《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 5


~ Third Person POV ~

In the middle of the night, a town was engulfed in the tides of battle. This was none other than Garjo, the frontier city of the Gaizeff Kingdom. Sounds of clashing blades and enraged yelling reverberated through one district.

The slums.

Although soldiers and slum dwellers were killing each other, the main HQ of the soldiers, or the Feudal Lord’s manor was strictly guarded by dozens of guards, not to mention they were the elite, the cream of the crop. But why were they situated not in battle, but on standby? The reason was very simple.

‘Why do we need to spend our time killing those lowlifes?’

This single thought was present in each of the elite soldiers’ mind. But this thought brought upon their demise.


“Destroy that golem!!”

“Protect the Feudal Lord!”

Screams and heavy tremors engulfed the manor. Elite soldiers they may be, it was still hard to fight against a Giga Iron Golem, a B Class. This is a brief explanation of monster classification from weakest to strongest.

G ~ F ~ E ~ D ~ C ~ B ~ A ~ S ~ SS ~ SSS ~ World

G class monsters are where even a child who doesn’t know how to fight can kill. An example would be a Weak Slime. Although the slimes are a monster type that can reach up to SS class, a Weak Slime is pretty much, the weakest monster and can be killed by just on stepping on its core.

F class monsters needs combat experience, albeit only little to kill. An example would be Horned Rabbits.

E class monsters can be killed by an experienced individual, or a group of non-combatants. An example of this would be Goblins. Although Goblins are weak individually, they are well versed in hunting and fighting, and always band together with other Goblins, so technically, a team of experienced fighters may be better at hunting them than non-combatants.


D class monsters are monsters that can threaten a small village individually. An example would be a Charger. Chargers look like a cow but with huge, thick horns on their forehead. Their skin can repel an unskilled blade with ease. But because they are mostly alone, only a few villages have been trampled to the ground because of this monster.

C class monsters need veteran fighters to kill. They are extremely tough to kill individually, as well as can ransack multiple villages with ease. An example of this would be Marpions. They look like mammoths, but with a huge scorpion tail that secretes poison. Fortunately, they share the same habit with the Charger. They tend to be alone rather than with other Marpions.

B class monsters are monsters that can raze a city to the ground if ignored. An example is the Giga Iron Golem fighting the soldiers right now.

A class monsters can destroy several cities with ease. An example of this would be Mid-Dragons. Though they are called dragons, they are not considered dragons by the True-Dragons because of the lack of intelligence.

S class monsters can destroy a country. An example of this would be the True-Dragons. Because of that, countries made a law declaring that no one is to venture into True-Dragons territory, much less just come close to it.

SS class monster can destroy several countries. There was once a monster that destroyed several countries in two days, but then vanished like air the following day. Nothing is known about it except for the fact that it had spikes growing all over its body and towered 30 meters into the air. It was given the name Havoc because of the destruction it spread.

SSS class monsters can devastate an entire continent. One such being is living under the depths of the deepest ocean. Its name was Leviathan, and it spanned 150 meters in length, and 25 meters in height. Not much is known except for the fact of its body length thanks to unknown reasons, and this was proven by using a lie detector skill.


World class monsters can practically destroy the world. One such monster was known as the Demon King. Thanks to the Hero who was summoned to slay the beast, the Demon Lord was vanquished along with the Hero. The Hero’s teammates will never forget the valor and courage the Hero had when facing the Demon Lord.

Those were the monster classes, and Giga Iron Golem had a B class rating, thus making it next to impossible to repel by the elite soldiers. The reason why it was next to impossible was because the elite soldiers were only graduates who barely passed the Academy and was sent over to this frontier city. The ‘Elite’ was only a title given to them for passing the course.

For the regular soldiers, they were trained in a barracks or were drafted by the Feudal Lord, and all of them were sent to fight against the slum dwellers.

“Damn it!!!”

Princio cursed as he continued running through a hidden passageway along with his trusted confidants. The guards employed with them were the strongest of the graduates stationed in the frontier city, although they were still weak compared to a real knight.

“That damn golem!!! Why would it attack at this timing!? Or rather, who the fuck summoned that piece of trash!?”

Princio kept on speaking with a raised voice while saliva kept on spilling out. The guards as well as the confidants just kept silent about the matter as they knew what would happen if one of them uttered even a single word.


“How much longer!?”

“I’m ready!”

Two men who were in a hurry gathering their prized items could be seen inside a room filled with nothing but items and objects. Those two are the head of the gang ruling the entire slum district.

“Let’s go!”

Once they were done packing up the things they deemed valuable, they got out of the room and along with 5 other people, quickly ran out of the building. The slum was on the south side of the city. Their destination was the East gate. They lead the slum dwellers towards the Western side of the slum district, as well as made a commotion, so the soldiers had no other choice but to suppress the commotion in that area, thus the fight was ongoing in the West area.

But just as they were about to reach the street after running through an alley, it happened.

“I’ve found you!”

A happy voice echoed through the alley as if it was truly glad that it had found them. The next thing that happened was bizarre, as well as mysterious, and dreadful. They found themselves inside a cave. But inside the cave were dozens of monsters with a dreadful aura.

“You will all die here today!”

The voice was filled with pleasure as if it was enjoying itself.

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