《An Unusual Town》Chapter 16: Animal Love


Animal Love

Jared and I hiked our way across mountains and snowy terrain headed down towards Turkey. At first Jared was very upset that he had to leave Viola alone, but got over it quite quickly when I shoved him off a cliff. Thanks to his sturdiness he survived unharmed. [ To my disappoint. ]

Today was our third day of hiking and my fifth day away from Shadow Wood. We sat at a fire in the middle of the woods. The snow wasn’t as deep here so it was easier to find dryish wood. Jared was cooking food over the fire for us. [ I wonder how Shadow Wood is doing… Sigh ]


(Terry POV)

I walked slowly down the hall to the meeting room. A meeting was called because of the many problems that have happened recently. The closer I got to the meeting the slower I walked. I really didn’t want to be there however since Kaz was gone Lisa told me I had to come.

I opened the door only to see the head honchos of the different creatures found in Shadow Wood. [ This is going to be so fun! ] I went and took a seat next to Lisa.

“Well lets get started. As you may know there have been a few problems recently that need to be addressed. Lets start with the ‘Resident’.” Lisa skimmed her eyes across the crowd finally stopping on the ‘Resident’. “‘Resident’ why have you imprisoned the Gremlin children?”

“… The children committed a completely unforgivable act. They stood just out of reach and teased the baby Kraken with ice cream. I could not believe that they would teas such a cute and innocent creature. For their actions I am administering punishment.”

“…” [ Hahahahaha, Are you kidding me, right? The Kraken cute? ]

“To trap children just for this reason…” The Fae lady began.

“This is more than a suitable reason to trap the children. Besides teasing the Baby Kraken they also destroyed the ice cream stand. This is no laughing matter.”

“…” Shocked silence filled the room.

“Ahem… Lets move on… There is another problem that we have Seth brought back several animals while on his mission. He refuses to stop and keeps bring back more claiming that they were abandoned…”


“I couldn’t leave them there! They were abandoned by the Humans! It was just so sad…”

Lisa glared at Seth and cut in. “Seth we can’t take in all these animals. There is no where to put them.”

“Someone will take them in. I’m sure you Council members know of places.” Seth was determined to find homes for the animals he brought back. Speaking of it was hysterical to see him come back with fluff ball cats that he had ‘saved’ from danger. In fact most of the animals he saved were fluffy cats that would die within a day when on there own. I turned back to the conversation.

“What is wrong with you? Your an Alpha Werewolf! What possessed you to bring them back?” Correction I turned back to hear Lisa sternly questioning Seth’s life choices.

“They weren’t abandoned! I couldn’t just leave them there! There’s no way that they would survive.”

“Some of the animals are wild! Those would have survived!”

“What? None of the animals were wild! They were all pets!”

“You brought back raccoons! Those are wild animals!”

“… That was a mistake…” [ Wow, he’s bushing. Did he mistake the raccoons for something else? Did he mistake it for a cat? That must be humiliating! Bwahahaha. What kind of Werewolf does that?]

“Really? Tell me how did you mistake a raccoon?!”

“Children please, calm down we are in the middle of a meeting. There is no reason to fight like cats and dogs.” The deathly pale lady watched the two with distain.

“Cats and dogs?” Lisa growled.

“…But I’m a Wolf…” Seth muttered under his breath. [ I never know meetings were so much fun! ]

The deathly pale lady continued. “We will take the grimalkin. To help with this situation.”

Everyone turned to stare at the deathly pale woman. “The what?”

“The grimalkin.”

As the Council members looked at each other confused I couldn’t take it anymore. “Bwahahahaha,” Everyone in the room turned to look at me. “I think she means the Cats! Hahahahaha.”

“I do not see why that is so funny Necromancer.”


Seth gave a horrified look. “No you can’t have the cats. You will eat them!”

The woman looked at seth as if he were a bug. “We will noot EAT them, hound. The grimalkin have always been important to Vampires.”

“… Then thats settled. The Vampires will take the cats. Seth you must find homes for the rest of the animals. Meeting adjured.”

“Excellent.” The Vampire was the first to get up. She stood in front of Seth. “Show me to the grimalkin.” Seth paled a little but still took her off to where the animals were. [Pffft… I have to see this. ]


Character List

Spoiler : Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Self proclaimed 'Green Spirit'

'Embodiment of forest'

Past names: Mor, Amke

Terrry - Necromancer

Cause of the Zombies

Kaz's Assistant


A Bosh

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt

Friend of Kaz

Farries the Dead to the Underworld

Replacement Mayor

Lisa - Cat Sidhe

Kaz's secretary

Has a crow familier

Ali Baba - Witch

Twin Sister to Baba Yoga


Baba Yoga - Witch

Twin Sister to Ali Baba


Jasmine - Leader of the Water Fae

Van - In control of the Power Plant


Dirk - Employees of Power Plant

Golems (created by Van)

David Baker - Mayor of Redroad



Inta - Ali Baba's daughter

Usor - Ali Baba's Son

Clara - Little girl from National Park

Living with Kaz

Wood Elf

Akuji - Wizard

Head of Magic clan

Kraken Family - 3 in total

Live in the pond

From Chaos dimension

Badru - Head of the Library

Sphinx (Cheetah variety)

Seth - Alpha of Werewolf Pack

Tasked with investigating Zombies

Loves animals (especially fluffy cats)

Constantine Dracul - Lives in a Castle

In the Court of Life

Husband to Juliana

Juliana Ann Dracul - Necromancer

Terry's Master

Wife to Constantine


Jared Dracul - Son of Constantine and Juliana

Chasing Viola

Viola Heart - Daughter of the King of the Court of Life

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Chapter RSS About the author 2 Fictions 2 Posts 0 Threads Zephyr Follow Author Thursday, October 22, 2015 10:35:48 PM

Bio: I am an international wildlife conservationist that writes for fun in my free time. (thats why there is a lot of love for nature in my story and a lot of hate for humans... you know who you are humans.) Updates are sporadic due to not have electricity at times. So please be patient.

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