《My hero academia: Purple Tiger》Villains


As Fujio, Midorya, Iida and Ochako walked to school the next day, they were all flabbergasted at the sight of a massive crowd blocking the enterance.

”Is is true All Might is teaching at UA High?”

”What is All Might like?”

The group was bombarded by a bunch of questions as they were trying to enter.

“I got this” Fujio said, activating his quirk

Instantly everyone other than Midorya, Iida and Ochako were pushed 4 meters away from the Fujio.

”Let’s go” Fujio said as he continued walking

As they entered the gate, it quickly closed and locked.

When they got to class they were greeted by the sight of Bakugo brooding.

”What happened to him?” Iida asked

”Mr. Aizawa told him to stop acting like a 7-year old” Denki came up to them and said

’Hmm, 1A is full of talents waiting to be unearthed. I should make a group and help them get stronger, so they won’t be useless when All for one makes his move’ Fujio thought

’Denki has a good quirk if he trains correctly. He could possibly be as strong as Enel. Todoroki is an obvious choice, Bakugo as well if he stops being such a little bitch. Kyokas sound quirk also has potential, along with Momos quirk and that Dark crow guy’

’Pretty much everybody but Mineta has the potential to be super strong in this class’

”I took the liberty of looking at your battle trial evaluation” Mr. Aizawa said

”Midorya you need to stop crippling yourself every battle, stop being such a masochist, it kinda creeps me out” he continued

”And Fujio stop being so arrogant, that arrogance might just cost you everything one day” Aizawa explained seriously

”Everyone else was pretty good, however they still make some mistakes”

As Aizawa explained the flaws of everyone else, Fujio sat at his desk deep in thought.


”What’s the problem” Momo asked him.

Coinincidentally Momo sat right next to Fujio.

”It’s nothing, I’m just thinking of what Mr. Aizawa said and thinking of where to get a new blindfold” Fujio responded absentmindedly

”Yeah you should get a new blindfold quick, you don’t know the waves you caused within the group of girls who saw your silver eyes.”

Momo joked “They call you the handsome swordsman you know, you’re a real Prince Charming towards all the girls who saw you”

’Fuck, hopefully no yanderes in the group’ Fujio shivered in deep fear

”Do you have any idea where I could get a tough material blindfold?” Fujio said looking deep into Momos eyes.

”I-I could help make you one if you want” Momo said blushing heavily

”Are you sick, it looks like you are burning up” Fujio asked in concern

”Hehe, so even someone like you is bad at certain things” Momo gigled returning to normal

“Anyways is love if you helped me” Fujio said gratefully

“You two in the back, are you done talking?” Aizawa said

”Good” he continued “ We need to choose a class president so everybody vote now”

As time flew forward, the same events occurred as the series. Momo got Vice President, with Midorya getting president at 3 votes. But later there was a breach in security and Iida showed off his organization and command skills leading to him gaining his classmates respect and getting nominated at the new President.

That night Fujio trained like a madman in his sword skills, as it is the only thing he can make substantial progress in to further his strength, as he knew what was to come.

But despite risking Qi deviation, at dawn all Fujio had refined was a sliver of sword Qi, however it was an odd peach color


”Doesn’t the color peach represent immortality?” Fujio questioned

”Whatever, I hope it’s enough”

Later at school Aizawa announced the next class training will be rescue training. So the class all geared up in their hero costumes and set out for the practical training area.

Mom the bus ride Asui talked about how Midorya quirk seemed like All Might much to his dismay and denial. On the other hand the rest of the classmates argued with Bakugo regarding his popularity

Fujio was sitting beside Momo while meditating on his recent sword comprehension when Momo spoke up

”I finished your blindfold, I hope you like it” Momo said expectantly while taking out a black blindfold

“it’s compromises of carbon nanotubes, is 500% strongest than Kevlar and 99% lighter, I stayed up all night to materialize this”

Fujio replied with a single word “Thanks”

Momo quickly turned her head and pouted ‘Hmmph, What a blockhead. Whatever, he probably doesn’t even remember me’ Momo thought sadly

Of course Fujio noticed none of this as he was trying to think of ways to stop the upcoming tragedy.

‘Shit, the only way I can think of is if I can stop the void gate guy. Fuck, I’m still too weak, there’s no way I can stop even a single Nemu’

As Fujio was racking his brains, the group finally arrived at the resche area

‘My gravity powers allow me to bend time and space in theory, as they lay is what gravity is according to Einstein. But can I really do it. Even if I can’t, I know for sure that the gravitation force is one of the four fundamental non contact forces of the universe, so it should be very strong.’

As Fujio was brainstorming ideas, he missed the introduction of No.13 the “Space Hero”

As 13 was showing off his quirk black hole, Fujio finally snapped out of his stupor and checked out his surroundings while being inwardly impressed at 13’s quirk.

’Black hole huh? I’m pretty sure a black hole is the product of gravity pulling so hard that even light cannot escape...I wonder when I will reach such lengths’

As 13 was finishing his explanation concerning his quirk and how dangerous it is, a gate of dark smoke appeared at the center of the area, below the stairs. A man with light blue hair and a hand covering his eyes came out along with many others.

”Dont move those are... VILLAINS” Aizawa shouted

A black has materialized and said with an eerie voice “ ERaser head and 13, I thought All Might was supposed to be here”

The man with a hand on his face grinned then said “ I wonder if he will come once we kill all the kids?”

Fujio knew the event would be bad, but never would he expect how bad things would turn out

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