《Slasher Made - A litrpg》Chapter 19 First encounter


Chapter 19

Zayne looked down at the still unconscious body of the stranger, “You should really get his name, I mean… he looks like he’s going to be with us for quite a while. That and it could never hurt to try and make a friend.” Jiminy and his nonsense, never ceasing.

Foulness didn’t even give a reply to the statement. Zayne stood over him looking down, his mask was perfectly intact being a legendary item, with all of his glory hanging above the man’s head. The light was slowly peaking throw the cave entrance. He had a point, Zayne thought. “Ok, so if I wanted to make a friend than how would I go about doing so?” He asked standing still.

“Well, the first thing you should probably know is NOT TO HIT YOUR FRIENDS! the second thing you should know is IF YOU KNOCK YOUR FRIEND OUT THEN TAKE THEM TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM!” Jiminy started hyperventilating. “Why would you do that? I mean, sure he said the no no word but he didn’t know.”

Zayne thought back on it, did he tell him the no no word was not to be said? He could have sworn that he told him not to say that word, Zayne told everyone he talks with not to say that word. He thought on that for a minuet till he decided that he should know not to say it regardless.

Zayne sat down on the nearest rock “Jiminy, have you found the tab for the skill points yet?” the question hung in the air as Jiminy scrolled through the tabs looking at what was asked of him. It didn’t take that long before he answered.

“No, all it shows is the list of skills you’ve gained over the time spent in the tutorial, there’s nothing there that says skill points.” He didn’t sound hopeful in the least.

“What if it’s in his class tab, I mean… he finally got levels after how long. I bet it’s probably there where you haven’t bothered to look.” This time it was foulness to talk some sense to the uppity voice.

“…So, it says that there are three branching paths. The first is supernatural, the second physical, and the last is phycological. Honestly if I were you, I would go for the one where you learn feelings. You have 40 skill points, some of these costs 2 while others cost 5 or more.”

“Fuck that, go superman. Having the strength to do what you want sounds awesome. And maybe a little supernatural.” Foulness said with glee.

“Oh, and it says after every 5 levels you gain a perk and or talent. The list is here and you get 5, each has three tires to it. Minor, the base, then major. There seems to be a lot to choose from.” Jiminy said.

The stranger stirred waking up in a daze. He sported a large bump to his noggin just above his right eye, making it look like he was questioning everything he sees. Zayne waited for the man as he went on cooking the rest of the bear, the smell of burn fur was pungent in the cave. “The last thing I remember was this huge log in front of my face before it came swinging down at me…please tell me that was a log.” The strange man looked at the killer cooking his food distastefully. “I am not eating that.” Was all he said. The man went through the many pockets pulling something shiny out and then unwrapping it, he took a bite out of it while Zayne watched.


The stranger then threw another at the watching killer, picking it up Zayne took a whiff then threw it into the fire.

“So much fore sharing.” The man said.

The stranger took a seat across from Zayne waiting for the air to clear out before he started to go through his own skill choices. “I chose to go with my gun the hexenjager skill paths opening them up to short round burst fires of shot gun and sniper.” Zayne didn’t comment on that with any hand gestures so the stranger continued.

“I also chose effects to my shots including fire, ice and electrical. Those put a ten second status effect to those I hit. The total cost of them were 30, two to unlock special and effect and 5 for each of the unlocked paths. My class mage killer gives me 1 in vit, 2 in endurance, 3 in agility, 1 in perception, 2 in reaction, 4 into will and 2 into intelligence. Mage killer is a Rare class, giving me 15 in to attrabutes and spare 3 to spend. I rotate my dump points in to vit, endurance, and will. I’m going to ask you about your class information that way we can find the best way to survive. For you to kill.” Zayne gave a quizzical look at the man as he sat.

Jiminy found one of the tabs as the man talked, explained what perks and talents were, the first was like a skill but had no cost to them. He already had one but hadn’t used it since he had gotten it, the one where he would pop out when there was intercourse going on. Talents aligned more closely to crafting skills or other apprentice like ones. Out of the too many to name, he narrowed them down to 7.

“Can you help me to help you? Can you draw out your sheet or something, I’ve played rpg and read books so I’m good.” the man in front of him asked.

Jiminy took control of the conversation in Zayne’s head before Foulness could put his two-sense in. “He said that he could help you kill better, huh…come on lets make a friend.”

“Fine, but only because he said that he could help, not like Zayne could use any help am I right!” Foulness said.

So, Zayne with the two voices agreeing with each other went to the wall with some of the drying blood and did the best that he could telling the man what Jiminy found.


Killer Theme Increase Aura Radius - + 5ft radius per level Increase Intensity - + 10% per level Chains Bind Targets - + 1 person per level Duration – 10 secs per level Damage (damage overtime) – 10% of the targets Max HP Blade + 10% Control-seize control of any chains in the area 10ft rd. Phantom Mirage Duration – Plus 10 sec per level Increase # Phantoms - + 2 Phantoms per level Phantom Damage infliction – 10% damage per level


Unbreakable Killer Skin-armor + 10% Senses Vision Hearing Smell Bloodless Less bleeding 10% Regeneration


Obsession 10% stat boost Killer Instinct Radius increase 5ft Mind Terror Duration Increase # of Targets

Any of the greyed-out skill options were ones that Zayne already had. The paths of the branches went farther on Jiminy and the stranger were sure, but they couldn’t see it. Zayne then went over the paths choices that he had giving the strange man a true glimpse of what kind of person he was dealing with, and believe me, he wouldn’t be if Zayne didn’t save his life from the two armies and dragon day prior.


The first was the perk clean killer, it allowed him to kill without spilling too much blood on himself or in his surroundings. The second one was, blood hound. He would be able to track any smell back to its owner by sent within 5 miles. He already had the tracking skill to tire 5 but this could be handy. The third was mind sense that would give him an instinct to others fears, Foulness thought that was a good one. The forth and fifth were similar but for the talent and perk background, it was called quenching thirst. The perk was more vampiric in nature while the talent allowed him to safely drink anything, of course that was in the three tires so it would decide on what unsafe those were. The six was dream walker that would let him step through others dreams, perk wise it wasn’t bad but it wouldn’t let him harm anyone till the major tire and that cost a total of 3. The last was something Zayne himself liked, but cooldown time on it was 3 months. The sequel would let him come back after he died, all three agreed that it was probably the best choice.

“Those are some kind of perks; I personally got the mana strengthening vein one letting me deal 1.7x the minor. I have two more but I think I’ll make that one into a major gaining the 3x multiplier. As far as choices go, I couldn’t give you any clear advise unless you tell me what you’re going for. And for the last time can you stop calling me stranger, makes me feal self-conscious. My name is Christoph but you can write out Chris.” The man asked eye balling Zayne up and down.

Zayne went back to the wall, reminding him of his early days of learning how to write. He wrote out what he thought he was going to do the best. Kill them all! Then as an afterthought he wrote out Chris, the little bitch. Zayne was starting to get frustrated from not getting a clear answer from the man and was putting his learnt words to the test reliving some pent-up anger.

“First off, lose the temper. That’s not going to help us, second I get it. You want to kill everything you big brute but let’s take this slow and steady so we don’t make mistakes. I’m set up for support so you need to work on being the tank ok, so let’s go with that.”

Zayne began to write again, Tank? Chris was off for a second before he recognized what he was asking. “A tank is something some one choses to be, some one that takes the brunt of the attacks while the rest of the party does the dps. Dps is a role in the party that does the vast amount of damage. Haven’t you ever played any of the games?”

Zayne trying to calm down ignored the question and went on explain what perks he had available for him.

He went with blood hound, quenching thirst, mind sense and sequel. All in all, there was a lot more but nothing he and the two others thought would help as much. For his skill point choices, he went with two paths, in the super naturel path he went with killers’ instincts allowing him to sense living things in his surroundings in a 10ft radius. For the second choice it was chain unlocked and blade giving him chain blade, his ethereal chains would appear around his machete with blades on them that would circle around it making a one-handed chain saw. He chose obsession that gave a + 10% to all attributes, The last he killers’ theme both paths with + 20ft radius and 10% intensity. Foulness said that was important.

As Zayne went through his class skills the sun had risen considerably high, Chris asked what his class looked like in terms of growth. “What are your stats looking like when you level up?” Zayne wrote out that he gains +5 in all attributes but intelligence and wisdom. There he only got 1 each per level up.

“How the fuck is that real! I get 15 + 3 to spend and your over here getting 37,…sorry I didn’t mean to shout.” The man was in flinching from Zayne’s stare.

He went on like nothing happen after he determined that the killer before him wasn’t going to repeat what happen last time Chris got upset. “Yeah, so I guess your good for any role. Now on to the other bigger problems, you have a lack of communication skills and we need to work this out-”

Zayne started to shake his head, “If you would let me finish, thank you. Need to work this out, my sister just so happen to be deaf and I had to learn how to sign. That and its not uncommon to have a run in with other men and women in the serves that got their ears damage form explosions and such that one had to sign to. Since I already knew how to they put me in a compony with guy named Thomas who was also deaf. I’ll show you how to but your going to need patience. But I can show you on our way into town. The first thing we do is blend in, the second is gather information. The best spot is probably the adventures guild.

Zayne feeling it was about time to find his next victim agreed to go with Chris leaving the cave and heading to the farm they left the day before. As they walked Chris thought it would be a good idea to give his spare clothes to Zayne saying something along the lines of “It’s not a good idea to wander around naked.” The clothes he gave him was like putting cloths belonging to a toddler on an adult, nothing fit. Zayne proceeded to tear them apart as Chris continued to teach Zayne the unspoken words of sign language.

“No, that’s saying to make a mistake not it’s a mistake. God, come on lets go through the letters again.” Zayne, growling in agitation throwing a kick at the nearest tree, shattering it in one hit.

“Ok, now that’s not helping anyone one. Think of the poor birds in the tree…think of giving our location away to the village that we’re going to visit.” Chris changed his speech after remembering who he was talking to. They have been at it for hours walking to the village they had ran away from, the knights that were chasing them should be gone or at least that’s what Chris, Zayne’s new friend says.

“This is so fucking boring. Cant you throw that asshole or something.” Foulness and Jiminy had been coaching him through this since he left but the little help they had been giving had turned into annoyance.

“Shut up, this is harder than what it looks like.” Zayne began the prosses of the hand movements Chris was instructing him in. So far, he hand gained the skill silent hand talk but it was only level 2. As Chris and he got to the out skirts of the forest they came upon the sight of a different farm. To the north of that was the kingdom of some other name or what not. Zayne didn’t much care.

“Hey, don’t cha think its weird that he isn’t burning up in the sun anymore?” Foulness asked.

Jiminy thought on that, “You know, your right. Maybe its because he finished the tutorial or that this is a different place then that dump of a city that farmer built.”

Chris threw his hand up signaling to Zayne to stop, “This is the perfect place to wait.” The killer beside him was already moving his hands slowly in the silent talk skill he had learned.

“What are we waiting for? You said that we would be blending in.” Zayne’s hand movement was still clumsy, so it took Chris so time to decipher.

“Oh, yeah sorry about that. We are going to camp here till some one of your size comes along and then we can take their clothes. Assuming that there is anyone your size, damn you’re a big boy. Any way, we’ll wait here pick out our target then take the clothes, shouldn’t be that hard. After wards we go to the nearest guild we find then sign up so we can get acclimated to this world.” As far as plans go, this wasn’t that bad of one. Or at least that’s what Jiminy kept saying. Foulness had a running bet with him that they would fail within the first person they came to.

As the sun slowly started to fall and the sky turned to a purplish hue, their long wait came to an end. “Hey, big guy. Some one is coming.”

Zayne looked out to the open field where unknown plants laid out, he squinted looking past that to the on coming dust trail. He could barely make out something shiny and big coming their way. He had gotten better with his hand signals make them more precise and quicker, spelling out that he thought it was one of the knights of the men they had seen yesterday.

“Well shit, you think we should hang back for a bit and try again tomorrow?” Chris asked.

Zayne’s reply was pulling out his bag of holding he had tucked somewhere that would have made Chris confused. He opened it up pulling out his machete, steal shone in the dying light as two different eyes sat attached to it. Chris took a closer look only to have his inspect skill read “does not do anything”, sighing he turned back to the killer that was getting ready to pounce. “Go get ‘em big guy.”

Through the course of the day, Chris had gotten past all the blood and naked ness of the killer getting along with him like he did with his old squad mates. He still couldn’t get use to how easy Zayne could kill a man but that wasn’t his problem, it was the guy who the killer was looking at.

Zayne waited for the fellow to get in close, just off the beaten path next to the woods he stood at. He had gotten a better look at his would-be victim and thought that this might be a challenging fight like the crazy women he had killed in the woods. The man was dressed in all plate mail, it was matted down to worn steel. His helmet he had on was cylinder in style, two eye holes with lots of little ones below them so he could breath. A long fluffy purple feather was swaying in the breeze as the man rode on heading to his death.

The knight got close enough for Zayne to jump out roughly 5ft knocking the knight off his trusty stead and breaking his neck when he hit the dirt. The horse pranced around a few dozen feet away not knowing that the master that it served had just died unnoticeably. The confusion was plain in Zayne’s body language as he stood looking over at the large dead man.

Chris had come out after he had recognized that it was safe for him to do so, the only sound was the breeze. “Well, that was easy.”

Not feeling to say anything more, Zayne started to strip the man from his armor and clothing as he tried to peace it together. His cloths were that of the farmers, nothing fancy only linen shirt and a jerkin. His leather pants was common enough that it fell right in place with all the other locals. As he fitted himself with the armor Chris had to come over to help tighten down straps and correct some parts here and there. When he had finished, all that was left was to put the helmet on. The knight had a leather cap with a face guard to put on underneath it but Zayne had opted out of that in favor for his mask.

Chris looked at the newly minted knight before him, the sheer size of Zayne was intimidating. The only thing missing was the sword and sheath but the machete would have to do for now. All they needed was a good sheath. “Hey Zayne, you think we could find a sheath for you in town so you could put that creepy sword away?”

His answer was cutting of a large portion of flesh off of the dead knight then used his skill flesh meld to bind the two to gather making a sheath. The work was swift and the look about it held a normalcy that Chris couldn’t explain… until the two different eyes melded through the flesh blinking and staring at him.

“That is going to creep out the locals” Chris didn’t care about his weird sword, he cared that he wasn’t going to get the adventure that he wanted. No elf maiden on his arm or a princess to court his love, no, he was stuck here with a deranged psychopath that wanted to watch the world burn.

“Never mind, lets get going before it gets too dark out, maybe there is an inn that we can stay at. I haven’t slept here since I got to this world unless one counts me being knocked out.” Chris turned to the horse and had an idea. “we should bring the mount with us also, so you can continue your look of a knight and no one gets too suspicious of us.”

Zayne obliged by going to the mount that was currently eating grass off to the side of the trail. He move with a purpose as he got near the horse, making loud noises as he did so. Reaching out he took ahold of the horse pulling it away with him. Chris thought it would be a good idea to tell Zayne that maybe he should hop up on it but didn’t think the man knew how to ride so left it alone. They made their way to the small town that was left outside of the walls of the kingdom, it couldn’t have been any bigger then what the town of water brook was when Zayne first found it. The place housed a little more then a hundred people with plots of land running along the side of it. The forest was close by giving it a picture look of something out of Virginia for Chris.

Looking down at him self and the stumbling farmers Chris came to the conclusion that there was no way that he wouldn’t be found out that he was a stranger. He looked for the usual place a person in a strange world would get their cloths from like a rack or a line for example. He didn’t find such a thing but was hesitant to go into town. Signing to Zayne what he wanted and for them to come up with a plan he was pushed aside by the big guy. Zayne mist stepped out and disappeared in font of Chris. He waited for a few minutes for him to return and when he did, he held clothing that had blood speckled over the side of it.

“How am I GOING into town like this? Are you insane, wait don’t answer me that.” He didn’t want to but didn’t have that much of a choice. He took off all the unnecessary things like his holster and packs, as much as he didn’t want to he took off his pants but left his plates and vest on. Putting on the leggings, shoes and the over size shirt and a goofy looking hat, he was all set.

Walking through the streets they came upon a small inn on the corner to the west of town, a sign was placard up reading The Swallows Mead. It was an unusual name but neither one seemed to care as they stepped in. Zayne let Chris take the lead as he looked around the place, it was just like the tutorial that he had escaped from. The old building was just like the others being run down and entirely out of wood. Small windows were placed around the room with several tables place with no order. Chairs of different sizes were here and there with the tables and at the front was the bar. The bar held one person in it with chairs placed around. Chris went to the counter thinking about how he was going to ask for beer and a place for rest.

“Excuse me, but thy lord has been on the road for a fortnight and needseth a drink to parch his thirst. Do you have thy rooms available for a humble squire and thy sir knight?” He held a confident face as he said all of this.

The inn keeper looked at him then over to the standing knight then back over to him, “PPpphha, Ha that’s funny boy. Why don’t you go saddle up your lords’ horse in the stable as I get him his drink and then maybe think about yours.” She turned over to look at Zayne “You gotcha self a new squire huh, didn’t think the one you had would last and I don’t think this one will either.”

The women took out a large cup from under the counter with the inscribed letters that read Ogre on them and proceed to pour ale into it, then gestured for Zayne to sit down. Chris came back a few minutes later sitting beside the knight as Zayne open his helmet part way to drink. The lady came back with a smaller more common cup with froth on the top. “How much do we own you?” Chris asked.

The keeper looked him over, “You should know that this is a given for being in the service of the knights. Kids these days don’t ever listen.” She turned to start cleaning another glass. She was an obesity woman that had a crazy hair do that was red. Normal clothes were out of the question, she hand a bar wench clothing from soothing of Germany that did not look good on her.

“Well, could you tell me if there is any adventures guild near here?” the question sounded normal to Chris but by the shock expression on the women’s face it was as if he had asked for her daughter’s hand in marriage with nothing to give her.

The inn keeper looked at Zayne questionly, so Zayne backed hand Chris across the top of his head lightly. The blow was still hard enough for him to smash his wooden cup and smack off the wooden counter bouncing off and falling to the floor.


Class: 90s Slasher

Level: 20 next level up in 197,025exp out of 375,000exp

Hp 6,450/ Stam 10,270/ Mp 450,

-Hp regen 4,837 per hour

-Stam regen 1027 per minute

-Mp regen 45 per hour

Vit 645/ End 1027/ Str 530

Agi 575/ Percep 450/ React 470

Will 150/ Intell 45/ Wisdom 70

Skills-Tracking (teir5) Trace step lv. 56/ Stealth (Teir5) lv.47 stealth is 89% more effective/ Machete apprentice lv.7/ Pain tolerance (Teir5) lv.27 85% of all pain is ignored/ Chain proficiency Grand master (EV) lv. 85 spectral chains are summoned using stamina, 81% increase in damage delt/ Steel trap teeth (Teir5) anything can be taken a bite out of, along with any part of the body is one’s own mouth/ Bone marrow stitching (Teir3) stich anything using their spine as material all bones that are stitched is locked after stitching, it’s as strong as the skill 40% strength/ Flesh melding (Teir3) meld any flesh to another, this includes the skill holders own flesh/ Numbing (Teir2) use your hands to numb any living creature/ Killers instincts- are aware of all living things in a 10ft radius/ Chain blade- ethereal chains would appear around his machete with blades on them that would circle around it making a one-handed chain saw/ Obsession- a + 10% to all attributes/ Killers theme- + 20ft radius and 10% intensity. Gluttony-able to digest food the instant it hits your stomach. Leather working Grand master lv. 86, 81% increase to the stats of the leather.

Perks- Blood hound- able to track any smell back to its owner by sent within 5 miles. Quenching thirst- adds an additional 30% healing and diminishes hunger. Mind sense- gives him an instinct to others fears. Sequel- Death no longer binds you, able to resurrect, cooldown is 3 months. Couples’ interruption- able to teleport to the nearest intercourse coupling in the area, range is no obstacle.

Abilities: Supernatural healing (Tier6) lv.64 the ability to heal 650% faster, Silence. Your stealth skill is 25% better. Ect.

Vall was sitting in a dark, damp cell for what had felt for an eternity. She was bought and sold after she was fired from her job as a tutorial guide but now she was a slave, a slave that had been bought and sold countless times only to be sent back for it to accrue all over again. she had done unspeakable things for her master over the years, only the sick and perverted had ever bought her. now she was a used sock tucked away in the human kingdom waiting for the next pervert to buy her.

Oh how she wanted to die, but the damn curse mark she had on her prevented her from doing so. And through all of this her only companion was that damn duck that kept staring at her, never moving and never eating.

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