《Wait… Why is this a Skill? [Dropped]》Chapter 2


What greeted us after the transfer was a huge, beautiful room covered in jewels and gold. I'm surprised that this room can hold about 2000 people. It was probably planned to use this room as the transfer point. Moving on.

The students that numbered more than a thousand were surrounded by hundreds of knights and robed men. Save for one. She was a beautiful girl that may put supermodels back on Earth to shame. With golden hair flowing down her back and clear green eyes that shows pure innocence. She was wearing a white dress suited for royalty adorned with jewels and gems.

“Oh heroes! Please save this world from the Demon Lord!”

How can I understand her words when they are not even Japanese? Maybe because of the God's power, we are able to understand them even if we don't know what language they are speaking. Looks like some students noticed it, as well as Kayaka.

After having declared her intent, she lowered her head and the rest of the group followed suit. Metal bumping metal was heard throughout the room, and I'm telling you, it was not a pleasant experience. Most students covered their ears while the teachers face's twitched.

Are they seriously knights? Was what revolved in my head. If they were, then Seargent H*rtman will whip them up to shape Spartan style.

After a brief silence, a representative came out to the front. She was wearing a suit with a skirt that reached her thighs. She wore eyeglasses over her raven black eyes and has black hair that reached her shoulders. She was the school principal Tani Tanura. She is known as a Seargent H*rtman incarnation because when she sometimes lectures a class or conducts meetings, Sparta descends on Earth. I've been in one and she was scary as heck! Even the muscle head teachers can't compete with her.


“Oh my oh my! Please forgive our discourtesy for not immediately giving an answer. My name Tani Tanura. Tani is my family name and Tanura is my given name. All of the transferred people names are in this order. [Family name • Given name]. May I ask for your name?”

While speaking politely, Tani gave a courtesy to the young girl. ‘Who knew that Tani-sensei can give a talk like that. Usually, she controls the mood and atmosphere during lectures and meeting', was revolved in my head.

“My name Erika Erise von Elika, Third Princess of the Elika Kingdom, honored hero. As you may have heard from our God, Grade (Grade is read as Gra – de, not Gre - yd), our honored heroes have been summoned to defeat the Demon Lord. As of now, countless demons are wreaking havoc through our world and only a few countries are left standing.”

While speaking, the princess' face gradually turned gloomy. Her face showed true gloominess. Just how horrible is this demon lord?

“I understand, however! The majority of the heroes you have summoned are just children! You can't expect them to have them fight without experience! How are you going to train them for fighting the demon lord!?”

Tani's voice resounded through the room, frightening the men in armor. The sound of metal shaking can be heard throughout the room.

‘I am starting to doubt these men in armor that they are knights' was what went through my mind.

“For your question, allow me to explain. First, chant [Status Open].”

We hesitated a little bit before doing what she told us. When we chanted it, a transparent menu opened before me.

Name: Endou Kouta

Level: 1


[Language Comprehension 10]


[Summoned Hero]

This is what was written in the menu. It is surprisingly game-ish. But I have only one skill, and I can't see others status.


“Kouta-nii, can I see your status?”

“I would like to, but how?”

As we were contemplating on how we were going to show each other's status, the princess continued.

“This world has a phenomenon called Atra Laos. It is a phenomenon where the nature of this world is shared with it's inhabitants, and you are no exception. This gives birth to the term known as Skills. Skills are a representation of an individual's talents and said talent is boosted by the phenomenon Atra Laos. Meaning one's Skill boosts one's talent. The skill can boost the talent up to ten times. That explains the number beside your skill. Next is the titles. Titles are names given to an individual in recognition of his achievements. Titles can have effects in boosting the strength of the Skills and the physical and magical power of an individual. For example, a [Dragon Slayer] title can increase damage dealt to dragons and reduce damage from them.”

After the princess finished her explanation, the students eyes were sparkling with excitement. A moment later, a hand rose from the crowd.

“Princess-sama! How can we show our status to another?”

Thank you, student I don't know. I was about to ask the same question but I hate drawing attention to myself. Even though I was super popular in school.

“Why, it's easy. Just will yourself to show your status to another. It's just like wanting to give someone something. Just think of it like that.”

The student gave a smile before going back to his friends.

I tried to show Kayaka my status but I was a little late.

Name: Endou Kayaka

Level: 1


[Blacksmithing 7]

[Alchemy 8]

[Electric Magic 8]

[Language Comprehension 10]


[Summoned Hero]

I was shocked when I saw her status. She has three skills excluding [Language Comprehension], and all of it has high levels. According to the princess,

1 - Beginner

2 - Trainee

3 - Novice

4 - Average

5 - Veteran

6 - Elite

7 - General

8 - King

9 - Emperor

10 – God

Level 7 has the power to devastate a small country while level 8 can destroy a large country. Level 9 can destroy a continent and level 10, the world. The princess also said that the Demon Lord has level 10 skills.

“You are strong Kayaka.”

“Thank you Kouta-nii. Can I see Kouta-nii's status now?”

I hesitated a little before showing her my status. She noticed my hesitation, thus she grabbed my hand.

“It’s okay Kouta-nii. I will always stay by your side no matter what.”


I resolved myself and showed Kayaka my status. When she saw it, she was baffled.

“Kouta-nii, why do you have only one skill?”

“I don't know Kayaka. Maybe, I can get my skill later.”

As I was questioning myself why I didn't have any skills other than [Language Comprehension], the princess raised her voice.

“Then, can all honored heroes line up so that we can measure your skills and support you to the best of our ability!”

Cold sweat ran down my back and Kayaka held a face of shock. She understands what will happen if the others knew about my predicament.

The worst development happened for me who had only one skill

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