《Curses》24. Super Charged Tyler


I’m so happy right now. I’ve learned a new way of magic. It may be completely revolting, but the joy from finding out how to use it will hopefully be greater than my want to kill all bards. The thought of defiling magic to make effects is gag-worthy. Who would invent such a way, what kinda monster would do it?

I’m getting off-topic, the new title is extremely useful and I think I can make curse songs. I don’t want to but I’ve dug my grave, so I guess I have to lay in it. Looking over the effect of my new spell I couldn't help but smile. For all of its defiling of magic, bardic spells were powerful.

A 30% increase in movement speed buff is the equivalent of a tier 2 buff spell. I guess the fact that you can only cast one at a time and the limited time balances it out. With this level of buff, Tyler should be able to clear the second floor today. He has already got the basics of the dodging part of {Curser’s Style} down. For as bad as {Curser’s Style} offense is, its dodging is top tier. Well in this case the style is tier 2 overall and the dodging part is tier 4. I only got hit by that goblin baron because of my low dexterity, also I wasn’t paying attention.

“Tyler, we’re going to switch spots how. Let’s see how well you can incorporate your sword into my dodging style.” Very well as it turns out. With the 30% more movement speed plus his other buffs, Tyler was unstoppable. We quickly made it to the first mini-boss, a hobgoblin with a club. It lasted 10 seconds as it couldn’t keep up with a super-charged Tyler.





Quickly, I plop my free point into dexterity, something I would need to fake being a bard. Looking over it seemed like Tyler finished placing his stat. He glowed slightly and probably got [Fit], you get it when you reach a total of 30 points in physical stats, it gives a small bonus to the effectiveness of the stats. Stacking titles like those is a great way to reach inhuman levels really quickly.

I’m two points off the mental equivalent, [Smart]. It’s not really a priority right now given its effects don’t give a bonus when you level up. It’s still nice to have though and I’m probably going to get it when I level up again.

Tyler looks over, “Guess who just got their first title?”

“My Sherlock level deduction is pointing me towards you,” I say with an overly serious face.

Chuckling Tyler nods and shows me his new title, [Fit]. Just like I thought it was.

“Nice job, but now it's time for me to put my teacher hat on and show you where you went wrong with your movement.”

“But I won, easily.”

“Tsk, tsk young disciple. You can improve in victory.”

“Ugh, fine oh great master where did I go wrong.”

Over the next 2 hours, I instruct him in my great dodging style. The only point of the style was to lure the opponent into attacking fruitlessly to lower their stamina to make finishing them easier. It turns out I was something of a savant at not getting hit. I levered all the aptitude for dodging into this one style then added in a tier 0 rapier style and made {Curser’s Style}. It averaged down to tier 2 much to my sadness.

While teaching Tyler I was working to get new songs, and much to my displeasure I couldn’t get one to curse anything. That alone was nearly enough for me to stop pretending to be a bard. I did get one new one though.

{Bottle of Time - Slows enemies within 20 meters of caster by 15% - Effects last as long as the song does - Created By Scholar of the First Curse Zain}

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