《Vampire in the Harry Potter World(Hiatus)》Chapter 1 Introduction


Kai woke up on the ground surrounded by trees roots and soil.

When he pushed himself off the ground, Kai looked down at himself and found that his body had lost weight but in an effective way and his skin was an unhealthy pale tone of white. Kai then realized that he was naked, IN A FOREST AND NOT WEARING ANY CLOTHES.

Once Kai finished searching for wounds himself, he realized that he didn't know where he was, nor did he remember how he got to a forest. As Kai tried to remember what happened to him a sudden pain erupted from his head and he blacked out.

A Few Hours Earlier

Kai walked out of the bus, that had dropped him off in the bustling city of Tel Aviv in Israel. He was on holiday and had decided to come to Israel. At the moment he was going to Dizengoff Center (a big mall). Kai walked down the street and passed all kinds of shops including an art shop and many food shops. After walking for a few minutes, he stood in front of entrance 8 of Dizengoff center.

Kai walked through the entrance after a security check, when he walked through the doors he saw a unique build: One side of the mall was sloped in a descent while the other side was sloped in the opposite direction. Due to it being Kai's first time in the mall, it looked so big that he was afraid he would become lost. In the end, Kai decided to just continue in a straight line from the entrance and work out the route from there.

Once Kai decided the route he felt his stomach rumbling from hunger, because he didn't have breakfast. Kai decided to search for a restaurant. He passed a coffee shop called "cofix", (cofix is a coffee shop that sells everything in a dollar). Kai walked to the end of the line and waited until it was his turn, when a slob-like man tried to overtake Kai.

Kai stretched out his arm in order to stop him from cutting the line, then the man stared at Kai angrily and started to shout at him in Hebrew. However, Kai didn't understand what he was saying, ignored him and asked for an iced coffee.

After that, the loud man was pushed to the end of the line by the rest of the people standing in line.

Once Kai got his coffee he heard someone mention comics and shop, so he walked up to the two men conversing and asked them for directions to get to the comic shop.

The man replied in broken English with a hard to understand Israeli accent "upstairs, second-floor hall way" and tried to gesture with his hands but couldn't really explain properly. Kai thanked him and made his way to the second floor in a fast gait.

When Kai got to the second floor he tried searching for the comic shop, but only found it after 10 minutes of searching. When Kai found the shop, he went in and found that one half of the shop was full of manga and the other side was filled with comics. On the counter and on the shelf behind there was lots of merchandise like figurines, cards...


Kai walked to the book case that was filled with manga and browsed through the attack on titan section. He then picked book 11 and started reading, when a big man with a big bushy beard, cargo pants, and a faded tee shirt started shouting something in Arabic with a "plastic" gun.

Kai then walked up to the man without understanding the precarious scenario that he was in because he had never seen a real gun. The man saw Kai walking up to him while telling him that his gun was an awesome replica. The man felt threatened when he saw that Kai didn't care about the gun, so he took aim at Kai and shot him in the leg. Kai felt something pierce his knee and then collapsed on the floor in pain while groaning and tears streaming down his face.

The man gestured to the rest of the shoppers and employees to exit the shop with the gun in hand. The Israeli citizens understood that this man is a terrorist because they saw these kinds of attacks on the news.

The terrorist understood that most people don't understand him, so he just pointed at the entrance and gestured for everyone to leave. When the small crowd left while shaking in fear, Kai was left lying on the ground.

The terrorist looked at Kai lying on the floor and looked like he was contemplating whether to kill him with another bullet or just let him bleed out. In the end he decided to let him bleed out and took out a small rectangular package with colourful wires connected while making beeps.

Kai understood that it was a bomb! The terrorist stuck the bomb to one of the walls of the shop and started the countdown by pressing the red button on the package. The terrorist started to walk quickly towards the exit when he bumped into Kai on the ground and thought to himself {If he manages to get past the pain of the wound he will be able to tear the bomb off the wall, so I better shoot him, so he just dies}.

Kai saw the terrorist look at him with a steely look and aimed his gun at him. Kai started shivering and asked him with his jaw quivering and said "don't hurt me I won't do anything" over and over. But due to the terrorist not understanding English, he stretched his arm out and aimed it at Kai's chest and opened fire.

However due to the man's bad aim he hit Kai's stomach but thought to himself that he will soon bleed out and die so it didn't matter if he hit the heart or another organ. Kai felt a sharp pain in his stomach as well as hot liquid started to flow down his stomach. Kai saw the blurry image of the terrorist walking through the exit of the shop, but Kai started to feel cold and extremely weak due to the blood loss.

As Kai lay in the pool of his own blood, he wondered how long he had lain there. While he heard faint gunshots from downstairs form what he guessed was more of the terrorist's fellow companions, as well as the police having a gun fight. Kai felt tired as he sensed Death's embrace slowly but steadily making its way towards him.


While the blood continued to flow out of his body, Kai started to see his life flying past his eyes. He saw his first memory- nursery then family meals, having friends over at his house, going to the cinema. He saw primary school, middle school and high school. There many conflicts between friendships but there were also reconciliations. He saw his passions- books, web novels, movies, games and meeting friends.

Finally, he saw his most cherished moments- his child hood where he would sit with his family and talk with them about his day, when they had a Harry Potter marathon or when he would have many discussions with his mother about one of their favourite book series Twilight.

Kai closed his eyes for the last time after realizing that he had a fulfilling life-although it was short he enjoyed it. He only regretted not seeing his family for the last time. Once Kai came to that realization he waited for the embrace of death. Kai heard lots of explosions and screams of terror from downstairs.

he then felt an enormous amount of heat and force crash into his powerless body a moment later and then he lost consciousness.


Unnamed forest

Kai woke up after he recalled his last moments of his previous life and thought to himself {Did I really die?}. He then took some time to digest the rest of the information.

Kai remembered the terrible feeling of powerlessness, the way he lay drenched and surrounded in a pool of his own blood. The way the terrorist loomed over him, reigning over Kai's life and death without Kai having an inch of control.

Kai was overwhelmed with negative emotions- anger, wrath, and a desire to kill. Kai was shocked at the overwhelming negative emotions, because he had never felt these emotions to this level.

Suddenly Kai realized that he was thirsty, extremely thirsty. The thirst was causing him to lose his reasoning, the only thought revolving through his head was to find sustenance. The thirst caused him to feel the burning sensation that was the thirst, scorch his already parched throat.

Kai started to smell the air around him for a few seconds, and then started to run in straight ahead. Kai was tracking the scent of the prey he was hunting a warm-blooded animal, more than one. After running in the densely packed woods for a few seconds, he made his way to a small creek in a clearing.

Kai saw a group of boars drinking from the water. In the group Kai saw two little boars which he reckoned were the newborns of the group. Due to Kai's extreme speed, the boars hadn't registered Kai's presence.

Kai pounced on the biggest boar and pinned him down, while ignoring the rest of the boars that were escaping the creek. Due to Kai's hunger that had caused him to descend into madness, there wasn't any hesitation as he sank his jaws into the poor animal throat. He had begun sucking the blood out of the boar's body.

In the beginning the boar had been trying desperately to escape Kai's hold, but as Kai began drinking the boar's blood it stopped moving. Once Kai finished draining the beast, he let go of the carcass and let it drop to the ground with a "Thud" noise.

Kai still felt the thirst but this time it was much more bearable. In addition to the thirst kai felt like something start to stir inside of him, like some primordial beast begin to awaken. However due to the insufficient energy, the feeling disappeared.

Kai thought to himself [What have I done? I just killed a living being with my own two hands]. However, he soon finished thinking about the kill, because he started examining his new body.

Kai started from his legs. Two pale well-toned legs without to much hair and hiding explosive power under the lean muscles. A pale thin waist with a well-proportioned "package" lying in between his legs. A well-defined six pack in addition to the many muscles packed in his abdomen. Above his stomach was his powerful chest with a lean and muscular build. His arms were strong and powerful as could be seen from his biceps.

Kai couldn't see his back or his face, but next to him was the creek that could act as a temporary mirror. Kai glanced down at his reflection and saw a devilishly handsome face that could steal a woman's heart with a glance. He had sharp chin line with symmetrical features. Thin ruby red lips on a pale complexion that further emphasized the color.

A sharp and regal nose that made him look like royalty, sharp eyebrows that made him look even more kingly, and the most unique and entrancing feature were Kai's pair of eyes.

His eyes were in a deep shade of crimson, with many rings made up of scarlet mysterious runes circling his pitch-black pupils. Kai had long midnight black hair that reached his back, and a fringe that rose from his forehead, from the left side of his forehead large bangs that split to each side of his head descended to his shoulders.

Kai had bright white teeth. He knew instinctively that if he wanted to, he could extend or retract a pair of fangs from each side of his mouth. The fangs had the venom that could turn a human into a vampire.

Due to Kai being in a densely packed forest, the trees shielded him from the sunlight, so he didn't know what time of day it is. However, without kai realizing because of how amazed kai was at his own appearance, the sun had creeped up and had started touching his foot. Kai quickly retracted his foot, but immediately realized that there was no discomfort or pain. Because Kai had retracted his foot to quickly to see if anything happened, he put his hand in the sun and stared at it in wonder.

It was shining like a diamond in the light. Kai instinctively tried to turn off the "shine" and managed, so he tried to turn the "shine" back on and succeeded once again. He tried to make himself shine as brightly as possible and ended up like a kind of diamond combined with a disco ball-very bright and annoying.

Once Kai finished testing out his immunity with sunlight, he decided to test out his powers.

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