《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 9


Chapter 9: New City, Bad Omen

~ First Person POV ~

“Well, I’m off!”

“Come back safe!”

The sweet voice of Mari seeing me off was like music to my ears. After having recuperated my injuries, I decided to gather information. Because if it’s one thing I know, it’s that information can be a lifesaver.

So here I am, with my trusty sword strapped to my back, along with the feeling of adventure and youth… Not…

“Where the hell am I…?”

When I got out of the dungeon, what greeted me was a dense patch of green scenery. There were vines here and there, some shrubs, and trees, a lot of trees.

“What happened to Garjo…?”

I did a full 360 degree spin to check whether I was in some place familiar, but none of the places here ringed a bell. Heck, it was so random that none of the things here could be used as a landmark.

The only thing that was familiar was the bell I used to cover up my . It was even in a condition where you wouldn’t think that it has been in this place for long.

Just then, I remembered what had happened to me just when I got back from killing the Gang leaders.

‘Does that have anything to do with what I am experiencing right now…?’

I gave it a thought, before shelving it on the back side of my mind. Thinking too much will not make any progress towards my goal and instead, it might just cause a migraine. So with that out of the way, trekked through the grass with no path. Of course, I made some landmarks in case I get lost, but with , even if I get lost, I can just go back to the beginning, but what I am chasing after is time.


‘I need to get some information for the day at least…’

Because there might come a day where not having information will get me and Mari killed. After all, I’m a , one of those who were on the top of the wanted list of all countries, or specifically, the religion of .

So with that in mind, making a mental map of the surroundings, as well as trying to find my way out of this dense forest, I continued on walking until I came upon a dirt path.

‘Yes!! Finally, some signs of civilization!’

The path was maintained regularly since it was as wide as a highway. There were even some tracks that looked like there were wheels moving through here.

‘Now the problem is where to go from here…’

I could take a left or a right, although I can take both of them, I wanted my first try to be a success. But then, I heard something coming from the right.

“… Are you kidding me…?”

There was a carriage, with soldiers surrounding it as they were guarding it, and some people in robes assaulting said carriage.

“You won’t kill the princess!!”

“Kill these lowlives!!!”

“Bah! Knights of the kingdom my ass, you can’t even fight with the weakest among out group!”


First of all, what I did after seeing that was did a 360, rubbed my eyeballs, and pinched my cheeks.

“… It’s really real…”

Once I recognized that I wasn’t dreaming, I stood stock still and didn’t move a muscle, except for my lips.

“The template of isekai…”

What I was reciting was from Drake’s homeworld. Since there was also a situation where a person was transported to another world in books or fictions (it happened to Drake though), there were also overused situations to make the protagonist stronger, make him look cooler, or even just for comedic effect. This situation where a carriage was assaulted by bandits, while soldiers were protecting royalty, was one such situation.


‘Should I go help or not…?’

The problem of this was if the protagonist should go help. Because it was in novels, as well as the protagonist were hella OP, there was no problem even if they were to fight 1000 bandits. I on the other hand, was still a child, a malnourished one at that. But…

‘… What’s the harm in it? Anyway, I need to gather information, so maybe doing this might lead me to creating some connections…’

I opened the and called out the monster standing by in the . Once it was fully out of the portal, I got in the cockpit and rushed towards the battlefield.

I don’t plan on talking while fighting because for some reason, I kept on getting flashbacks to when I killed the Gang leaders. If I… If Gren started screaming like a psycho, then there might be misunderstandings when I want to talk.

The tall golem reached the battlefield in no time, and once I arrived, the people fighting stopped and looked at me, or more specifically, the golem.




All of them shouted in fear. There were even some bandits who fell in place from the fear, and were beheaded by a soldier next to them. The same could be applied to the soldiers too.

The bandits quickly pulled out, while a soldier quickly got on the coach to pilot the carriage. The horses were also restless seeing that there was a looming threat coming on their heads right behind them.

The horses quickly galloped, as if there was a predator chasing after them from behind, bringing the carriage with them. The soldiers that were left behind all looked towards me and brought their blades down on the violet iron.



Everything happened just so suddenly while I blankly stood there like a statue.

“What the ---“

‘What the fuck just happened?’


~ Third Person POV ~

Inside the carriage that was speeding on the dirt highway, a girl in her late teens could be seen shivering on the seat.

“T-that monster…”

“Princess, are you okay!?”

An old man wearing a butler outfit closed in on the shivering princess while bringing her a towel to wipe her cold sweat.

“I- I’ve heard from the Adventurers Guild… T- That a monster that looked exactly like that one rampaged in the city of Garjo before its destruction…”


“I- If that’s true…”

“Princess, please calm down. We do not know the cause of destruction of the city of Garjo since the Adventurers Guild is so tight-lipped. But if the cause was that golem, then it will be a huge problem.”

What the butler said didn’t calm the shivering princess one bit.

“Rest assured princess. The summoned heroes will take on that monster.”

“… Will they be able to…?”

“… I’ll make sure that happens, this old bag of bones still got a lot of kick left in him.”

The butler had a wild smile on his face as he gently calmed down the princess by serving her treats.

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