《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 5√C! “Victories, weapons, fighting, it’s so much fun!”
Glantinazor… Right, that was from Glantinazor’s power... And since Glantinazor was the one who did this… And Snakey-Mc-Snakerson is after the person who did this… Then that means…
My Eye has 2 Abilities. Lightdrive, it super enhances my speed for an extreme Mana Cost. Sadly, I’ve used up too much of my Mana to use it again. The other ability is my Switch Ability, I’m the one with the actual ability. Our shared Sight doesn’t convey any other sense than Sight, so I can’t tell him to return. All I can do is swap places with him…
“Demi, I’m going to switch places with Glant, tell him that we need his power.” I swap places with Glant before Demi can say anything.
I’m right in front of the Death Path, the destructive power he wields is so much greater than my own… He needs me so much less than I need him, but I know he couldn’t live without me…
I can see them talking, he’s looking at the Giant Snake now. He’s turning to look at my location, I can see him, and he can see me. We will always be able to see each other. Let’s get moving.
I dart over to where Glant is, the Snake is finally attacking, it’s after him, but Glant’s so much slower than me, I have to run there for him. Thankfully, he’s harder to hit since he’s so much smaller than the Snake, he can’t even bring himself to fight back.
As I run onward, I can see the Snake rip apart the area, dead focused on Glant. Wait, what- Glant’s been picked up, but why- Tenztore! He saved Glant! He could tell who the Snake was after. Glant’s now firing off Pawn Strikers at the Snake, but they’re useless, the Snake’s scales were even tougher than my Sword, it’s useless!
I’m almost there, don’t exhaust all of your Mana, Glant!
I jump up a Tree, and I can finally see Glant and The Giant Snake. We look each other in the eyes once more. “Glant!!!” Tenztore places him on the ground, and I activate Lightdrive.
I’m now in front of Glant, and the Snake is staring us down. “ALRIGHT BIG SNAKE GUY-” Glant cuts in- “Growlgith, his name is Growlgith, Veyta!” Oh, when did we learn his Name? Growlgith strikes the area in front of us with his Head. “WOAH-” I instinctively shout, as we back away!
I looked Glant in his Eye one last time! “Alright, let’s do this, Glantinazor!” Glant gets serious, and he shouts with excitement! “Right- Yeah, we’ve got this, Veytatasm!” We stare down Growlgith, and I start coming up with a strategy. “Alright, Glant, there’s no way we’re killing this thing without your Power, you need to hit it with your Queen Explosion, I’ll distract him with my King Domination!” Glantinazor down to the side… “I can’t, it’s too dangerous…” Are you kidding me?! “Are you trying to get our cute siblings killed?! You brought him here, and I’ll help you fix this, now use it you brat!” I’m sorry Glant, but fuck sake, there’s lives on the line! “I-I- FINE, but this is the last time!” I can see Glant’s vision get blurry as Mana Gathers in his Primary Eye. This attack takes a minute, it’s time for my King Domination. I drop my other weapons, and I equip my Sword. I release the rest of my Mana into one more Lightdrive, I don’t have enough for another Queen Drive, but I can still get behind him! I appear behind Growlgith, and with all of my Strength, I wildly swing at his Scales- They’re still too tough- His tail! I try to jump, but he knocks me away and into a Tree. Glant’s worriedly looking at me, but he’s still charging that attack, he's probably pouring the rest of his Mana in it, he won’t have enough to heal us later, but we can’t be stingy right now.
Growlgith is staring at me, I’m already almost out of Strength, dammit… I try to stand, but I fall again… I need Glant’s Life Magic to keep going, but he’s too busy with that Queen Explosion…
The others realize that I can’t fight anymore, and they run to protect Glant, Growlgith will probably leave me alone since I’m no longer a threat…
2 major waves of energy fly through the air! It’s Calvin and Celscy, they’re firing their Solar Breaths, they’re actually having an effect, I can see Scales being flung off Growlgith’s body!
As they fire their beams, Glant consumes his concentrated Doom, and his mouth bloats. He looks so cute when he does that…
The Queen Explosion hits Growlgith’s entire body, he’s not even moving- Is he dead?
“Did we do it?!” I yell, as I slowly walk back over.. “No, it’s more like, Glant just knocked the wind out of him.” Lian says, as she stares at him. “Look closely, he’s actually taking in all of the Doom you hit him with, Glant… Not that it didn’t have an effect, you have just cut off almost all of what’s left of his Lifespan, he’s now a shell of his former greatness.” Everyone stares as Growlgith begins to lift himself, he’s exhausted- He swings his tail at amazing speed, and knocks down multiple trees! “You said he was weaker!” Lex says, as Demi fires off some sort of Water Beam. “He’s about 1/10th of his original strength, he’s killable!” The Water Beam tears off multiple scales, and everyone finds a new position. Everyone’s attacking him now, he’s too exhausted from the Doom Magic to fight back in any meaningful way, the fact that he even survived as much of Glant’s Doom Magic as he has is honestly amazing. I walk over to Calvin and Celscy, as Glant falls forward. Queen Explosion hits his insides with Doom Magic too, so he’s currently dying… “We need your Mana-'' Calvin and Celscy ceases their attacks. “Glant’s dying, he needs your Mana, he can’t use his Life Magic without it!” They stare at Glant, whose Body has begun to age and wither. “I see…” Calvin runs over, he goes to place his Claw on Glant’s back, but it reels back from the presence of Doom. He instead opts to pour his Mana on Glant’s Body. “Now heal yourself, Glantinazor-Calamity-Genesis!” Calamity- Is that a middle name?! He’ll be so happy to hear about it! Glant’s body absorbs the Mana and his eye turns it into Life. Glant stands up once more, and looks around. “Calvinaz-Genesis…” Glant looks over at Calvin, who stares back at him. “You are now Glantinazor-Calamity-Genesis, you have impressed me with this show of destructive ability.” Glant simply nods, and looks back at Growlgith. Growlgith is barely hanging on, but everyone around him has either been knocked out, or can’t move. He’s beaten everyone, it’s just Me, Glant, Demi, Calvin, and Celscy…
“Glant, healing, enhancements, now!” Glants looks over at me, as I equip my Sword, and look back at Celsy. “Celscinaga-Genesis, can you share some Mana?!” I feel the Enhancements and Healing kick in, as Celscy’s gaze hits me. “You too?...” Celscy just stares at me unimpressed. “Come on~, my Queendrive Skill takes a ton of Mana! And I don’t have that much!” Celscy groans and places her claw on my chest. I feel the Mana flow into me, and I prepare my Weapon. “Thank you Celscinaga-Genesis!” I shout, as I run off.
Alright, it’s time for another Queendrive! My Tendrils coil around my Limbs and my Sword, I find my Stance, and I charge up my Queen Drive. He’s staring me down- Is he actually planning to take it head on?! Then so be it!
I feel my Lightdrive pull me, as I hold the Handle of my Blade against my left hip, the blade facing the ground. Glant poured as much Strength Enhancement in me as he could, so this time it was multiple times more powerful. I feel the power of my Blade ripple through the air, as the presence of the slash tears apart an Acre of Trees.
I feel my Sword rend the flesh apart as it begins to crack at the seams, Growlgith’s weakened scales were no longer strong enough to stop my Blade, and his fleshy innards were no different. A sense of Euphoria envelopes me, as my Blade flies through his flesh like Butter- My Sword breaks against his Vertebrae… Damn. My Queendrive was still going, so I felt my Arms swing what’s left of the Blade.
“DAMMIT ALL!” I shout, as I stare at my Sword. The Enhancements are still active, so I guess I could- Oh hey. I stare at Growlgith and… Yeah, he’s dead. I fall off of his Body, as it hits the ground, and everyone cheers. I tear off a Scale. It’s tough, large, sharp… And powerful, yeah, this’ll work.
“Yo, Glant, Sword broke, fix up these Scales, I wanna’ make a Sword out of them!” Everyone stares at me with surprise, and Glant replies excitedly. “Great idea Veyta, I’ll bring them back to their original strength with my Life Magic!” Haha, this is gonna’ be great!
I look over at Celscy, she should be strong enough to extract them! “Yo, Celscinaga-Genesis, can you tear the scales off of Growlgith here?! We’re gonna’ make me a new Kickass Sword!” Before Celscy can respond, Lian walks up. “That’s a King Reveserpetrine, it’s primary diet is Dragons, if they’re not killed like poor Growlgith here, they can live forever! Growlgith, before dying, had eaten around Six Million Dragons in his entire life!” Holy shit… I stare at Growlgith with a newfound respect. Celscy and Calvin on the other hand, are tearing off Scales by the Handful. To be honest, they probably do have some sort of respect for him, that’s sadly just how Dragons work. They’re just filled with an instinctive need for Revenge at the moment…
It’s been about a Day now, me and Glant have finished gathering all of the Scales and Bones that were usable. Glant has also finished healing them with Life Magic. Sadly, Life Magic won’t bring you back. It’ll save you from the brink of Death, but it won’t bring back your soul…
I brought Sari, she’s a lot better at crafting and smithing than I am. “Sari doesn’t think we can really do much, without the proper equipment… Sari would need her stuff from Genesis Haven, if you want her to really do anything.” Sari says, in her Third-Persony ways.She’s got a point though, there really isn’t much we can do- Magnimeld! “Let’s go get Magnimeld, he’s a Magma Slime, they were used for Smithing!” Sari rubs her chin, as she thinks to herself. “Yes, but we’re not really working with Metals here, it would just burn really.” Oh right… You can’t just smelt Keratin.. I guess I could try and craft a Segmented Sword out of the large Scales, they have a sort of Edge where they stick out of the Body, they’re razor sharp, so they would be great for that. “How about something Segmented? We still have the Metal from my old Sword. What if we made a Metal Wire out of that?” Sari takes a look at one of the Scales, and starts thinking again. “Mm… Sari has an idea, you could carve the Scales, and use the Metal with them, they still have a much greater Burning and Breaking point than even Steel. What metal is the Sword again?” I take a look at the Shattered Blade of my favorite Sword… “I believe it’s Carbon Steel?” I look at Sari, she’s thinking further. “Yes, that would be the standard for that type of Blade. Sari however has a ton of Elemental Magic, so if you give her enough Mana, she can make you a much better material!” That’s great, my Blade will be tougher! “Wow, really?! What do you think would be best then?” As we sit here contemplating the Weapon, Magnimeld arrives- Who called him? “Ah, good, Magnimeld, Sari was wondering where you were.” Magnimeld looks at her, then brightens. “Yes, Sari is excited too! We should get to smelting Magnimeld, Sari will just quickly snag some Mana from Glanty here, and you can get started!” Magnimeld shines brightly and starts jiggling. Glant however, is neither Glowing, nor Jiggling, he’s just staring at Sari. “Don’t be a baby, Sari knows you have a ton of it!” Glant just holds out his Hand, staying silent. Sari takes his hand, and I watch as the Mana flows between them. “Thank you Glant, Sari will make a very powerful Enchanted Blade! Maybe some Polearms and Bows too!” We both start to get excited over the Weapons! “YES, we will make so many amazing weapons!”
We get to constructing finally. Using Carved Scales, we made a Segmented Blade, it’s about 10 full Feet in Length, and in Sword Mode it’s about 1/4th that. It’s designed to also have replaceable parts, for when we can develop better Enchanted Alloys. The strongest part of this guy is actually the Scales, everything else pales in comparison, so this Weapon is only as strong as the Alloy. It’s a 2 sided and uses Growlgith’s Colors. Surprisingly, he actually had black, purple, and blue scales.
We made a Neat Spear, it’s great for throwing, and even has a Summon Function that returns it to my Hand whenever I throw it. The Spear end is actually hollow, and it can expand into an Umbrella Shield. To be honest, it’s more of a Lance with a longer Handle. It uses the same Color Scheme as my Sword.
Next is the Bow and Arrows. The Bow was made from the largest Bones, and filled with the Metal for extra sturdiness. We created a Metal Coil for the String, and the Arrows use specially carved Scales and Bones that have been attached to each other, with an Enchanted Metal that makes the Arrows light enough to soar through the Air. The Scales are a lot heavier than you might think. Each one however can be carved into 10 Arrows.
Aside from those, we also made a set of 100 Blades. Each blade is about 6 inches long, and 2 inches wide. After making a few edits to my Coat, I can now hide them inside of it, and they’re still easy to grab. So I can quickly equip them at a moment’s notice.
The last weapon is a Staff, Glantinazor wanted a weapon too, so we made him a kickass Staff, it can magnify the power of his attacks, holds a ton of mana, and the best part: He can fire his attacks from it. That includes Queen Explosion, so he won’t have to worry about damaging his insides with it anymore!
“So, what do you plan to name them, Veyta?” Sari says, as we stare at our amazing handiwork. “I was thinking of naming them after different animal species. So the Sword will be named: ‘Snake’ Then we have my Spear: ‘Turtle’ The Bow: ‘Raven’ And finally, my Knifes. ‘Scorpions’ They will be named my Scorpions.” I show off each Weapon as I name them. “Sari can understand the other 3, but Scorpion?” Oh, that’s simple. “I had Glant imbue each one with a single strike worth of Doom, so when I hit someone, it’ll give them a minor decrease to their Power. Of course, after that’s done, it’s just a normal blade that I need Glant to recharge, but it’s still useful.” Sari stares at the blades as she begins to back up. “Sari will now stay away from those Knives, they are very scary!”
I walk over, as I twidle 2 of them in my hand. “Don’t worry, I won’t hit you with one!” I start playing with another 2 of my Doom Knives, teasing Sari, as she backs away further. “Please don’t do that around Sari!” I put away 3 of the Blades, and I look at a Tree. I throw the Knife into the Tree, and I can see the life drain from it. The Tree’s not hurt too bad, but it’s obvious that the Tree has lost a mean portion of its Lifespan. “Yo, I need a recharge on my Knife Glant!” I shout, as I pull out my Knife. I toss it over to Glant, and he catches it. Glant recharges it with Doom, and tosses it back over. “Yo, we should find some way to link this up Glant, like how we swap between places!” Glant simply nods his head in agreement. He’s really been keeping up that silent act.
End of Chapter: 5√C! “Victories, weapons, fighting, it’s so much fun!”
Thank you for reading.
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