《Nameless Immortal》Chapter 28


Chapter 28 Fight!

Clang! Bang! Whoah! Ahhh!

All sorts of noises arose from the chaos of the first contact. Blood and all sorts of bodily fluid splattered everywhere, both sides were at each other's throat while trying to get the upper hand. The defenders tried their best to stand their ground especially the heavy infantry who were bombarded by attacks from all sides. Despite their effort, enemies kept coming and signs of their formation breaking were showing up.

Arrows were flying in the air, both parties were exchanging attacks. Bodies started to fall down from the wall, formations started to scatter, it was a scene of chaos. It was to be expected as not everyone was trained properly.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Five more cannons were fired aiming for the enemy infantry closing in to reduce their number. Batista had no choice but to sacrifice five of the cannons. Using them without proper cooldown would render them useless and would have to be fully repaired by formation masters and blacksmiths.

Mutilated bodies, corpses and body parts were scattered around the battlefield. The defenders were loosing and their numbers were reduced by almost a half while their enemies continued to kill them off.

“Damn it!” Batista could not hold it any longer and ordered the mob to attack while leaping down the wall with Randolph to help their comrades.

He brought out his great axe, it was two meters long with the head having two big curved blades on each side with a dark red color. Randolph, on the other hand, produced an exquisite spear made from precious metals, it was thicker and heavier than the normal spear which had a metallic gray color.

Both of them landed with a loud thud creating two small craters and started to massacre their way into the enemy’s ranks. Bodies were split and hacked apart everywhere they went, nobody could even stop for a second.


An ear-piercing screech was heard and a ten-meter-long ice worm made of blue ice came baring its round mouth full of sharp thin teeth and wanted to swallow Batista.

Earth Spike!

He shouted and filled his great axe with earth energy and smashed it hard on the ground in front of him creating vibrations and cracks. A second later, sharp earth spikes emerged from the ground where the ice worm was crawling skewering it like a barbeque making it screech one more time then its body started to crack and crumble apart turning into a mist.

“Not bad, you still have the muscles.” Floyd emerged on the scene with Jack on his side with their weapons on hand.

Batista and Randolph did not speak and prepared for battle.


An arrow came from above with great momentum filled with wind energy aimed at the both of them making Floyd and Jack dodge and leap on opposite sides.

“Let’s go!” Batista did not dally and dashed towards Floyd while Randolph followed behind.

Jack, on the other hand, was attacked continuously by arrows giving him no choice but to continuously dodge while trying to slowly shorten the gap between him and Wilfred. Upon reaching a distance from the wall where Wilfred was attacking, he slashed his spear.


Wind Cutter!

A greenish three-meter crescent energy was formed and collided with the wall making it crumble. Wilfred leaped with no effort while continuing his attack. Jack took his chance and chased after him while also attacking with long-range attacks. Their fight was dragged inside the city making dust rise from destroyed infrastructure wherever they went.

Batista and Randolph teamed up due to the gap in cultivation, if only he was not injured from the past, he could easily go toe to toe with Floyd. The duo gave Floyd quite a headache despite his cultivation advantage primarily because Batista is not some rookie soldier and has years of battle experience. He was only able to injure him in the past due to his sneak attack.

Floyd continued to summon a foot-long ice spikes and barraged the duo giving them no choice but to passively defend while trying close their gap. Their fight moved from place to place and the people nearby immediately avoided them for fear of becoming a collateral damage.

Earth Spike!

Batista became irritated with the chase and accelerated the pace of the fight.

Feeling the ground vibration, Floyd leaped to the side but was suddenly faced with a barrage of spear tips aiming for his life.


He snorted in disdain and slashed his sword several times canceling the spear attacks then landed on the ground with a backflip. Batista took the chance and leaped mid-air holding his great axe with two hands above his head while earth energy surrounded it.

Batista Smash!

He swung with full force and aimed for Floyd’s head. Floyd reacted immediately and formed hand seals with his other hand.

Ice Lance!

A thick lance made of ice formed and floated beside him then with a grabbing motion, he threw it with great might colliding with Batista’s axe.


Energy wave blasted out making the surrounding snow disappear within a fifty-meter radius. The lance turned into ice fragments and eventually disappeared but Batista’s momentum was stopped and he was forced to flip backward creating a distance between them. He landed heavily on the ground while he wiped the blood from his mouth, Randolph stopped attacking and rushed beside him.

“Captain, are you alright,” He asked with a worried tone.

“Don’t worry, only a minor injury.” Batista maintained his composure but was trying to calm down the berserk energy inside him.

If he continued to use excessive energy, his injury could worsen and his cultivation might dwindle down again. His original cultivation was at the Seeker Stage but due to the injury in his dantian, he was forced down back to the peak of Halo Stage.

“Let’s have some more fun, it's my turn now.” Floyd smiled smugly and formed hand seals.

Infinite Ice Sword!

Ice energy gathered around him and formed nine swords that surrounded him forming an ark. He waved his hand forward controlling two of the swords that flew towards the duo with great speed.

“Here it comes!” Batista and Randolph circulated their energy at the same time.

Earth Wall!

Spear Point!

Batista summoned a meter thick wall of earth while Randolph used his spear to defend.

Bang! Bang!


Two loud collisions occurred and both of them were forced back, giving them no chance to recover, Floyd attacked again and again forcing the duo into a miserable state. Every time the ice swords disappeared another one formed, as long as Floyd does not run out of energy or cancel the skill, the swords of ice will continue to reform.

After a series of attack, the duo were in a tattered state, their armor had cracks and showed signs of breaking apart while their body were full of all kinds of cuts making them bleed all over.

“Is that all you’ve got?” Floyd mocked.

Batista and Randolph just looked at him with cold eyes. They took a deep breath at the same time and prepared for another round. Without speaking they dashed on opposite sides trying to do a pincer attack, Floyd resumed his attack that produced loud sounds sending rubble and snow everywhere while the duo did their best to dodge and continue with the attack.

Batista made handseals then leaped and landed ten meters away from Floyd creating a small crater.

Earth Clap!

The ground around Floyd vibrated then two enormous hands emerged from both sides and tried to squash him.


Dust rose from the collision and a human figure leaped from it leaving a trail of dust.

Batista Wheel!

Pierce the Sky!

Giving Floyd no chance to recover, Batista threw out his great axe in a horizontal motion creating a vacuum that sucked all sorts of materials creating a sizable tornado. At the same time, Randolph poured a lot of energy on his spear the aimed it at Floyd making a whistling sound and caused a slight ripple in space.

“Not bad,” Floyd was still nonchalant after seeing both attacks and also formed hand seals.

Dance of the Ice Swords!

The nine swords started to circulate around him creating an ice tornado shield that protected him.


Both weapons tried to penetrate the ice tornado but could not and in the end, the energy infused in them ran out and they were deflected. The duo did not falter and went after their weapons and continued the attacks.

“More! Let me see your despair,” Floyd laughed in delight and continued to clash with the two.

Unbeknownst to all, a pair of dark red eyes was watching from the shadows seemingly looking for an opportunity while the battle intensified. Upon seeing that the battle was reaching climax and everybody was focused on it, he made his move and headed to one of the watchtowers where Dave was taking command while overseeing the battlefield.


Meanwhile, while chaos was happening at Sin City, Eznho and Minchin continued to travel and finally reached Red Sparrow City without facing any trouble. Minchin was in and out of consciousness but she was not in any danger and just needs to rest for a few more days. Eznho, on the other hand, did not neglect his cultivation and continued to practice the Heaven-Seizing breathing technique while continuing to ingest the beast blood.

Looking at from afar, the city seemed to be endless that spanned tens of thousands of kilometers, if one is not careful, he could get lost. It contained its own rivers, lakes, valleys and mountains. The most eye-catching was almost all of the roofs of the buildings were obviously dyed red despite the snowfall, hence the name.

Eznho could not help but widen his eyes in awe, he could not believe such a place exists. Compared to Sin city, it was like a poop and a diamond. He marveled the view before heading towards one of the gates. Aside from him, a lot of travelers formed a line while waiting to be granted an entry.

While waiting in line, he raised his head and wondered how people created such city walls that were at least a hundred meters tall with numerous watchtowers and guards patrolling every now and then.

“Out of the way!” A shout woke up from his daze.

A group of fully armed men in uniform riding armored horses marched and guarded a luxurious carriage. The guards at the gate did not even try to stop them and stepped aside while the group continued to march inside.

“Who’s that? How come they don’t need to pay an entrance fee?” One of the young travelers inquired.

“Hush! Do you want to get in trouble? They are obviously from a great background so of course, they don’t need to line up and pay.” A veteran merchant reprimanded him.

The young traveler smiled in embarrassment and stopped talking.

Time went by and it was Eznho’s turn, he was shocked again upon looking at the imposing red gates. It was different from looking from afar and actually being in front of it, the gate seemed to be made for giant people.

What’s the point of creating such big gates?

He questioned in his mind and was interrupted by the guard. Their uniform was far better than those who were at Sin City. An emblem that looked like a red sparrow was embedded in his chest armor.

“Ten gold coins,” the guard said apathetically while he looked at Eznho from his seat.

Ten gold coins just for the entrance fee! My God!

Enzho was shocked, ten gold coins was a lot of money, it could sustain a low-class family for years. Despite his shock, he paid and did not bicker as he had still a lot of money to spare and did not want to invite trouble.

Urban air assaulted his face making his clothes and hair flutter. The scene in front of him stunned him, he truly was a country bumpkin. The street was wide enough for ten carriages to pass, stalls were everywhere selling all kinds of things like food, medicines and random materials. People were shouting trying to entice costumers, others were haggling, it was a scene of ‘chaos’. Carriages and carts were passing by, some children were even running with dirty clothes.

It took time for him to adjust and slowly urged his horse to walk while he tried to observe the place and find someplace to stay. He tried his best to look composed and not show any sign that he was a ‘country bumpkin’.

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