nodded along to Xander’s spoken thoughts. Nick, who sat beside his older brother, similarly rubbed his smooth chin to Xander as he pondered what choices he’d pick. Xander’s mother, Maria, listened in one ear as she continued to browse through her smartphone for outside news and information.
The journey remained uneventful except for distant shouts and laughter as they drove through their once-peaceful village. From Xander’s vantage point on top of the idyllic hill Puerto Heights sat on, he could barely see the surrounding cityscape through the dark.
The convoy stopped outside the modern clubhouse. The building that served as a function hall for village talks and various programs was now devoid of people this late.
Before they left, the families checked their ONIM [Maps] to see if the Harbinger was still around. Fortunately, the entity remained stoic in its location and hadn’t moved since.
The families left their vehicles with little fanfare as they moved inside the building. Xander and Anna habitually moved close to each other and walked side by side. Xander rolled his shoulders as he glanced at the young woman beside him.
“Is it just me, or does your body feel better than ever.”
“It’s not just you. It probably took time for the booster to take effect completely.”
“This is just the beginning. Imagine what higher-quality boosters would do!”
Xander and Anna’s faces shifted to the allure of such a thing.
An extensive biological upgrade that would turn their bodies equal to Olympic athletes or their minds to rocket scientists was captivating.
And that was still within the realm of human possibilities.
What if they could reach beyond? Magic already exists within the ethereal Aspects such as Anima and Psi.
It was a thought Xander, Anna, and possibly many other humans pondered again and again. Every child wanted to be a superhero. And what better time to become one than when Earth was under threat.
While the two Tier I’s were deep in their childhood dreams, the two families passed the quaint lobby and entered one of the building’s function halls. Inside was where the village elders had their usual talks when the Harbinger phased into existence, most likely giving one of the older members a near heart attack before they bolted out.
“Good Lord, that thing is weirder up close.”
Matteo spoke as he and Rommel entered first. The alien in question gazed at their presence, though Xander wondered if it knew they were coming with its extensive biosensors.
“Greetings, Humans. Conscript Xander, Conscript Anna, I see you have brought your kin.”
Both Conscripts’ eyes widened upon hearing the familiar voice. Xander cocked his head in confusion as he stared at the Harbinger in bewilderment.
“Harby? I thought it’d take longer for us to see each other again.”
“Yeah, this seems like too much of a coincidence," Anna followed just as puzzled.
“It isn’t, actually. I am both the Harby you know and not.”
“The Harbinger bioforms are psionically linked to an extent. We are all part of the Omninexus as our function is integral to its grand objectives. Our minds are so intertwined that it isn’t strange for a Harbinger on the other side of the galaxy to know your names.”
“Holy shit, that sounds exhausting to have that much information.”
“It is our great duty to serve as such. Our capabilities were designed to support, guide and cater to Users such as you. So my advice is to just not overthink about it.”
“Alright, that sounds easier, Harby.”
Harby the Harbinger bobbed his spherical body once before turning to observe the new sapients in need of assessment. Xander stepped forward and raised his hand towards his family.
“As you said, this is my family. They already know what to expect. Just be careful with any injections, please.”
The air vibrated as Harby soundlessly chuckled in his alien tongue.
“Very well, Conscript.”
As it will take a while for the Stahls and Baltazars to become assessed and interviewed, Xander and Anna gathered with Ben and Nick as they looked over news worldwide. Unfortunately, not much has changed apart from the chaos caused by the corrupted and the increasing number of tragedies. In their city alone, emergency services were straining their resources to combat all the problems plaguing the inhabitants of Rio de Oro. Thankfully, the men and women of these departments have prepared for crises such as this and have experience dealing with city-wide chaos.
Xander stepped back as Nick went forward to get his assessment. The Conscript looked within him as he brought up his ONIM. There were things he wanted to look over as he received some notifications from last night’s mission that he decided to read at a later time.
Xander first brought up information about Isaac and Albert's energy shields in their fight.
Protection Equipment: Basic Energy Shield Gauntlet (Tier I) This device is common to Tier I Users for their incredible utility in blocking many kinds of damage. Powered by Psi-Tech, this Basic Energy Shield can be used even by Users unable to tap into this Aspect, however it needs to be recharged after extensive use. Blocking damage consumes plenty of energy depending on the amount. It can equally block kinetic blows and disperses energy attacks. The material composition of the gauntlet is made of Ba'antite, a ubiquitous metal that found in heavy-gravity planets is highly receptive to Psi engraving and empowerment. The green gem in the center acts as an energy converter, storage, and the main shield projector. It comes with minor self-repair and maintenance functions.
Xander was impressed. He surmised that this tech was only possible to beings capable of interacting with Psi. But, seeing as how every human was practically deaf in that Aspect, he wasn’t surprised that his species’ technology diverted in a different direction.
Psi pretty much acts as a battery for these devices. I wonder what else it's capable of producing.
Apart from that, Xander also took a look at detailed information regarding the enemy he fought.
Hostile Entity: Corrupted Human Threat Level: Low Corrupted Humans or The Corrupted are the unfortunate victims of the heretical Cult of the Damned. Through the use of Psionic ability, a signal is broadcasted to a large radius and infects the weak-minded with thoughts of existential dread before tempted with a false promise of salvation. It is a common tactic to quickly bolster the Cults numbers with fodder and to prepare a world for invasion by using the Corrupted to ensue chaos. Certain Corrupted can also receive specific instructions and execute the Cult's will unquestionably.
Xander scowled as he read the description. It was foul and evil to turn friends into foes. The inner sanctum of a human's mind was considered sacred and private. Mind magic already felt taboo due to the implications of manipulation. And to use such an ability to turn victims into cannon fodder was sadistic. This Cult of the Damned sounded like a bunch of nutters, and Xander wondered if they were the enemy humanity faces or just one amongst many.
Aide, what can you tell me about this Cult?
[ The Cult of the Damned is a collection of doom-cults and other like-minded sapients that cause widespread chaos to many innocent civilizations. They are a scourge and pollute many beings with their tirade against all life and their crazed ideology. ]
Anything else?
[ I am sorry, Conscript Xander. you are not privy to this information. ]
What!? Why? Knowledge is power, and I need to know what I'm dealing with.
[ I am sorry, Conscript Xander. you are not privy to this information. ]
How do I become privy to this information, then? Xander asked indignantly.
[ Raising your Tier has multiple benefits, including detailed information to better assist you in choosing your battles. ]
Urgh, whatever. Thanks, Aide.
[ You are welcome, Conscript Xander. ]
Xander rolled his eyes at his unhelpful assistant.
The Conscript’s thoughts churned as he tried to guess the invaders' intentions. For example, their overarching goal—whether it was simple extermination or something specific like a particular resource.
Whatever the case, they aren’t after our food and amusement parks.
Xander felt sardonic about the situation and decided to shove that thought in the think about it later section of his head.
While Xander was busy contemplating, the Stahls and the Baltazars finished their assessment with Harby.
As Xander correctly guessed, his father, little brother, Ben, and Victoria were all Tier I. The three men chose Conscript as their duty, and Victoria decided to be Support.
After receiving their genetic boosters, Might and Resilience for Rommel and Nick, they both chose to get Sluggers as their equipment of choice.
Ben received Fortitude and a Paralysis Pulser, while his mother chose the same genetic booster. She did, however, choose a new piece of equipment as her starting gear—five of them, in fact.
“It’s a Stimulant Injector. It says I can improve a person’s ability to heal naturally and give them a boost of energy.”
Everyone was quite surprised about that, though Ben scrutinized the syringes before turning to question Harby.
“It’s good and all, but is it safe to use?”
“It is a drug utilized by many Tier I’s, and there is a statistically improbable chance for overdose. Treat it as typical medicine. Recommended dosage varies depending on the severity of the injury. As you Tier up, any concern for addiction or detrimental side-effects will disappear.”
Ben nodded along as the Harbinger clarified his worry. Still, he was wary of any foreign substances that would enter his or his family's bodies, despite feeling the aftermath of his recent genetic booster.
Harby shifted his gaze towards Xander and Anna and beckoned them closer with one of his tentacles.
“Conscripts, I wish to inform you that the most basic functions of the Harbinger Hub are now available. You can exchange your Lumina Shards for certain items in our [Lumina Shop].”
The two immediately came closer with gleaming eyes and wide grins. Nick shook his head at the two dolts who looked like children in a candy shop.
The Harbinger lowered itself so that it was eye-level with the two humans. After a second, his eye was alight. Then, it projected a black and white screen in front of their eyes.
Welcome to the Harbinger Nexus Hub! >>
The menu was bare-bones at the moment, with a single sub-menu, but it was rather sleek. Anna motioned for Xander to go first as she stepped behind him, eyes still locked on the projected screen. The rest of the two families approached curiously to look at the shop screen.
Xander hovered his index finger over the [Lumina Shop] tab and clicked on it. Surprisingly, the screen felt hard to the touch and felt similar to frosted glass. Before he could ponder the implications of light physical to the touch, the screen changed and listed a number of items.
• Lumina Shop •
[Weapons] | [Utility Items] | [Ammunition] >>> User: Xander Barbosa Stahl Current Lumina ⓛ120 Conscript’s Straight Sword ⓛ100 Conscript’s Battle Axe ⓛ100 Conscript’s Battle Hammer ⓛ100 Conscript’s Short Spear ⓛ100 Conscript’s Dirk ⓛ80 Conscript’s Slugger Handgun ⓛ100 Paralysis Pulser ⓛ100 Basic Energy Shield Gauntlet ⓛ100 Stimulant Injection ⓛ20 Slugger Magazine ⓛ20 Pulser Battery ⓛ25
There were several items on sale, including a variety of melee weapons.
Of course, there were the devices he’d seen and Anna’s handgun. As Xander perused the shop screen and read each item's descriptions, Anna looked questioningly at Harby.
“Out of curiosity, what’s the exchange range between Philippine Peso and Lumina?”
“We do not take your currency. However, a simple calculation results in a conversion rate of five billion pesos to one Lumina.”
Everyone was shocked by the ludicrous number.
That amount could set a Filipino family for life! A luxurious home, an expensive car, plus extra cash for student tuition and investments. The humans from this third-world country were salivating at having a single Lumina to exchange.
“What use is five billion pesos when the world is ending. The economy is gone at this point.”
Xander’s statement, though cynical, was true. It was better to use their Lumina to purchase items that could help them survive.
In the end, Xander purchased a Basic Energy Shield Gauntlet and a single Stimulant Injection, bringing his Lumina back to zero. Still, it was a worthwhile purchase. Xander was already impressed by the gauntlet’s utility, which would pair well with his hammer. The stim he purchased with his last twenty was also valuable because of its ease of carrying and the bonuses it provided.
Combat Medicine: Stimulant Injection (Tier I) This drug is a popular item amongst Tier I users for its minor but broad bonuses to tissue regeneration, stamina, and physical enhancement. It also has a minor effect of clearing the mind of anxiety, stress and other negative emotions.
Satisfied with his purchase, Xander moved back and gave Anna her turn in the shop. She also purchased a new Slugger she gifted to her dad and an extra magazine for her own Slugger.
Finished with their shopping, and as the rest of the family had zero Lumina for them to spend, the group decided to head back home. However, before they left the function room, Harby imparted a few bits of information.
“The Harbinger Nexus Hub is still being fully established, the menus may be subject to change, and the Omninexus will add new functionalities.”
The Harbinger bobbed its form once and waved its many tentacles.
“Thank you for shopping with us, and we hope to see you again soon, humble humans.”
The two families bid their goodbyes to the floating alien as they returned to their vehicles. Anna’s two siblings were somewhat miffed with their assessment from the obvious sulking they were doing. Anna’s dog, Puto, on the other hand, was none the wiser as they had asked if it was possible to have him assessed but was denied due to lack of resources.
When the two families returned to the Stahl home without encountering any obstruction, many members headed back into their rooms to catch up on their sleep. Their recent changes left them feeling exhausted but fulfilled at the same time.
As Xander headed back into his room and plopped down on his bed, he checked his smartphone, thankfully back in full charge.
Upon turning it on, however, he was bombarded with several text messages and calls from his best friend, Enzo. Feeling the rising dread, he was about to begin reading his messages when Anna burst into his room, her smartphone in hand.
“Shit, I know! I just turned my phone on.”
In Anna's case, both of them felt guilty about ghosting their best friend’s messages simply because she left her phone back in Xander’s car and just went to get it before heading to bed.
As they read through the messages, their faces turned grim.
[ Come on, you guys can make it. The whole batch is here. You're gonna miss my esteemed presence ]
[ party going hard, where are you two. ]
[ Hella drunk, sad you two lovebirds not here. You missed my magnificent dance moves ]
[ Weird meatball mascot came, said weird stuff. Pushed the guy outside cuz he was a pooper. ]
Enzo sent a voice message in between texts. Xander and Anna opened it and listened to Enzo’s familiar voice muffled by the blaring electro music and the whooping of an energetic crowd.
“Eyyy! It’s your boy, the one, the only, Enzo Villaflor! I just wanted to let you know that—huh? Hey, keep the shouting down! You peasants are messing with my awe-inspiring oration! I’ll have you know—Ow, the fuck?”
“Enz, we gotta get the hell outta here!”
The deep voice of Georgy was heard at the end as the panicked shouts of the party-goers, and frantic footsteps echoed in the chaos. Then a raucous voice was heard from an unknown individual through the phone.
“Hear us, children of Adam and Eve! The time has come for the rapture! The true god has revealed himself to us! Be blessed that you have been chosen!”
Xander and Anna heard the sounds of gunshots after the crazed person’s speech, and the volume of screams increased rapidly.
Anna closed her eyes in pain, imagining one of those bullets hitting a classmate she spent four years studying with.
Xander was similarly distressed. His grip on his phone tightened as the voice message ended. He gritted his teeth in frustration as he read through the remaining messages.
[ Help us.]
[ Bunch of lunatics in the resort took some of our classmates. ]
[ Got attacked, Chico got knocked out. ]
[ Chico’s awake. Gonna investigate with him and Georgy. ]
[ Weird chanting, feel something bad in the air. ]
[ Hear footsteps, help us. Hurry ]
[ Hiding in a maintenance closet. Extremely uncomfortable, chico stinks. ]
The messages stopped there.
Xander and Anna stayed silent. A roiling wave of emotions crashed to and fro in their hearts.
There was one feeling. However, that blazed brighter than the rest.
They were going to hunt some cultists.
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An ordinary but lazy person, with a very ordinary life, dies due to someone else's squabbles. However, death is not the end. He is offered the chance to live again, in a world which he has seen only in the movies, as part of a mysterious entity's entertainment. After agreeing he is given 3 gifts with no proper explanation for them. Some of the explanation makes little to no sense and some of the explanation is even meant to mislead him. This is the life of a soul who explores his gifts and turns them into broken cheats, while unknowingly falling for the greatest weakness known to man, love! [This novel is MCU, not Marvel. There is a difference between both.]..............................................................................TO NOTE FROM AUTHOR- READ THE TAGS BELOW AND ABOVE!!! If you don't like any of the tags please don't read it. This is my first time writing fanfic. Remember the first 30 chapters are intricately linked. Somethings won't make sense unless you read the first 30 chapters and all the authors note. If you can't be bothered to do that and drops it before that then goodbye. I don't need you announcing that with a review or chapter comments. If you want to leave then leave, don't announce it like a child seeking attention. I don't give a damn if you leave. This novel is not for everyone. It is aimed at a select few audiences who likes the romance genre and small amounts of actions. So don't read it if you are expecting anything else. I don't need you to tell me which direction to take my MC and my novel for the plot and how to utilise my MC's powers. This is my novel so I decide what to do with my MC. You either suck it up or drop it! Also, I am not looking for readers who want to change my novel or my MC. You either read it and ignore the minute plot holes, things that make you uncomfortable and deal with the fact that there are some things here that you can't make sense of cuz this is a fictional world or drop it. I won't bother to respond to every single haters, logic spotters. But I do welcome grammar corrections. If you don't like who the MC is, again just drop the book. Don't come saying I don't like MC change him because I don't appreciate you enforcing your ideas into my novel. There will be heavy 18 plus sex scenes and violence so don't read this if you don't like those kinds of things. Not good with writing so don't expect perfect grammar or sensible sentence. I welcome grammar Nazi's to come forth and point out to me mistakes with the suggest edit functions. This story will have one of its main focus as Romance tag and his relationship with his love interest. Also, the plot won't be heavily changed from MCU, even though MC tries to change parts of it, so be cautioned if you like heavily changed plotline. This is a free novel. Any attempt to translate it without my permission and taking money for it from people will lead to me taking down this novel. If you want to translate this, you ask me permission and you do it for free. Otherwise, you are not allowed to translate my novel no matter which bigshot country you come from. Tags:Romance, Drama, Strong MC, Exploring Emotions, Lemon Scenes, Sexual-Content, Average Looking MC, MCU, Not Harem or Polygamy, 1 Love Interest, Slice of Life, Exploring Powers, Rated 18 and above, Gore, Pre-written novel.
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