《Jordan Leoren – A Tale From The Wizarding World》Chapter 11 – Jordan! You’ve Got Some ‘Splainin To Do!
Chapter 11 – Jordan! You've Got Some 'Splainin To Do!
"Jordan..." Mom says quietly, hushing Dad who has jumped out of his seat at my announcement and is dancing with a very confused Grace in his arms. "*Sigh* I am happy that you found something, but where have you been? We have been searching for you nonstop for the last two days. Do you have any idea how worried we were? How scared we were that something could have happened to you? Why didn't you at least call?" Surprisingly, there is no anger in her voice, just exhaustion and worry. I am at a loss here. I expected to be grounded forever, but instead...
"You're grounded forever, you can never leave Mommy's side again." My mom says with a solemn face and a nod.
"Cass..." My dad says, bravely going against the orders of Mother to which he receives her icy glare.
Then she sighs again, "Or at least that is how it would be if I had it my way." She gives me a tired smile that shows her age, a feat I never thought possible with the ageless beauty that is my mother. "Now, Jordan, please explain." The intensity in her eyes at this command brings me back from my surreal musings.
"Um...well..." I start, standing up from my Mom's lap, or at least try to. She holds me like a vice and I have no choice but to start my story from her embrace. Sheesh, mom, I am not going to disappear or run...Susan would tackle me before I made it halfway...
'Privacy.' Grandpa reminds me in my head.
"Miss Goura, I would like to talk to my family alone, is there anything else you need from me or them?"
She looks at us with obvious chagrin at being noticed from her spot by the door. It is rather plain that she wanted to hear the story too. Fat chance lady! I have known you for all of 1 hour!
"No...I only thought I would stay to make sure you were Okay and to help you in case of curses..."
"We will let you know if we have any concerns. Can you wait in the receiving room across the hall please?" Dad says firmly.
"I...alright." Says the 20 something year old with a pout as she turns away and leaves the room.
'Repeat after me.' Grandpa Gryffindor says in my head once she closes the doors behind her.
"Secure room for private communication," I repeat and several flashes of lights go off in different corners of the room. The doors bar with a solid "Thunk!" and the windows shine with an inner blue light.
"Room Secure, Master Leoren. 13 listening and scrying spells terminated." A new, female voice comments throughout the room.
"What!? Who was that!? 13 spells!?" My Dad bellows in the room looking angrier than I have ever seen him. "When I get my hands on that Minister of Magic I am gonna wring her scrawny neck!"
Repeating after Grandpa again, I say, "Identify sources of listening and scrying spells."
Several magical circles flash in the air above us in reds, blues, greens, and purples, then the woman's voice speaks again. "11 spells are untrackable due to the magic being terminated at the other end. One belongs to an Oberon Villalobos added 543 years ago. The other belongs to a Wonda Barlow and was added 8 months ago."
"Terminate all further tracking, listening, viewing, or scrying spells on this manor," I repeat, a sinking pit in my stomach.
This time, circles containing all colors of the rainbow appear above us in quick succession and the light show lasts a good three minutes. After which, the voice responds with, "All spells of tracking, listening, viewing, or scrying have been removed. A total of 1594 spells have been removed from the manor, 1482 were inert. Removing these spells has opened up additional magical resources that were previously being used to fuel them. Would you like to enable all of the defenses again, master?"
"What? How? Who?" Dad stammers in disbelief at the number of spells removed. He looks like he is about to burst a blood vessel in his neck, so Mom reaches up and pulls him onto the couch to whisper something in his ear that calms him down somewhat.
"Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?" Grace demands as she straightens her dress after being put down. She looks around and pouts when everyone seems to ignore her. She sits down on her wing-backed chair with a harumph. Susan sits in her chair, wide-eyed at the display and mouth agape.
"In a second, Grace." I tell her with a smile, then turned my attention to the air above me again, "Please enable all of the defenses and set everyone in this room as top clearance persons, anyone in the servant's house or working in servants quarters to tier 3 clearance, and anyone with a Ministry of Magic ID to guest clearance. Please report to me anyone outside of these parameters."
What followed was a couple of minutes of more spell circles, names being shared by the...house?, and appropriate clearances being given after consulting with Mom and Dad. It was decided that the head butler, head maid, and head of the manors defenses were to be given tier 2 clearance. The breakdown of clearances explained to us was pretty straight forward: Tier 1 is everything, tier 2 is everything but areas denoted as secret, tier 3 is common areas and rooms, tier 4, or the guest clearance, was for areas that guests were expected to visit. There were two other tiers that we didn't have to use: Tier 5 was restrain or capture on sight and tier 6 was kill on sight.
During this time, several loud noises consisting of grinding, whirring, and slamming came from all over and outside the house. There were screams that could be heard from different areas of the house and I was very worried that some people were going to freak out at all this obviously magical stuff going on. Mom hushed me and told me they would be fine after a little explanation. They were all apparently relatives of witches and wizards or something she called "Squibs" and were in-the-know, so to speak. Several loud bangs came from the other side of the door where Prisha Goura had left, so I unsecured the room, and Father explained that we enabled the ancient magical defenses on the property to the waiting sea of Ministry agents. It took another few minutes of explaining and reassuring them and more than a few refusals to be let in on the discussion for them to leave to the waiting room or leave the property entirely. I resecured the room and sighed. Mom had not let go of me during this whole time and I was more than a little embarrassed that so many had seen me in this position...but oh well. If it made her happy, then that was all that mattered.
*Sigh* "Okay, Grandpa Gryffindor says it is alright to explain now." I say tiredly.
"Who..." Mom starts, but I cut her off.
"This is going to be a long story...so be ready. Grandpa says I should tell you everything, so please let me finish before stoping me for questions."
I then did just that, holding nothing back and explaining every detail I remembered of the Castle and the Journal. Gryffindor would give me bits and pieces here and there whenever I struggled, but the entire conversation was well over 15k words long and took far longer than one would have thought to explain it all.
* * *
"Jordan!" My Dad cried out and ripped me from my mother's grasp, much to her displeasure. I was then subjected to the tightest bear hug I had ever had. My Dad's beard was all kinds of uncomfortable as he rubbed it all over my face in his happiness. "If only Dad and Ma were alive to see this. I can't believe that it has finally happened...and you are actually speaking to him! How incredible is it to be personally taught and guided by one of the greatest wizards in history! One of the teachers of Merlin himself! By all the Gods, I don't think I have ever been happier than today! *Cough* "Er...Except for when I married your mother, of course..."
"Dad...Can't....Can't breathe...!" I wheeze from within my father's tree-trunk like arms.
"Put him down, Reynold! He still needs to hug me too!" My mother calls from behind me. I am put down by a begrudging Dad and quickly scooped into my Mom's arms. Her hug is much less fierce but no less comforting.
"Magic..." Grace says in a daze, "Real magic...Can...Can I be..."
"Sorry Grace," Susan says softly with a shake of her head. "We didn't inherit it. That is why this is such a big deal. Don't feel bad, your music will get you far. You don't need magic." She smiles sadly at her, obviously sharing in the same pain.
Mom puts me down again and I pause for a second, listening, then announce, "Actually, Grandpa says he thinks I will be able to undo the blood curse once I am strong enough. You will have a late start, but both of you and Dad as well have magic in your blood. I can teach you once I learn!"
Silence meets my declaration. A shocked Susan and Grace stare at me with hopeful eyes and my Dad grabs me hard on the shoulders. "Do you truly mean it, son? I...I can use my magic?" Dad has unshed tears in his eyes at my words and I smile and nod up to him meekly. Next, I am surrounded by hugs from everyone in the room again. We share some light, happy talk for a few minutes, them asking me questions about my experience in the castle and me sharing to the best of my ability. Mom is more than a little upset at the pain I had to go through but agrees that it was worth it after some convincing.
"Now," I say with excitement clear in my voice, "Do you want to meet him?"
"What do you mean, sweetie?" Mom asks in confusion.
"Godric Gryffindor! He can temporarily take over my body as long as I let him. He is excited at the chance to meet you, but is acting all shy despite me telling him it is okay." I say with a laugh.
"Take over your body!?" "Meet with him!?" My parents share two very different perspectives on this it seems.
"Yes!" I say, "And I can end it at any time, so don't worry Mom." I say...and it should be true. At least that is what Grandpa told me. I am fairly sure I can trust him, like 89% sure! It'll be fine....hahaha...
'Okay Grandpa, you're up!'
'Are...are you sure about this? I mean I could always just speak through...'
'Yes! Don't tell me the great Godric Gryffindor is scared of meeting his descendants?'
'Of course I am scared! There is nothing wrong with fear as long as you don't let it control you, Jordan...And I haven't had a body or spoken to a group in over 1,000 years!' He grumbles.
'Well, it is time for you to face your fears! Come on, I can always take over if it gets too awkward!' I encourage.
And with that, we switched places...........
POV Change: Godric Gryffindor
I opened my eyes and stare at the people arranged in front of me. No...not people, family. My family arranged in front of me. I cup my hands behind my back and stand up straight, a habit I garnered from my years of teaching.
"Ah...um... *Cough* H-Hello! My name is Godric Reynold Archibald Gryffindor and I am at your service." I say with a formal bow. My voice is a mix of two voices, my own deep baritone and Jordan's flute-like tenor. It sounds odd, but I let that slide as I was expecting this. I stand back up and resume my posture and hands cupped behind my back. The faces of everyone in front of me are shocked and some are even a little afraid.
Seeing that no one is saying anything, I start up again with, "I...I will be instructing Jordan over the coming years...He is a fine lad and does the Gryffindor name proud...Um...Do you have any questions for me?" I hedge, losing my confidence at the end. Oh Matilda, if you could see your boisterous husband now...
Dropping to one knee in front of me, Reynold states loudly, "It is an honor, ancestor. I have done my best, as has my father and his before him, to uphold the family values and to always live by the family motto. I am so happy that my son has unlocked your great legacy and will continue to support him to the best of my ability moving forward...I wonder though...did you mean it when you said you could unlock mine and my daughter's lost magic?"
"Yes, yes, stand Reynold. We are family, there is no need for that." I slap him on the back, but my had slides off as he stands and towers above me. Quite intimidating, really. I see why Jordan compared him to a bear. "You look just like my son, Godric II...And to answer your question, yes, I can and will teach Jordan how to undo the blood-line magic that binds our family. It will take some time, however, since it is a 9th circle magical ritual and we will need the support of at least two other witches or wizards of no lower than 7th circle.'
"Sorry," Jordan's mother Cassandra says and stands up. Damn. She is a bombshell. If I was a few years younger...and had my own body...No! Focus! "...what did you mean by 9th and 7th circles? Was that a denomination of spells or something in your time?"
"What? No, I just meant the foundational circles that make up magical works. Do you call them something different now? They are the levels at which one tests potential and proficiency in magic."
"I am sorry...Mr. Gryffindor..." She continues with a pause at what to call me, so I interrupt.
"Please, just call me Grandpa or Grandpa Gryffindor like Jordan does. Much less confusing that way!" I say with a laugh.
"Sure, then, Grandpa, I am not understanding what you are talking about. We just learn spells, not circles or anything that indicates levels...at least that is the way it was at Beauxbatons..."
"What? That is the basics of the basics, how can they not..."
Everyone stops and stares down at my stomach.
"Ah...yes. Jordan hasn't eaten anything in two days and could use some rest. Why don't we continue this tomorrow."
"Of course...can you switch back for now so that we can have dinner? I would like to eat with my son, no offense to you." Cassandra says with a questioning smile.
"No problem at all. I will be going now, but it was nice to meet you all and I hope I can talk with you all soon."
With that, I flip the souls in Jordan's body to give him full control again. I missed having a body, but I lived for over 200 years, it is nice to just be an observer as well. Like a movie or TV series!
POV Change: Jordan Leoren
I open my eyes and immediately feel all the things I had put off. Hunger gnaws at my insides and sleep threatens to take me at any moment. Being an observer to my own body was weird, but not horrible. You don't really feel anything and there is a weightless comfort to it. I felt like I was watching a movie or TV series, just with me behind the shoulder of the main character.
"Food then bed." My mom commands. "Tomorrow is the day before your 11th birthday, so there is much we need to plan for. I imagine that the Ministry will want to talk to you as well. We will discuss what you should and shouldn't disclose at dinner." She takes my hand and turns to go head through the door. "Now take down the security, please. Reynold, go get rid of the Ministry for tonight and then join us for dinner. We haven't eaten much today and we could all use a meal and a good night's sleep."
"Thanks, Mom...I love you." I say feeling silly at expressing my emotions, but I just felt like saying it. My mother flinches like she has been struck then spins towards me and wraps me in a hug and covers me with kisses.
With tears in her eyes, she exclaims, "That is the first time you have said that in years. Oh, Jordan, Mommy loves you too. Thank you for calling me 'Mom' again instead of 'Mother.' I promise to do better, I am sorry for everything I have put you through. We tried to pull you out a year ago, but you didn't seem to want to... Oh Jordan, Mommy loves you so much." Everyone crowds around to hug and exchange 'I love you' in a cringey mess of emotions. Even sister Susan seems to have tears in her eyes as she says she loves me...it may sound dumb, but this is what I needed. This is what I always needed. Who knew they were just waiting on me? Why was I so stubborn and tried to take everything on myself without any help?
After a few minutes of this, we part and everyone is exhausted but feels much better than before. I open up the room and we shuffle off for a light dinner and talk briefly about what I should and shouldn't say to people moving forward. We dissolve into tired laughing fits over stupid things and Grace tells me all about her new arrangement for an off-broadway musical. She is a musical genius and I have always loved her arrangements. Her piano skills are some of the best I have ever seen or heard. I request that she plays Rhapsody in Blue for me for my birthday and she agrees with a smile. I see Susan trying to add to the conversation, but, as always, the age gap and our never-really-being-close gets in the way of that. After 15 minutes or so, Dad comes in looking haggard and tells me that the same people I met a couple of days ago will be coming again tomorrow to talk with me. Mrs Not-a-nun and Shaggy, huh? I hope Kingsley is there too, I just love his name!
I also get a piece of exciting news from Dad, someone with my Hogwarts letter will be coming either tomorrow or on my birthday. I nearly forgot in all this excitement, but I will be going to school. As we separate for the night and I make my way into my bed after a shower, I think,
'Magical school to learn magical magic. Freakin' awesome!'
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