《Nameless Immortal》Chapter 29


Chapter 29 Experience is the Best Teacher?

Snow fell and the wind carried it covering the land in white that looked like cotton fields from above. Despite the biting cold, Red Sparrow City was busy as ever as if the winter was just a passing breeze. Drinking establishments were the busiest as people found warmth in alcohol.

Eznho slowly rode his carriage while trying to find a decent and peaceful inn for him and Minchin to stay. He ignored everyone who approached them trying to offer their establishments. Hours passed but he could not find a secluded and decent inn, after all, it was his first time here.

I need someone who knows a lot of this place. He thought to himself.

As if the heavens heard him, a boy with a dirty face and tattered clothes approached him. He was thin for his age, his hair was blonde with a lot of grease and dirt on it and was cut with uneven lengths making him more look messier. He seemed to be just about the same age as Ezhno but his demeanor was not childish, instead, he looked like one of the ruffian kids who live in the slums.

“Hey, kid you’re new here aren’t you?” The blonde kid spoke to Eznho with a domineering behavior as if he was older than him.

“Huh?” Ezhno was surprised by the kid’s tone.

“I can find whatever you are looking for, I know this city like the back of my hand.” The kid spoke with confidence.

“Really now?” Eznho raised his eyebrow with a questioning behavior.

“Hmph! A country bumpkin like you would get lost within a day without any guide.” The kid retorded with a mocking tone.

Eznho was skeptical but what the kid said was the truth, he contemplated for a moment then decided. He did not want to waste any more time and wanted to find a comfortable place for his aunt as soon as possible.

“Fine, I’ll pay you if you find me an inn with a peaceful ambiance and away from this crowded place.”

The kid thought for a second before responding.

“Okay got it, that’s easy, follow me.” He seemed to become enthusiastic and lead the way.

Eznho followed the kid, they slowly moved away from the crowd. Little by little, only a handful of people were in the vicinity.

Hmmm? There are fewer people here now, something is not right. But then again I asked him for a place away from the crowd.

He was getting suspicious, another hour passed and they were in an alley with no people at all. He stopped and raised his guard and asked with suspicion.

“Hey kid, where are you taking me? This doesn’t seem to be a place where inns are located.”

“Don’t worry we are almost there, just past this alley,” the kid answered without looking back.

Eznho did not think any longer and wanted to go back but before he could move, five people were blocking his path while another group of five were on the opposite side.

Damn it!

Eznho gritted his teeth and felt mad at himself, he brought himself and Minchin on a dangerous situation. But this could not be entirely blamed on Eznho, after all, everyone has to learn things for themselves one way or the other. He could make the horse gallop and possibly force his way out but Minchin was inside so this was not an option. All he could do for now was observe.

“Ke ke ke ke, Good job Budoy.”


A thin man in his thirties with some tatters on his clothes walked forward and patted the blond kid’s shoulder, he seemed to be the leader. The kid did not say anything and walked to the side and just stood there. The leader did not bother with him anymore and looked at Eznho with his sharp thin eyes.

“Hey, kid, if you know what is best for you, you better leave your carriage and scram or I’ll make you regret it.” He spoke in a commanding voice and brought out a coarse dagger to intimidate Eznho.

Eznho just sat in the driver’s seat and observed, from his vision he could see that nobody in the group was over twenty, they were all teenagers except for the leader. From his deduction, this group was just a bunch of ruffians who stole from weak people who were unaware of how dangerous the city really is and he fell for it because of naiveness and carelessness, just like him.

Looking at the unmoving Eznho, the leader sneered and thought that the kid was frozen stiff because of fear then walked towards the carriage wanting too see what’s inside. He was hoping for an innocent lady who just came here for sightseeing because deep inside he wanted to taste a young virgin and ravage her. After all, he was one of the lowest scums in the city and did not have that luxury.

He only managed to form a group of kids by intimidating and threatening them. Eznho was contemplating on what to do when the leader started to walk and attempted to open the carriage.

“What are you doing?” He looked at the leader with a chilly gaze that spooked him.

“Fuck! Who do you think you are? I’ll scoop out your eyes! Come down here!”

The leader was furious when he felt threatened by the boy’s gaze attempted to grab him and pull him down to the ground.


But before he could touch him a dagger came out of nowhere and pierced his palm through and through.


The pain made the thin man scream in agony and pulled his hand out of reflex worsening the wound. He gritted his teeth and tolerated the pain, beads of sweat trickled down his face while he tried to put pressure on his bleeding hand. Eznho jumped down from his seat and slowly walked towards the man making him stumble on his butt as he tried to back away.

He raised his dagger and pointed it at Eznho with shaky hands.

“Do-don't come any closer or I’ll kill you!” He stuttered while trying to put on a face of courage.

Eznho kicked the dagger out of the man’s hand bringing about another source of pain that made the man scream.

“Kill him!” He shouted and ordered his men.

“If you try to move closer, don’t blame me for injuring you,” He turned his gaze to the others that made them hesitate. He did not want to fight unnecessary battles and only tried to threaten the others.

“Now, go away and do something good with your lives,”

The teenagers looked at each other with weird looks on their faces but did not hesitate and scattered. The blonde boy tried to sneak away but Eznho glared at him making him stand there like a statue.

Useless ungrateful bastards, just you wait!

The leader was furious but tried his best to calm down and find a way out of this situation.

“What do you want?” He did his best to speak in a humble manner. Based on his experience this kid in front of him is not someone to be trifled with.


Eznho just stood there like he was the executioner but deep inside he was conflicted on what to do.

Should I kill him? No! I don’t want to be someone who just kills people and besides, he can’t even fight back at all. But he is a bad man, I am sure of that, what should I do?

Despite his past experiences, he was still a child and not a cold-blooded killer. He may have killed someone before but it was self-defense and the other time, he was not aware of it. After a moment of silence, Eznho spoke with a serious tone.

“Are you willing to change yourself and leave an honest life from now on? If I ever see you again doing dubious things, I’ll cripple you.”


Both the blonde kid and the man in front of him had a confused look on their faces.

Is he toying with me? The man thought.

“Yes! Yes! I am willing! I swear on my mother’s grave!” He nodded in succession and even raised his bloody hand in oath.

“Good!” Eznho answered and climbed back on his seat then looked at the blonde kid.

“Now, take me to the place I told you and no more detours.”

“Fine follow me,” He answered in a disgruntled manner and started to walk.

The man was still in a daze after seeing that Eznho really left.

Fuck to think that I, Judas, was fucked up by a kid. Just you wait!

He struggled to get up and tended to his wound then walked away in shame.


While they were traveling the blonde kid slowed down walked the same pace as the carriage and then talked to Eznho in a disappointed manner.

“You know, Judas will not let this go and he will surely bring trouble to you in the future.”

“Maybe yes, maybe no, I know he did bad things but who am I to judge? And besides, I am not someone who just kills people on a whim. My aunt told me that despite the world’s cruelty, goodness will never disappear.”

Eznho answered with an honest face.

Is this guy an idiot? How did he survive until now? What kind of shitty and useless advice is that?

The blonde kid grumbled inside but did not dare voice it out.

They were now in a residential area, it was secluded and most of the buildings were inns and the noises were minimal.

“This is one of the living districts of the outer city. You can go choose whichever you like.”

The blonde kid made a simple introduction. Eznho scanned the surroundings and saw buildings with different sizes and designs. They were designed for living purposes, the place was just like the entirety of Sin City and this was just a small part of the city.

How vast is this city?

He wondered and was even more amazed at how large is the city.

“Take me to the safest inn,” Eznho ordered and they continued walking.

Eznho rented the whole top floor on one of the expensive inns that cost him five gold coins a day which made the blonde kid drop his jaw but Eznho did not care as long as his aunt was comfortable and safe. The place had guards so it was far safer than the others.

After arranging everything, Eznho gave a gold coin to the kid and asked him to leave. The blonde kid gritted his teeth and was hesitating as if he wanted to say something.

“Do you need anything else?” Eznho asked when he saw the kid’s reaction.


The blonde kid suddenly kneeled on one knee and bowed his head. He was deeply humiliated but he made his gamble. He thought hard about this and made the decision to seek help from this stranger, based on his intuition and observation, despite being an idiot, he was good-natured.

“My name is Budoy, I know I did something wrong and put you in danger but I had no choice, I had to do it for my sister. I am begging you, please save my sister, I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life if you save her.”

“Huh?” Eznho was shocked by the sudden change in the situation and had a conflicted mind.

He knew getting involved in somebody’s business was not a good idea but he could not ignore the kid kneeling in front of him.

Arggg! The heck! Why didn’t you just leave and do your own business!

“Stand up, tell me the current situation and I will decide after,”

Eznho had no choice at the moment, he could ignore him but his conscience would not let him sleep. He would help if he can, but if the situation is too complicated he will have to decline. Budoy was delighted and summarized the situation.

“My sister was sold by that bastard Judas to one of the restaurants, and she is now working for them. According to the owner, I could buy her back for five hundred gold coins. All I have now is a hundred, I promise you, I will pay everything with interest, just please save her.”

Budoy pleaded and tried to convince Eznho then brought out a pouch that was clanking with coins.

“How was he able to sell your sister?” Eznho knows there is more to this story.

Budoy hesitated for a second then bit his lip. He had limited options right now and who knows, Judas might do something to his sister out of anger.

“We arrived here at the city one year ago together with a merchant group. We stayed in the middle area of the city then I accidentally overheard the merchant saying that he would sell my sister to one of the rich families who was fond of young girls. So we snuck out of the middle district and tried to survive here in the outer district but life was harder than I thought. We bumped into Judas and due to my lack of strength, I could not stop him from selling her like a commodity. I had no choice but to work under him and try to earn money to buy back my sister. It is the only way to earn fast and acquire that kind of sum.”

Budoy was clenching his fist until his palms were white and his eyes started to moisten. Eznho was conflicted, he knows there are many strings attached to this situation but his conscience did not want to just ignore it.

“Are you sure that if we buy her back, no troubles will come?”

“I am sure with the owner’s temperament, as long as you give him enough, he will not bicker anymore because my sister won’t be of much use to him. After that, let me arrange things for my sister first and then I can become your servant. If I don’t do what I said, may the heavens curse me and make me suffer for eternity.”

Budoy raised his hand while making the oath showing a serious and a dignified face.

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