《Shadow Contour》Book1Chapter 4


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Wrong move


As the demons diminish in numbers by the angry Ryu made it easier for Zon to clear a path to the backdoor since Ryu attracted all the demons attention.

Zalyn-"W....what...so strong.."

Flustered as she sat and saw Ryu getting rid of the demons in a split seconds

Soldier-"Captain Zon , We have reached the door"

Zon looks at the brown door made out of bronze

Zon-"This is it.."

He than turns around and yells loudly

Zon-"Escape through the back door! Retreat to commander Wil's safe way!!Zalyn!"

Zalyn's men quickly helped her up and supported her slowly toward the back door.

Zon-"I am glad you made it Zalyn , because of your support we will go back alive!"

Zalyn looks back and commanded her mens to help Ryu to get out of there

Zalyn-"Soldiers...help that mysterious white man.."

The soldiers all look at each other and 3 of them decided to go while Ryu was fighting with all the demon himself.

Ryu-"Necks.....necks everywhere.."

Ryu's born killer instinct controlled his movement as he surround himself by his violent chained daggers.

The demons movement began to become slower as they hesitated to charge at Ryu.

Orc-"Th..this human is too strong.."

Globlin-"A...a demon!"

The goblins and orc ran away while the burrower , serpents and smaller demons fought Ryu.

After half an hour , all the demons that surrounded Ryu were all decapitated in pieces

Soldiers-"Sir we hav-"

The 3 soldiers who just arrived stood in shock with their mouth wide open.

Soldier-"Holy sh*t... he did this alone...?"

Ryu , tired , was standing still in the middle of the corpse.

Ryu-"Ah....maybe......maybe there is cake.."

The 3 soldiers approached Ryu and one of them said


Soldier1-"S...sir..? we have come to escort you to the escape path"

Ryu did not react at all while he was staring at the sky.

Soldier2-"Sir???? sir???we are here to-"

As soon the soldier pat Ryu's shoulder , Ryu pulled out his kodachi and sliced the soldier's fingers flying.

The soldier who stood behind Ryu felt down on the ground and screamed in pain with 3 fingers missing.

Soldier2-"Ah!! MY FINGERS!!"

Ryu-"Don't touch me"

The other 2 soldiers became angry and move their hands toward their blades.

Ryu glared at the 3 soldiers and the 2 soldiers quickly move away their hand as they were scared by Ryu.

Soldier1-"S..sir...we are not your enemies... we have come to escort yo-"

Ryu-"You are pissing me off , go away before I decide to kill you"

The 2 soldiers tumble as they help out the 3rd one who was on the ground.

Soldiers1-"Thi..this guy is crazy , let's go!"

The 3 soldiers quickly ran away toward the back of the fort.

Soldiers2-"That bastard... I hope he dies by the demons!"

~~~Wil's safe way camp~~~

The safe way had many tents surrounding the entrance of a cave that goes through a mountain.

Zon-"Commander Wil , the demons has taken over the fort , we have to request back up from the king!"

Wil-"Damn it.... my plan was perfect..... how did they get to the peak of the mountain so fast , it's not possible!'

The commander sat down in anger and despair.

Wanting to have face , he requested only a small amount of soldiers to push back the demon nest invasion.

Wil-"*I..I am the mighty strategist of Yonlia*...I can't request back up yet.."

Slamming the table , Zon quickly yelled at him

Zon-"Fine! Then we will all die here!"

Zon stood up and left the commander's tent.


Wil-"Soldier , how is captain Zalyn?"

Soldier-"Ah , yes , she is sleeping , it seem that she was exhausted because captain Zalyn played a important roll for the retreat in the fort"

Wil-"Mhmmm , you may leave"


Meanwhile at the fort


Ryu glanced at his watch and notice that the sun was setting

Ryu , by measuring the temperature , the sun movement , the moon and their size , he came to an conclusion after noticing the moon rising way slower than usual.

Ryu-"It seems like the time is way longer in this world , this planet must be bigger than earth"

Ryu took out his cellphone and wave it around the air for a moment

Ryu-"Tssk... not even wifi , of course... why am I expecting too much from this world"

With 80% battery left , Ryu decided to take pictures of himself in the battle field

before turning it off to save the battery life.

Ryu-"Hmmp.. a demon managed to scratch me.."

Says Ryu as he touch his neck with his finger.

Ryu who wanted to live a normal life because it was getting too boring and easy for him to live on earth , he decided to follow the path that would lead to where the demon came from.

Ryu-"Being at the 10th Ki stage of my heavenly demon art , no one managed to land a blow on me...this will be fun hahahahhaha a demon against demons"

Ryu laugh as he walk through the gate

As Ryu walk further away from the fort , he notice 2 soldiers , supporting each other while moving slowly toward the fort

It was Zul and his subordinate , Zul leg was broken while his man had only one arm.

Ryu ignored them and walk past the 2 men

Zul-"Ah....the man in white... please.. wait"

Ryu-"Hmm what is it?"

Zul-"T..the fort.."

Ryu-"Ah the fort? no one is there"

Zul-"D..damn...the plan was a disaster.."

Ryu quickly realized that this person most likely fought the demons before they arrived here

Ryu-"Old man , you fought demons didn't you? where did they come from?"

Soldier-"O..old?! how ru-"

Zul-"Stop.... young man ... we got ambushed by the demons.... they have a nest ...over there"

Zul who could barely stand , pointed out his finger toward the rocky mountains path way

Ryu-"Ah , ok , cya"

Ryu turned around and Zul immediately told him not to go there

Zul-"Y..young man! Don't.. there is still many of them in the nest!!! it's dangerous!"

By the times Zul finish his sentence , Ryu has already vanished into the fogs.

Ryu-"Ah... it's so far"

Ryu took out a white rectangle as he pressed the black button and threw the rectangle on the ground

Pooooof , as the big black smoke disappeared , Ryu move toward the vehicle.

Vroom vroooom

Ryu , on his black sport bike , he quickly drove off toward the rocky mountain

Ryu-".. I should of packed a jet or a helicopter into one of my Rexzice"

Rexzice were a convenient thing invented by scientist in his world in the late 2020 to store small stuff , it also replaced luggages and backpack but by the late 2024 , they could finally manage to store big things , as big as a mansion.

But to get a Rexzice that could store a pen would cost about 1 000 000 Yen.

Blue Rexzice has the smallest storage space while the white one had the most , for a single white Rexzice , it would cost about

10 billion Yen while the black ones cost around 2 billion Yen

Ryu in the other hand , has 4 white Rexzice and many black ones.

After 5 minutes , Ryu arrived at a weird looking boulder that had many holes in it.

Ryu-"Ah... it's like one of those movie where worms digs holes and bugs came out of it to swarm the place"

Pooooof , the bike disappeared as Ryu stood infront of the biggest hole that looked like the entrance

Ryu-"Feels like home!"

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