《Shadow and Dust》Chapter 9: Shots Fired
In a wooden booth, Arran was having lunch with one of his first-year peers, Jonathan. He was in four out of Arran’s seven classes. So naturally they became study mates by the end of the first week. But then, after learning that they became three-bees for knowing the same three instruments (piano, violin and cello), they both walked away confident that they had become friends.
But besides Jonathan, a rusty-brown haired native to London, all of the people Arran had gotten to know have been upperclassmen – thanks to Oliver and Dominic. And while he didn’t mind this, it was nice to have at least one friend who could also share in the experiences of going through the Metropole for the first time.
“And so why do you like this place again?” Jonathan asked.
“Are you kidding? It’s so original!” Arran gave an open-handed gesture and looked around at all the landmarks that made Spinelli’s what he’d claimed it to be.
“Look at all the wood! It has that old charm.”
“Charm?” Jonathan pointed up at the wooden chandelier with candles fitted around the circular frame. “Maybe if I were one of King Arthur’s knights at a round table meeting.”
Arran laughed and Jonathan joined in.
“Anything else I can get for you boys?” Mr. Dirby said as he walked up. He was …
“No, I’m good, Mr. Dirby. You?” Arran looked at his friend.
“Nope. Still working on mine.” Jonathan held up his cup of coffee. When he looked at the old man he saw that his eyebrows were beginning to track north on their edges – a sign of age that caused him to grimace.
“Alright-y then,” Mr. Dirby said, “just let me know if you need anything else.”
When the owner walked away Jonathan finished taking another sip and lowered his head in Arran’s direction, as if about to share a secret.
“And that’s another thing,” Jonathan’s voice was lower, “It’s run by an Innocent.”
“Well, he seems to be doing a decent job.” Arran spoke as if he were an employer defending a recent hire.
“No, I know. It’s just…”
“It’s just what?”
Jonathan rubbed his hands together in contemplation. “It’s just weird I guess. I’ve never been in a café that’s not self-service, let alone run by an Innocent.”
Arran shrugged. “I also like that about this place.”
“The non-self-service part or the Innocent part?”
Arran considered it for a moment. “Both, I suppose.”
Jonathan gave an eye brow quirk that made Arran slightly uncomfortable – realizing his answer was a bit odd.
“It’s still your go,” Arran said while gesturing to the chess board.
Jonathan snapped his head down and spotted his pieces in the same way a parent would spot their toddler after a lapse of forgetfulness.
“Ah, I remember,” Jonathan said, “bishop to F6.” He moved the piece confidently and snatched up a knight. He twirled it between his fingers in a flourish before setting it on the table.
“Your go.”
Arran barely seemed to notice the transaction. His gaze was fixed on the wooden chandelier, presumably lost in thought.
“You know, besides Dominic and Oliver, you’re the only other person that I’ve shown this place to.”
“Lucky me.”
“And speaking of Dominic and Oliver,” Jonathan continued, “when are they getting here? The Social already started an hour ago…”
The Bonfire Social was an event coordinated by the Lumen Institute for all its students. And being that it was located on Brighton’s beach, it was always successful in being one of the most anticipated events all year. Dominic explained why: “Who wouldn’t be curious to see all their schoolmates out of uniform?” And adding a sly wink afterwards, he gave the implication that ‘schoolmates’ was a feminine noun.
“They’ll be here soon,” Arran said, “Oliver messaged me a little bit ago saying they were on the way.”
“Okay, it’s your go,” Jonathan said again – in the tone of one who was eager to execute a strategy.
Just then, the door to the café made a creak that announced its opening.
“Look, they’re here,” Arran said while moving to get up.
“Wait, our game!”
Arran was halfway out of the booth when he turned to study the board, only slowing his motion to get up. When he got to his feet he looked at his friend with a smirk.
“What? Let’s finish this game really quick.”
“Are you guys ready to go?” called Oliver.
“We’re almost done with this game, Oliver,” Jonathan said, “Arran’s about to lose and he knows it.”
“Really?” Dominic said as two brows went up at Arran.
Arran looked at Dominic with the same smirk that started with Jonathan; only then it had grown to a teethy smile.
“Queen takes pawn on G2. Check mate.”
Dominic and Oliver look at the board with Jonathan to calculate the move and verify the call.
“Well, would you look at that.” Dominic moved the said piece to the said square, pushing aside the said pawn.
At least you were right about one thing, Jonathan,” Oliver said, “the game was almost done.”
“You guys coming?” Arran was almost to the door when he spoke.
Dominic and Oliver followed behind while Jonathan slowly got up. Easing out of the booth, he replayed the moves of the end game in the spirit of denial – where each rerun brought him closer to the reality of his defeat. And when it finally sunk in, he turned to face the door to see that the victor was waiting for him there, still wearing that big smile.
“Damn it,” Jonathan said under his breath.
The trio and Jonathan arrived at the beach a little after 15:00. And despite the Social being at a different location from the year prior, it was easy for them to find where it was taking place. They followed a few recognizable students until heavier traffic made it apparent that they were headed in the right direction.
As they neared a giant orange tent, Dominic and Oliver recognized some people by the snack bar and headed in their direction. Arran and Jonathan followed closely behind them – knowing that they were going to be their ‘in’ at social events. Hence why they had waited for them at Spinelli’s.
“Well-well, if it isn’t duelers 6 and 7!” Dominic said in the custom of the top 10 duelers.
“Hey! Look at number 3,” A shirtless boy with an Institute issued tank-top yelled back. They exchanged their own unique handshake that concluded in a shoulder-to-shoulder bump.
After that a dark-skinned boy, who was an inch taller than the first, followed suite in greeting Dominic. They did a similar hand shake but a little different. Arran put this down as athlete behavior; these were boys that obviously belonged to the Metropole’s dueling league for Lumen. But by the way they enumerated themselves in lieu of proper names, he put that down as top 10 behavior.
And after Oliver joined the group, it stood out that Dominic was still the tallest one. Which was the status quo everywhere they went together. Arran smiled at the spectacle. In truth, Dominic’s height was always something that he’d been jealous of.
But out of all the times he’d been jealous, this was not like any of them.
Seeing Dominic stand next to his fellow athletes, it was clear that his height called attention from everywhere. Arran imagined it was like seeing the demigod Achilles among a swarm after a Trojan battle. So no, he wasn’t jealous; at that moment, looking at Dominic then, he was proud.
Dominic turned back to the lingering first-years in a way that invited them forward.
“Hey guys, I want you to meet a few of my friends. They’re new students at the Metropole.”
Jonathan was the first to step forward. Excitement was all over his face. “Hi, I’m Jonathan,” he said to the boy that Dominic had identified as dueler 4, stretching out his arm.
“Good to meet you Jonathan. I’m Tyler.” The two shook hands.
“Jackson,” the taller boy said before Jonathan could turn to him, keeping his distance.
“Pleased to meet you, Jackson.”
Oliver was next to speak: “Well, while you guys get acquainted, I’m going to get in line for hot dogs.”
“Get me one too!” Dominic said while Oliver turned to leave.
Dominic then caught on that Arran wasn’t approaching and so transitioned to introduce him. “And this is Arran,” he said while gesturing in his direction. The two boys looked at him with a unified curiosity.
“So you’re the one that invaded Douglas’ mind, eh?” asked Tyler.
Arran saw Dominic exhale in frustration. The next day after the incident with Douglas, Dominic told Arran that he should avoid bringing anything up about it, to act like it never happened – and that Douglas would likely do the same…
“It definitely is.” Jackson spoke up as he tilted his waste to get eye level with Arran. “What in the hell would cause you to do something like that?”
Arran’s cheeks bloomed into two red orbs. And it wasn’t that he was embarrassed for getting called out by two upperclassmen; or that he had broken a code that could land him in some trouble with the Institute; it was rather due to the nature of his offense – that that’s what had evidently circulated around the Metropole.
You see, reading someone’s mind without consent, even outside of the Metropole of Erudition, was a very impolite thing to do. It was like secretly walking into a room to find someone halfway dressed, only to have them catch you in the act. And likewise, to be caught reading someone’s thoughts was an equal embarrassment for both parties. Innocents were the only exception.
So, you can understand when Arran realized his indecency was being spread from only one side of the story – a side that had more than likely contorted the facts – that he was mortified.
“Woah, he’s blushing big time!” Tyler said.
Jackson pulled down his sunglasses to the bottom of his nose to make his own examination. He then made a brief smirk as he turned to look at Dominic. “How long do you think your friend’s going to last?”
“How do you mean?” Dominic asked defensively.
“Oh, you know…” Jackson started casually; but then caught the look that Dominic was giving him. It told him not to answer.
An awkward silence started to unfold when a blond headed girl showed up out of nowhere, landing abruptly after having taken a bound.
“Hey guys!”
“Hey Milly!” Tyler quickly replied, eager to break the rising tension.
“What’s with the bummed-out energy over here?” Milly fit the question into an easy-going laugh while nudging Dominic in the ribs.
“Just talking about what Douglas told us,” Jackson said flatly, “about a first-year snooping around in his head.”
“Oh yeah, I heard about that,” she said with a deflated tone, “Douglas mentioned some kid badgering him out of nowhere. Said he gave him mercy by not reporting him.”
Arran rolled his eyes and Jackson unfolded one of his crossed arms to point at Arran.
Milly went wide-eyed. “It was you!?”
Looking at Milly, Arran gave a slightly apologetic frown and shrugged his shoulders. “It was an accident.”
“I mean, of course it wasn’t…How do you accidently slip into someone’s mind?”
Arran could see her curious brown eyes searching him – trying to understand the bohemian that he apparently was.
“No, the accident was that he got caught,” Tyler offered, adding a momentary frown in the likes of the unassuming. “Happens to the best of us.”
“Tyler!” Milly slapped Tyler’s stomach playfully.
Arran then heard a voice call after Milly behind him. It was a familiar voice; and he turned out of curiosity. It was Douglas.
He was smiling before he saw Arran’s face, happy to see a group of his friends. Before Arran had heard about Douglas slandering him, his immediate reaction after seeing him would’ve been positive. He had hoped then that they could still be friends despite their first encounter. But now after knowing what Douglas had done, that positivity was long gone. So Douglas’ face was really only a reflection of Arran’s.
Arran turned back around to face Milly again. But her eyes were fixed on the person behind him, and she was smiling differently then.
“Hi, Douglas,” Milly said; and at that moment Arran felt a large presence crowd his right shoulder.
As Douglas casually exchanged greetings with the group, he slipped past Arran with unnecessary friction while pretending not to notice it. He then gave Milly a playful side-hug and took his place next to her and Tyler.
“Who are the newbies?” asked Douglas to no one in particular.
Jonathan spoke out as Dominic opened his mouth. “I’m Jonathan! What’s your name?”
“My name? didn’t you just hear it as I walked over here?”
Of course Jonathan heard his name. And of course he didn’t have to – he knew who the marble stoned figure was before even arriving at the Metropole. But he tried to fake ignorance in the hope that Douglas might appreciate someone approaching him without being motivated by fandom. Needless to say, he was wrong.
Jonathan stood dumbfounded with his arm still suspended in Douglas’ direction. “Uh, yeah, Douglas, right?”
“Right,” Douglas said curtly, giving no indication that he would meet the invitation for a formal acquaintanceship.
And after a long moment, Jonathan finally retracted his hand with such awkwardness that it pained Arran to see. And more than that – it actually enraged him.
“Jonathan you forgot,” Arran said slightly theatrical, “around here popularity gives you exemption from etiquette.” He gave a foreword gesture with head and arm toward Douglas. “So as long as you have status, you can be a pompous ass and no one will bat an eye.”
At the end of that line, everyone, even Milly, withdrew in a tongue-biting way – as when a truth is heard in its boldest of settings. And at that moment, Arran knew he was surrendering any shot he had at friendship with Douglas. He didn’t care anymore.
Douglas carefully monitored his own reaction. He remained impressively calm.
He then trained his gaze in a malicious way at Arran. And then Arran heard him in a different way: I know what you really are.
Arran was shocked that he slipped into his mental space so easily, though he tried not to show it. You have no clue what I am.
I do. And some day everyone will know too. I promise.
When Arran pushed him out of his head, Douglas’ manner became very nonchalant; and putting his arm over Milly’s shoulder, he whispered something into her ear. She was smiling in that different way again.
Douglas then turned to us. “Well lads, we have to be off. I’m getting hungry and Milly’s in desperate need of a tan.”
Milly slapped at his stomach with the back of her hand, the same way she did with Tyler.
“What?” he playfully protested.
“You’re the worst,” was her response – a phrase cryptically handled by every girl for the purpose of signaling interest.
They start backtracking while Douglas gave something like a salute.
“I’d say it’s been a pleasure, but apparently I’m exempt from etiquette.” Douglas and Milly both started chuckling while becoming disjoined from one another.
Arran suddenly thought of Maggie and hoped that Milly wouldn’t turn out like her. It was said that Maggie was taking the breakup hard and that no one saw her out of the classroom. Arran looked around in false hope for her.
“What an ass,” Jonathan said.
“You get used to it,” Tyler said.
“And what if I don’t want to.”
Everyone’s eyes suddenly turned on Arran.
“Well that’s easy,” Jackson said grinning, “you duel.”
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