《An Unusual Town》Chapter 32: Slithering Caretaker


Slithering Caretaker

The hallway at the bottom of the stairs was lined with blue flamed torches. The flames flickered in the wind that fought its way through the underground passages. This was the beginning of Shadow Wood’s underground labyrinth and one of the few ways to get to the Hidden City. It is also maintained by Kígyó who I want to be my Skull Ball Tournament Referee.

I ran my fingers along the stone walls until I found a hidden patch of moss. “Show me where Kígyó is.” The moss shivered at my touch and quickly grew along the wall of the labyrinth. It grew in the cracks and along the mortar to create an easy to follow line. Smiling I followed the moss through many twists and turns until I reached a hidden door. “Thank you.” The moss shivered but otherwise stayed sill at my words.

Looking around the hallway only to see grey stones with blue torches was distasteful. I looked back at the moss that had left a green stripe along the walls and floor. “Well why don’t you grow a bit more. I’m sure that you could liven this place up a bit.” The moss shivered and began to expand into any crack or craves it could find. I smiled as it slowly made the walls greener and more inviting. [ Kígyó will hate it. ]

Words light up on the hidden door. ‘You saw me where I never was and where I could not be. And yet within that very place, my face you often see. What am I?’ “Sigh a reflection is it?” I turned around and walked straight through the wall on the opposite side. It was as if walking through mist. The air changed to be hot and moist as if walking into a sauna. Water dripped down from the ceiling onto stalagmites. The blue flames flickered and sizzled every time a drop hit them casting ominous shadows.

I walked slowly dodging the many stalactites and stalagmite. A shallow river slowly formed along the pathway the deeper I went. Reaching the edge of the hallway it opened up into a large chamber. Steps carved into the cave walls ended in round door ways. Intricate carvings filled the room which was light with glowing stones of varying colors. The river that had started in the hallway ended in a deep pool in the middle of the chamber. The lights bounced off it scattering it more giving it a kaleidoscope effect.

“Kígyó!” The shout echoed through the many rooms bouncing from place to place making it impossible to figure out where it originated from. Slithering could be heard from a passage on the right before the noise scattered.

“Kazzz.” Came a hiss from the top most chamber. A horned snake head could be seen sticking out from the doorway. Its golden eyes locked onto me and its tongue flicking in and out to taste the air.


“Kígyó, how have you been?” The head disappeared back through the door when I spoke.

“Veryy well. Thank youu, and youu?” The voice was a bit gravely. As if rocks were sliding across each other.

“Quite well. I’m sure you heard that I’ve just came back from vacation.”

“Ahhh, Thhats right. Youu were on vacationn.” Rummaging could be heard from the room. “Howw was itt?”

“Hmm, it was ok. Meet some old friends and an old enemy.”

“Hishishis, of course, of coursse. Anyy vacation youu have would endd up that wayy.” Kígyó emerged from the room draped in a red and black robe. Black scales could be seen scattered across his skin and his blood red hair more flexible horns than hair.

“Now that’s quite mean. I have had normal vacations.”

“Hishishis, yesss of coursse. I’m ssorry.” Kígyó waved his hand saying follow me. “I’m ssure that youu have. Would youu like ssomething to drink?”

“No I’m good.”

“I ssee.” We entered a room on the bottom floor. It was decorated like a parlor with a decidedly snake like theme. “Pleasse have a sseat. Noww why have youu come Kazzz?”

“Well how would you like to be the referee for this years Skull Ball Tournament?” Kígyó raised and eyebrow.

“Mee? Well that’ss interessting. Issn’t the tournamentt not for anotherr three monthss?”

“Yes well it had to be moved forward. With all that has been happening recently the counsel deiced that it would be a good stress reliever.”

“… And youu chosse me to bee the referee?”

“Yes. I believe that you would be an excellent referee for this year.”

“Sso youu want a rockk tournament?” His eyes flashing in amusement.

“Hahaha, no. I don’t want a rock tournament. Rather I felt it would be best as you do not participate in the tournament and would be able to immediately stop those who violate the rules.”

“Hishishis, well yess I can sstop them quite quicklyy. However theyy would be sstone. I’m ssure that wouldd ruin the gamee. No?”

“No it won’t ruin the game, and it will keep the players in check.”

“Hmm, well I ssee no problem beingg the referee for thiss yearss game.”

“Good, it will be held this weekend.”

“Quite ssoon.”

“Yeah, it’s to soon in my opinion. There almost isn’t enough time to get all the work done.”

“Hishishis, I’m ssure you’ll managee.”

“Sigh, well you agreeing to be the ref has made it a hole lot easier.”

“Gladd I could helpp. Wheree will it bee held thiss year?”

“The Tops.”


“Yeah, I still have to go see how it’s going but they are the ones that wanted to hold it this year.”


“Ah, I ssee.”

“Yeah, this also means that this years tournament will be a bit more entertaining.”

“Hishishis, sso there will bee new ruless?”

“Well, it is still the same set up. Two goals one for each team two miles apart. To score a point the skull needs to make it into the goal. Passing, throwing, snatching, tackling, and kicking are all valid. Same person can’t touch it twice in a row. Use of magic is valid, so is flying and digging. Illusions are valid to a certain extent. Nothing that could lead to death is allowed. Maiming, mortal wounds, weapons, and death are illegal. As are blinding and paralysis of the opponent.”

“Asss alwayss.”

“As for the skull it will be imbued with the different elements. So when it gets a jolt it will change its element. Only three skulls are allowed per game. The winning team will be the one with the most points. And as always there is no out of bounds. Which will no doubt increase the difficulty since it’s at the Tops. Sigh, we might need a barrier this year.”

“Hishishis, well ssince it’ss at the Topss. Theree will be a lott of platformss.”

“Sigh, yes. Thats why we will probably need a barrier surrounding the field.”

“Welll at leasst it will be interessting.”

“Yes very interesting. Well please come to the Tops at 6 am on Saturday. The tournament will start at 9 am. We can go over the penalties then.”

“Of coursse. Ssee you then Kazz.”

“Tell then.” I got up and left the way I came. The hallways that I followed the moss down now looked very old and welcoming. Moss covered the walls and most of the floor. I smiled when I saw small white flowers growing on it. I ran my hand across it giving it more energy as I left. “Don’t you look wonderful.” The moss shivered and its growth speed doubled. [ Kígyó will lose it when he sees this. ] I lifted my hand off the moss and headed for the exit. [ I should go see the Tops. ]


Authors note

Thank you to those who comment, review, and generally read my story. The many spelling mistakes in the story are not going to be fixed... on this sight. I am adapting chapter 1 - 28 into a ebook which will have all of that fixed (as I have an editor thank god). I will post a link to it when it is finished.

Also the chapters, I am sure you noticed, are going to keep being irregular. My job is off the grid (no internet or electricity) so I can only update when I have internet. I'm sorry. I'll try to make it so that I can post more than one chapter when I make it into civilization.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Character list

Spoiler : Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Self proclaimed 'Green Spirit'

'Embodiment of forest'

Past names: Mor, Amke, Raul

Can create Green Men and trees

Redirect Magic

Violent tendencies...

Terrry - Necromancer

Cause of the Zombies

Kaz's Assistant


A Bosh

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt

Friend of Kaz

Farries the Dead to the Underworld

Replacement Mayor

Door to the Underworld

Controller of Shadows

Lisa - Cat Sidhe

Kaz's secretary

Has a crow familier named Eitilt

Ali Baba - Witch

Twin Sister to Baba Yoga


Inta is her daughter

Usor is her son

Baba Yoga - Witch

Twin Sister to Ali Baba


Jasmine - Leader of the Water Fae

Van - In control of the Power Plant



Dirk - Employees of Power Plant

Golems (created by Van)

David Baker - Mayor of Redroad



Clara - Little girl from National Park

Living with Kaz

Wood Elf

Akuji - Wizard

Head of Magic clan

Looks like a little kid

Kraken Family - 3 in total

Live in the pond

From Chaos dimension

Baby Loves Ice Cream

Badru - Head of the Library

Sphinx (Cheetah variety)

Translating Kaz's Book

Seth - Alpha of Werewolf Pack

Tasked with investigating Zombies

Loves animals (especially fluffy cats)

Ching is his Wife

Constantine Dracul - Lives in a Castle

In the Court of Life

Husband to Juliana


Juliana Ann Dracul - Necromancer

Terry's Master

Wife to Constantine


Jared Dracul - Son of Constantine and Juliana

Chasing Viola

Half Dragon Half Vampire

Viola Heart - Daughter of the King of the Court of Life

Being Chased by Jared

Nicolas Flamel - Alchemist

1 of the Order of 9


Kaz's Stocker

Experiment maniac


Mori - Little girl dressed in white

Terry's friend

The Undertaker

Has a Teddy Bear that walks and talks

Corey Einar - Elf

Lives in the Hidden City

A cross between a Light and dark Elf

King of Life - King of the Court of Life

Hates anything that is Undead

In a feud with the Shadow Assembly

Grisha - Wizard

Only survivor of the wizard massacre

Jim - Old Leader of Hidden City

Zara's Master

Zara - a Caazotz

New Leader of the Hidden City

Nox - Vampire Leader

Member of the Counsel

Kígyó- Basilisk

Keeper of the Labyrinth

Referee for the Skull Ball Tournament

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