《I Was Summoned To Have Tea With The Demon Lord [Rewrite]》Chapter 17: Reflection II


When we return to the Silver Turtle Inn, the proprietor's eyes go wide. She stumbles over herself on her way to inspect us, head to toe, as if we're not real. Her children scurry around the lobby, uninterested. "They set you free?"

"Well, sort of? We're in a party now?" I explain, still not entirely sure what it means. "Wait, how did you know where we were?"

"It's the talk of the town!" she answers. "Whenever the demons make an arrest, gossip spreads quick. Not to mention the ruckus they raised here by going through your belongings.”

"Our things—" I'm worried about our traveling provisions and extra clothes, but mostly Lavender’s mirror.

“They didn’t remove anything that I could see.” The innkeeper can't stop staring at us. "What was it like? Was it really as fair a trial as they say?"

"I wouldn't call it cruel— Wait, what?" Izumi was clearly not expecting the question. "I wouldn't trust a demon judge any more than I'd trust a... well, a demon."

"And why not?" the innkeeper asks.

"Because they're demons," Izumi answers.

"They're lifesavers is what they are. Before they came to town, the economy was in shambles."

"But they're evil."

"They haven't done nothing evil as far as Cha's concerned. They're starting to pave roads, regulate currency, and they'll pick up any troublemakers who try to stop them."

"All on Sinensis' orders?" I interrupt.

"I didn't realize you adventurers were on a first-name basis with the Demon Lord."

She's kind of snarky. I think I like her.

"We're not," I insist, but our secret is basically out. I've already revealed our familiarity. "I just don't want to give him the satisfaction of—"

"Relax, girl," the innkeeper says with a smile. "I shouldn't be giving you a hard time after the trial you faced. You wanted a bath, didn't you? Well, this next night is on the house. I'll bring towels around to your room along with your belongings."


My face and Izumi's light up in unison, and we cheer, "Thank you!"

"You'll have to go one at a time, if that's alright."

"Fine by me. Izumi, if you want to go first—"

She throws her arms around me. "You're the best, leader!"

I'm no leader. I'm not even being polite. There's a pit in my stomach, a selfish reason I want the privacy of our room. Once our things are gathered and Izumi leaves for the back of the inn, I take out Lavender's mirror and take a deep breath.

Flipping it open, it appears to be ordinary, but now I can see a dark purple aura around it, faint but true – what I can only assume represents its magical properties. Maybe I am getting the hang of this world, after all.

"Lavender," I whisper.

The mirror glows and shimmers, almost liquefying. I resist the urge to touch it. Within moments, the image solidifies and I can see Lavender's serious face break into a smile. A telltale fang reminds me that they're a demon, not someone to be trusted.

"What a nice surprise! How are you finding this world?" Lavender asks. "Have you seen fit to come back to the castle to try meeting with His Majesty again? I'm sure he's quite forgiven your earlier rudeness."

"Like hell I am. I just wanted to know if you or he had anything to do with this trial."

"Trial? Why, Lady Hiyori, if you've gotten yourself into a mess—"

"Don't play dumb with me."

"Of course." Lavender is all business again. "My lord Sinensis was not briefed on the details, but when he heard you'd been arrested, he did arrange for a lighter sentence."

"There was barely any sentence." Guilt comes rushing back. "I feel like I cheated the justice system. I didn't even know you had a justice system."


"You were awarded whatever punishment the judge saw fit, knowing that you and your traveling companion were once guests of His Majesty."

So he didn't push for anything specific. Judge Darjeeling had just acted too nice out of fear. I don't know if that makes it better or worse.

"Thank you for being honest with me."

Footsteps in the hallway alert me to Izumi's approach.

"I have to go. Tell your lord that I'll get him on the charges of rigging the legal system, too."

Lavender sighs. "Take care of yourself, my lady."

"You, too," I respond to the cue entirely by accident as I close the mirror.

I shove it away just as Izumi opens the door. Her hair is plastered to her face, which holds a look of bliss.

"You ready, Hiyorin?"


I grab my towel and head out to the well.

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