《Okane o Subete Sekai e Chikara - Money is Power in any World》Okane o subete sekai e chikara 25 - Slaves’s Hero


Chapter 25 Slaves's Hero

Huug ... The pain is not completely gone. It's normal, if I think I have not received treatment, although that is a lot to ask in this situation. After all I am locked in a cage, being taken to be sold as a slave. I have barely been fed, to minimize losses in the event that I die from my injury.

Now that I think about it, this is the first time that I remain conscious after finishing eating. I don't remember how many times I woke up just to eat and become unconscious again, so I have no idea how long I've been like this.

Looking around, there are other cages with people in them. In most there are several people inside the same cage, only a couple of people do not share a cage, in the other cases they are grouped together. There is one in which only the most attractive women in the town are found.

That's right, the slaves are from the town. I already knew what would happen, but it is depressing to see it with my own eyes.

On my last day before waking up for the first time in this cage, I accompanied the captain and vice captain on an escort mission. We had to take a noble foreigner to Galia, since it could be problematic if he was discovered by Iren's soldiers who were about to pass through the town.

The following happened very fast ...

We hear screams. It was the townspeople who feared for their lives. I don't know the reason, but suddenly Iren's army began an assault against Galatea.

While my mind digested what was happening, I heard another scream, one of a different nature, a cry of anger and rage. I had never heard a similar one, the impression was so much that I get out of my mental span. It was the young nobleman, who started to head towards the town. I immediately tried to stop him, then he put his hand on my chest and I felt a strong impulse, even stronger than the time a Raktero hit me with his tail and threw me thought the air

That is the last memory before being in this cage.


Fortunately, I have not suddenly lost consciousness again. Thanks to that, in the past two days, on the occasions when we stop and the guards gather in campfires to drink, I have been able to hold brief conversations with the prisoners of the nearest cages.

I am ashamed to say it, but they were glad I was okay, apparently I had worried them. Unfortunately I cannot do anything to help, I feel bad that I cannot respond to that little hope they have after knowing that there is still a living member of the guard among them.

Something that I have noticed and worries me, is that the other person in an individual cage is a child, if I am not mistaken, he is the son of the baker. That boy always cheerfully greeted the guard, especially Captain Rad. He always said he would grow up to become someone strong and protect his sister. I have no idea why, but he receives even less food than me.


If the rations for the slaves are the minimum so that they remain in conditions and can work, my portion is the minimum to live, although my strength is diminished. But in the case of the child, it is perhaps half of that, even considering that a smaller body requires a smaller amount to survive, the fact that he is in such bad conditions as I was a few days ago, is a bad sign.


Days go by and the child's reactions are increasingly subtle, including his breathing. I begins to fear for his life.

It is then that one of our jailers approaches accompanying a man with clothes visibly different from the rest. Possibly the slave trader boss. He seems to have come to observe the child's condition, that's good, he will realize that he cannot continue like this.

"Wow, what do we have here, a corpse? Wake up brat, I want to tell you something".

With a reaction as weak as that of a newborn baby, the child shakes his head slightly to observe the man with eyes that might seem closed if you don't see them well.

"Although I went through a bad experience, I am truly grateful to that commander of Iren. I almost discarded my important merchandise, a taboo for anyone who deigns to be a merchant. But everything is fine now, naturally I will not let you die without first having taken benefit from your miserable life. But I am not going to sell you to just anyone, after all you are still the brat who dared to hit me. So I will only accept to sell you to a very special type of client, one who has a certain preference for small children".

After that, the man gives the order to increase the child's ration while smiling.

Damn leech ...

Naturally I was stripped of my weapon and armor, and with this wound I can't even think of fighting bare handed. So even if I could get out of this cage, I couldn't do anything ... No, I shouldn't think like that, at least I must keep firm the will to do something in case I can get out of here.

I'm glad I kept the spirit.

Three days passed, today we stopped a short distance from a forest. The men are glad to be able to replenish wood to continue making bonfires on their trip. Throughout the journey they have been celebrating at night at the expense of the assets of the townspeople.

Tonight they even opened some of the cages and took some women to have fun with them. Avoiding approaching the cage of the most attractive apparently, perhaps by an order.

Although tonight is a horror for those poor women, it has been the best for the rest of us. While the guards were distracted, shadows came out of the forest and began to walk the cages, one of them approached me. Is a young boy covered by a dark and a little dirty hood.


"You ... Are not surprised to see me".

"That's because I saw you leave the forest just now. You were waiting for the guards to leave their posts".

"I see, you are a skilled man. I thought everyone would have been killed to avoid the possibility of riots".

"Well, I wasn't in town when it was attacked, they captured me outside while I was unconscious and injured, so I didn't pose a threat".

"I see. The fact that you speak so calmly means that you know our intentions".

"I'm just optimistic and I expect the best scenario, which would be to be rescued by slave's heroes".

"Do you know about us?"

"Only rumors. That you are a group of rebels that rose against the city of Garush, the main center of the black market in the region. Particularly against the slave traders. Since then the groups of slave hunters are more numerous to avoid problems".

"Sorry about that. But we are only trying to save as many as we can while waiting for an opportunity to strike a real blow against those inhuman people".

"So, are you going to get us out of here?"


"How many?"

"From what we have observed, around 20 of your group are able to escape. The rest would only be a burden, reducing the chances of success ..."

"And I am one of them".

"I'm sorry".

"Don't worry, that at least 20 people are saved is a great relief ... What about the child?"

"Although he was in bad condition before, now he seems to be fine. Besides there is fire in his eyes, he has the will to escape. He is one of the 20".

"So you watched us for a while".

"Although I am sorry to say it, we had to wait for an appropriate opportunity. Stopping by the forest, where we can lose them and also lower their guard while using women, is the best opportunity we can ask for".

"I guess those women can't be saved".

"Sorry about that too".

"You really like to apologize. You shouldn't waste so much time talking to me, the guards might notice that something is wrong".

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something".

Among his clothes the young man takes out a sword and a bottle with a strange liquid.

"Actually, as soon as we finish taking everyone out of their cages and separating the group we can take, we plan to run the horses and cause a scandal, meanwhile, the rest of the slaves will have their chance to escape on their own. I would like you to choose the group that you consider with the best possibilities and protect them from the dangers of the forest".

"I thought you would only help those who could escape ... We are bait then".


"I accept, but I will not let the townspeople be sacrifices. I will cover their escape with everything I have".

"I'm sorry, but this is just a stimulant to revitalize the strength, it's not a healing potion of any kind".

"It's just what I need, now get me out of here and let me do my duty as a guard of the people of Galatea".

After a moment of silence, the boy begins to force the lock of the cage, which yields with relative ease, demonstrating how skilled he is for this. Then he gives me the sword and the bottle of stimulant.

Looking around, it seems that everyone is ready to continue with the plan.

"Before I left, could you tell me your name".

"You want to remember the name of a dead man? I am Conrart, third in command of Galatea's guard, the left hand of Captain Rad and faithful follower of Selia, the baker's daughter".

"I feel like I heard something I didn't meant to in the end".

Everyone listened to it, but it doesn't matter if they lose the respect they could have begun to feel for me, at least before the end, I want to tell someone.

"If possible, I would like you to convey my last words".

"If it's a confe ..."

"Just tell the boy who is there, that now it is up to him to take care of his sister, I expect great things from him".

"... I'll tell him. Good luck".

"Thank you so much... For everything".

After bowing his head with a serious look, the young man leaves and the situation proceeds as planned. Without hesitation I drink the stimulant and prepare to face the mercenaries who come in the direction of the forest.


Not yet, GaAAG! ... Not yet .. Cof ... I still can't die. So be only a minute, a second, a brief moment, every moment that I manage to stay alive, is a moment that the people of the town have to escape, so that Selia and her brother escape.

I couldn't say it before, but obviously Selia was in the cage of attractive women, so you can predict the fate that awaits her if they catch her again.

No matter if it's just a fraction of a second more ...

I must give that moment of my life TO SAVE HER'S!!

... At least in the end, I was able to fulfill my duty, both as a guard and as a man.


... And we are called the slave's heroes? What kind of joke is that? We only sneak away like rats and take out those we know will not delay us, while we use others for distraction, all in order to oppose the traders.

I had always felt bad about how pathetic we are, how pathetic I am. But never like today, that man is the real one, Conrart the slave's hero.

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