《The Chosen: Colossus of Evil》Chapter One
15 Years later….
Symbolizing soul protection was a reaper looking pendant forged and divided into three parts, the first was a hooded skull figure, which finds its home tucked around the neck of the youngest sibling Dawn. Who has assumed the role as a priestess, the second and third are right and left scythes that bind on either side of the figure when united and are around the necks of the two brothers. The eldest brother Cloud has taken his father’s footsteps became a Paladin, while his brother Rain took a different path, becoming a Sorcerer like his mother. Guided and safe guarded the three now live out their lives in the refuge of a drow society known as the Bloodhawk clan, moving on a constant from the ever wishing grasp of the Matriarch. The Matriarch was born leader by blood to the Shadowell nation of Drow. This faction of the real society fights by isolation and hiding to better them as a completely new side. The historical rift with the surface realm elves their ancestors have brought upon them over centuries of war and discrimination. Times have not been kind as scouting war parties sent on a continuous motion by the dreaded queen of the Dark elves to rid the infection she claims and worries could damage her solidified ruling. Cynn, the pure blood sister to the Matriarch leads the rebellion to their goal, with great knowledge as well as magic powers that seem unlimited has she held the attacks. Remaining to the under depths of the realms surface do they dwell in a place not found by any, including the tracking even from the great Colossus. Who has relies now on the aid of Dark dwarven units called Droknor’s; blinded to greed these tainted forgers are and only have the whites to the eyes savored by continuous deeds paid in gold by the bloody mess war only could bring.
The knees and hands of the caped figure impale the muddy ground beneath; his razor cut ash colored hair mudded by the splash of the impact made when he fell. Wiping off his sleek elven featured face of mud that curved hard around his nose line he turns his wolf shaped eyes up to his opponent and stands to a height of five foot seven. With a complementing muscular physique that was solid as a bear, and endurance holding as strong as the steel blade he held did the years of hard training and high inspiration seem now to slowly pay off.
“Now you see what happened there?” Straud questioned
“Yeah I’m pretty sure you hit me and I fell” Cloud said seriously toned with annoyed grief.
“I gave you duel Pella slashes then went for a shoulder thrust, (sigh) again, and remember to look for the future attack and not be so focused on the one occurring now”, Cloud nods and they start again sparing and after little time has passed Cloud hits the mud again, wiping it and the newly dripping blood from the left comer of his mouth he again rises to his feet.
“Your still looking at my hands, that’s not where the attack is coming from”, harps out Straud and starts to move around
“Watch my shoulders only and remember when you face an enemy with a blade…”
“…you face the enemy and not just his blade” Cloud ended wiping the mud from his eyes and Straud nods twirling in his grip a practice sword, sparing this time for a while they clang their swords in a center stance, holding a look of impression does Straud stop and back off
“Good, good, that’s enough for today, your father’s strength and sharpness are solidly in you, (standing in silence for a moment and lowering his head to sheath his sword) your father would be very proud Cloud” Straud boasts nodding his head, and smirking to his own self gratification Cloud is interrupted by a voice laughing.
“I don’t know about that, he might be a little concerned about the plants having enough dirt for this season the way you’re always wearing it”
Sheathing his blade does Cloud center his sight to the sound coming from a form leaning against the post of the fence bordering the practice ring; a cloaked male drow holding a height of five foot four. His Dark grey hair wetted down to his neck with a waiver front part in its middle revealing his fare skin and long rigid face with a nose and jaw to match. His amber colored eagle eyes had a jagged misshapen claw like tattoo that circled above his left and below his right, and gave off from them a cold sharp stare of deep vision; to his hands, permanent burns that held raised up scratches and scares from failed attempts of castings on spell power out of his knowledge and league. He had a disposition and attitude to match the scare baring face from a history of spells gone wrong, and held a massive hatred to the world at large for the imperfect society they themselves been subjected to. Cloud approached the fence to an elbow lean on the top beam and spouts off “Care to go a round if you’re feeling so bold brother” Rain looked back baring a small chuckle to the thought of the normal answer any fighter type would give, still he replies
“Oh you know me Cloud I only pick the battles I can win” as he waves his hand at him with lightning arching across his fingers.
“How went the scouting Rain?” Straud asked
“I don’t know where you guys got your information but there’s nothing out there, not a single sign of a Drowish raiding party” Rain reassured Straud and nodding his head he exited the ring and made his way to the barracks tent with Cloud and Rain following behind when the encampment warning horn sounded all of them to alert
“Droknor att…” was ended abruptly when the scout fell from the tower to the ground in front of them with an axe buried in his back. Hearing the broken call Straud turns face just to have the blood sprayed to his chest plate from the fallen guard, spotting up his pale face and long grey hair. Straud gripped a bone horn from his side and with deep breathing blew to it unleashing a bellowing sound that waved across the encampment and partial town. Barracks and tents emptied flooding the ground with men in full war armaments, some with vests and swords and some baring only a blade; stampeding to the gates and wall sides. As the dreaded backstabbing and strong will survive ways were now gone from there minds, the drow rebels fought with a new resolve, their devotion and unwavering wish to undo what had been done.
Straud bolts up the tower stairs with Rain and Cloud in pursuit “I saw nothing on scout patrol” Rain said while running “Please uncle you must believe me”
“Of course I do Rain but there must be a reason for their cloaked arrival” Straud says climbing to the steps and reaching the top of the tower dodging arrows impaling the wall Straud peers over to see a shadowed figure waving its arms about and chanting in a familiar voice.
“Drakon” Straud says with focused eyes to the mage dressed in black and silver trimmings, and then turns to the boys “Cloud give word to the guard at the Citadel, bring them to the courtyard; Rain go to the temple get and escort your sister and Feldon to the Citadel, the elixirs she is gathering will be needed and keep her safe” Rain nods and descends the stairs quickly with his brother in trail, “How did they find us here” Cloud asks
“The one uncle called Drakon, he’s drow, a powerful mage so I’ve read that sells his knowledge and skill to the highest bidder, Colossus must have gotten to him” Rain hypothesized in step “Or promised him something in return” Cloud added, running out to the encampment did fires erupt to the outer walls and the sight of the Droknor were struck to the boys’ eyes. Darkened skinned they had holding a height of only four feet but thick and stout they were in body, they bared white pupils to the sockets that held a possessed over glaze and bleach white hair draped to their backs in pony tails. Wearing thick leather armor baring studs to the outer skin a massive double-bladed axe rested to their battle worn hands. Arrows pierced their chests and back from the sharp shots brought about by the Drowish defense, but not even slightly did it slow their lust for blood and war. Rams struck the outer doors to the camp border and fighting back Cloud and Rain looked to the homeland fighters not backing down from the tiny devils.
“Here’s where we split; you go get Dawn and we’ll meet up at the courtyard, then head for the citadel” instructed Cloud and Rain nods with a firm forearm shake to his brother “Be safe”,
“You too” Rain replies and watching Cloud bolt off like a deer in the woods, Rain bolted to a sprint toward the temple that only held small years in age.
Up at the temple is a young girl grabbing elixirs to take to the Citadel, she was about five feet tall and has shoulder length curly silver blue hair, and along with having elven rigid eyebrows, slender nose and mouth she carries deep swan shaped, long lashed silver eyes. Her facial physique is carried by a frame and build similar to that of a common milkmaid in any town, and to know that she is the sister is given away by the reaper looking pendant hanging to her neck. Soft milky aquamarine skin she holds under her sleeveless silver tunic and a bright blue leather skirt to go with it is complemented by a water lily flower in her hair.
“Just the cures and the healing elixirs Feldon don’t worry about the rest of them” called Dawn, a sudden thud in the room adjacent to hers brings her to stop packing and peer around the corner to witness two Droknor’s slitting the throat of Feldon, quietly she gasps and runs to grab a spear mounted on the wall, tearing it from it’s racking she rushes out to the next room to confront the two dark dwarves. Hitting the first dwarf with the hilt she turns the spear quickly to thrust it in to his chest and then again in to the throat, pulling the spear she turns and ducks the swinging axe coming from the second Droknor and keeping her rhythm she spins to trip the dwarf from the back. Keeping him staring at the ceiling she leans in to a thrust with the hilt hitting him on the bottom of his jaw breaking his neck. She runs over to Feldon’s body and helplessly examines that she can’t help him, closing his eyes she weeps saying a small prayer for him but is interrupted by a voice she doesn’t recognize.
“It is not wise to draw blood in a temple, gods tend to frown on that”, She turns to see a bigger Droknor holding twin throwing axes standing at the temple entrance, then seeing an axe released at her she grabs the spear, ducks, and swings redirecting the blade; to her success she lodges the axe into a pew and notices that the attempt also claimed the blade of her spear. Thinking of a quick solution Dawn runs into the next room, shutting and barricading the door with her spear rod. Hearing ramming heaves on the door by the dwarf she adds support to the brace with her own body and tears start to trickle down her cheek. She closes her eyes for a silent prayer and within moments the bashing to the door halted, she could hear the mutter of another voice in the room behind the door, but the door was too thick to make it out as it went on for some seconds then ending with violent raises in the tones. A scream was yelled and light flickered under the door crack, it became silent again and a knock emerged on the other side of the door. Confused and cautions Dawn grabs a mace, she positioned herself on the other side of the door and opened it while swinging to the open area of the doorway, dodging out the way the cloaked figure dodged out of the way holding her wrist in place to prevent another swing and looking up she saw her brother’s face. Dropping the mace and grasping him tightly she called Rain’s name and started to mutter and babble about the events that just happened. Rain blankets her with his arms and calming her down he says “Hey, hey Dawn it’s ok, I know you never wanted to kill those men but you had no choice ok, it was you or them, you were just defending yourself” she looked down at her bloodied hands and shook like she was having a seizure, Rain held her tight and kissed her forehead moving her smothered head. Looking to where the smoldering charred dwarf now laid Dawn questioned “What happened to him?” Rain smiled
“I was just enlightening him on the ways to treat my sister and it was more then he could take I guess”, smiling for a second and looking at Feldon’s fallen body Dawn grabbed the elixirs she gathered and then headed out to the courtyard figuring they will have to bury Felix later.
Seaming through the battling bodies making their way towards the courtyard Rain and Dawn witness a fight between Drakon and Straud, releasing her hand and moving to intersect the mage and fighter battle Dawn rewraps his hand” Where are you going”
“I need to help Uncle, he can’t fight the mage by himself” Rain snapped
“Stay with me please Rain, I’m scared” she pleaded, Rain nodded easing her terrified look, seeing a dwarf coming up on Straud’s blind side Rain conjured an arrow dripping of acid to his hand and hits the Droknor in the back. Straud turns to his surprise to see the impending dwarf cringe from the hit and stabbing him in the gut he looks with a quick glance to see where the assistance came from. Seeing Rain’s hand smoldering he salutes and continues with Drakon, as Rain and Dawn catch up with Cloud who is with half a dozen men fending off a group of the raiding party in the courtyard out front the Citadel. The three along with the men fall back to the Citadel and through out the night defend their tribes’ existence.
As she looked on to the battle unfolding upon her encampment her cape flowed to her sprint at the doorway, a silver chain was linked a cross her chest holding the satin banner baring her family crest in place. Her ash blonde hair was tight baring twin very lengthy pony tails that came almost to her mid back and her eyes were a deep blue, holding both the gentleness and sharp focus that an artic wolf held able to handle anything that came at them. Her outfit was a champagne white silk that draped to her shoulders with beaded straps and matched her cape which was white with a silver border trim. Waiting at the open arch to her great hall hurdling women and children to its welcome she saw young soldiers barring the Bloodhawk insignia in retreat only to a more suitable place, seeing the group being chased by Droknor’s close behind she takes action. Her eyes cindered up with a fiery red color flaming at her pupils and arching up her arm it spontaneously ignited into flame blazing out from her wrist to elbow, releasing the flames in a fan like wave did Cynn send them out toward her own men. The flames went through the soldiers causing no harm but hitting the Droknor’s they instantly ignited to flames collapsing in low ending yells to an untimely fire burning death.
They emerge victorious as the sunlight of the new day hits the trees and in to their camp buried deep within the valley cliff side of whisper willow forest. Gathering the wounded to the temple and what is left of supplies to the courtyard Rain notices that one of the wounded is unaccounted for,
“Where is Uncle?” Rain says in a panic, and without waiting for an answer he bolts to the last place he saw him with Cloud at his heels. Piling the dead to a corner Dawn comforts a soldier that was just healed while thinking to herself what great evil had they become to merit such a fate. To the outer wall Rain and Cloud travel to see a familiar face laying in a puddle of blood, rushing to his side to see if life still sparks within him the boys are relieved to see Straud still taking in air, quickly and carefully they move him to the temple.
“I don’t understand this deep green coming from your leg uncle” Cloud inquires
“It’s man scorpion venom from a dagger Drakon had on him” Straud explained
Seeing the wound from his side Rain asks “No offence but why didn’t Drakon finish you with a disintegrate spell or something if he thought you were such a threat?”
“You try casting a verbal spell with a broken jaw and see how well it turns out for you, he tried and caused the flowers to grow uncontrollably, and after that failure he cursed me to die a slow death teleporting away laughing…well sort of I think you know his jaw was broken” Straud recapped. Getting to the temple Straud heard a familiar soft elven voice “Uncle!” Dawn cried out and ran to give him a hug and check his wounds, disappointedly alerting him “uncle I can’t treat these wounds I’m not powerful enough” grunting a little shriek of pain Straud instructed her to go a get the Arbiter Maylor to handle the mending.
After a visit from the Arbiter and a couple days rest for everyone to the encampment the council conveyed together for new action. The council members enter the courtyard lead by Judicator Cynn followed by Arbiter Maylor and lastly the guard Captain, Straud. Entering to the meeting room he held no emotion to his face but under his skin both rage and uncertainty battle for the surface, taking his seat that rested to Cynn’s right side Straud looks to see Cynn holding a sorrowed gaze, “How many brave souls did we lose Captain” Cynn asked not fully wishing to know, “Five, one was my second lieutenant, Tamarius” Straud said slow and quiet, taking a moment to honor the dead the council bowed their heads to silence, but after only a short couple of seconds, the slam of the Strauds fist upon the table brought Cynn’s head up to alertness. “I didn’t expect him, Drakon!” Straud ended heated to his words.
“He must be in league with the Matriarch, her attempts have turned desperate if she is to trust in him again” Maylor added
“He’s not allied with her, Drakon came with the Droknor’s, always has he been known to sell his skills to the highest bidder…he’s with Colossus, and that changes everything” Straud said as the council goes to a hum of low conversation,
“We must move again our encampment” Maylor brought up to which Cynn nod’s in agreement, “I agree but new tactics to the shift must be implemented, if Drakon is with Colossus this whole section will be searched by his men. We can’t hope to fight off the Shadowell force’s and evade Colossus’s grip on the children” ends Captain Straud in deep thought, “What options have we” The judicator inquires. an answer sparks from a council member to relocate to the other side of the realm, that it’s their only option now, Maylor argues that even though it has to be that way they’d never make it unnoticed, “We’d have to be nearly invisible” Maylor ended his concern and from it sparked Strauds mind with a thought, “Only nearly though Maylor” Straud said having his face come alive, “What are your thought’s Captain” Cynn questioned.
“We need to travel light and small, hide to the druid grove and over a coarse of time make our way through the realm to the other side” explained Straud, “How small of gathered groups” Cynn asked.
“Don’t know, six…maybe ten at most, we need to stay to a location for timed intervals, the whole thing may take us five, six months to complete”
“Six months!” Bolted Maylor in objection, “This needs to happen Maylor, soldiers will accompany their families and a council member will go with each group. we will separate as well….and absolutely no contact, we use the druids to relay messages to cover our tracks” Strauds ends and seeing the form of a well laid out plan Maylor finally came to a nod in agreeance, “The children will need you with them Straud, and some of your best men for they will be a big target”
“I know which is why they will get no one” Straud said back
“No one! Straud have you lost it, they will not survive in the woods for that long”
“I know, that’s why we won’t send them to the woods, we send them to Silverspire City”
“The Human Capital, now I know you got hit hard” Maylor said with rebuttal
“Hear me out Arbiter, it’s a move they’d never see us make or think we’d risk, sending our one hope according to lure out from our protection to a City we’d never trust…they’d never look there” Straud says half proud, Maylor clings to his logic while shaking his head still not convinced
“Captain, Dawn has been under my training for years, she is very naive to the world at large and even I can’t shake that from her mind, Cloud is strong willed yes, but over protective to his siblings. And Rain… need I even say more…that young high strung sorcerer is a storm waiting to explode, they are children Straud, and they can’t handle the pressure of a city not to mention they would be hated, spit on and possibly strung up because of them merely being drow!” Maylor closes.
“We have done all we can for them, and in that city they wouldn’t even be noticed as long as they hold cover to their actions and their will” Straud says while Cynn motions out worry upon her face
“They’re more mature than you give them credit for and keeping a low profile is something they have done ever since they got here, I have been like a father to them for fifteen years and I can tell you with absolute certainty that they can do this” Straud debated sternly
“And when it comes time to bringing them out from there, you have about as good of chance as finding a marked coin in a dragon horde than you do finding them in that city” Judicator Cynn said concerned
“We won’t have to, we just instruct them to find us, and find us they will” Straud said with pride “If we want them to grow in power both mentally and physically and do it hastily then they need nothing but our absence not our help, and like trees in a forest they will grow off each other through triumphs as well as faults & failures, and grow fast (now standing in front of Cynn) Please let them prove this to you and to me”
Standing beside him Cynn touches his cheek “You must love them very much to be so proud to freely want to do this for them”
And holding back the hurt of making such a pledge does he lower his head to a honored bow “I do …I love them like they were my own”
She smiles at him “Then we shall grant your wish, as well as the joint responsibility along with Maylor to divide our clans to appropriate sized groups, but you should be the one to tell them this news Captain” she ended and with a nod he agreed.
“Now, that it is settled about them where do we meet after the elapsed time has past?” Cynn asks, and Maylor raises his voice “The Onus Isles” Maylor says to which Cynn nods but looking to the Captain, Straud shows no agreeance, “Any other thought’s Captain?” Cynn asked out to him
“The Isles are a good thought, dense with gazer pressure and hard for any to find us by magic…very wise, but with now both on our trails we know by experience that Colossus has many other weapons to his use in locating something besides magic, if he or the Matriarch find us there, there is no way out from that spot…it will be our last stand”
“Have you another thought” Maylor pushed out in annoyance to which Straud replies “The Golden Glade Mountains, they are harsh for any sizable army to come through and any that do manage to make it we can take on with a smaller number for the peaks will have our height advantage and there great fatigue…plus she holds her lair to the highest peaks among them”
“She is who” Cynn inquired
“The Silver Dragon…Lalandra” Straud brings out and again does the meeting erupt with low toned chatter on concern, “Lalandra…Lalandra’s an ancient mythical Straud and-“
“Not a fan of either of our enemies, which we hide from Arbiter, she has aerial layout of the place to which we can barter for in a pact to stay there” Straud added
“You know as well as I the recruitment of Dragons and it’s easier to sway the help of the younger ones, she is a legendary beast of power at status and so runs high her thoughts of absolution with no involvement on mortal affairs, however grave they might be” Cynn respectfully defended on the arbiter’s side.
“I understand that and with those principles we can use them to our advantage” The Captain sparked
“How” Asked Maylor still in disbelieve,
“She has a problem as well, her eggs I have been told have been taken” says Straud, “You know of this for certain” Cynn questioned
“I don’t but I keep in the know of her status and issues since our time together, they were taken by another of her kind, a rival I suspect. Look they are the same with help as us, they get none ever but if we were to aid her on this, it’ll be a mark her rival would not see coming and with the recovery of her young would give us sway to legislations…a weak chip to bargain I know and the information might not even be true but it’s our best hope and so are the Golden Glades” the Captain finished ending his statement. Cynn takes moment to recover from the talk and made her motion to side again with the Captain, stating to the council that the Mountains were their new destination Cynn then dismisses the council.
Setting them to a nice dinner in the home stead they had called home for many years Straud then gathered the courage to tell them of the events to come, and the looks to there scared faces told the only story Straud was ready for, Straud told them they were ready as much as they could be for this new stage to their lives and all held a hidden state to there souls until the time length was told to them.
“Six months” Dawn barked in protest
“Dawn’s right uncle; that’s a long time in Silverspire, and it’s a human city what if something happens to us before then” Rain said concerned “It smolders with the smell of fear and weak-mindedness…humans are so pathetic” Rain ranted on.
“You guys stick to your training and together, you’ll be fine, believe me, as I believe in you and trust me, you wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t think you were ready. The amulets you wear will hide your tracks from Colossus’ sight; now if all your stuff is packed and stomachs are full meet me up at the temple… I have some things to give each of you” Straud ends and goes down stairs, proceeding where they were told the children waited for their uncle to show. A short time passed when Straud finally emerged in the door carrying a large rolled bundle tied in the middle. They gathered by him to see what was inside and opening the sack they stepped back standing silent, gazing to their sight was the weapons of their parents, Cloud focused deep to the shiny blade his father held tight and brought to death all who ever meant to harm his family and way of life…all but one. Dawn stared to a staff she did not know was to the bloodline for she as far as she could remember was the first to take up the call of the clerical ways in a long time. Rain’s eyes beamed to the blade his mother held to her immortal hands and a sudden hate grew and crawled beneath his skin, it’s stylish curve to the blade shape burned to his mind as he had seen it before, and looking to it’s hilt with the bright silver palm bend embedded with sapphires Rain had it to his mind like a living nightmare.
“Cloud” Straud said motioning him forward and presented him with Dalamar’s sword in it’s sheath, “I was going to give these to you later, but as this situation arose I figured this was a better time” Cloud holds the jeweled hilt with a demon head, Cloud unsheathed it to revel a brightly silver steel blade with a faintly white glow surrounding it. “Your father’s blade Cloud” Straud explained “it’s a holy sword that’s power will increase as your own does through the coarse of your days with it” looking down in utter awe did Cloud not bare the nerve to unfold the steel free, the hurt even though years ago was still too close to handle and putting it away again he steps back. Dawn is motioned forward and is given a staff with her holy symbol on the top incased in silver and standing tall down the fine crafted red oak rod was a silver spear head, looking confused Dawn spoke puzzled to her uncle “This isn’t from my parents” she said half asking to him,
“No, it’s my wife’s, since there was no priests in your family I had to improvise” giving it back to him she shook her head, and placing his hand over hers he pushed it back again “Please Dawn, I know Crysonia would have wanted you to have it if Colossus hadn’t taken her from me on our first march to his death” she smiled with a tear trickling down and accepted it. Finally turning to Rain he showed him the blade that was all to familiar to his eyes, backing up toward to door Rain shook his head “Rain, step forward son –“
“Get that damn thing out of my face, I don’t want it nor do I ever want to see it again “
“Your mother...”
“GET IT OUT OF HERE I DON’T WANT IT” Rain screamed and ran out of the temple all the way to the courtyard, hearing his name shouted to return Rain ran faster until there was only silence.
Sitting against a tree tears began to flood his face and Rain looked up at the sky screaming “Why, why did you do it, huh, why did you leave us in this futile existence (falling to his side still shouting) I hate what I’ve become and it’s all your fault…….You could’ve ran away, If you only would have ran away things would be different….why didn’t you just run away” Rain ended almost to a whisper and to his back Straud approached in silence,
“Because that’s not the kind of parenting they wanted to instill in you” Straud said hoping his voice wouldn’t make him again bolt away and raising to his feet shakily with sheer hate almost to his face Rain looks to his uncle’s gentle sight.
“They wanted you to stand tall and proud, not fear what comes at you no matter how dangerous and scary they are Rain, they wanted you to have all the confidence and courage in the world, and what better way to show that then through their own actions for inspiration” Straud continued
“It’s pretty hard to accomplish any of that when they’re DEAD!” Rain bolted still shouting
“They’re doing it through me Rain don’t you see, I’m doing only what they would have wanted” Straud replied back at Rain
“It’s not enough” Rain barked back calming down a little “I want to see and hold them again”
Rain sobbed standing there crying furiously, Straud came up and hugged Rain barring Rain’s head in his chest “I hate her, I hate her because I love her so much…both of them so much” Rain cried out practically limp to his uncle’s grip, joining up slow beside Straud came the two other siblings who aided in the hug “Not a day goes by when I don’t think of what life would be like if they were here” Straud says looking at Rain with tears now running down his own face “but if they were watching, I’m positive they wouldn’t want you to quit and give up Rain, they would be so proud of how you turned out, how all of you turned out just as much as I am” Straud smiled wiping the tear’s from Rain’s face and Rain smiled.
“Now, let’s give a second chance on that blade” Straud suggests and Rain nods looking to his uncle’s hand that held tight his mother’s blade in his grip, Rain slowly takes it to his own hand admiring the beauty it carries as he thinks of his mothers face and the lethalness it carries by the memory of power his mother had, Rain vowed in silence to bury it in to the head of the bull bastard personally. As they all got their bindings together again the three turned around to leave when Straud said “One more thing I have to give you all” and turning intently they listened, “Remember the song I taught you guys to put you to sleep”, they all nod and he continued “It’s not a song but a spell, and it goes together when you hold one of these (pulling a stone from his pocket) this is a soul stone that in case god forbid any of you are killed must be used to safe guard your souls and powers from Colossus’ clutches, sacredly agreeing to what he said the three each take one and follow their uncle up to the house for a last night together of comfort and warmth.
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Res van Coventry has a dream - a dream of a relaxing life thinking about the world and philosophy. That dream is crushed when a ghost from another world called earth possesses him. Now, he needs to share a body with a moron while trying not to get killed by kingdoms, crime syndicates, and other organizations. Without wanting to, he builds a revolution of street children from the ground up and dabbles in alchemy. All the while, Res tries to cling to his dream of a carefree life despite more and more responsibility. Come along on this light-hearted journey and just enjoy the ride. ***************** Warning: This book isn't your average OP Male MC novel, but isn't meant to have a completely flushed out world etc. When reading this novel, just let yourself be pulled in by the unique premise and have fun. ***************** The link to the discord is here. If you want to see all the 74 Chapters of this book and want to support me, you can head over to my Patreon. Thanks to everyone for reading my book. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
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The Legends of Granis Book 1: The Evergreen Forest
Granis, a world full of mysteries and legends. A world where seven realms have been bound together and adventurers travel abound to find adenture, glory, riches, and many more. Of all the legends that tie this world together, there are two that are most prominant. The tale of seven fallen stars and a lost kingdom, these tales are as old as Granis itself and many write them off as children's stories. A foolish tale for foolish people. Though, of all the guilds that dot Granis and its kingdoms, there is one that holds these legends as true. The Blue Star Guild seeks the truth to these stories and refuse to let anyone dissuade them, for in the words of their master: "The most foolish of tales, make for the greatest of adventures" Image supplied by Shutterstock
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It was always you
Beca and Chloe use to be so in love, that was until Beca made a mistake. Now both live different lives. Ones happy while the others not. Will they find their way back together? Or will they forever be apart?
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Purpose ❆ Benny Rodriguez
[Book 2 - Sequel of All That Matters]❝You give me purpose.❞All Rights Reserved » NotMakayla
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