《Slasher Made - A litrpg》Chapter 9 Trouble to the south


Chapter 9

The night air was cool on Gwen’s face, as she prepared for the deadly hours to come. It was the first night of the reset, so the killer probably wouldn’t show until tomorrow. She was stationed on the wall overlooking to the south, if the man with chains did make an appears she wouldn’t know until the horns go off. But that just mean they went back to reset.

The goblins have been acting strange as of late, there have been fewer attacks made on the wall and this was worrying. As the night went, everything remained silent except for the flames crackling in the basins they had scattered along the wall, making the pop, and snapping noise heard though the south. They were made 1 ft in radius and were stacked with wood and oil so they could last all night, if the flames ever got low there was firewood stacked to the side of each. The basins were used to alight the arrows when the archers seen something off into the woods, most of the time it was nothing, but it was better to know for sure.

Gwen had her daughter stay in the women’s barracks for the night as she worked on her tidal wave of emotions, she was unsure of how she felt about her daughter Chance. The anger of how the child was born and what she really meant. It was something few knew the truth to, and Jenifer was trying to destroy it. The man was a piece of shit who had forced her, was being past tense. He had changed since then and was working on being a better man. I wish my mother was still around, maybe she would know how to raise Chance. Gwen thought for a long time until the sound of horns reverberated in the night air.

“Jim, Chris! The alarm has been sounded, answer the call with squad 3 and 4.” Her words were short and crisp.

The two men gave a quick salute by pounding their fist in their gut, knuckles facing down. “Yes captain!” they said then slid down the ladder. The wall was only 6ft tall with the same in width, it took the defenders years to build the surrounding structure well enough to stop the goblins from getting through. The material they used in building it was granite they got from surrounding hills and mountains, with clay to help seal the rock together. As the squads left heading to the town, everything went back to the foreboding calm.

It's not uncommon for the killer to make an appearance this early but why hasn’t there been any sightings of the goblins? Gwen went back to puzzling over what was going on in the southern forest. Soon a vibration could be felt in the wall, shaking the basins and everyone on it. Lights flickered to life over the wall by the thousands, the things that held them were numerous goblins steadily charging. Gwen wasn’t the only one that noticed the goblins making the death march, anyone that had a horn sent the warning out as they struggled to take out their bows.

“Send a runner back to town, get Henry and tell Jacob to get back here!” She barked out, “It looks like the south has officially declared war on Waterbrook.” Gwen pulled out her bow with a spell arrow, the arrow was kept in a sack filled halfway with oil. She knocked it with her bow whispering a few arcane words launching it into the night sky, at its peak it blew up in a brilliant red explosion sending sparks out falling to the ground slowly. “We are officially under siege, that means squad 5 is on arrow making detail, squad 1 and 2 fire arrows till the wall is take or we run out.”


Gwen not waiting for any questions jumped off the wall landing softly to the ground. She mad dashed to the barracks were her daughter was breaking the door down without stopping. The loud sound woke Chance up from her sleep, groggily looking at what made that loud noise.

Marching over with the leather she had her wear before, threw them at her “Put these on now, and if you had any semblance of what little joy you have, you will go on my horse to the town hall and wait for me there.” The words stung but this wasn’t the time to try and be a good parent.

“What about you mo-” Gwen raised an authoritative hand up, stopping her from asking any questions.

“You have 5 minutes before I send someone here to collect you.” She turned to leave but Chance had her hand on her mother’s wrist before she could go.

“I’m not leaving till you tell me why, I thought everything was going fine but, but now you’re doing this. Pushing me way just like you always do!” Chance held the tears back as well as she could, but the pain of her mother’s words was too big of a blow for her to shrug off.

“Fine!” Gwen not waiting for the child to put on the leathers she had gave her, took Chance by the arm and dragged her to the wall. She threw her over her shoulder carrying Chance up the ladder as she took two at a time. There she put her down and spun her around to look at the oncoming horde.

“That’s what’s going on! Do you see? Thousands of them are marching here right now to kill us and rape the women dead or alive.” Gwen spun Chance back around now face to face with her daughter, “Your wasting my time! Go before I push you off the wall myself.” She wanted her daughter safe even if it meant they had a rocky relationship. Better that then the goblins getting ahold of her, She thought.

Chance was frightened by the sight of the mass horde and hurt by her mother’s words; she didn’t go back to collect the armor waiting for her in the barracks. Instead, she went to where they kept the horses pinned up. Taking one, Chance rode off to the only home that ever wanted her, the Woodsin’s would love her as she was. Gwen collected her bow back and started to rapid fire on the army of death, hoping that her daughter would make it back to town safe.

The goblin horde was at least 1200 yards away from the wall, every archer there had at least double the normal stats from the norm. Sounds of the creatures could now be heard, stomping and crying out in hunger. Gwen continued to shoot as the arrows came in, soon squad 3 and 4 climbed the battlements. There was no Henry, but Jenifer was there along with Jacob.

“Glad you could make it to the party, where is Henry? We could use some magic right about now!” Gwen talked as she shot arrow after arrow out to the army. “And why is the bar bitch here?” Jacob was dressed in his full plate armor. The first of its kind since metal was a luxury, he held his long sword still in its sheath and a tower shield on his back. Jenifer was dressed in her leather, a dark brown with a dress like appearance. She had a quiver of arrows and a unique bow strung up with six strings. It was bulky and no one has ever seen Jenifer use it before. Jenifer looked at the coming goblins, as the army continued to march to them, trees were being clear cutted down as big towers were being raised along with ladders. The ladders weren’t that tall, but the towers rose up well over the wall itself. Goblins in the rising towers had cross bows aimed and firing out.


As the spray of arrow came raining down on the battlements men and women would occasionally take cover then return fire. “Now is not the time to start bickering! Why didn’t you send up the warning? We could have used that to send down some of the other combat classes.” Jenifer didn’t stop looking at the eye wrenching sight.

Gwen stopped shooting briefly looking Jacob and Jennifer up and down, “We sent reinforcement back to town! The call for the killer was heard!” She shot a few more out, turned to receive the freshly new arrows from squad 5. A couple of bolts struck Jacob against his plate making him stager for a second. “If the man with chains wasn’t there then why was the call made?” knocking another arrow she let loose.

“When they arrived there in town, I talked with a few of them, we never made the call.” Jenifer scrunched up her face from the nasty thought she had, but she didn’t tell anyone what it was.

“If we can hold out long enough and Patrick comes back-” Jenifer said, getting cut off by Jacob.

Gwen laughed out drawing her long bow short for the shot she made, Jacob looked at his mother skeptically. “Mom, I don’t think dad would even know what’s going on, we-”

“He is still your father Jacob!” Jenifer shouted, she was taking up a space on the wall and started to bang her fist against the railing. At first it looked she was having a mental breakdown, soon it was made apparent Jenifer was making a low beat. It was slow at first, soon it was picking up in speed. “I need everyone to stop for a second, STOP SHOOTING!”

The men and women still firing didn’t stop till Gwen called the order, “Cease firing! Hold till I call!” Jenifer pulled out her bow, her foot still keeping up the rhythmic beat. Pulling a few arrows out of her quiver, she set them to her bow, pulling back with all of them at once. She fired one then another making the bow strings quiver from the release in a harmonious sound, she quickly loaded an arrow one at a time as she played the lute bow. The words didn’t start till everyone was aware of the song being made.

“There once was a man that killed the town imprisoned us without a sound”. The voice was faint, barely above the sound of Jenifer’s bow thrums. “The Curse of the man kept us down, in pain and misery we were bound”. The arrows were going out smoothly as she let loose more shots, the 15 beat of her lute bow was picking off goblins near the front of the army. “Few cries could be heard in the night because he kept out of sight, No we didn’t know.”

“Please listen to the song I tell, about how our Waterbrook fell. No children are safe of this hell as men and women began to sell. Sell their soul to the cool night, as the rest of us huddle up in fright. NO, no we cant go.” The rest of the archers begin to fall in with the rhythm of the song. Pulling out arrows as they shot in union with Jenifer, the sound of the song touched each and every one of them. They didn’t know from the determination they felt but there was a buff on every archer there that shot in harmony with Jenifer.

“With death knocking at our door, we continued to hold and endure”. Her lute bow was now glowing blue with spinning green aura at the point of her arrows as she fired off one after another. “We suffered enough from the pain, the man with chains will be our bane. To love and live, laugh and craft, fight now boys don’t be daft. No, we didn’t know!”

Gwen looked on in wonder at what Jenifer was doing, the men and women were all firing with green aura at the tips now but fainter then what Jenifer had. “Jacob! Ready your men, bring out ten with you and send 5 out to cavalry. Take volunteers, we have plate armor for each of them with lances. They won’t be coming back until reset.”

Jacob gave her a long look, then he nodded his head. “I hope you understand that the melee fighters will be gone as well. I didn’t get the chance to meet Chance yet, tell her that I will when I come back wont you?” He stood abruptly without waiting for a response. “And just so you know, this is my burden to bare. Don’t go holding on to it like you did with-” Jacob stopped, then fell on to his back. Blood pooled out of him to the walls floor as he bled out, the stray bolt was bone chiseled down to a point that was fletched. It had a sick green to it indicating it was tainted with poison.

Through the years of guarding the south wall, Gwen had seen a multitude of things. This hurt her as much as letting go of her girl, she had feelings for Jacob for a long time but couldn’t do anything about it because of her sister Lisa. Now she watched as her friend laid dead by her feet. “Chris! You heard what I said to Jacob?” He nodded as he kept firing. “Good, you’re in charge of the melee troops now!”

Chris nodded at that and went to the infantry men tapping them on the shoulder as they took breaks in between shots and gathered them up down off the wall. There was a gate reinforced with steel that only opened up when the infantry was sent out. The doors would only swing outwards, making it so if any anything wanted in it would be hard to smash them inwards. Outside of the heavy doors was a tunnel that ran through the wall, going through it for six feet, enough for ten men to line up in. Jacob had planned it this way for the limited number of people they had. Around the wall was the trench the whole town had dug; it was as deep as the wall was tall with sharp spears at the bottom (Brock liked that idea from his pit trap). The wall stretched around the town but was only guarded heavily to the south. There were a few volunteers that kept watch to the other sides as most were put to the south. Once he was on the ground Chris set the men up that volunteered for the cavalry unit getting the plat mail armor on them. The melee unit was prepared before they were finished and went back to shooting at the closing army. They didn’t plan to make it back but hoped they could hold off long enough for the towns people to flee.

The goblin horde was roughly 100 yards away and closing in fast, there were 12 towers raised up and set to besiege the wall. The front of the army was now taking off away from the front as they dashed forward to start the battle at the gate. The further back it went the more the wall could see the goblins making different things, catapults Gwen thought.

Chris was set and the cavalry was off to the west of the wall ready to flank them on the west side. That’s when the first of the catapults was set and the payloads they had on it was ready as fire blossomed in the sack. Five of them were set off and the burning things were hurled at the men and women of Waterbrook. The first hit wide as it sailed over the wall, the next two were short hitting the wall closer to the ground. The last two hit their mark as the women scattered before they could be struck.

The army closed in on Chris as he and his men took the brunt of the force with their shields in the tunnel. The hardest part when taking on goblins was their height, with the shields raised just to the chin of every man out there, their legs were exposed to the shorter creatures. The infantry came up with a solution years back, they crouched to the ground so they didn’t have to worry about that problem, but another acquired by doing so. With the men crouched to the ground with their tower shields, making it harder to attack the green demons, which brought out the second solution. Gwen thought of a fix for this and Jacob’s men, the long sword. That’s why all infantry followed Jacob’s example and used a long sword, it had the reach. The men used the space between their shields that would go through the first line and the second making it easier to attack. A lot of people asked why not use a spear? Jacob tried the spear, the problem with using it was that no matter what, they would always get swarmed. The spear was great until the goblins started to climb up their shields. If they started to climb the shields when they had swords, then it was as easy as a few men in the line swinging it over the top while others ducked down low.

They did just that when the first of the goblins attacked the shield wall, impaling themselves in the prosses. The ones that followed behind seen what they did and slowed to a stop with their crude weapons and armor. The shields were made of tree bark and would splinter after the first attack, the weapons were made of the same material as the arrows, bone. It wasn’t as sharp as steel and iron was but in a soft patch of leather it did its job. The worst part was the goblins bite, it carried more disease than most of anything else they had, that being goblin piss.

“HOLD THE LINE MEN!” Chris called out, giving encouragement to the men at arms with him. The rest of the goblins had come now, swarming the tunnel. The towers slowly made their way up to the trench, ladders were thrown up to the wall over the pit line as more and more goblins came. Soon the catapults had lined up 50 yards back shooting out sporadically. The payload they used was goblins they set on fire as it got ready to unload the shot out to the wall. Burning goblins rained down upon the Waterbrook defenders taking a couple of them out.

The line held on stabbing out at the goblins as they slowly build up a mounded of dead creatures in front of them. Man were stabbed cut and beaten as they continued to keep them out, “Gwen! Call the cavalry!” His voice echoed in the tunnel out. Chris hoped she heard him because he didn’t know how much longer they could keep this up.

The sound of another spell arrow sounded in the tunnel making bright flashes and sparks rain down. He knew then that Gwen had heard and signaled the cavalry. He continued to fight as he awaited for the horse man to give them a relief in the number of goblins. It never came.

Gwen was running low on arrows and pulled the remaining squad 2 off the wall to help with fletching arrows, this would also lower the number of archers using them. She heard a sound being called out to her from the tunnel. She took a few more shot as she tried to figure out what then remembered the cavalry. Pulling out another spell arrow out and shooting it out to the night, she went back to shooting the crossbows and catapults. The cavalry seen the signal and began to run through the goblins, as they made it halfway through the horses were stopped abruptly. Goblins swarmed over them like a plague as the men tried to free themselves.

Out by the catapults big creatures started to move with tree trunk size torches, the things were over 9 ft tall as they bulldozed over the small goblins. They would be hitting the wall in a few minutes. The trench was slowly being filled with goblins as most couldn’t get to the tunnel. The green creatures were clustering together pushing a good portion of the army into the long pit trap, soon they were no longer being impaled but stuck down there as more bodies fell on top of them. It wouldn’t be long till the trench was full and the army would just walk across it. The towers station with crossbows began to shoot out ropes made with hair. At the end was barbed hooks, most didn’t catch anything to hold onto but a few did, Gwen tried to kick them off when goblins started to use them to shimmy on over to the wall by holding the made ropes.

Taking an oiled arrow out she put it into the flames making a small makeshift torch, she took the said torch and put it to the rope setting it ablaze as goblins cried out. They soon caught on fire too, others jumped trying to get to the wall. The goblins that missed fell down to be stuck and crushed by the increasing weight of falling bodies. The ones that did made lunges at the archers as they were caught off guard.

Jenifer was still shooting out when Gwen pulled her way breaking the song she was singing in a loop. The buff ended there as Jenifer realized what was going on, “We need to retreat! There are horses out back, we can get to town and warn anyone there that’s left.” Gwen went to each of the remaining archers that lived through the first bombardment of the goblins.

“What are you talking about? The town hasn’t been evacuated yet!” Jenifer ran to a few helping out some of the mild wounded. The more severely injured ones had already taken their lives before misfortune could meet them. They were taking the ladder down when loud sounds of shattering wood and stone rang out in the night. “I tried to tell you we didn’t get the town to evacuate. Jacob and I went down here to-”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN! I sent Chance over to your house, didn’t you see her before you came down!” Gwen ran to the reinforced doors and made a pounding noise. “Chris I’m opening the door! Were making a break for it back to town!”

“GO! We will give you as much time as we can, see you after the reset!” Chris shouted out as the sound of battle continued to ring out.

“If you didn’t see her then why on earth did you come down here?” Gwen saddled her horse as she got ready to ride for her life.

“We came down because the guards said that a huge army was making its way down here. I tried to get others to join us but no one seemed to think this was real. That’s why Henry didn’t show up! He said that a horde of goblins coming here was absurd.” Jenifer helped others to theirs as she too mounted. “The only one that was willing to make the trip was old Katye” She would have taken the old baker but she too was in plate mail armor with a tower shield and a big chain mace. Katye was decked out and ready for the killer to return but was too heavy for a horse to make the journey to the south wall.

It took them a short time to make it back to town but no one was out and all of the lights were off. They continued to the center of town but once they got there Henry, Lisa, and Chance were there bound and tied to a post freshly nailed to the ground. Gwen didn’t stop as she rushed to the center were her sister and daughter were. “What is going on? Why are you three-” A figure flashed past her knocking her out.

The man with chains was standing over her looking down, he made a snapping sound out from the chain on his right wrist. Soon the rest of the town came out, there were fewer then what Jenifer remembered as they made their way out bound as well. He picked up Gwen and carried her to the center of the town as Jenifer watched in horror. The archers that accompanied them stayed put as well when they seen the killer step out of nothing.

“What do you want? Haven’t you had enough of this! It’s been going on for a quarter of a century now and what have you accomplished? Nothing!” Jenifer stared down the man as he tied loops around Gwen to Henry. Henry stayed still as he did so, it seems the bruises he had was from the struggle he had put up. Chance was frightened enough for there to be a puddle on the dirt between her legs. Lisa still struggled to make it out of her ropes that bind her to the post.

The gathering town circled them then sat in the dirt as well, none of them seemed to have the fire of rebellion in them. If Jennifer was being honest too, she didn’t have any left in her as well. The killer finished what he was doing then disappeared right in front of them. Jenifer looked madly around searching for any trace of the killer. He stepped out right behind the archers from the wall, swinging out with his chain breaking anything it came into contact with. The women fell in a broken heap to the ground screaming out to the others for help.

“You don’t have to do this anymore! This has been going on long enough (sob), can’t you just, just-” Jenifer broke down in tears as the misery and fear she has tried to suppress for years broke out again. The man with the chains began to go to each villager and kill them brutally, taking off limbs or compressing their heads in it didn’t matter. As soon as all of the villagers died from the man, the sound of goblins came out clear in the night. They would be here before too long. Jenifer thought of a plan that might work if she did it correctly, keeping the killer here long enough for the goblins to deal with him and vise versa.

“Is there no god! Why would they let something like this happen!” Jenifer spoke about her true feelings. If there was a god then why was this happening, why let this continue? If there wasn’t one then what did their lives mean? Were they put here just so they could be killed over and over again? I wish Patrick was here, maybe this wouldn’t be happening if he was around. Jenifer thought.

A notification popped up in front of her face after the long misery of thoughts, the sound of the goblins was near and should be here any second. She just continued to stare at the text as she read them to herself, lost in what it said. The goblins made it to the center of town surrounding the center. They didn’t come closer then what they already are, keeping a distance from the nightmare as he stood over the humans of Waterbrook.


Patrick was riding back to town from the far east of the valley, he had mapped out most of the area they were in and found that it was one big bowel the town of Waterbrook sat in. The surrounding mountains ranged around the valley closing them in, he tried to leave but found no matter how fast he went he could never climb his way out before the reset happened. I was stupid to continue looking for something that would bring happiness when it was there in front of me along, Patrick berated himself.

The trip was taking longer than what he had originally thought. Making the way there before everyone went to bed and the guards come out was bad news for Patrick. He needed to get there before it got too late or he might get shot at. He made for the outskirts of the town and seen the fire licking up at the sky over the wall. The volunteers that usually kept watch was nowhere to be seen on the structure. His heart sunk when he seen goblins out patrolling the area.

Patrick still kept that old pitchfork he used, so he wasn’t unarmed but he wanted to get a look at what the situation was before he went on the offensive. He crouched through the town and started on the wall scaling it with the weapon tied to his back. It was a quick job and he could have jumped it but didn’t want to bring attention on himself. When he got to the top of the wall he had a small view overlooking the town, goblins and trolls were scattered through out the place with dead bodies. They were taking them out of the town to the south, there was little he could do about that so he moved on to the center of town. The closer he got to the center became apparent the goblins were avoiding the place. He didn’t know what it meant; he was too focused on who was at the center.

There in the epicenter of the catastrophe was his wife Jenifer and his son who was beaten now beyond recognition. The only thing that made him sure was he was Henry was Lisa by his side. She didn’t look too much better than what he did. The last two was Gwen and he thought was her daughter. Chance was her name, I think. Patrick thought. They were tied and gagged to a huge post in the ground, the rope was thick. It was the same rope he used to help tie down stone when moving them.

Patrick who seen enough to get the idea hopped out of the cover he was using and slowly crept to them. Jenifer had a foggy look in her eyes but Lisa was bucking in her ropes trying to warn him of something. He paused long for a second as he tried to make out what she was saying. Lisa looked to him then off to a distant corner of the town, then back to Patrick. He didn’t know what she was trying to convey to him but he indulged her and looked back over his shoulder. There was nothing there like he expected. He got in arms reach of his wife when he was blown away off to the side, the impact was defining as he hit hard and rolled a few times coming to a stop. His arm was twisted in an unusually way, pain was rising up in him but he kept it down looking to where he once was. The figure of the man with chains stood there with his hand cocked to the side in a back hand gesture. He waited for Patrick to get up.

As the smoke filled the town from the burning buildings, Patrick remembered the time he almost killed the man before him. The setting was similar but not ideal for him. He slowly got up holding his arm close to his chest, the armed throbbed but he didn’t notice it. He was searching for his pitchfork. It was to the far side of the center next to the killer, he stared at it briefly before looking back at the man in chains. His face was hidden like it always was by the long grimy hair on his head. The killer, picking up on Patrick’s intentions, kicked it back to him waiting for him to pick it back up.

“You think I need this to what? Kill you! Do you know what you have put me and my family through?” He spit off to the side staring the man down, waiting for him to move. He did but not what Patrick was expecting. He went to the young girl who was shaking profusely. He tore the rope apart making a loud snapping noise, the girl almost fainted there but wasn’t that lucky. The killer grabbed her by the arm and hauled her up to her wobbling legs.

“You think you can scare me with this!” he pointed at the girl trying to keep the fear off his face. He knew that she was Gwen’s but she had been an unwanted child kept in the town hall with all the others. “It’s between you and me! Let the child go!” He didn’t want to get her involved.

“Please don’t! Not her!” Gwen came around and was making as much of a scene as she could. Zayne didn’t bother gagging her, she was unconscious so there wasn’t really a point. “Take me!”. The killer didn’t pay any attention to them as he slowly closed his hands around the girl’s neck. He stared at Patrick as he did, never taking his eyes off of him. The hands slowly started to strangle Chance as the air left her. Her wide eyes began to turn blood shot and her face to blue, then purple and then to a darker color, Gwen shouted the whole time as he did this. The vertebrates in her neck slowly cracked and crumbled, the life slowly went out of her as she struggled for air. Clawing at him wherever her hands could reach, they slowed then all of a sudden went limp at her side. At the very end Zayne wrenched her head in a 180-degree turn breaking the rest of her neck before she could fully die. The sound of it went through the town washing over the onlookers that were stuck from the terrible sight.

The head stared at Patrick with her lifeless eyes rolled up to the skull, her tongue was handing out as fresh blood drooled to the side of her face. Gwen upon seeing the death of the daughter Chance, break down as she tried to free herself to get at the man. “That was my daughter! I’ll kill you! Kill, (sob) you fucker!” the rest of her words came out in unintelligible words.

“What have you done!” Jenifer spoke out for the first time since Patrick’s encounter with the man in chains. “That was my Granddaughter!” the words were like a smack in the face for Gwen. She turned to Jenifer. “You promised you would never tell! Not to Lisa, no…”, She went back to weeping as Patrick searched his wife’s eyes. The killer threw the body down in front of him as he moved on to the next person, Lisa. She didn’t move as the same prosses was about to take place with her.

“What does she mean Jenifer.” Patrick asked as he fell to the ground. The fight was out of him from all the times he had died. This happened too many times to count, it didn’t make a difference if he fought or just let it happen. “I thought it was Jim’s kid?”

“No, Jacob was the one that forced Gwen. We didn’t want anyone to find out about it and asked if Jim could help out with the issue. He agreed but made us promise to tell the child when she was old enough. I was going to but then this shit happened.” The sound of Lisa’s gasp caught his attention catching sight of the end of the poor las. Jenifer stretched out toward Patrick whispering to him the best she could.

“If I told you that there was a way for us kill this fuck, would you. Even if it meant that you weren’t you anymore?”. The question hung in the air for a time as Patrick thought on what she meant. The killer went to his son next and that burning hate filled him once again.

“Yes”. He didn’t wait for an explanation as Jenifer approved the notification in front of her face.

The world stopped and frozen in place as the only person to witness it was Patrick as he knelt in the town, mud and dust stained his clothing as he laid there. The foggy town in the night stood still as he looked at the peculiar spectacle. No one moved, the killer stayed in place his hands on Henry’s neck. The life in his son’s eyes were still there but would soon leave him. Jenifer had hers closed as she excepted the prompt.

Bright clouds slowly blew in from the east, light flashed in the clouds as the System announced what was happening. Patrick only heard it when he and the other towns folk went back to respawn after the reset.

The System announced the following reward whatever the system was, “For bringing a new realm into existence you have unlocked a new realm and religion. Processing…for being part of the tutorial the matter has been shifted to admin. The admin is the System, processing…Congratulations on no longer being part of the tutorial, you and the town of Waterbrook have now gain sentients and are able to complete the tutorial…Processing… The new realm needs a deity. Processing…no living Deity match has been founded. Making a new Deity, processing…The Deity Odin has been found in recorded Earthen history, forming the new Deity…the Deity Odin has been born, congratulations on becoming the first chosen one of Odin.”

Lightning crashed to the ground in front of Patrick spraying debris all over him, the sound blew his ear drums making blood leak out. The form of a man came into existence from the clouds and thunder, a multitude of colors shining down at the spot the lightning stuck. He was a tall old man, older then what Patrick liked to think he was. Gray beard hung down low to his chest, his face was wrinkly and an eye was missing on the right side. He was dressed in fur and armor, making the sight dazzling to Patrick’s eyes.

He started to speak but Patrick couldn’t make out what he was saying, the hearing in his ears was lost. The man walked up to him and placed both hands over his head speaking out in some weird words. Carvings of glowing letters appeared around him as he chanted, soon Patrick could hear again. “That’s not so bad now is it young lad. Could you imagen if I didn’t fix that? We would be here all day!” His voice was a deep rich sound like stone being carved into works of art. He laughed at his own joke smacking Patrick on the back.

“Now here we are, so. What do you say? You care to join me?” The question left Pat confused.

“What am I joining you for? Who are you?” Patrick stammered out at the bazar man in front of him. It was odd enough for him to appear out of nowhere now he wanted him to join on some random quest.

“All good questions but, why do they matter? What does is what you do now! Why wait and find answers to questions that lead to more unanswered ones. No, take what’s in front of you and hold on! That’s the only answer there is, because if you don’t then why ask any at all!” He held out his arm waiting for Patrick to shake it. “Come on lad, take a chance. There are no others before you.” Pat did as was instructed and shook the man’s hand forearm to forearm. The blue parchment popped in his face again showing he had accepted the offer.

“Congratulations, your class is now -Dreadnought-.” the system intoned as he looked over his status sheet.


Class: Dreadnought

Level: 0

Hp 450/ Stam 440/ Mp 300,

-Hp regen 45 per hour

-Stam regen 44 per minute

-Mp regen 30 per hour

Vit 45/ End 44/ Str 42

Agi 35/ Percep 15/ React 30

Will 25/ Intell 25/ Wisdom 30

Skills-Tracking lv.25, Pole arm proficiency adept lv. 2 polearm’s do an additional 12% damage, Mapping lv. 24, horseback riding lv. 14, Archery proficiency apprentice lv. 9, hand combat adept lv. 9 hand to hand does additional 19% damage, Leadership lv. 8

Abilities-All fathers rage: all stats are (3x), Odin’s fury: all stats are (5x) occurs when in full righteous rage.


Back at the tutorial sec, there was more problems going on then what Mr. Fipples could handle. He got had but not for the killer case. No. it was because of some random ass human who had gotten a class from the tutorial he was in charge of and started a planet wide war. The cause of this was a Gary Lumos who just so happen to have a class able to create rail guns in cannons, he was the sugar prick with the class bioengineer. And now Galaria was going to be facing another human shortage. The worst part was that he got a demotion and is going to be sent to the data streams to start his career all over again, assuming they don’t find the human name Zayne still taking his tutorial. That would be grounds for him to be fired and then he would definitely not be able to afford the bet made with a year of his salary as a sect manager. But that was being covered by Sixal. I think, Mr. Fipples thought.

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