《Original Wolf - (The Originals)》The Beginning


A young-looking man was sitting on the side of the building looking down at the Original Vampire Rebekah Mikaelson. Who was at this time ripping the head off of a rapist gorging on his blood, but she was no hero. When she finished she quickly caught up and did the same to the female. She reminded her of her weakness, how she was never in control, always pushed around. After just gaining her freedom, she was attending to help out at first, but the reminder sent her into a frenzy of hate and self-loathing.

The man who was 6ft tall, dark and handsome. With short black hair and orange color eyes, wearing black shorts, a grey shirt and a pair of black sports shoes, looking extremely casual. Jumped down as she was finishing up, quietly walking behind her as she was crouched overfeeding. She quickly turned around with her vamped up face and charged at him with super speed intending to quickly take his head. Things, however, turned differently as he dodged her strike with a grin and said

"Hello Rebekah, now that I've finally caught you on your own would you like to go on a date?"

But to his disappointment, she wasn't even remotely sane right now. She quickly came at him again and again in her rage, so he decided to quickly end it by snapping her neck and trying again later. He took her away after burning the bodies and placed her into a hotel room, leaving a note saying he hoped the next time they meet we could talk.

'whelp that didn't go the way I wanted, hopefully, she doesn't remember any of that, then again I left a note' he thought before chuckling to himself as he turned into his wolf form and went super-speed towards South America to visit an old friend. He decided now with new technology and ways to keep in touch he should get a cellphone and get the numbers of his first pack members.



He was now in the forest of the amazon trying to catch the scent of his old pack, he can tell the general area of anyone he has personally bitten but not the exact location. The forest was a lot louder then one would expect considering when you think of cities as loud and nature as quiet, but he could still make out the sound of voices ahead.

"When is Aurelia going to let me hunt, I'm old enough now and I'm tired of watching."

"I'm sure it'll be soon Cora, it's just that you complain way too much and at first we understood but

you need to move on, its been years now since you came and we're your family now."

"What do you know!" said Cora about to storm off before a young man walked out into the clearing.

"Hello there, my name's Nevan, I'm a friend of Aurelia, is she in?" he said as he tried to look less intimidating, seeing as they're now both shifted with their yellow glowing eyes (yellow indicating beta status.) ready to fight. This made Nevan shake his head seeing the poor shifts of a human turned werewolf. (looks just like teen wolf only the face shifted a little with teeth, hair, eyes, pointed ears, some claws and ridges to look more wolf-like.) this is most likely the best they would ever be able to achieve.

As he stood there waiting for them to calm down he looked around the clearing, it was a nice meadow with simple houses built in a cleared out area near the north and a treehouse above them. This made him click his tongue,

'That's her house, although it's strange she's caring for this band of misfits.'

He thought as he saw more of them quickly coming over once they noticed the unusual situation.


One of the older boys started talking in Portuguese "Who's this white fool, let me take care of him." he said quickly transforming with blue eyes (blue indicating he's taken an innocents life).

"Why am I not surprised you have blue eyes." Laughed Nevan in Portuguese

He then charged at Nevan with his claw raised ready to strike, Nevan stood there still with a grin. An inch before he reached him, his hand was caught then twisted behind his back and forced face-first into the ground hard.

"Hello Aurelia, how have you been? I've noticed you started to take in a bunch of kids for some reason this time around."

A short-haired brunette, with brown eyes, a 5ft 10in tall with a well-toned athletic build, wearing sportswear allowing her six-pack abs to show. Aurelia was the one who came out of nowhere to put the Portuguese fellow down. Noticing he was out cold, she quickly threw his body to the side before turning around and taking a knee with head down.

"My lord, it has been too long."

Her pack of 6 not counting the one who was thrown away, all had their eyes wide open at this, some with their mouths agape. Their alpha, this proud woman who they all respected and feared a little bit, this woman who slaughtered a whole guerrilla camp for only making rude comments towards some of the girls in the pack. Is now bending a knee to this strange man.

Nevan rolled his eyes at this, there was a time where he cared about such things but things were different now.

"Quickly get up I don't need you to do such things anymore."

She looked up and nodded towards him before she got up.

"So what may I do for you, my lord."

"Ah, nothing important, it's just that now in the age of technology I wanted your number, to keep in touch."

The guys in the pack furrowed their brows, 'tch, asking for her number, in your dreams.' they all thought with their male egos pricked, completely forgetting the fact that just earlier she was kneeling towards him. The biggest hit came though when she immediately broke out into a grin and said.

"Yes, give me a second."

'Noooo my queen is ruined, how did this happen, who is this guy.' was the thought going into each of their heads, as some of the boys looking gloomy drooped to their knees in despair.

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