《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 20


Other Book of Mine

Well here's chapter 20. Hope you enjoy. No chapter will be uploaded for the next few days as I will be away from home so just saying. But I'm kinda mad at myself. The ending of this chapter would have been so good as the ending for the first book, but I just haven't written enough for the book to be a decent length. Hope you enjoy the cliffhanger till next week, i know I will.


Chapter 20-Questing Pt.2

Waking up, Sear left his room to go out and begin his next day of working.

These past days have been a pain. Maybe I should have shown off my magic and gotten a better start here. He steps out of the inn and looks outside, attempting to find where Gee had gone.

In the distance, he could see Gee and the town chief, whose name he still didn’t know, talking to a group of men that looked like knights. They were all on horseback and had some of the finest armor Sear had ever seen.

They were people that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Walking closer, he overheard what they were talking about.

The first person to speak up was a knight that carried an exaggerated great-sword. “On request of the royal family, we are here to warn you. In the past month since the collapse of the cave, a group of over 100 bandits have been going around and slaughtering whole villages.”

“Since most adventurers are at the collapse, there are few people to fight against these bandits. We royal knights would fight them but with growing tensions on the border with Crysium, most of us are deployed at the border.”

“We suggest that you create defenses around the village to help deter bandits away from here. We wouldn’t want another village to fall to them. They are at most a week away, so you will have to work quickly.” The knight turned around and prepared to move.

“Thank you for your time.” With that the knight trotted away with the rest of them following. Gee and the town chief looked at each other and then looked to Sear.

The first one to speak up was Gee. “Well Sear, looks like we’ve found you a new job to do. Get the shovel from behind the counter in the inn. I want you to dig a moat 50 meters away from the walls. But make it deep enough that a sole man can’t climb out of it.”

“You really know how to make a man work don’t you Gee? Well Sear, if you can do this I’ll be sure to repay you.

They went on to do whatever they were going to do leaving Sear there speechless. They expect me to dig an entire moat on my own!?


A few hours later, Sear was digging, and his back felt dead. He forgot how hard it is to do manual labor without using his magic. I wonder if I improve my normal body if you reinforced body will be even stronger?

Continuing to dig, he stopped once the sun set to look at his work. The moat he was digging was 8 meters wide, 5 meters deep, and so far he had dug out 30 meters of its length. The total size would be around 500 meters, so this would be hard for him to do.


“Picking himself up, he looked up. To his surprise, the moon he saw was different. It was a full moon, but it had shades of blue coursing through it like the waves on a beach. Closing his eyes, he felt the magic radiating off of it.

It was like a never-ending see of power. Whoever did this was strong enough to destroy whole planets, he knew that much.

Going back into the inn, he put his shovel away and fell asleep.

The next day the nothing important happened. All he did was dig. Once again dawn came and still he had only dug 80 meters of the moat. Doubting he would be able to finish in time, he stayed up a while longer to get to 90 meters.

The next days were much the same, with him just digging. The only difference he felt was that he could dig for longer without stopping and that digging felt easier. Hours passed as he kept moving his arms up and down, shoveling dirt away. By the end of 5 days, he had dug out 300 meters of the moat.

Damn, I probably won’t be able to finish this in time. If only Gee would get off his lazy ass and do something around here. I’m basically his slave at this point.

Keeping quiet, he continued to dig till the end of the day. As he was about to leave for the day, he spotted Gee coming towards him.

“Hmm, you’ve still only dug 300 meters?! Get off your ass and do something around here! I don’t let you stay for free! You’ve done nothing for the past few days and the bandits can be here at any minute! What a waste you are!” Gee’s face had turned red and Sear swore he could see steam coming off of his head.

I’ve done nothing? Is that what he just said?!

“I’ve done nothing?! What a damn idiot you are! I’ve been digging non-stop for the past five days while you sit around and drink ale!” Picking up his shovel, he hurled it at Gee, and was presented with the nice crunch of a broken nose.

“I’m done with this.” Placing his hands on the ground, Sear decided to use his magic.

Gee could do nothing but watch as a 15 meter wide, 30 meter deep moat was dug 250 meters away from the village wall. The moat surrounded the entire village soon, and had a total length of over 2 kilometers.

Instead of stopping by the shore though, Sear continued the moat and connected it with the sea. Switching magics, he began to use water magic to push forward water from the sea to fill the moat. In a few minutes, the water filled the entire moat.

The water was only 10 meters deep, but Sear wasn’t done there. Switching back to earth magic, he hardened the walls of the moat to be harder than stone, and then created sharp pikes of metal that came 5 meters above the water. Each spike was sharp enough to cut through extremely thick leather, and nobody would be able to escape it.

By now, most of the village, which consisted of only around 40 or 50 people, was watching.


Continuing, Sear began to dual use nature and earth magic. Using these two magics, a large 10 meter thick and 15 meter tall wall began to form out of stone and wood. Staircases were created along the entire area, and soon there were battlements along with towers spaced out along the walls.

To finish off, Sear switched to dark magic. Invisibly, he wove dark mana into everything he created, making it so that nobody could change anything using magic. If they did they would feel the backlash and most likely die.

Standing up, Sear eyed his work. He had just created a moat and wall that stretched over 2 kilometers. If the city expanded up to the size of the walls, its diameter would be over 600 meters, and the village would have quadrupled in area.

There we go, a nice moat and wall, just like Gee wanted. Maybe now he’ll get off my goddamn ass.

Turning around, Sear eyed the crowd. Everyone was awestruck. This was probably the first time they had seen someone use magic, much less seen someone do something this large scale with it.

He walked up to Gee and spoke. “Well there you go Gee, a nice moat and wall for you. Hope that broken nose was worth it.” With that he walked back into the inn and fell asleep. He had used way too much mana and almost ran out during that.


Sometime later, Sear woke to a knocking on his door. Who could it be? Can’t they tell I want to sleep?

Opening the door, he saw the town chief and Gee standing there. Looking ar Gee, he noticed the man’s eyes drop down. Hah, serves him right.

The first one to speak up was the town chief. “I would like to thank you for what you’ve done thus far. I can’t believe that I would be able to see such mastery of the magics in person. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Looking back up, he nudged Gee.

“I am sorry for what I have been doing to you for the past weeks. If I had known about the power you possess, I wouldn’t have done it. I thank you.” He looked back to the ground which pleased me.

As a smirk appeared on my face I spoke. “I guess you all know what I am capable of now. It was no problem for me to do it, just wanted to show that I am more than what I seem to be. Now if you excuse me, I have to go do one last thing to the village.”

Walking away from both, he couldn’t stop laughing at their faces of utter disbelief. Even after doing this for the village I was still going to do more and they couldn’t believe him.

Ahh how I love being strong. But slowly I am beginning to be respected. In no time at all I will be able to take control of the village.

He continued to walk along the village until he reached the docks. It was a crudely build double T that looked like it would fall apart at any moment. Placing his hands upon the ground once more, he decided to do one last thing.

Summoning nature magic, he dispersed the old port and created a new one. Out of the sand wood and stone rose up to create a port worthy of this village. Along the shore he created a pier over 50 meters wide and 100 meters long.

Branching off from it were tens of different walkways. Some were smaller, for fishing boats, while some were large enough to hold a 200 meter long ship. To finish off, he used earth magic and deeper all of the sand near the port and further out to see, making it possible to hold massive ships.

Standing up, he eyes his work once more. And again he had a crowd around him. Slowly, the crowd began to shout his name. “Sear, Sear, Sear, Sear!”

He smiled, and turned around, ready to start his new journey in the village.


Since that day, a month had passed. The bandits ended up never attacking the village, but Sear didn’t mind. He was now one of the most well-known and feared people in the town.

That’s right, town. Since that day, the village’s population reached over 500 and had become a town. The reason for this was all the people running from the villages destroyed by the bandits came here.

Not only that, but now the docks were actually being used. When the village officially became a town, the dock got quickly filled with merchants and Sear had to expand the pier to 75 meters by 250 meters. All along it now were massive warehouses full of goods.

Along the moat now you could see drawbridges that were being used daily by caravans, and upon the walls and towers guards were stationed.

Though it had taken a while, the village was slowly expanding. Soon, this will be mine, and I will expand it to its full size.

Another thing that happened was Sear’s position changed. He along with Gee and a few others had become town executives, not chiefs, but close.

While this was happening, he was still training though. Now that people knew he had magic he used it blatantly, well except for dark magic. That he still hid. Looking back, he realized that he had actually lost all of his orbs, but that was no matter. He now had enough mana that if he used two magics at the same time they would be equal to his dark magic.

Without Sear knowing though, trouble was brewing. Along the borders of Megribil and Crysium soldiers from both sides were being killed by an unknown force, and soon it would reveal itself. Now all that there was for him to do is wait.

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