《Jordan Leoren – A Tale From The Wizarding World》Chapter 14 – The First Mystery Part 4
Chapter 14 – The First Mystery Part 4 POV: Godric Gryffindor
"Something that marks a witch or wizard as powerful..." Mrs. Granger-Weasley repeats. "Well, the Patronus charm is probably the best indication. That or Apperating."
"Apparation is the means by which you teleport, correct?" I ask for clarification.
"More or less." Mr. Flitwick responds. "There are many theories on whether or not it is truly teleportation, but the consensus is that it is as close as we are able to get at the moment."
"I see," I answer, nodding slowly.
That spell was not teleportation. In fact, if anything, it was creating a spacial anomaly that funneled an organic being through it like a man squeezing through a small paper cup. I can only imagine how unpleasant that must be and I have no intention of ever allowing Jordan to do it. He will learn the proper way and not risk his life. From what I had seen, It was a crude imitation of a 7th circle spell, Gate, that was altered to be usable by those of substantially less skill. The shoddy spellmanship made me shudder and the failure rating of the spell, unless you did it exactly perfect, was much too high to be safe for children to attempt.
"But still, the Patronus Charm is a fantastic gauge of power! It was used as such in my time as well. The first, or incorporeal form, was a 3rd circle spell, the second, or caporal form, was of the 5th circle, and the final, spirit guardian form, was of the 7th circle. Since we both use it as an indication of power, we have a common basis to start off..from..." I trail off as I see them looking at me strangely.
"Is something the matter?" I ask, feeling that I am missing something.
"Forgive me, but did you say there is a third form of the Patronus Charm?" Headmistress McGonagall asks.
"Yes, the manifestation of the spirit guardian...do you call it something else nowadays?" I ponder with a wry smile. It will take me a while yet to get used to all the changes.
The group of witches and wizards look to each other, shake their heads, and look back at me.
"I have never heard of a third form to the Patronus Charm..." The Minister says in a low voice..."Would you tell us what it does?"
I look at them, dumbstruck, for several moments. Then, shake my head followed by several nods.
'Something is fishy here. Them not knowing of a spell is fine, but not knowing of a complete version of a spell that is very well known? That is simply ridiculous. I wonder...'
'Should we be concerned with this?' Jordan asks in my head...or in his head? This is confusing.
'Not yet. It could just be forgotten knowledge' I answer.
"Hmm...alright, I will explain its workings, but before I do, have you all heard of the story of Illyius and his defense of his town from the dark wizard Raczidian and his army of Dementors?"
"Yea! It was one of the stories ma' Da' used to tell me before bed!" Hagrid says with a warm smile. "A kid with a Patronus of a mouse defended his village against all them Dementors!"
"Yes, we have the original wood cuttings of the story held under high security in the British Museum." Bill Weasley says. "I had the chance to look at them myself when I was depositing some ancient Egyptian magical relics."
"Excellent," I comment, "We will return to those wood cuttings in a second, but first, what do you think about the story?"
"...What do you mean?" Mr. Shacklebolt asks in confusion, "It is a children's story to show that good will conquer over evil, no matter how small or insignificant they might seem."
"Indeed, it works out well for that...but what if I told you it was based on a real event that actually happened?" I ask with a knowing smile.
"Sorry, Professor, but I have fought off several Dementors myself..." Mr. Potter explains, "At my best, I fought off maybe 100 of them with my corporeal Patronus? ...I am not sure how anyone could do it with an army of them..."
I raise my eyebrow at him. "You fought off 100 Dementors with a corporeal Patronus...? That is an astounding feat, Mr. Potter. Color me impressed." I say with a smile to him.
He smiles back at the praise and blushes slightly when his wife hugs him and kisses his cheek.
"But you are correct. A corporeal Patronus can, at most, repell them. The story would have been one of a wizard's hubris if that was the case. But it is not. It very clearly is recorded that he not only repelled them but defeated them. Can anyone tell me how this could be possible?"
No answers follow my question.
"No problem. You are working with subjects you are unfamiliar with and should, therefore, feel no embarrassment for not knowing. Allow me to explain." I say with a wave of my hand to dismiss any concerns. "In my travels, I happened to come across this ancient village, or at least, what remained of it. Their oral tradition of the story was quite a bit different from the one that is commonly shared."
"First and foremost, it was more than just Illyius and he was not a child, but rather a young adult of around 18 years old at the time of the attack. A group of 3 other witches and wizards were staying in the village to look for magically gifted children that they could teach. It was common, in this period of time, for powerful mages to travel around and build a following and bolstering their own might. There were no schools, so those with the gift had to be lucky enough to be found and taught. One such magically gifted youth was Illyius. He was recruited when he was 14 and studied with his teachers for four years in and around the village. When the dark wizard Raczidian was spotted nearby, the three masters left to deal with him, leaving Illyius alone in the village."
"The events then play out much the same as in the commonly known story. Raczidian decides to attack the village and Illyius holds him and his army off. The missing pieces of the story are that Illyius was 18 at the time and was already known to be a powerful wizard and that the village was just beyond a natural and easily defendable valley entrance. This forced the army of over 3000 Dementors, and yes, they were quite clear on that number, to funnel through in small groups. Illyius and his Patronus spirit guardian, a field mouse, was able to defeat or repel all of the attacks on the village until his masters returned and joined the fight."
"Where a corporeal Patronus can repel creatures of pure evil, like a Dementor, a spirit guardian can destroy them. The spirit guardian is the manifestation of your spirit animal and the pureness of your heart or feelings. In simpler terms, it turns your corporeal Patronus into a physical ally that will assist you in both attack and defense. Unlike the first two forms, however, the spirit guardian can do much, much more than simply protect you against evil creatures. It will actively defend you against any and all physical attacks or spells and was used as a last line of defense by many a mage. It could pass messages from long distances and, once the bond is formed, it can be summoned at will. It lives and dwells within your soul-"
"How can we summon it!?" Mr. Potter exclaims excitedly causing several to chuckle at his reaction.
Smiling myself, I explain, "I would be more than happy to teach you, though, be warned. It requires over a year of preparation and the bonding process is...less than pleasant...We can go over that later, but, please, let me finish my point first. I am almost done rambling, I promise." I say with a wry smile as he shrinks back a bit sheepishly.
Seeing I was fine to continue, I did so, "If your spirit guardian was killed, which only happened during the worst of battles or duels, it would slowly revive within your soul. The forming of the bond is a lifelong affair. During my time, it was both the symbol of a powerful mage as well as a deterrent for others messing with you. In my case, my lion was one of my biggest allies and saved my life on more than one occasion. Each of the founder's house animals were our four spirit guardians, that should tell you how important they were to us."
"I needed to share those points with you to give a bit of perspective on what happened next in the story. Continuing on...Illyius' masters arrived just in time to watch the exhausted young man and his mouse collapse. He had been fighting nonstop for almost three days, protecting his home and family. You can imagine Raczidian's glee when he finally saw him fall, and his utter rage when three more mages with spirit guardians arrived and started to push back his army. He was so upset, that he took to the field himself. What followed was a battle of truly epic proportions, or so I was told."
"The masters managed to defend against the 8th circle dark wizard while their spirit guardians thinned out the Dementors and kept them from assaulting the village. All was looking well...until Raczidian killed the first master's spirit guardian and, shortly after, the master himself. When he fell, the other two 7th circle mages were heavily pressured. When the second one fell, the remaining master would have soon to followed, if not for a forgotten young mage. Illyius had recovered enough to turn the tide. With his spirit guardian, he attacked the Dementor army at their flank and sent them into a panicked retreat. Raczidian himself was exhausted and was not able to control them any longer and so, when they rushed to his position, keen on taking what life they could from the evil wizard, he tried the only thing he could think of to ward them off. A Patronus Charm."
"The rest of the story is true to what you have heard. He held no purity and only summoned maggots with his spell, which ate him alive along with the fleeing Dementors. What happened to Illyius and his remaining female master is unclear, but the village says they both stayed to recover and, eventually, fell in love and were married. In fact, the old woman that told me the story claimed to be one of their descendants. What is even more interesting than this alternate version, however, was her claim that the wood cuttings depict this version exactly. Wood cuttings that you, coincidentally, claim to have seen yourself Mr. Weasley." I finish and zero in on the scarred explorer.
Here, everyone turns to a very confused Bill. He opens his mouth to speak but closes it, his look of confusion deepening by the second.
"What do you remember? Did they depict the story as it was commonly told, or was it the version I just relayed to you? And what of the Patronus Charm? Were only the two forms on them, or did you see mentions of a third?" I ask him encouragingly in a soft voice.
Bill looks at me with clearly befuddled eyes and shakes his head. "No, there were only images and mentions of the story we have all heard and the two forms on...them..." His face goes pale and there is a flash of magic in his eyes. "Wait...wait...No!" His eyes go wide as saucers as he stares at me in complete shock, "What the hell! It was all there...Just as you said. I can see the images in my mind and I could clearly see three forms mentioned... Why...Why did I never realize? It's like my eyes avoided them...like...like..."
"Like the workings of the Fidelius Charm?" I ask with a knowing, sad smile.
The room went into slack-jawed silence. Mr. Flitwick was opening and closing his mouth several times and Headmistress McGonagall was shaking her head slightly. To say the implications of this revelation were massive would be an extreme understatement.
"H-how could this be possible?" The Minister says and turns to face Mr. Shacklebolt as if hoping to be let in on an inside secret.
He only shakes his head, looking just as lost as any other in the room.
"So...You are telling us that knowledge and spells of our past have been purposefully...suppressed...?" Mr. Potter asks slowly.
"Not only that, but it would seem the fundamentals of magic have been lost to time. The fact that none of you know what spell circles are, despite them being worked into each of your spells is very telling." I answer and sit down again with a sigh.
I take a moment to look over to my family. Most of them look completely lost, but Cassandra shares a look of astonishment with the rest of the witches and wizards.
"Don't worry, I will explain everything I can," I say to them, giving a small smile, then turning to face the rest.
"Before we get into what might have been lost, let me ask one final question from you all. Was there ever a period of time where magic and the mundane clashed? Where our kind and the regular humans fought?" I ask and look over to them all.
"Yes. There was a lot of that from the 1200's to the 1600's. Witches and Wizards being burned at the stake...Entire families wiped out by the peasantry because of their magic...Wizards retaliating and releasing diseases and poisons to kill mass amounts of Muggles...It is called the Dark Ages for good reason..." Mr. Flitwick says with a shudder.
"I see. That is the most likely answer then." I comment while rubbing my chin.
"Sorry, Professor, but I don't understand how this all relates. Could you explain what you mean?" Mrs. Potter asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Certainly, mind you this all conjecture at this point," I say and rise from my seat. I move to a window overlooking the gardens and speak after a moment of intense silence. "Allow me a second to be philosophical, if you will... What is the main weakness of mages? Other, stronger mages? Magical items? Monsters or magical constructs? No... The weakness of mages will always be and has always been the mundanes...The Non-Magical humans. It was no secret in battle...The other side has a powerful mage? Throw swordsman at them until they eventually fall. Launch a volley of arrows on that position until their barrier gives out and they perish. Shoot the ballista or trebuchet at that position until shrapnel tears them to pieces...If there was a time where Non-Magical humans truly turned against us and our very survival was on the line, what would be the easiest way to make it stop...?" I hedge and turn to the others in the room.
"To make everyone forget wizards and witches existed..." Mr. Shacklebolt responds with a frown and a slow nod.
"Exactly. The question then becomes: Who made everyone forget and who still remembers as I do?"
"You...you are a secret keeper to all of our lost knowledge!" Headmistress McGonagall exclaims and I smile down at her.
"Some of it. I have no idea how much is lost, but luckily, Jordan and I should be a living loophole from this charm. I am too old and know too much for the spell to affect me and he is too young or uninformed to have come in contact with any such secrets. When a piece of knowledge should be blocked by the charm, we will be able to see through it...In theory at least. Again, this is all conjecture at this point."
"So...what happens next?" Ron Weasley asks, rolling up his sleeves and looking ready for action.
'Big words for an ice cream man...'
"Nothing," I answer.
"N-Nothing?" He asks me back and his shock is shared between all those in the room.
"Yes, nothing. At least for now..." I answer with a sigh, feeling very old, "Look, I am going to level with you all. As you are now, none of you would stand a chance against either an 8th or 9th circle mage, even if you all worked together. I would say the strongest amongst you are mid 6th circle, maybe early 7th. Don't worry, I will explain circles next, but I want this point to be heard and agreed upon before we continue." I look out at each of them and make eye contact, ensuring they are listening.
"You are to do nothing with this information. At all. Pretend you never heard it and go on as you normally would." I say, again making it a magical command rather than a suggestion. "The greatest ally in war is information and we currently have next to nothing. Making a fuss at this point would be a great way for you and your families to wind up dead. We have no idea who or what did this, how strong they might be, or in what way they are still around. Our best course of action would be to train in secret and increase our prowess under the nose of whoever is keeping watch on this, and believe me, a secret of this size and magnitude will be watched."
Contemplative silence greets my command until...
"I agree." The Minister says with a nod. "As of right now, this is a Grade 6 Magical Secret. No one is to speak of this to anyone outside of this room and only to each other if we are in a secured environment. Should we do another Fidelius Charm, Professor?" She asks me.
"I don't think so. I think the Secret Web spell Jordan did earlier would be fine. It will allow the secret holder to know when someone has broken the secret without the fear of the secret being stolen from us. Is the Obliviate spell still in use today?"
Shocked looks greet my words.
"I...I never thought of combining them..." Mrs. Potter says and then shudders.
"Well, let's hope others haven't thought of that either." Mr. Potter says with a sigh. "Alright, let's do the spell and then cover spell circles."
"We have been chatting for quite some time, how about a lunch break first?" I offer with a smile and the rest of the room agrees. I think everyone could use a bit of a break after that.
* | * | *
POV: Jordan Leoren
Lunch starts off solemn. Most are in their own heads thinking about what has been revealed and questioning things they once thought of as firm rules. I am given back control and I sit with my family to discuss. Unfortunately, Grandpa really sucks at reassuring them, if anything, he made them even more worried. So I have to do it for him and tell them how I will be careful and keep everything a secret.
After we eat our meal of lunch meats, cheeses, bread, and chips, Grandpa takes over again and does the secret spell with our house, Melody's, assistance. This time the Minister has all the threads going to her. Afterward, he answers some more questions they all have...but to be honest, I have started to zone out and not really pay attention. I always get tired after lunch...
When he gets to the subject of spell circles, however, I pay attention again. First, he explains the theory behind it, followed by how each of us can see our current circle ranks, and then what each circle rank really means as well as the color associated with that circle. While he talks, he reminds me of some teachers I have had before and certainly has the air of someone who has taught for a long time. He answers questions politely, rewards people for asking questions with compliments, and makes sure everyone understands before he moves on. His anecdotes are always on topic and circle back to the main question at hand. All in all, he is a great teacher and is easy to learn from.
So, what did I learn? Here is the breakdown:
Theory: Spell circles are the fundamental workings of magic. By drawing ambient magic into certain shapes and patterns through gestures, words, thoughts, or even emotions, a mage can change that ambient magic into whatever they desire, so long as they have the skill to do so. Apparently, modern wands do this automatically. Grandpa explains that they appear to be pre-programmed with the spell circles up to 6th level. By doing standardized movements and wordings (intentions), they can activate the spell circles correctly and cast the spells. Grandpa thinks it is a genius bit of enchanting work and that it points to wandmakers potentially being involved in the larger secret as well. This could explain why only certain ancient families are wandmakers and how others who have tried to learn the art have failed. This bears the question, how are new spells created then? Grandpa Gryffindor thinks it is through clever uses within the limitations provided. For instance, if a simple movement combination generates a 2nd level spell circle, then further combining that with other motions and a strong intention can shape the magic to do what you want. He assumes this is how the Apperation spell was created. Grandpa says that older wands require you to craft the spell circle yourself. This leads to a slower early progression, but greater long-term growth. By the time a mage was at the 5th circle, they could usually cast at comparable speeds to everyone here due to them simply being more proficient in crafting spell circles. Apparently, 8th and 9th level mages can cast in a fraction of a second, and most of their duels would be silent other than taunts, banter, and laughter. Using the old method also allowed for the flexibility of language and movements. Grandpa uses Latin for all his spells, but apparently, you can use whatever language you want if you craft the circles yourself. The gestures are the same way. As long as they meant the correct thing to the one casting, they could move the wand, staff, or other spell focus in whatever way they wish. Even choosing to not move them at all if their mental image of the circle was strong enough! It got a bit complicated when he started talking about thoughts and emotions controlling spells, as these are basically cast without verbal or semantic means and he seemed to have lost almost everyone on that train of thought, so he circled back and finished up the explanation of the fundamentals. Next, Grandpa instructed everyone on the spell to show their current spell circle level. The spell was called the Revealing Circle Cantrip or Circulus Revelare in Latin. Unfortunately, no one's wands were capable of casting the spell. Because of that, Grandpa got permission to cast the spell through me. When the spell went off, a very translucent violet circle appeared before everyone and Grandpa looked visibly winded. After catching his breath, he explained that the opacity of the circle means how far into the circle one was. The more solid the color, the further along in the circle one is. I, who had never cast magic before, was understandably at the very beginning. He notes the outlines past the circle, in my case 3 off-grey translucent ones, which indicate a person's current potential. This meant that, if I did nothing else but let mana circulate inside me, I would be a 4th Circle Mage by the end of my life. That potential is changed based on the amount of effort and practice put in when one is young, so he assures me I have much room to grow past that. Unfortunately, once you reach a certain point in your adulthood, your body loses the ability to grow and would no longer be able to increase your potential. It becomes your "Cap" as it were. This, in itself, is a misnomer, he explains, as there are several herbal remedies, potions, magical items, or other such enhancements to push one's body past such a limit...and once again loses everyone. After answering more than a few questions and asking Mr. Flitwick to hold his 27th question until the end, Grandpa goes on to explain all of the circles and their layman's level ranking equivalent. 1st Circle - Violet - Beginner - Just getting started 2nd Circle - Purple - Novice - Has the fundamentals down 3rd Circle - Red - Apprentice - Can be considered an actual mage 4th Circle - Orange - Intermediate - Fairly talented 5th Circle - Yellow - Journeyman - Talented, Top 100,000 of all mages 6th Circle - Green - Advanced - Very competent, Top 10,000 of all mages 7th Circle - Blue - Expert - Powerful Mage, allowed to be head court mages, Top 1,000 of all mages 8th Circle - White - Master - One of the best mages, Top 100 of all mages 9th Circle - Black - Grandmaster - The best of the best, Top 10 of all mages There is a theoretical 10th Circle which is Gold, but even Grandpa has never seen it.
When he is finished with his explanation on the circles, everyone was quiet in contemplation. It was about 4 PM and I was feeling really tired, this whole body possession takes more outta me than I thought. Noticing that fact, Grandpa suggests we break for the night and that we can reconvene sometime soon so he can answer more questions. He promises to collect some older wands for everyone next time we go to the hidden castle - something we agreed on talking about but not sharing too much information on.
After a final bow, Grandpa switches with me and I visibly slump in the chair I am near.
"Jordan! Are you alright?" Dad asks as he pats my arm and leans over me in worry.
"I'm alright, just *Yawn* feeling sleepy," I answer.
"Well, it is a good call to wrap it up here then," Mom says, scooping me out of my chair and onto her lap. "Your 11th birthday is tomorrow and we don't want you sick." She kisses my head and holds me lovingly.
I am surprised, I totally forgot about my birthday! I didn't have anything planned and I don't exactly have any friends that I could invite. I expected to have a quiet birthday with my family. The idea of some magical entertainment sounded awesome, now though. Maybe...
"Ah, Mr. Weasley, would it be alright if I bought some of your ice cream for tomorrow? I am not sure what kind of magical treats and fun things there are, but if you have any suggestions, I would love to experience them!"
"I could arrange that...My brother George owns a shop full of cool things I bet you would lov-" Ron starts, but is cut off soon after by his wife.
"Ronald Weasley, you are not letting a newly magical child play with those unsupervised. He will blow himself or his house up!" The Minister yells and hits his arm once.
"Oh okay... Could you come and help me with them? Or your brother? I...I have money I can pay you with!... I really want to learn more about all the magical stuff...and I don't really have many friends to invite over anyway..." I trail off lamely.
"Jordan...I am sure they are busy. We will figure something else out...Maybe I can take you to Diagon Alley...I don't really remember how to get there though..." Mom says in contemplation, looking over to Dad sadly.
"Actually..." Mrs. Potter says with a small smile, "Tomorrow is Saturday and I know we have no plans...We could swing by if you don't mind Reynold and Cassandra? We can even bring the kids to play with Jordan if he wants?"
I smile and look up at my parents hopefully.
"Yes...I am sure they would love that and I think it sounds like a wonderful time! I can have some of my buddies in the Magical Events Department whip something up..." Mr. Potter says excitedly, before catching himself, "Ah, if that is alright, Mrs. & Mr. Leoren?"
"Well...I don't have a problem with it...but are you sure? I don't want to ask you for too much..." Mom says, smiling and holding dad and my hands.
"No worries at all. I could use a break and I would actually love to get to know you all better!" Mrs. Potter says. "How about you Hermione, Ron?"
"If you will have us, then sure! We got nothing planned and we can bring the kids as well...again, as long as you are okay with it. I can talk to George and we can put some stuff together for it." Mr. Weasley adds.
"What do you say, Jordan?" Mom asks with a smile, hugging me tightly.
"Sounds great! The more the merrier, I say! We can use the backyard and set up tables for everything. Maybe we can even make it a pool party! I have always wanted one of those!" I exclaim, genuine boyish excitement filling me for the first time in a long while.
"Alright, you and Grace head upstairs to play while we hash things out down here." Dad says with a wolfish smile, "I haven't seen Cass in a bathing suit in year-" He yelps as she pinches his side with a dangerous smile.
Everyone laughs and I stand up to leave. I pause a second later and bow to everyone.
"Thank you all for coming and listening. I know we talked about a lot of serious things today, but I am really excited to get to know you all and learn more."
"Of course Mister Leoren. We are just as excited to have met you." Mr. Flitwick says with a happy smile. "On that note, I will see you during your first year. I am the charms teacher at Hogwarts, so I look forward to seeing what you can do!"
"I feel the same." Headmistress McGonagall says as she stands, "A very happy birthday to you, Jordan. I will be seeing you at Hogwarts." She gives a tight-lipped smile and heads for the door with Mr. Flitwick in toe.
"Ah! Headmistress! Grandpa was wondering if we could visit Hogwarts before the term starts, he said there might be some secrets or lost knowledge that can help!"
She pauses for a second, then turns and smiles at me. "Normally, I would say no...but I think we can make an exception this time. I will send a letter to work out the details. Good day to you all." She gives a final nod and exits with a waving Mr.- no, Professor Flitwick.
"Ah...well, I dun suppose you want an ol' fogey like myself at yer party, so I will be-" Hagrid says sheepishly, wringing his hands in front of him before I interrupt.
"When I said the more the merrier, I meant it, Hagrid! You are more than welcome at my party. I would love to hear more about you and what you do at Hogwarts!" I say with that same level of excitement and flash him a million wat smile.
"Dah..." He says and wipes a tear from his giant eyes with his giant hands, "Well, if yer offerin', then I would love to be there!"
"It's not a true party without Hagrid." Mr. Potter says with a nod.
"Not one worth going to, if you ask me." Mr. Weasley mirrors Mr. Potter's nod.
Their wives smile encouragingly but roll their eyes at the duo all the same.
"Unfortunately, I have a job with Gringotts starting Sunday and am spending time with my family tomorrow," Bill Weasley says with a sad smile, "But I wish you the best for your birthday, Jordan!" He finishes and flashes a smile as jagged as the scars on his face.
"Thank you, Mr. Weasley!" I answer.
"I have some plans for tomorrow as well, but happy birthday, Jordan. I am looking forward to hearing more from you and your Grandfather." Mr. Shackelbolt says with a kind smile.
They both get up to head out and I grab Grace's hand, ignoring her squawk of protest, and start making my way out of the room. I leave the rest of the adults to talk, get to know each other better, and plan out tomorrow.
"Where are we going?" Grace complains as I start for the staircase.
"We are gonna hang out with Suzan until dinner. I was thinking we could play a board game or something. Anything to just hang out and pass the time." I answer back with a smile.
"Urg. Do we have to-" She starts complaining but I interrupt her.
"Please, Gracy? I am going to be leaving for a year and I want to spend time with you." I ask with a pout and puppy dog eyes.
Her face goes completely red and she stutters as she answers, "Hmph. F-Fine, but only because you a-asked so nicely."
Tsundere's gonna Tsun and all that.
I spend the rest of the evening hanging out with my family and from the excited looks on my parent's faces, I know tomorrow is gonna be a heck of a birthday party.
'Thanks, again Grandpa.'
'For what, Jordan?' He asks in my head with a chuckle.
'Just...For everything.' I finish, giving him the mental equivalent of a hug.
My life has changed for the better and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
- In Serial462 Chapters
Forging his own destiny
~~DROPPED~~Story Author: Anuel Proofreaders:Flubbykin (active)Chapters Proofread: 1-7; 28-39; 42-117; 120-133; 169-178; 197 - 211, 220-earliest) Ah, the world, the multi-universe made of perfect cycles. Cycles, which the only purpose is to purify soul – release it from the burden of its memories and experience, the process, that would let the soul be reincarnated again, to experience new life. The world is being born, it is being populated by souls, the smaller and bigger, the world would die and be reshaped anew. In a cycle. A never-ending process. Since the dawn of time, since the countless cycles, the pool of soul was closed, a soul that died could be reincarnated only within a System of its Administrator. Until now. Join us in our story of a single soul which because of certain events could no longer be reincarnated in its original world – being forced to be transferred into Universe ruled another Administrator – another God in world full of Fantasy and Magic, watch him casting aside his previous restriction and try living his life to the fullest… thought someone, somewhere, may have different plans for this weird, weird soul. Ps. There are game elements here Disclaimers and warnings: - This story uses clichés. Like, lots of it. - I am not a native English speaker, so my grammar may not be best (It actually is pretty horrible). First 80 or so chapters are a true butchery for eyes and I admit it. Shouldn’t I correct them then? I should. Why am I not doing it? Who knows. Maybe one day I will. - This story is pretty much an experiment. I try different perspectives, different styles, I can make some random Deus-ex-machina if I would consider that I made mistake in the story and decide to change it. - This story is written for pure fun, if you expect some mind-blowing plots and conspiracy of top-level authors – then you will be most likely disappointed. - Easter eggs. Easters eggs everywhere. Every now and then you will be able to spot single events, characters and lines of text that belong in different stories/mangas/movies/books and such. Of course, they do not belong to me but to the owners, though I am not listing them – I am sorry, but if you need to be told from where line comes, we won’t be friends. - And finally. The story is written for you and WITH YOU. If you have any suggestions, events, characters, skills, class… ANYTHING… you wish to see, please – tell me. In best case scenario I would use them, in worse – I would just not implement them, so what do you lose? Guyz I owe my thanks for their contribution: KenChi? IamacultivatorNetlordBasicBörjeDeimos Solyom tommyjl7 Arondight
8 235 - In Serial166 Chapters
Remnants of the Dawn: The Complete Trilogy
Author edits content regularly, genre is decidedly High Fantasy with other elements throughout. Synopsis: The Armies of Xanavene have declared war on the world of Silex, and march their black armies across the lands, leaving confusion and ruin in their wake. Led by the Necromancer Osric, their motives are as unknown as his origins. The armies of Xanavene cuts a swathe of terror towards Elysia, home to The Order of Dawn and the Priestess Renata. After his affair with the High Priestess is discovered, Grandmaster of The Knights of Dawn, Aichlan, is sent to the fort of Arlien along the Elysian border, as punishment. His rank in The Order of Dawn prevents a public sentencing, but it is the hope of the Cardinals that he will perish when Xanavene inevitably attacks. Faced with the insurmountable task of defeating an army the likes of which hadn’t been seen in over three millennia, Aichlan is given a coveted second chance to save the Priestess and put an end to Osric’s mad ploy. Aided by the remnants of fallen kingdoms, he must gather an army to combat the Xanavien horde, as well as the horrors Osric unleashed. Horrors not seen on the planet since the last time a doomed mortal attempted to wage war on with the gods.
8 169 - In Serial12 Chapters
she's in the rain | jung jaehyun
[ COMPLETED ] our hearts are broken, but i'm willing to mend yours before mine.© sihoonz
8 216 - In Serial34 Chapters
I am making this story as a revamp, edit, and transformation of the legendary gamer into something that can be better related to. I have done some work on writing, and also put more work into preparing the introductory thoughts. I will have a bare minimum of weekly updates, but there may be more depending on how much time I have. This story will follow Gregory Jeffrey Drake, a young man whose life is partially micromanaged by his parents, and in time will come to be a powerful character in his own story. For now though, the main focus for Gregory is to grow and find his place in this new world he has been dropped into. Gregory gained a new type of class, and must use it if he hopes to stay alive and make the world a better place.
8 115 - In Serial16 Chapters
Yami Desolate- The destroyer (a reincarnation story)
In the midst of a school assembly, a summoning circle appeared out of now where and everyone within the school hall was transported to another world, one of fantasy and magic. Having been called by the goddess to help against her fight against the forces of evil she gives them each a blessing and sends them to the kingdom of light and sanctuary The holy union. """Welcome heroes from another world, We need your help against the forces of darkness, but first lets check your status"""" boomed the king. Although the students and teachers was in confusion, about the current situation they complied and one by one checked their status. Noticing each has their own class along with a blessing, the kingdom welcomed them with open arms as a special unit called the sacred heroes to fight against the forces of darkness.However during the summoning ceremony caused by the forces of light, a similar ceremony was happening caused by the forces of darkness that called upon the recently dead soul of Yami whom recently died from the cruelty of the world . 1 hour before the school assembly started. Yami was on the roof, the only place where he can feel at peace however as he was walking near the edge, he was pushed off by another student, as he was falling he started to curse the world and the cruelty of humanity but what he cursed the most was his own lack of power, the moment he landed on the pavement bleeding heavily, it was clear he was dying, however before his death his last words was """" Im sorry, hikari i cant protect you anymore goodbye my light, """".Yami thought this was the end of everything the oblivion only for him to wake up in darkness, and a voice calling out to him Would you like another chance?, Knowing there was probably a catch he accepted anyway refusing to let his regrets go. Yami awoke only to find himself reincarnated within an egg. Yami was reincarnated into a half dragon and half demon this is the story of desolate the destroyer.author noteslazy author that only releases non edited or barely any edited chapters. UN EDITED, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. There is no point on critiquing a unpolished work it is just like saying that is a rock..... there is only point in polished work such as this gem hasn't had the best of care and wasn't cut properly. !
8 212 - In Serial9 Chapters
•complicated• (Enhypen Mgl)
Ахлах сургуулийн сурагчдын бодолд юу оршдог бол?
8 128