《Magica Storia》Chapter 27 - Benny's Strategy


First things first, they had to treat Mr. Venditore and get him to safety. This was tough as the guy could barely move.

“Nia, where’s the elevator?”

“It’s over there but…”

It would seem that during the scuffle with the Ethereal Beast had destroyed the main elevator along with several of the escape routes. The rest of the escape routes had tons of debris covering them so they couldn’t use that either.

“Basically we’re trapped here, huh?” murmurs Benny.

“I can blast a hole and escape through there.”

“But you can barely muster any Manna to light a flame, Tenryu…”

“And I’d rather we don’t do something so reckless plus Mr. Venditore has already enough collateral damages under his wing.”

Benny glances at Mr. Venditore who nods at him appreciatively.

“We could’ve used my Plant Manipulation Magic to lift us out of here but I’m also drained…”

“Unless we make a stretcher but there’s no time for that plus you two can barely cast any Spells. Is there perhaps a Magic where we can suddenly appear from one area to another?”

Benny had half thought of pulling our the Spellbook again and check but he stopped when he saw all three were looking at him strangely again.

“Benjamin-iho…could you be talking about Transposition-hoot?”

“Is that what it’s called?”

“That’s another one of the Impossible 13 Concepts, Benjamin…” says Nia, who was eying him cautiously.

“Another one of those “Impossible” things, huh?” says Benny as he begins to think.

“Benjamin, as much I believe how incredibly talented you are in Magic…but “Transposition” is in my opinion, extremely impossible.”

He didn’t know about the first part about him being talented but the last part of her statement was very true even for him.

Even in his previous world flight, which was originally thought to be impossible for humans, was achieved due to decades of many research on the factors of flight. Now there are many methods of flight from hot-air balloons to rockets soaring to space.

But teleportation was completely science fiction. A product of the imagination and even used widely in fantasy fiction.

It should be impossible…however…

“Alright! Let’s see if this can work!”

Benny lifted his staff and focused on a certain location.

“W-Wait! Benjamin… Don’t tell me you’re-“

“The blitz?! Benny, are you seriously-”

Benny struck the ground between his feet.


A Magic Seal appeared underneath his feet. In an instant…he vanished.

All three looked at the spot where Benny had just disappeared.


“Just one thing after another…”


At the very moment, at the Sun Dragon…

Aunt Magma and Flare were hurriedly locking up the shop. News that there was some kind of “attack” at the Venditore Armory had reached them by frantic people. Knowing Tenryu’s itinerary, they knew full well that the shop was there very last stop.

“Of all the times it had to be now!”

“That’s where Tenryu and the others are right, Magma-tia? Do you think they’re still there?”

“I just hope nothing happens to those children…”

And Dmitri too…please let them all be alright… Magma prayed in her heart.

“With Tenryu there…I doubt he’d never get involved-”



They were just about to lock the doors

to the restaurant when they heard a loud sound as though something fell heavily…from inside the shop!

Both Aunt Magma and Flare stared at the door in surprise. They quickly unlocked the doors thinking a thief had sneaked in. To their astonishment, they found Benny was on the floor, rubbing his backside. A chair had toppled over as though he suddenly fell right on top of it and tumbled over.


“Ow! I should’ve been more specific…” he got up and looked around, “…but at least it worked…”



Benny looked up and saw them gaping at him.

“Ah! Hello Aunt Magma…Ate Flare…”

“But how did you? When did you-?”

They had just closed the door so they were very sure no one was just there. This person here was also the very least they were expecting to appear.

Benny picked up his staff, got up and brushed the dust off his clothes.

“Benny-iho…how did you get here-”

“Sorry but I’ll explain later. I’ve got to get back but I’ll be bringing someone along with me soon.”

“Huh? What the blitz are you saying? And where’s Tenryu?” demand Flare.

But Benny simply lifted his staff and said, “Transposition”

This time, Benny made sure to be very specific when he thought of the location. Another Magic Seal appeared underneath his feet and vanished right in front of them.

Aunt Magma and Flare could only stare at the spot he vanished in stunned disbelief.


Benny immediately reappeared in front Tenryu, Nia and Mr. Venditore.

“W-Whoa?!” Benny struggled to regain his balance.

His sudden disappearance had shocked them but his sudden reappearance surprised them even more!

“Benjamin?! Is that you?! Are you in one piece?”

“Where the blitz did you go?!”

The two bombarded him with questions. Mr. Venditore was just staring at him as though he couldn’t believe what he had just seen.

“First of all, I’m alright and nothing feels out of place. And secondly, I teleported all the way to the Sun Dragon…”

“Huh?! You went at our place?”

“You really went there in an instant?!”

“Yup, I met Aunt Magma and Ate Flare although they seem to be closing up early.”

“I can believe this…-hoot…”

Mr. Venditore made the effort to sit up.

“Did you actually just actually accomplish what many had failed and successfully performed Transposition-hoot?!”

“I guess…well, Mr. Venditore better hold on tight!”

Benny took hold of one of Mr. Venditore’s…hands.

“B-But my boy…do you even know what you just did-hoot?! You’ve just achieved one of the Impossible 13 Concepts-hoot!”

“Actually, it’s two. Benny here invented the Flight just a while ago.” says Tenryu nonchalantly.

Mr. Venditore could only shout, “EEEEHHHH???!!!” in response.

Nia quickly clapped her hand over Tenryu’s his mouth.


“Were you even listening earlier where we’re supposed to keep that a secret?!” she hissed in his ear in exasperation.

Benny grasped Mr. Venditore’s arm. “”Um, I think we shouldn’t waste time here. Aunt Magma’s waiting…”

“What? Magma?”

He raised the staff again.


Benny vanished again, this time with Mr. Venditore in tow an instant. After a few seconds he reappeared alone.

“Ah, you’re back already?” Tenryu asks after breaking free from Nia’s hold.

“Yeah, though I think I may have startled your family too much.” He says apologetically to Tenryu.

As soon as reappeared at the Sun Dragon, Aunt Magma and Flare (who were still shocked at his sudden disappearance) both were surprised with his sudden reappearance with Mr. Venditore. He left the old Animalian in their care saying he had to go back and help Tenryu and the others. He used Transposition to return back at the Venditore Armory before they could bombard with a barrage of questions.

“Now all that’s left is to deal with this monstrosity.” says Benny, looking at the Demon that was still in combat with Bronson and Eldon.

“Oi! Didn’t you stop me before because we couldn’t fight it? Now you want to fight that thing? You’re getting me confused!”


Nia nodded in agreement as well.

“I stopped you before because you were about to rush in there when you’re in that exhausted state. That recklessness is simply suicide. But in truth, I figured out a way how to land some damage into that thing.”

Both Tenryu and Nia stared at him in surprise.

“What the blitz? Why didn’t you say that earlier?”

“That’s because I just thought of it right now. Like I said before, we need a plan to deal with that thing. And thanks to what Mr. Venditore told us and my observations I do have a plan.”

“But even if we have a way to do so we’ve both depleted our Manna…” says Nia.

“About that…I think I can help.”

Benny pulled out his Spellbook once more.

Benny had scanned the book (or rather it presented to him what he needed by flipping its own pages and stopping at the page containing what he was looking for.) To Benny’s surprise, he was able to guess that those words were in Latin though the Spell like all the others was written in that special language’s script. Benny felt it was a little cliché that there was actually a Spell in Latin as some of the shows he watched from his home world used Latin for its ancient and arcane feeling.

Benny pointed his staff at them and chanted the incantation of a Spell on the page. At once three Magic Sigils appeared underneath each them.

“Benny, what are you?”

“Et dividant studia atque officia, ut tecum sentiam…”

(I divide my energy and share it with you…)

Benny struck the Sigil underneath him with the tip of the staff.

Tenryu and Nia suddenly felt a surge of energy coming from the Magic Seal underneath them. But what was more surprising was that they also felt their Manna being replenished!

“Manna Transference!”

“What the blitz?” Tenryu had yelped in surprise.

“This Magic…no, it couldn’t be!” gasped Nia.

Benny on the other hand felt the opposite. His energy was being depleted.

This was Manna Transference. It was a Spell that allows one to share their Manna with others. Although the setback is that this will drain the user due to the rapid drop of their Manna levels. Nevertheless the Spell still produced the desired effects.

When Benny finished Spell he felt a little exhausted from the sudden energy drain. But it was only fleeting as he managed to recover.

“Blistering Blazes! I feel my Manna has totally recharged!”

“I wouldn’t say that…More like back to 60 percent at most.”

“Benjamin…was that the Manna Transference Spell?”

Benny nodded.

“And you read it from that book? Benjamin, what exactly is that book-”

But Benny quickly noticed something from the edge of his eye. It looked like nothing was there but a pair of Black Hazes was creeping sneakily towards them. It was definitely from those two from before and they must’ve used their Concealment Magic again.

Benny was quick to guess what they were aiming for. He quickly pointed his Staff at them, “Light Cage!”

A sphere of golden light enveloped the two Black Auras! Whether it was from suddenly being encased or the light from the Spell but the Concealment Magic was immediately dispelled, revealing a pair of shady characters.

“Hey, who the blitz are these guys?”

“They’re the culprits I was talking about. They’re the ones that brought that thing out here in the first place.”


“Let us out of here!” screamed the smaller person. “We’re customers! We just caught in the-”

“Not a chance and quite it with the lies. I noticed you sneaking up towards us instead of calling us out for help. That’s not a normal behavior if you were an innocent bystander.”

Plus I can tell from those hazes that you two are a nasty pair.

“Why were you sneaking around towards us?”

“I-It’s not like w-we saw and h-heard that you can zap from h-here to another place…and thought we can-” the huge man blubbered.

“You SHUT UP!” the smaller man smacked the big guy to silence him.

Benny glared at them, “So you were planning to hold one of us hostage so you can force me to get you out of here using Transposition?”

Those looks confirmed it. They were nasty to the core.

“Why you…” Tenryu gripped his sword and aimed to

Realizing that they were seen through, the smaller man quickly started barking orders at the bigger man.

“What are you waiting for?! Get you whip out and smash this bubble!”

“I can’t brother! My Magic Tool is stuck in my back pocket and I can’t reach!”

Certainly since the Light Cage was in the form of a sphere they seemed to be in a position of being caught in a sandpit trap.

“Do I have to do everything myself?!”

The smaller thief reached into his coat pocket probably to pull out a Magic Tool.

“Look out!”

Both Tenryu and Nia braced themselves for another battle but…Benny was quicker as he pointed the Staff at the sphere.

“Enchant: Electrocute”

The Light Cage was suddenly filled with bolts of lightning!


Benny release the Light Cage an that the two criminals crumpled to the floor and were completely unconscious.

Tenryu and Nia stared at him.


“Hey, they were gonna attack us plus they had plans to hold one of us hostage. A preemptive strike against an enemy is necessary.” Benny shrugged with disgust.

“No, I have no problems with that. You know Benny…you really are talented-” but Tenryu’s voice got cut off when they were bombarded by another explosion!


All three heads turned as they saw Eldon and Bronson once again fought the Demon. Once again it proved to be quite a difficult thing to fight. Aside from its intangibility it didn’t seem to be weakening at all!

“Tenryu…Nia…this isn’t the time for that. I tell you the plan I’ve come up with so listen carefully.”

Benny quickly explained his plan.

“I see!” says Nia as she grasped Benny’s theory.

“Alright!” says Tenryu as he waved his sword. A grin of anticipation was on his face, “Now we know how to beat it! It’s time for a counter attack!”


Eldon and Bronson were already on the verge of defeat.

“Why can’t we beat this thing?”

Eldon was panted heavily as he stared at the menacing monster.

“For some reason…this creature seems very familiar…Ugh!”

Eldon fell on his knee and grasped onto the long handle of his hammer for support.

“Eldon!” shouts Bronson in alarm.

Seeing its prey had fallen, the Beast roared and then lunged right at them!

Eldon was too beaten to even raise his hammer to defend himself. The Beast raised its clawed arm and was about to strike

And then…

“Light Shield!”

A voice behind them shouted out loud.

A Magic Seal appeared right in between the two Animalian guards and the Beast. Their adversary smashed into the Magic Seal and in response the Magic Seal releases a blast of light that knocks the Beast away..

Surprised, the two guards look back and saw the three kids from before. The one in middle, Benjamin Estrella, was holding a long staff aloft.

“You kids?! What are you still doing here?”

“And where’s the boss?!”

“Relax, Mr. Venditore’s safe now.” Benny turned to his left. “Tenryu, you know what to do…”

“On it!”

Tenryu dashed towards his target.

“Oi! Kid are you crazy?!” shouts Bronson.

“It’s alright…he’ll be okay.” says Benny as he and Nia approached them. At once, Nia starts treating their injuries in quick speed.

Meanwhile, Tenryu quickly engages his foe.

“Alright! It’s you and us now! So let’s get this heated up!”

The Demon pranced as though to survey its prey/challenger.

Tenryu quickly readied his stance, reading his sword. He would usually rush in to attack the enemy with his Swordsmage techniques right about now.




“Alright, Tenryu you’re going to be the vanguard.” says Benny.

“What’s that?”

“It means you’re going to be the one in the front lines who will deal the most damage.”

“Oooh! I like the sound of that.” Tenryu grinned.

“Is this going to be okay, Benjamin?” asks Nia worriedly.

“Yes. To defeat that thing Tenryu’s strength is essential.”

Tenryu started flexing his arms, “I’m gonna go in there and beat that thing to a pulp!”

“Before that, I need to tell how we can lay some actual damage to it.”


Tenryu readied himself. “Come!”

The monster roared as it pounced at him. It ran towards him with its claws extended as though to slice him to bits. But instead of making moves to dodge, Tenryu stood his ground.

“Oi! Kid look out!”

“What is he doing? He’s gonna get killed!”

“It’s alright…” Benny repeated. “Tenryu knows what he’s doing.”

And just as the Demon was about to strike, Tenryu moved to the side. He quickly aimed his sword and slashed at its arm! The arm was chopped off and dissipated into wisps of darkness. In response, the Demon screeched!


“He actually managed to damage it!”

Tenryu didn’t stop there. He then quickly aimed another series of strikes.

That thing can turn intangible in an instant but there’s a weakness in that… Benny’s voice resounded in Tenryu’s head.

Tenryu swung his sword three times while the Demon was still disoriented.

It can’t attack itself when it’s intangible…so it needs to be solid to do so…

He managed to slash its other arm and shoulder, causing those areas to dissipate as well.

Strike it when it itself is about to attack.

“So Benny was right…” Tenryu murmurs to himself, “Heh, it’s been so long since I’ve fought this way…”

“Yeah! Get’em kid!” shouts Bronson.

“Please hold still…I need to wrap this bandage.” chides Nia.

Tenryu slashed a third time but it was then that the sword passed through it like gas again! At that point Tenryu stopped and leapt away. He quickly resumed his stance.

Also when you notice it becoming intangible again you must stop your attacks immediately and wait for it to attack again…

As such, he then waited instead of attacking again.

“Why’s he stopping? Keep attacking!” says Bronson.

When the monster reformed, it roared at Tenryu and proceeded to strike him again.

Tenryu waited until it was close enough and then attacked.

“Dragon Style: Triple Claw Slash!”

For a Swordsmage, that movement should typically be used in conjunction with an Elemental Enhancement Spell to lay even greater damage to the foe. But Tenryu was throwing several sword techniques in rapid succession without releasing his usual Fire Magic.

“He’s quick…but doesn’t he attack with Fire Magic in those strikes?”” notes Eldon, “And is it just me or is he glowing?”

Tenryu was actually enveloped in a strange golden glow that was so faint that nobody actually noticed. But it would seem that the Animalian’s sharp eyes had noticed it.

Benny smiled to himself. Actually that glowing part was his doing and having Tenryu rely in pure Swordsmanship was also part of the plan.



“Also don’t use your Magic. Please rely on plain Sword Techniques for now. No fire.”

“Eh? But my attacks would be weaker without using Magic!” complains Tenryu.

“Strange enough he has a point, Benjamin. Shouldn’t Tenryu attack at full power if we want to deal severe damages to that thing?”

Benny shook his head, “If only that were the case…”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t forget that you aren’t in “full power” since the Manna Transference Spell I used only gave you a bit to be able to cast Magic at the minimum. So at this point, we need to reserve our strongest attack for the decisive blow.”

He turned to Tenryu who started to look like he was starting to doubt this plan.

“And besides…I have faith in that swordplay. Part of being a Swordsmage, you’re also a Knight Class Adventurer, aren’t you?”

Tenryu looked a little uncomfortable. That was actually the first someone openly expressed that they had faith in him.

“But this isn’t a fighting some regular opponent. Unless you’re a very skilled Knight Class with muscular bulk then you wouldn’t stand a chance.” says Nia.

“Hey! I’m more than capable of handling that!” retorts Tenryu.

“I know, that is why I will be the one to provide the Magic to aid your attacks.”

Benny opened the Spellbook once more and its pages flipped once more into a chapter of a Spell he also read the previous night. He was sure he memorized it but he didn’t want to mess this up since this was a situation they couldn’t afford to be so.

“Light, I baptize this being…Hear, my prayer and aid him! Heavenly Armament!”

Benny lightly tapped Tenryu on the head with his staff and he was enveloped in a golden glow.


Nia gasped, “Is that a Bard Class Support Magic?”

Benny nodded, “Yeah…Heavenly Armament is a Spell that increases the benefactors strength and defense several times than usual.”

“Really? I don’t feel anything.”

“You’re not supposed to. But let’s just say even if you don’t use your Fire Magic you’ll be okay now even if you go back to the basics.”

And back to the present, that’s exactly what Tenryu did.

He was actually going back to basics.


While Tenryu fought against the creature, Benny stood waiting to cast Defensive Spells if Tenryu needed them. There were several times when the Artificial Demon managed to evade and attempt to strike back at a blind spot but Benny casted Light Shield to defend Tenryu.

“All done! Although, I have to say you both are in no shape to fight.” Nia says as she affixed the bandage in Eldon’s side.

“Thanks, young miss…” Eldon nods at her gratefully.

“No problem, but I am not a young miss-” Nia added

“Are you done, Nia?”

“Yes!” Nia nodded at him.

“Right, I better get these guys to safety. Please assist Tenryu but focus on “that” part!”

Nia nodded, knowing what he was implying and she went to aid Tenryu.

“As for you guys, I think you need a little break.”

“Eh? But…”

Benny waved his Staff at the two criminals whom they bound and gagged earlier. They were caught in another sphere of light and were brought close to them.

“Kid, who are these two?”

“These are culprits that attacked Mr. Venditore and caused this mess.”

The two guards had the same reaction as his friends, ““WHAT??!!””

Benny quickly used Transposition to warp the two guards and the criminal with him. He once again surprised the Fyreroars (and Mr. Venditore) with his sudden appearance with the two guards and the criminals in tow. Mr. Venditore was quick to confirm they were the suspects.

It took a little longer for him to reappear back since Flare had grabbed hold of him and refused to let go until he explained everything. But Aunt Magma managed to convince her to release her grip saying explanations can wait until the crisis at hand was solved.

Benny used Transposition back to the Venditore Armory carrying a promise he made with Aunt Magma.

Please help Tenryu…

Benny looked at the monster he was about to face. Just earlier he was actually shaking his shoes being unable to think he should fight. But that promise he made with Aunt Magma had strengthened the resolve he said to Emrys.

“Alright…It’s time for the final showdown!”


Back at the Sun Dragon…

The two criminals had recovered from the electric shock earlier but were surprised to be tied up.

What they found themselves was a place that looked like a restaurant. But they had little to think about it when a group of people surrounded them. There were three Animalians, a red-haired beauty holding a meat tenderizer, and an elderly lady who was holding a large frying pan that was still sizzling.

“So these are the troublemakers, eh?” Bronson grinned in a menacing way.

“You think it is funny setting a thing like that in a shop full of people?” Eldon raised his hammer.

“And don’t forget me-hoot…I have a bone to pick on you guys for attacking my shop-hoot! And for your earlier hospitality…” Mr. Venditore’s eye glinted like an owl aiming for its prey. His talons were shining dangerously.

Flare approached them with the meat tenderizer. “Funny, I’m a little frustrated now I think bashing some boneheads will cool that off!”

Aunt Magma held up the frying pan. “Today was supposed to be a nice day for those kids. You’re going to pay for ruining their day.”

The Grave Brothers both gave a muffled scream of sheer terror as they closed in.

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