《Curses》8. Fun times


As I pull up to Tyler's house he walks out to meet me. “Should I say sorry or congratulations?” Tyler says with a smile. I hop out of the car and grab a backpack full of clothes. Tyler walks up to me and slings his arm over my shoulder. “Whenever I have a huge change in my life, I like to think it was for the best, you know. That everything was better for it, whether I know it or not. This though, it’s pretty fucked up. I’m here if you need me,” Tyler says before pausing for a second. “There is one thing I know we can do, climb that fucking tower and show the world our might.”

Laughing I thank him. I had forgotten why I was trying so hard to bring the people who were with me back. As we enter his house his parents express their condolences and express that I always have a place with them.

Tyler pulls me upstairs to the guest room. “So, we got one week before you get your own place,” Tyler pauses, “Hey, do you want to get a place with me in the future. For all I’m going to risk my life, I don’t really want to live alone.”

“You don’t even have to ask, with the money we’re going to make I’ll probably be able to leave my place in a week,” I say matter of factly.

“Haha, thanks man. It means a lot,” Tyler says while letting out a sigh. “Now though, it’s time for video games and music.” Tyler rushes to his room to grab our guitars. He returns triumphant holding two guitars. Laughing I grab mine and start to tune it. Both Tyler and I wanted to get the bard class, it didn’t turn out like that. Tyler because of classes he took before entering the tower. I probably didn’t get it cuz of the months-long breaks I would take after my guitar would get smashed.


It didn’t bother me anymore, I had found my true love, curses. After about 2 hours of playing, we swapped to some old local-coop games until 11 pm. We decided to head to sleep and Tyler went back to his room. Soon after Tyler went to his room I got to work. It was time to make some curses.

It was extremely difficult to make new spells and normally not worth it. See the system would recognize them only so far as to put them on your skills page. It did not however let you level up or enhance the skill. If you wanted it to be better you had to make them better yourself.

One thing that the tower didn’t tell you was the tier system. It has tiers 0-5, with tier 0 being like cantrips and tier 5 being skills that could level cities. I, of course, being the genius that I am, have made a tier 5 curse. One I named Pestilence. It’s a curse that spread to any being within 5 meters of the cursed person. Oh, and it never stopped spreading. The demon king was immune to this spell but his subordinates weren’t. Anyways that spell costs 10,000 mana so it's way out of my price range. Back on top of making some curses.

{Hex of Sickness - lowers contusion by 11 - 10 mana reserved - created by the Scholar of the First Curse Zain}

{Lesser Curse of Immolation - does fire damage per second equal to .01% of target's health - 40 mana reserved - created by the Scholar of the First Curse Zain}

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