《My hero academia: Purple Tiger》Undercurrents


As the gargantuan shadow drew closer, one could make out the outline of a giant flaming meteor crashing down towards the building.

”Y-you’re crazy” Todoroki said, eyes wide open

”Not crazy, just determined” Fujio replied

”Well... you wil this one” Todoroki said once again calm

Meanwhile, at the UA High monitoring room, the rest of the class was already shocked to the core during the earlier battle.

”Wow are they really new students?” Iida said

”They seem to have been already trained” Momo said

”Wow Fujio is great” Midorya said

“Go big brother” Ochako said excited

All Might just stood there with a smile, however his eyes were laced with disappointment

Just then the monitor showed Fujio sheathing his sword.

‘Is he giving up?’ thought the class

All Might smile was quickly replaced with an angry expression

”W-what is that?” Midorya said pointing to the screen

”That seems to be...A-a meteor!?!?!” Momo said with disbelief

All Might swiftly left the room and headed towards Todoroki and Fujio

”Can you do that too?” Midorya asked Ochako

”N-no way, I didn’t even know Fujio could do that” Ochako hurriedly replied


On the screen the meteor that left everyone in despair had got crushed by our favourite hero All Might.

Fujio, Todoroki, Mineta and Shoji(the multi armed student) slowly walked out of the building


All Might landed in front of the group with a raging expression.

”DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT WAS?” All Might shouted at Fujio

”My bad, I thought I was supposed to play a villain, I guess I got a little too caught up in the act” Fujio said in shame

” You are banned from using that move ever again. It’s too dangerous and will likely cause more harm to innocent civilians that to the enemy if you used it in battle” All Might said seriously


”I promise I will never use it in a populated area” said Fujio

”Good!” All Might said

”Who can tell me who the winner should be?” All Might questioned the class who just arrived

”The villains should be the winner” Momo said

” Not only did the hero’s show no teamwork, but they also failed to procure the bomb, on top of that, the villains would have caused even more damage to civilians in theory without the hero’s being able to stop them”

”That’s right” All Might said with a look of approval towards Momo

“But even so, the villains would have also perished facing the brunt of the meteor” All Might stated

‘Maybe now, but once my swordsmanship or haki improve, I will be able to easily cut through or smash the meteor. Even now I can quickly grab Mineta and get out of the meteors range.’ Fujio thought

”Anyways enough of reprimanding these young students, it’s time for the next round to commence” All Might said

The next round the matchup was Midorya and Ochako vs Iida and Bakugo. Just like the series Midorya and Ochako clutches the win.

While looking at his sister panting in exhaustion after using her ability a few times, Fujio quickly had the thought that his sister needed training.

’Even if she doesn’t have haki or swordsmanship, her quirk is basically the exact same as Shiki the Golden Lions. He was one of the strongest in the One piece world and could match against the strongest like Whitebeard and Gold Roger. I know that with some practise my sister can get to that level as well’ Fujio pondered

Fujio then ran out to Ochako to help support her.

” You did great sis” Fujio said

Bumping her fist in the air Ochako said “ I can’t fall too far behind you can I?”


“After you recover I’ll train you to better grasp your quirk” Fujio said

”REALLY! That’s great” Ochako said before passing out

”She just overused her quirk, don’t worry” All Might said

”I know” Fujio responded

Meanwhile Bakugo was busy crying like a little bitch at the thought that he lost to Deku.

”FUCK! How could I lose to that bastard” Bakugo growled

” Not just him, I’m probably not a match for the ice guy or the pretty boy” Bakugo gnashed his teeth

“If I do t want to be a piece of trash I need to do something to get stronger”

Back to Fujio. Midorya was slowly limping towards him and Ochako. All Might had already taken Midorya to the infirmary and had Midorya treated by recovery girl.

The rest of the class rushed up to him and showered him in congratulations. Fujio and Todorokis battle was too shocking and scary so nobody congratulated any of them after, all they did was high five them.

”Nice job Midorya, you showed that guy who’s boss” Fujio said with a slight smile

Out of the corner of his eyes Midorya caught a glimpse of Bakugo walking home.

”One sec guys, I need to do something real quick” Midorya said before running

”Wait you’re still injured” Ochako said

”Just let him go, he needs to deal with something important to him right now” Fujio said while blocking Ochako from chasing Midorya

”Kacchan wait up” Midorya yelled while panting

”What is it” Bakugo growled

Then Midorya explained how he got his quirk from someone else to Bakugos strong disbelief.

“I LOST AND THATS THAT” Bakugo shouted

“Not just you but that ice guy and gravity guy as well, I thought they were both nothing in front of me. But they are obviously better than me, and not just by a bit.” Bakugo shouted with red eyes




All Might came in and talked to Bakugo about self confidence and about how he had to potential to be a pro hero. Only to get Bakugou response of

”I’m gonna surpass you too All Might”

As All Might wryly smiles at Bakugos response to his goodwill, trouble is brewing and evil is lurking in the darkness of the city.

”What do you think would happen once the simbol of peace died?” An unknown man with a hand covering his face asked his comanions who are enshrouded in the shadows.

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