《The Price of Power》Chapter five: Sister of the Light


Tasha swung her sword high causing a resounding clang as her opponent moved his shield to block it. She leaped back, narrowly avoiding a shortsword to the stomach. She rushed forward swinging her sword in a wide arc aimed at the legs. Her opponent dropped to one knee, taking the brunt of her blow directly on his shield, with a sudden explosion of movement he burst forward before Tasha could recover. His shortsword stopped inches from her neck.

“Match goes to John”

Her instructor announced as her opponent removed his helmet revealing the smiling face of her older brother John.

“You're getting better,” John said as he returned his training weapons to the rack.

“‘I’ll know I’m better when I beat you” Tasha replied letting her disappointment slip into her tone, she knew her brother’s words were objectivity true she had greatly improved since joining the crusaders of the light, to the point where she could easily beat the others in her age group but her brother still stood head and shoulders above her in the martial field.

“Come on sis no one likes a sore loser” her brother was right it was unbecoming of a sister of the light to act like a spoiled child, nevertheless she couldn’t shake the frustration that had latched on to her brain. She knew it was childish jealousy that made her feel so and turning the other cheek was the correct thing to do.

“It’s not my fault I’m so great after all” John said as he flashed her a cocksure smile.

“That’s it I’ll find some way to get even with him,” Tasha thought to herself, there would be plenty of time for turning the other cheek when her brother wasn’t so arrogant.

“Come you two, I have more spars to officiate so clear the ring.”

“Yes, Captain Owin” The siblings saluted and resumed their routines

It had been eight years since Tasha had followed her brother’s footsteps and joined the crusaders of the light: a templar order dedicated to the great god of light and justice Yaza. Now she was sixteen and close to graduating from a junior member, two paths branched before her, she could become a man-at-arms: a soldier against the corruption and barbarity that saturated this world, but Tasha had greater ambitions than becoming a simple soldier. If she caught the attention of a knight or crusader they would make her their squire. Then she could stand tall and have risen far above her station, serving as a symbol to all the other orphans like her. That was her goal, to be a living demonstration that you did not need to be a noble to reach knighthood, That even the lowest commoner could achieve great things if they worked hard enough and had faith in the divine. That is why she had been pushing herself to the limit for the last year, spending long grueling hours either doing intense training or praying to Yaza, if she wanted to be chosen over her fellow juniors she had to be able to prove herself to be a cut above, and soon she would see the results of her efforts. Next week marked the start of graduation, knights, crusaders, and other martial-minded nobles would visit this temple and recruit squires from amongst the students, those not chosen will remain with the crusaders of the light as men-at-arms, just like her brother.

As Tasha and John watched the other juniors spar Tasha’s gaze wandered over to their instructor Captain Owin the Lighthammer. Despite having known the man for most of her life she still found herself starstruck at the living legend that was their teacher. Before he retired and took up teaching Owin the Lighthammer was a great warrior known all over Orera for his many victories against the enemies of the church, famed for his strength and supreme piety. The Lighthammer was everything Tasha wanted to be.


“Can we talk?” John leaned over and whispered in her ear.

“Anytime dear brother,” Tasha said, not bothering to match her brother’s quiet tone, she knew where this was going and hoped to discourage John’s meddling.

“Can we speak somewhere private?”

“Why dear brother, what do you have to say to me that can’t be said in front of our comrades in arms?” Tasha announced gesturing to the juniors and young men-at-arms that were gathered around the sparring arena, they awkwardly shuffled and pointedly avoided looking at the siblings and the fight brewing between them.

“It’s about graduation, stop being difficult and talk to me” John hissed in her ear and grabbed her arm, praying that he could avoid making an even larger spectacle. Unfortunately, Tasha was not one to go quietly.

She grabbed her brother’s wrist and attempted to force him into a joint lock. Her brother cried out in surprise and then frustration.

“Fine be like that then” John’s other hand darted up and crushed Tana’s grip and in the same motion wretched her arm behind her back.

Now it was Tasha’s turn to cry out as her brother started to shove her towards the gardens while maintaining the painful hold on her arm.

The others surrounding the arena felt a sense of relief as the siblings’ budding was no longer their concern, at least this time no one had gotten injured, and even better Captain Owin had not noticed the disturbance.


Tasha glared at her brother as he released her from his hold, now in one of the solitary gardens surrounding the temple that lived in.

“Why won’t you talk to me?” John said his voice full of frustration

“Because I already know what you're going to say” Tasha retorted, they had this conversion thousands of times and yet John refused to accept her answer.

“It’s a waste of time for you to try to become a Knight’s squire”

There it was, the ugly truth that her brother did not have faith in Tasha’s dream.

“Listen, you have skill. I'm sure you could try to become a crusaders’ squire, but knights only make other nobles knights. I don't want to crush your dreams Tasha but you're an orphaned commoner, you're worth less than dirt to those blue-blooded bastards.” John’s speech did nothing but inflame Tasha’s temper, she had been struggling against her social status her whole life, trying to break free from the image of a peasant she had been shackled with at birth.

“I don't want to be a crusader’s squire” Tasha snapped “any lowborn can become a crusader if they suck up to the church, I wanna be a knight and prove to the world that even a commoner can have the gallantry and skill necessary to be knighted.”

“Gallantry? Skill?” John spat on the ground. “Tash, Your idea of knighthood comes from storybooks. All you need to be a knight is a daddy with a fancy enough name. That’s all that's important to those stuck-up shitheads, Their names and titles are what gives them power and they wouldn't let lowborn like you dirty them” John was speaking in a low voice strained with anger.

Tasha knew her brother was right, upon being knighted one was made a member of the nobility. The reluctance of the nobles to induct a lowborn into their ranks made it practically impossible for a commoner to be chosen for the honor of knighthood. Still, Tasha knew in her heart that if she prayed hard enough and trained her body to its physical peak she could break the barrier that separated the noble and the commoner.


“Lowborns have been knighted in the past,” Tasha said weakly, she and her brother had been down this line of conversation many times before and her brother was never swayed by Tasha’s determination, but just because he was a better debater didn't make him right

Or so she hoped.

“Yes, but when was the last time it happened? Your heads filled with the legends of lowborn heroes who save the day, but that's all they are Tash, legends. There's no truth to them and the sooner you realize that the better off you will be.” John was yelling now, Tasha felt the burning pinpricks of tears on the corners of her eyes, but she would not give him the pleasure of knowing that he had gotten to her.

“Leave me alone!” Tasha yelled as she pushed her brother away and ran off towards her quarters. Perhaps it was not the most dignified resolution but it was the only one Tasha could manage in her emotional turmoil.

All John could do was sadly shake his head, he may have won the argument with his sister, but this did not feel like victory.





The slamming of the gong signaled to the members of the crusaders of the light that it was time for the morning prayer.

Tasha rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she rolled out of her bed. She began her morning routine, quickly washing and dressing before tidying her cell.

As was standard with junior members of a religious military order Tasha’s accommodations were meager, to say the least, she lived in a single room cell and had no notable possessions to speak of, still, she found the simple life of hard work and prayer to be a very enjoyable one. She studied herself in the polished tin plate she used as a mirror. She was a tall woman with short-cropped black hair and emerald green eyes. Satisfied that her appearance was adequate she left her cell with a spring in her step, after all, last night Captain Owin had announced that the graduating juniors would be undertaking a special assignment that day.

After eating a hearty breakfast of oats and egg she donned her arms and armor and joined the rest of her juniors waiting in the courtyard for Captain Owin. The soon-to-be graduates had split off into their respective cliques, Tasha surveyed the murmuring pockets of humanity trying to decide which group would have the most information about whatever Captain Owin was planning.

“Good morning you three” Tasha said cheerfully

“Good morning to you too, Tash.” said Ronald. He was a ginger-haired boy of a medium build and the main reason Tasha had chosen this group. Ronald had befriended many of the younger men-at-arms who often would let Ronald in on what the higher-ups were planning.

“Hieya, Tash” Said Annie, the second member of Ronald’s group, she was a bubbly brown-haired woman who seemed to be an endless wellspring of enthusiasm.

Edwin the third member nodded towards her. Edwin was a polite, small, black-haired man who rarely spoke but his cold gaze never failed to remind Tasha of a hawk on the hunt.

“Do you know what Captain Owin has planned?” Tasha asked, trusting that a blunt question would get a blunt answer.

“I’m not sure, but I’ve got a bad feeling about it. My friends won’t tell me they just snicker and say that you will get a taste of the real thing. Whatever that means.” Ronald may not have known what was about to happen but his answer confirmed Tasha’s suspicion.

They were going into live combat.

“Attention” Captain Owin’s bark sent the scrambling to line up. They placed their fists over their hearts to salute the old hero as he walked into the courtyard accompanied by a group of men-at-arms. He stopped in front of the line of juniors and scanned for any mistakes in gear or posture, those who were found not up to Captain’s high standards would be chewed out than punished with intense physical activity. This was the ritual that started off every lesson with the Lighthammer as he tried to hammer his expectations in their heads.

After fifteen minutes of lectures and pushups, the Captain was satisfied with the presentation of his juniors. Standing back he folded his hands behind his back and waited.

The juniors shifted uncomfortably as their captain stood in silence. The tension continued to rise as the Captain’s reticence dragged on.

“Man-at-arms Coiro reporting for duty, Sir.”

Tasha had to suppress a laugh as she saw the result of last night's mischief. To punish her brother’s meddling she had hidden his helmet, predicting that its absence would get him stuck on latrine duty for a day or two. What she did not expect was for John to be a part of Captain Owin’s plans.

“You are late, Coiro.” the captain said, not even turning to look at John.

Tasha winced internally not only was her brother late but once the Lighthammer noticed that he was missing a piece of gear, he would get absolute hell for it.

Maybe she went too far this time.

“Sorry Sir” John responded as he tried to slip into formation without the other men-at-arms, but he lacked the guile to avoid the notice of the old legend.

“Where is your helmet, Coiro?”

Everybody stood deathly still as they stared into the middle distance, minimizing their presence in an attempt to avoid the notice of their captain

“I couldn't find it, sir. I’m sor…”

“A warrior’s armor does them the courtesy of saving their life, yet you misplace it like a child’s toy. Not only have you disrespected our time by making us wait, but you have also dishonored yourself as a warrior.” The captain’s harsh words to her brother made him wilt like a flower in a desert.

Tasha wanted to speak up, that she had hidden the helmet and her brother didn't deserve the captain’s words. She knew it was the right thing to do, as a worshiper of Yaza she was taught that honesty was the greatest virtue, nevertheless when she thought of Owin’s steely gaze falling upon her she clammed up.

“I’m sor... “

“200 pushups now”

Tasha hung her head in shame. John dropped to the ground, he knew better than to resist the old man.


After half an hour of John being punished with intense physical activity, Captain Owin ordered him back into formation and turned to address the juniors.

“As you, all should know the nearby town of Leeside has always had a problem with various types of goblin-kin. Usually, these raids are handled by local guards, However, in recent months the frequency and ferocity of these attacks have been on the increase and as such we have been requested to cull the population of goblins.”

The juniors began to shift with anticipation, it was rare to see real combat before graduation.

“I remember what it was like to be young, to lust for battle, to think yourself invincible, but thinking like that will get you killed. Goblins may be small but they are adaptable both in body and mind. This mission will be dangerous and casualties are a possibility. Anyone who does not wish to partake is free to leave without fear of consequences.” The Captain waited to see if anyone would take his offer of safety.

The juniors stood firm, combat is what they have been training for, they would not miss this opportunity to show off what they had learned just before graduation.

Captain Owin nodded and continued his speech. “You will be split into two groups, one led by me, the other by lieutenant Myles. Both groups will be accompanied by men-at-arms, I assume I do not need to stress how important it is to corporate and to obey the orders of your superiors but know such behavior will not be tolerated. Lieutenant Myles and I will now read aloud a list of names, My group will form on the left, The Lieutenant’s on the right. You will be given further instruction by your group leader.”

Names were called and the two groups were formed. Tasha thanked Yaza when Owin called her name she would finally get a chance to see her hero in battle. Ronald and her brother were also called to the lighthammer’s group. Seeing her brother's sweaty exhausted face made Tasha’s shame flare up again, not only had her prank caused her brother to be humiliated she had also kept silent when she had the chance to speak, failing in her oath to uphold the truth.

I swear I’ll apologize to John and own up to the captain once we get back

After all, if she told them now it would just lead to them being further delayed and Tasha's blood was pumping with excitement at the chance to prove her skills to the world.

“There are bags full of rations and other supplies by the gate, if you forgot to pick one up you will have to hunt for your food.” The Captain said as he started to describe the details of their task. “ We know the location of two goblin camps, we will handle one and the Lieutenant’s will handle the other. Information we have collected suggests there are more, however, so we are to investigate the surrounding area as well. Any questions?”

No one dared to raise their hand.

“Form up, March.” and so the order was given.


They had been marching for a day down Leeside’s main road towards the goblin encampment when all hell broke loose. Arrows rained upon the group as a loud snapping noise came from the trees in front of them, a tree trunk tied to a series of ropes swung down directly towards the Lighthamer. The crude stone-headed arrows had little physical effect on the armor-plated warriors but the suddenness of the ambush combined with the inexperience of the juniors resulted in a state of panic as they frantically tried to find the source of the attack. A bright light appeared from the front of the column as the Lighthammer’s booming voice drowned out the rising tide of panic that threatened to drown them all.

“AT ARMS, PREPARE FOR AN ATTACK FROM BOTH SIDES” Tasha looked in time to see the Captain's glowing arms catch the swinging log and rip it free, only to toss it towards the unseen assailants on the right side of the road. Much like Tasha , Captain Owin focused on enhancement magic, using mana to strengthen and modify one's own body. Focusing on the calm flowing streams of Vitus within her body she began to increase her speed and strength as she drew her long sword and moved into formation. Not yet done her preparations Tasha started to chant a lux based spell. By shaping the light mana in this fashion Tasha was able to enhance her senses, revealing the hidden enemies on the sides of the road.

Shit was the only thing Tasha could think as a horde of green descended upon them.

Tasha had no clue how this many goblins had sneaked up on their group but her training stopped her from panicking as she stood back to back with her brother. A goblin wielding a short spear lunged at her, Tasha deftly parried the strike and decapitated the goblin with one swipe. But the tide of green pressed forward as the sounds of battle raged around her. Every swing she took killed a goblin but it seemed that two more would take its place. Her concentration was interrupted as she heard a man scream, to her left a junior by the name of Adam had been speared in the leg. She wanted to go help but leaving her position would mean exposing her brother’s back to the enemy. She watched in horror as Adam was dragged from position and mobbed by goblins, his screams increasing in intensity before stopping completely. She heard chanting and saw a bright flash of light from her right.

The captain will save us I just have stall

Due to her distraction a goblin managed to slip past her guard and stabbed her with an iron knife. She slammed the hilt of her sword into its face and kicked back killing it with a downward blow to the head. She heard a growl from the woods as a hairless creature stepped out from the woods. She recognized it as a bugbear, a type of goblin-kin known for being dimwitted and freakishly strong. It towered over the other goblins being equal in height to Tasha, that's where the similarities ended as the bugbear was as wide as a barrel and rippling with muscles. It raised its two-handed club in the air and charged Tasha.

Tasha rushed forward baiting the bugbear into a swing that she easily sidestepped, she slashed its chest open the cut showing the white of bone and yellow of fat as the black blood sprayed into the air. The creature roared in pain as it swung again, Tasha reinforced body as much as she could with unstructured magic as she attempted to block the blow with her sword. The metal of the sword cut deep into the wood of the club, yet it was not enough to stop the moment of the blow as it slammed into her side, denting her armor and causing her side to explode with pain. But with the club at her side Tasha saw an opportunity, as she turned and forced her sword into the bugbear’s neck, it fell like a puppet with its strings cut.

She clutched her side and pulled the sword from the corpse in front of as she looked for her next opponent, she never got the chance to find one. As a shining ball of light slammed down from the sky into the forest that she stood across from, within it was Owin the Lighthammer burning goblins with holy light or turning them to paste with his hammer. The group on the right had finished killing their share of the goblins and had now come to help Tasha and the left side win the fight.

Tasha breathed a deep sigh of relief she and John had survived.


Of the twenty that had set out four were dead and seven had been wounded, Tasha herself suffered from fractured ribs. After the ambush Captain Owin had ordered for a perimeter to be established, providing the group with a hastily assembled defense. The mood was tense as Captain Owin took aside the highest-ranking men-at-arms to discuss their next move. Tasha stood guard around the edge of the perimeter probing the area with Vitus. The mana of the living creatures hummed in harmony with her probe, not detecting anything out of the ordinary she allowed herself to relax just a bit.

“All report!” the booming voice of the Lighthammmer summoned those who could still walk. Tasha got into formation and could feel a sense of ease start to spread amongst the juniors as the Captain's presence reassured them.

“The Goblin situation is clearly worse than we thought, they displayed numbers and cunning greatly beyond our estimate as such we must ensure our survival over completion of the task. Scouts will be sent out to check for any further traps while our healers patch up the wounded. The rest of you will reinforce the perimeter. Be ready to march at a moment's notice. Dismissed.” With that, the scouts handpicked by Owin set out, those unwounded started to set up crude walls out of wood scavenged from the forest, the healers used their magic to restore the wounded.


After three hours the scouts returned, most gave the all-clear sign but one reported he had seen a man and a boy walking down a road leaving Leeside.

Captain Owin considered this for a moment before speaking “I can’t in good conscious risk a citizen and a child getting ripped to shreds by goblins. I’ll lead a small expedition out to collect them.”

Tasha did not know why dread gripped her stomach at this news.

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