《Magica Storia》Chapter 28 - Teamwork...But Things Go Awry


Benny approached the battle scene.

The monster had just finished reforming and opened its jaws wide. A ball of energy started to form from its mouth.

“Blast it! That beam attack again?! I’d forgotten about that!”

Benny’s plan was to have Tenryu fight that thing in combat but he had forgotten about its other attack.


Earlier again…

“Nia, about that Spell you used earlier, what was it called?”

“Yeah, it was the first time I’ve seen you used a Spell like that before!” piped up Tenryu.

“It’s called Grove of Dodona.” Nia bowed her head dejectedly, “But it failed…”

“Failed, huh… Can you describe to me what exactly was its true effect supposed to be?”

Nia explains to him how it was an Ancient Spell that was supposedly passed down through each leader of her home village as a Secret Technique. Suspicious, Benny questioned how she herself had learned to cast the Spell when it supposed to be something only the village leader would know about. Nia looked slightly embarrassed to say it.

Benny could only guess that she learned it without permission. Benny was at least courteous not to point it out but…

“Tenryu smirked at her, “So you wanted to show you were strong so you’ve done and snitched a Secret Technique for yourself!”

“I’m not a muscle-brained idiot like you, Tenryu Fyreroar!”

Benny coughed to cough to get their attention, “Back to the subject, what is that Spell’s true effect?”

“It is a Spell that is supposed to utilize the forces of Nature and banish evil away. At least that’s what I’ve heard it was supposed to do.”

“You’ve heard? Haven’t you seen it being used before?”

“To be honest no, it hasn’t been used since the first generation chief so nobody is really sure what the Spell’s effects were.”

“Huh? Why the blitz wouldn’t they use something as powerful as that? It’s a big waste!”

“The village chiefs never really used it because there wasn’t any use for it. That’s probably because our village has always been secure and we just practice Healing. I thought that I could use it to destroy that Demon but…”

“I see…” Benny closed his eyes and thought carefully, “In that case, I think that’s where you got mistaken.”

Both Tenryu and Nia stared at him, ““Eh?””

“Nia, hearing what you told me about that Spell and when you said “destroy that Demon” that’s when it dawned on me.”

“What do you mean, Benjamin?” says Nia in confusion.

“My guess is that Spell isn’t for offense…”


The Demon had just turned into its “intangible” mode but was starting to reform. At this point it was still impossible to lay damage when it was like this.

“Blast it! It was hard enough to fight without using my Magic! This waiting thing is really annoying!”

The Demon soon reformed and opened its mouth wide. A ball of energy starts forming in its jaws.

“It’s that beam attack this time?!”

The Demon roared and a thick beam shot right towards Tenryu.

“Light Sphere!”

A Magic Seal appeared and blocked that strike.

Benny had casted his Defensive Magic to defend Tenryu just in the nick of time. At the same time, what looked like a small bottle had suddenly smashed at the Artificial Demon! Nia had thrown one of her potion bottles used for offense.

Highly reminiscent of the time Benny had thrown that lotion bottle at Cactus Hun the Artificial Demon was stunned into stopping its attack. The potion bottle’s contents covered the Demon in sticky, tar-like liquid that restrained its movement.


As soon as Benny dispelled his Magic, Tenryu managed to gain some distance away from the thing. The Demon started turning intangible again to escape from its bindings.

As it started to reform once again, Benny engulfed the surrounding debris inside several spheres of light. It was actually something he had thought of just now. As the Demon reformed and solidified Benny quickly took the opportunity. Benny pointed the staff and directed the spheres of debris into flying right at it. In an instant, he dispelled his Magic and the result was flying chunks of debris raining down on it! The effect was something like a badly controlled marionette and it was almost funny.

“Whoa…” Tenryu blinked in awe.

“I didn’t know you could do that with Defensive Magic!” says Nia, looking impressed.

It was struck down several times and it quickly turned intangible to escape the remaining debris. After which it started to reform again and pounced at Benny in retaliation.

“Benny, look out!”

Benny quickly got on his staff and used Fly to get out of its reach.

Using that moment, Nia threw some Explosion Potions and caused it to be engulfed in explosions that shook the whole shop.

It quickly turned to intangible once more to avoid the attacks.

“Nia, please stop now!” shouts Benny lands back on the ground.

Nia nods and stops her onslaught of potions.

Tenryu was about to aim when Benny shouted at him to wait.

“Tenryu, remember to wait for it to reform!”

Although it was in his nature to keep on attacking until the opponent was beat, nevertheless, he followed Benny’s words and poised himself ready for the foe to attack. The Demon once again managed to reform and this time it looked angry! It only took a few seconds for it to start sucking air its huge mouth. Benny knew it was about to unleash its dangerous breath attack once more!

Seeing as the Demon was near a fountain, Benny had another idea. He raised his staff and pointed it at the fountain.

“Aqua Geyser!” shouts Benny.

The fountain that was directly behind the Demon exploded and a huge wave of water washed over the creature and flooded the whole area.

“He’s used Water Magic?!” Nia looks at the scene in disbelief. But how can that be? That Attribute is in Benjamin’s opposite group…No…If it’s Benjamin I shouldn’t be surprised anymore….

“What the blitz- UWAAH!!!”

Unfortunately, Tenryu had also been caught by the torrent of water.

And it seemed what Tenryu said earlier about not being able to swim was actually true. Tenryu was desperate to keep afloat while still trying to maintain a grip on his sword.

“Sorry! I’m coming!”

Benny quickly rode in his staff once more and flew towards where Tenryu was. He managed to grab Tenryu by his hood and fished him out!

Tenryu spat out the water and was now yelling at Benny, “Blistering Blazes?! You know I can’t swim!”

“I said I was sorry. But I’m gonna have you hold on for a second!”

“What are you-UWAAAHH?!”

Tenryu yelled for a second time as Benny suddenly zoomed upwards to the ceiling! As soon as he was high enough, Benny jumped off the staff with Tenryu in tow! They were suspended in the air for a moment and then they started falling.


Benny opened his free hand and the staff zoomed right to it. With both hands holding onto the staff he then pointed staff towards the water.

“Chained Lightning!”


All at once, the top of the staff glowed! Lightning shot right out of it and struck the water! Utilizing both his knowledge of water’s conducting ability with lightning, Benny had used the water and electric combo he was familiar with. The Demon, which was still wet with water, had been dealt with heavy damages from that attack.

The Demon fell down to its knees as the water subsided.

“Alright!” says Benny, pumping his fist.


Apparently, Tenryu had caught a stray bolt and has also been electrocuted.

Benny quickly stopped his Magic and then used Transposition before they fell straight to the ground. He warped them straight a dry area albeit far away from the Demon.

“BLISTERING BLAZES?!! First you got me soaked! Now you’ve hit me with lightning?!”

Tenryu had the appearance of how an electrified person’s would with hair was sticking straight up and was smoking in places. He was also twitching a bit. Thankfully, the Heavenly Armament Spell that Benny had casted upon him had shielded from the full brunt of the attack but it still left Tenryu looking a little frazzled.

““Ah…sorry, Tenryu…”

“That was on purpose, wasn’t it!”

“I didn’t mean for you to get electrocuted though.” Benny says apologetically.

Nia called their attention, “Benjamin! I’m done setting up!”

“Alright, prepare to activate that Spell!” says Benny.


Nia raised her Umbrella. All at once, several Magic Seals appeared on the ground surrounding the Demon. All at once, massive trees erupted from the formations and surround the creature once more.

Nia remembered back to what Benny had said earlier.


“While it’s in its intangible state we can’t attack it…but neither can it. We have to use that window of opportunity to weaken it as much as it can so that it can remain solid and can’t turn intangible anymore. Then we can do that last part.”

“To do what?” asks Nia.

“For Tenryu, you need to use that to gain distance away from it and be on the ready to attack when it becomes solid again. Weaken it as much as you can.”

Tenryu nods at him before he turns towards Nia.

“Nia you have to prepare to cast Grove of Dodona once again.”

“Eh? But Benjamin I just said-“

“Nia, here’s where your mistake lies. The Grove of Dodona is most likely…a Healing Magic.”

Nia couldn’t believe at that time but what Benny said next convinced her.

“Nia, you said your village doesn’t specialize in attacking Spells so most likely that Spell is for healing…but for a special kind of healing. And we’re gonna need that to beat that thing!”

“Benjamin, I don’t get… But if that’s truly the case then why are we going to heal something we need to defeat?”

“There are three Classes under the Healer Group, right?”

“Yes, but how does that-”

“In your incantation you said ‘purge the evil’, right?”

“Yes…but Benjamin, what are you going with this?”

“What I am saying is that Magic…is most likely a high level Exorcism Class Magic!”

“It’s an Exorcism Class Spell?” Nia looked both surprised and confused. “But how could you tell…”

“The concept of key phrase…I’ve read a few Exorcism Spells and ‘purge the evil’ is a key phrase in most of them!”

It suddenly dawned on her. She herself had heard of several Exorcism Spells. It was only now that when Benny had mention about it that there was common phrase “purge the evil” was almost always in all of those incantations. For him to be able to pick on such detail was rather amazing on his part.

Nia, I need you to use this Spell once more. But you are not going to destroy it…but “heal” it by exorcising it!”


Nia focused her gaze and raised both her hands as though in prayer. She channeled all her power into invoking this Spell once more.

The trees started glow. They were emitting that soft green light from before but now Benny could feel a “cleansing” feeling coming from them. It was as though the trees knew what they were supposed to do now.

“Alright…now, I have to cast that Spell to ensure-”

“Blast it! It’s already starting to get up!” shouts Tenryu, as he noticed that the Artificial Demon had started to recover.

“I’m gonna make sure it stays down!”

Tenryu gripped his sword and rushed in to strike it down.

“No! Tenryu wait!”

Tenryu quickly approaches the Demon with his sword drawn!

“Here it comes! Dragon Sword Style: Sword Claw Cutter!” shouts Tenryu.

Tenryu slashed at it several times in rapid fury.

Benny slapped his head in consternation. He could not believe this guy had forgotten a crucial part of the plan. This guy was too hot-blooded!

Nia faltered as she lost her concentration a bit.

“Just continue, Nia! Wait for my signal to activate the Spell!”

Benny quickly rushed in to join Tenryu to subdue that Demon.

Tenryu leapt in the air as he dodged a claw strike! While in the air Tenryu aimed his blade.

“Dragon Sword Style: Sword Horn Thrust”

His sword technique jabbed at the Demon in the eye. The Demon screamed in pain and it quickly turned intangible to escape the blade piercing it.

Tenryu quickly made his distance as it reformed. Although it managed to escape but damages laid upon it when it was still solid were pretty severe.

“Converging Asterism of the Four Heavenly Kings: Grand Cross”

He thrust his hand out at the Demon while holding the staff aloft. Four massive pillars of light appeared and converged as it engulfed the enemy!

Tenryu managed to brace himself from the shockwave.


“We need to make sure that thing can’t turn intangible anymore! Beat it down until it can’t move!”

“Right! Now you’re talking my language!”

Both Benny and Tenryu quickly went to subdue their foe. Tenryu was using a variety of the Dragon Sword Style Techniques. Benny was using several Spells that he studied last night in conjunction with some Spells he had thought of on the spot.

At the same time, Benny utilized some Bard Class and Enchanter Class Spells to help Tenryu in his battle such as increasing the power of his attacks or defending him. How and where Benny learned them was probably from that book he always held. Tenryu even took advantage of some of Benny’s aid by utilizing the Magic Seals that Benny produced as a shield and using them as a platform to do some amazing parkour-like movements allowing him to strike.

All the while, they were keeping to the strategy of attacking when it was solid and gaining ground while it was defending.

Nia watched them from afar. They really work well as a team.

As a result of their attacks the Demon that was actually thought of as a formidable opponent was being brought to a corner.

“How’s that?” grinned Tenryu.

The Demon let out a roar of rage as it started thrashing rapidly! This time its movements were more rapid and swift, it was like a blur to see it.

Tenryu had to dodge its attacks so much, that he had no time to fight back!

“What the blitz? Hey! Knock it off!” Tenryu yelled, avoiding one fist after another.

“It must’ve realized we know its weakness! It’s like a cornered beast!”

Benny pointed his staff once more, “Aqua Sphere!”

The water quickly gathered around the Demon and formed a giant bubble of water. But Benny wasn’t done yet!

“Ice Encasement”

That bubble quickly froze into a sphere of ice.

Tenryu looks at him, “You can use Ice Magic, too?”

“It was something on the spot but- damn it’s breaking free!”

Even within the ice, the Demon opened its mouth once more and released a thick beam of energy that allowed it to break free! It then aimed its beam attack at them.

Both Benny and Tenryu jumped out of the way as its beam attack smashed the fountain. It kept firing beams indiscriminately and destroying everything in sight! It even attacked the grove of trees but somehow they managed stand firm. It would seem Nia was struggling to ensure they remained standing.

“Blast it! I need to hurry get near it and cast that Spell!” Benny mutters to himself.

“BLISTERING BLAZES!!! I’ve had enough of this! Sorry Benny, but I’m going all out!”


Tenryu gripped his sword tightly and magical flames spewed out the blade.

“Flame Dragon Style: Blitz Bullet”

Tenryu shot thick blasts of flames smashed into the Demon. The flames engulfed the Demon in a fury of flames.

“Take this! Flame Dragon Style: Volcanic Eruption!”

Tenryu swung his blade upwards and caused the flames to explode into a tornado of fire! Benny remembered Tenryu had used this Spell once before and this one was stronger than last time! Perhaps it may have something to do with the Heavenly Armament Spell that Benny had casted earlier.

Benny had to brace himself as he felt the intense heat rushed over him, “So strong…but…”

Tenryu swayed a bit as the faint golden glow that enveloped him had disappeared completely. It seems to have been used up from just that attack. Just as Benny had warned, his Manna drained considerably once more.

“Tenryu!” shouts Benny in caution.

“Sorry Benny, but I had to…besides that should take care of it-”

“That’s not it! Look!”

But from within the column of flame the Demon emerged! It was clear that Tenryu’s earlier attacks had severely damaged. But it had escaped by being intangible once more.

“Blast it…I forgot…” Tenryu cursed internally.

How could you forget it can turn intangible?! Benny thought in frustration.

But this time, instead of reforming it lunged itself at Tenryu even though it was still intangible. Although confused at first as this was a sudden shift in its actions, Benny cursed when he realized that it was closing in intangible so it can solidify and strike at the last minute! This wasn’t it movements earlier which lead Benny to conclude: this thing was learning and adapting!

Benny had to admit that he was impressed by this artificial life form that could freely act and think for itself. The guy Emrys had called a fool was probably evil for creating this monster but the genius there was something. But this wasn’t the time to be feeling that way as he saw it was aiming for Tenryu.

Tenryu, however, was still reeling from the beginning effects of the Manna Depletion Fatigue but he mustered all the strength he had to dodge in the last moment. The monster struck at where he stood just a few moments ago and the floor crack with a resounding crash.

The Demon quickly followed another claw strike.

Tenryu’s last minute dodge earlier and his current body position made him unable to react in time to defend himself.

The demon raised it claws and struck.


Seeing this, Benny had only thought of one option and quickly used Transposition to warp himself between Tenryu and the demon. He managed to push Tenryu backwards but he was face to face with the Demon as it struck.


Benny felt intense, sharp pain over his left eye as one of the Demon’s claws slashed him in the face and knocking the hat off his head! He could hear Tenryu’s and Nia’s screams of horror.



He fell backwards and dropping his staff to the floor. Tenryu managed to get back on his feet and just barely managed to catch him.

“Benny, hold on!”

Grasping the left side of his face, Benny felt a thick flow of blood trickling down his face. He couldn’t open his left eye.

“Ugh…I’m fine…”

“No, you’re not! You’re b-bleeding!” Tenryu panicked.

“Look in front of you!”

Nia’s shouts alerts them that the Demon was about to strike at them once more. It raised its clawed hands and was about to bring it down on them!”

Nia couldn’t stop the Spell midway and was able to watch in horror.

“BLAST IT!” Tenryu shouts in frustration.

But even though in pain, Benny quickly raised his hand. His fingertip glowed brightly.

“Eh?! Benny your hand!”

Nia saw this as well, “He has the Conjuring Ability?!”

Benny quickly started tracing the pattern in the air. As he did so, it left streaks of light like he was using a paint brush! At the same time, Benny quickly said the incantation.

“O st?l?r gardi?n ?v ð? klak sajn… me ðaj s?ks starz ?ajn… stap ð? flo ?v tajm…” (O Stellar Guardian of the Clock Sign…May thy Six Stars shine…Stop the flow of time…)

Tenryu looked at him in bewilderment. It’s that language again?

But he had no time to think about as Benny thrust his hand out at the Demon just as it was about to strike once more.

He shouts at the top of his voice.


The pattern he traced glowed brightly and a Magic Seal appeared! Light poured out of the seal and engulfed the Demon…and it suddenly stopped! It hung in mid-air like it was frozen in place! It was like a video that Benny had pressed the pause button.

Everyone was stunned by what just happened.

Tenryu’s jaw dropped in shock. “It stopped?”

“Time Magic?!” gasps Nia.

“NIA DO IT NOW!” Benny yelled.

“Eh?! But you two are still-”

“The Spell won’t hold for long! Nia, please!”


She was going to say that both of them were still within the grove. If the Spell activated with them inside...

However it was Tenryu who shouted next.


Reluctantly, Nia quickly clapped her hands together as she chanted the incantation.

“From the land I beseech you! Oh, mighty children of the Earth Mother come forth…and unleash the wrath of nature and purge the evil before me!”

Nia slammed both hand on the ground!


The whole area within the grove began glowing with strong green light and then it erupted into massive pillar of energy rushing from the ground!

The Demon, while still in the effect of the Horologium Spell, was starting to crack in several places and dissipating.

“I-It’s working! You guys it working!”

But both Benny and Tenryu couldn’t hear her.

Both Benny and Tenryu were gritting their teeth. They both felt the energy surge right through them penetrating each every cell in their bodies! It wasn’t particularly painful but it wasn’t pleasant either!

“It’s affecting them?!”

While still feeling the in pain his left eye, Benny felt like his head was exploding.

He saw various images from his point of view.

A very much younger Benny was smiling and playing in a field of sunflowers...with another boy?

Wait?! What is this? Benny thought. Is this an effect of the Grove of Dodona Spell?

“Catch me if you can, Joey!”

“No fair, Kuya Benny!”

Joey? Why does the name sound so…familiar? Are these…memories? But I don’t remember this ever happening…

The two of them were laughing loudly as they tore through the fields.

Who is that kid?

The image suddenly changed to that of Abuela talking to a mysterious person looking like…Emrys?

What? Abuela? Emrys? Do they know each other?

What are they talking about?

Benny couldn’t hear them.

Then image shifted once more to where he was holding onto the hand of the boy again but they weren’t smiling anymore. In fact, the other boy looked like he was being pulled away by a mysterious force! They were desperately holding onto each other.

“Don’t let go, Joey!”

“Kuya Benny, save me!”


At Nia’s screaming of their names, Benny gasped as he opened his eyes (or rather his remaining eye.)

He was still within the Grove of Dodona Spell’s area of effect and he could still feel the energy passing through him! He heard loud sharp breaths beside him and saw Tenryu was convulsing heavily. He was gripping his right arm tightly.

“N-No…please…h-h-help me!” Tenryu was muttering in unusually shaking voice. He sounded scared…and vulnerable.

Tenryu was completely pale and shaken. The cause was clearly because of this Spell and not from Manna Depletion. It seems the Spell has affected him more. But why either of them would affected by this Magic when neither of them were possessed by evil?

And speaking of evil, a loud cracking sound had alerted Benny to what was in front of him. He saw the Demon was finally breaking apart!

It broke off piece by piece until all what was left was a large oval stone floating in the air. It was black with a strange mark glowing in the middle.

It was the Core Stone!

“Benjamin! I can’t…hold this up…any longer!” Nia’s voice was strained and exhausted.

Although there were so many questions, Benny realized he doesn’t have much time to ponder on that! He managed to regain focus on the current problem.

“Tenryu? Snap out of it! TENRYU?!”


Benny had to slap him back to sense.

Tenryu jolted, snapping out of his convulsions “B-Benny? What?”

Gripping him by the shoulder on one hand (and patting blood on it), Benny pointed to the floating stone. “Tenryu, listen! You have to strike its Core Stone now!”

Tenryu quickly grabbed his sword and got up shaking. He tried to make flames appear once more but could only muster a few embers.

“Blast it…I’m sorry Benny, I’ve drained all my Manna…I should’ve listened.”

Tenryu looked at his right arm. The glove and the bandages underneath were supposed to help suppress that but if he could use it to his advantage in this situation…no it was risky…but…

But as Tenryu was torn with the decision, without another word Benny had grabbed his hand.


Benny closed his remaining eye and focused, “Manna Transference”


All at once, Tenryu felt a massive surge of Manna flowing into him once more while Benny felt his own being drained.


A low growl caused the both of them to look at the Core Stone.

The black stone started to shake. Benny felt his Horolgium Spell had worn off and a smoke-like started to seep out of the Core Stone, trying to reform its body. But the Grove of Dodona Spell was somehow interfering it from fully forming.

Benny had let go of Tenryu’s, “Please…Hurry!”


Tenryu fired up his sword, it was engulfed in so much heat that Benny could feel it from where he was standing.

“Alright! I’ve just about had enough of you!” Tenryu roared as he rushed towards the stone.

The Black Haze formed a rather smoky form of the Demon’s face which roared right back at him. Tenryu leapt high in the air and right towards it, raising his sword high as it was engulfed with flames.

As Tenryu let out a war cry, the flames around his sword changed. It was no longer deep red…but shining gold!

“Flame Dragon Sword Style Secret Art: Dragon God Fang Blade!”

The golden flames form an enormous blade that illuminated the whole atrium!

In one swift Tenryu swung the sword down. It cut through the cloudy form of the Artificial Demon and struck the Core Stone! The result caused a massive explosion that blew everything away!

From within the inferno, the Artificial Demon screamed its last and the Core Stone shattered to pieces!

“They…did it…” Nia says before collapsing.

And with that the Magic of the Grove of Dodona faded away.

Benny couldn’t feel that pressure anymore. The only thing he felt was his whole body going numb.

Then he too slowly collapsed.

The last thing he could from his uninjured eye was Tenryu standing with his back facing him. He looked like a protagonist of an anime show that had just defeated a dangerous foe. Which he technically did.

“You…are really…amazing…”

But just as his eyelid closed to a thin line he saw that strange memory again of that little boy. Benny wasn’t able to get a good look as the boy’s face seemed hazy but he felt that he knew him.

“Joey…” Benny muttered.

Tenryu turned to look at him and saw Benny collapsing.


Tenryu tried to go to where Benny was but his legs gave out and he too fell with his sword clattering on the ground.

He tried to reach out to him…but he also lost consciousness.

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