《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 4.4


~ Third Person POV ~

“Damn those arrogant pricks.”

A man in rugged clothing sat atop a chair as he scribbled something on a piece of paper. After scribbling on it for a moment, he then passed it over to another man wearing a hood, obscuring his face, and gave him orders.

“Tell everyone on the list about the plan. Those who aren’t, I presume you know what to do.”

The man gave a toothy grin as the hooded man nodded and vanished into darkness. A few moments later the smile faded and returned to his usual irritated expression.

“Those bastards… If they didn’t tighten security in the slums, we wouldn’t have had to do this and continued with our business.

This business he was talking about was slave trafficking. Slavery in the world of Andeght was no rare occurrence. In fact, you could say that slaves were common in each country, be they beastmen countries, human countries, demon countries, or even the demihuman countries. Of course, slaves varied by each country, for example, human countries. They put all of the races, including theirs, into slavery for profit or for punishment. For the beastman countries however, they only enslave other races excluding theirs. For the beastmen that have sinned, they are either exiled, imprisoned, or executed.

The man looked to the corner of the room. In this corner was a human girl in her mid teens wearing rags and a collar on her neck, she had lifeless eyes and only gazed emptily towards the man.

The man grinned and approached her filled with nothing but impure motives.

“Since this will be your last night, I’ll let you taste something you’ve never tasted before.”

The girl did nothing but nod in acceptance to her fate.


“Are the men ready?”

“Yes sir!”

Two men could be seen walking down the corridor. One of them wore high quality clothes over his incredibly fat body. It could be said that the man was a walking inflated balloon. Beside him was a man clad in full body armor and on his back, a giant metal sword.

The man clad in armor gave a salute by placing his right fist on his left breast and stood straight as he answered towards the fat man, he also did not make eye contact. This was the salute taught to the soldiers of the Gaizeff Kingdom. Placing the right fist on the left breast gave respect to the King and standing straight gave respect to the person he was speaking to. Not making eye contact meant full subordination.


“Good, then tonight, we set the slum on fire! We’ll teach those bastards kidnapping my citizens is a crime punishable by death!”

“Yes sir!”

With another salute, the soldier bowed down before running back towards his post. The soldier, or more accurately, the Army Commander of the Garjo Army Troops, Lenon Quincy, disregarded what could be called treason towards the well dressed fat man known as Princio Gaizeff Herma because of knowing what the aftermath would be. For the record, Gaizeff, the Kingdom’s name is given to all barons and above as an indication of high standing.

‘That stuck up noble! Don’t you dare treat the citizens as objects!!’

Little did he know that he too had the same mindset, but not towards the citizens, but towards the slum dwellers. A few minutes later, he arrived at the courtyard where dozens upon dozens of soldiers stood about, awaiting orders from the head.

“The lord has spoken! Tonight, we burn all those miserable trash living in the slums to the ground!


The soldiers gave an enthusiastic yell towards the command given to them by the lord.


Somewhere around the city Garjo, there were two individuals strolling about wearing hoods. The two had contrasting stature as one of them was tall as a grown man while the other was as short as a child. Judging by the shape of their bodies, both were female.

“Hey Pressia, what do you think about the feudal lord in this city?”

“… Trash… Pervert… Arrogant… Coward…”

“That’s right, isn’t it?”

The tall woman asked a question first before the short girl replied. Prior to this conversation, the two of them met with the feudal lord Princio Gaizeff Herma and their impressions could be cut down into one word.


Human filth that requires cleaning in the pit of fire.

“So, we carry out the mission?”

“… Affirmative…”

The short girl waved the cane in her hands, summoning a magic circle in mid-air. Thankfully, as the moon was out, and the commoners were evacuated beforehand due to the coming revolt, no one was around to see it, even the guards as it was also in a desolate area. From the magic circle, came out a giant suit of iron, a Giga Iron Golem, wielding a huge sword unfit for a normal human.


“… Annihilate…”

With just a single command from the short girl, the Giga Iron Golem marched through the desolate street towards the mansion where the feudal lord lived.

“Well then, let’s observe from a far place. After all, the client said not to be discovered when carrying out the task.”

“… Roger…”

The short girl gave a nod as she created another magic circle below their feet this time. The circle glowed for a moment and soon after, the two vanished into thin air.


~ First Person POV ~

Before the fight started, I went out of the dungeon and into the town. There was a problem though. The portal didn’t close when I tried to close it. This must have something to do with Mari sleeping inside. Maybe because the dungeon doesn’t recognize her as a part of my body (my summoned monsters though were alright, they were probably recognized as a part of me), the portal didn’t close.

So my next order of business was to find a safer spot for my dungeon portal. I also want it where it was incredibly hard to spot during the confusion of the fight. So I had to find somewhere high enough and also a place where people would not pass through during the fight.

This led me to the bell tower in the middle of the city. I could not trust the streets as it would soon be crowded with swarms of people fighting, and also to make it more hidden, I placed the portal under the bell. Thank goodness it worked so now I have no problem with the safety of the dungeon, as well as Mari.

It wasn’t that hard to reach the bell tower. All I had to do was move under the cover of the night. Thanks to the guards holding torches, it was hard for them to see past the light made from the fire.

While I was resting atop the bell tower waiting for the start of the battle, a horn sounded throughout the town.

“Idiots… If I was the commander, I would rather assassinate each and every one of the enemy to keep allied losses at the minimum.”

A major problem in this era, soldiers and knights believe in honor and chivalry in battle. If they lived back in Drake’s world, then they would be the first to die in the battlefield, as well as the people slandered for also bringing their companions to death.

The next thing that happened was the sound of marching moving through the dark streets. The vanguard dragging shields bigger than their bodies while a light sphere was roaming about their vicinity moved through the pathways unhindered.

“What the… Their flanks are completely open!”

‘Professional soldiers my ass! They aren’t even taking into consideration ambushes from the enemy!’

This probably stemmed from their arrogance as well as their prejudice against the slum dwellers for being nothing but stupid pieces of garbage. A prejudice they would soon forget.

Moments later after crossing a block, a scream was heard. The soldiers were alerted to the scream and tensed up, holding up their weapons in vigilance. The soldier who screamed was one located near an alleyway. A blade pierced his chest, clearly dealing a fatal wound. The soldier slumped down to the ground, never to move again.

Then it started.

Shadows from the rooftops swooned down upon the soldiers. Amidst the confusion, dozens of soldiers were killed by the blades of the slum dwellers. Even though each of them were malnourished, give them a chance for revenge and a fulfilling life, then they won’t hesitate to grab on.

Once the soldiers realized they were attacked, they retaliated and the tides turned. Of course, in a direct fight, a slum dweller could never beat a soldier who was trained for battle. Once the soldiers reorganized themselves, the slum dwellers continued suffering losses way more than the initial deaths of the soldiers during their ambush.

“It has started…”

This battle was the cue for me to move. The bastards who made Mari’s and my life miserable will pay tenfold in blood and pain.

I ran down the bell tower towards the streets and hid myself from any potential eyes.

‘I’m coming for you all…’

A murderous aura encompassed my entire being as I moved through the shadows towards their HQ.

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