《Ascendancy》Chapter Four: Eden's Fire 2
----------5 Hours Later-----------
I was standing off to the side with Lilith. We had been assisting the Villagers rebuild and reinforce the broken section of their wall. The large Machinery they used aiding the process, and expediting it immensely.
Azza was the only one of my men missing. She was currently with our Pilot, guarding the Shuttles. My Support Personnel had yet to return as well. Though I doubted they were all dead, they had been here and no doubt done this before.
I did hope some would perish, regardless of the fact they may be needed later. The utter lack of full discipline was deplorable, to say the least. I understood the basis of the subjects taught to us in regards to how ‘normal’ Soldiers acted at times. The lack of formality, and oft times camaraderie that bound them as tightly as a Family.
I did not understand the entirety of it, though the concept was not foreign. THose of us from the Academy were bound as well, though ours was a bonding from many years fighting to kill each other every waking moment of our lives, just to prove who was the strongest, who deserved to live and serve the Empire, and our Empress. A vast world of difference, for the same end result. We simply retained our decorum, it appeared.
I continued observing the Villagers go about the last bit of work required to finish the walls. The clamor would mask the majority of what I stated, so I spoke without turning toward Lilith.
“Lilith, I have an objective for you.”
She responded curtly, ever the prompt one. “Sir?”
“The child, Melody. She liked you, take Zepar and befriend her further. Win the child over, learn about her Parents, and the Village. As well as tell her that soon you should play a game, a game that requires her to hide from her Parents, and that all the children should take part. It would make it more fun when they would be found. Go about it as you wish, but we must have at least fifty of the Villages Children for the plan to work, a backup in case something unexpected occurs.”
“Sir, yes Sir!” She saluted, I could hear the metal clanking, then she went to grab Zepar beside Gabrial. Gabrial regard them both, then turned toward me. I motioned him to join me with a flick of my wrist. His job had been to learn the basic layout of the Village, and just how many people were reported to live here. Lilith would find out detailed snippets that only a Child would willingly give out.
When he joined me, he saluted lightly before taking an at ease stance to my left. He would technically be my Second now, and he appeared to be taking the unofficial duties to heart. “Report.” I stated calmly, and he began reporting.
“Sir, the Village is indeed one of the largest on Eden, according to the people. It is roughly five miles in all directions, walled off with farmland that is patrolled by their militia almost constantly. Though none seem to venture far at night. It helps that their crops appear to be mostly hanging fruits or vegetables, from what I observed atop the single gate. Numbers appear to be inconclusive however. Some stated that they had around three thousand people, others five thousand. The sensus has not been taken properly for a number of years it seems. I would recommend taking it slowly. More to the fact we know not just where the Rebels are, nor how many they number.”
I held my hand up, stopping the rest of his report, and asked a single question. “Armory?”
“Sir, they have a medium sized Armory with few things in the way of weapons that could be considered a threat to us. Though I would not put stock in this armor truly stopping sustained fire from rifles, and the odd machine gun within their militias hands.”
I nodded absently, flicking my eyes to the Mayor who was moving toward us. Gabrial saw him as well and cut off anything further that could be added later when we were able. ‘Now what?’ I wondered. Another complication? This would become far too bothersome soon, better to lay charges and blow them all up. But I wished to obtain all information to report to my General, it could lead to more Rebels in the future as well.
“Captain? If you are willing, I can have my boy here show you where you and your men can stay for the night. As thanks for aiding us with the repairs. Also, a look out said that Jerome's boys are about to enter the main gate.”
I looked at the middle aged man beside the Mayor, and nodded my head lightly before returning my attention to the old man, working hard to keep my mask of friendly acceptance up.
“I would greatly appreciate that, Mayor. I’m glad to hear that my Support Personnel have arrived back in the Village safely.”
I saw the old man narrow his eyes. Suspicion was heavy within those eyes. It was to be expected, considering no Planetside Colonist enjoyed the Empires Military might making stops within their homes.
We followed the man, Gabrial and I, to a large building that appeared vacant of life. I looked at it a moment, and the man elaborated on the building some.
“Father wanted me to give you the run of this building. It is a Housing Unit that has been vacant for a while. The last Grugarnt migration cost us the family that lived here. Ah, Grugarnts are massive herbivores on this planet, but they have a nasty side and tend to trample anything in their path.”
“Thank you, Drare. Please inform the Mayor that this will work fine.” The Mayor's son smiled like a moron, clearly not as untrusting as the Father, and left Gabrial and I alone.
We went into the building, Gabrial leading the way in case it was a trap. What we found was a massive house with multiple bedrooms, easily enough for the Support Personnel and my Men. There was also a cooking area, it seemed. It would do, for the time being at least.
I shut the door behind us, and closed the curtains. “Sweep” I told him, and he went around the main entrance, and this living/sitting area of the house. He came back with no less than twenty bugs, simplistic and ancient, but they worked. We destroyed them all, standard protocol. It would be expected. I would leave the ones in the bedrooms as they were. No need to arouse more suspicion by a complete sweep.
“Sir, why are we not simply slaughtering them where they stand? There is the one exit only after all.” Gabrial stated this in clear frustration. He disliked the waiting, it was why he never was a candidate for Officer Stations, even though he excelled in other aspects that would serve him well.
“Because, there may be hidden exits. These people are suspicious of as already, and no doubt that Mayor has hidden scheme to survive in place. I have Lilith and Zepar working on that front. We will have Castielle and Mistama deal with planting charges at night. Test these Armors properly. Azza will remain with the ships. We cannot afford for one to be stolen. I sent word that she is to kill any Trespasser if deemed needed.”
Gabrial Saluted me and took a seat, adopting a relaxed position. “Captain, is this place really filled with Rebels to our Glorious Empire? I admit that the people are a bit untrusting, and seem distant but that does not…”
I cut him off with a wave of my hand, my voice harsh. “ We were given orders by our General, Gabrial, it does not matter if there are Rebels or not. He wants this place burned to the ground, with every last living soul living here with it. I am giving us three days for the chance to find any Rebels, and learn of others on the Planet or in the Quadrant for our General. Understood?”
Gabrial saluted from his seated position, my Brothers and Sisters had the right to remain relaxed if we were alone, but only to a degree. As such he did come to attention enough to bark out “Sir, yes Sir.”
It was enough for me. I nodded, and took my own seat. I checked the internal time system of our Armor by applying my helmet once more. Another two hours before the second sun would set. A small Dwarf star really. Eden had thirty Hour days, and we had been here for the second half of the day. Evening and night would soon arrive. It would allow Castielle and Mastema to do their jobs better.
“What of the Militia itself, Gabrial? Did you see anything of note?” I asked him once I had ensure my helmet was collapsed safely into the main body of my armor. It was still an odd sensation to have it move at my mental exertions.
“Aside from their Captain, an ex military Veteran, nothing.” I raised an eyebrow in question, requesting him to continue. “He is a survivor of the Second Quadrants Galafor Massacre, apparently. He was with General Trident in his final stand against the last Rebel Army that managed to gain momentum fifty years ago. I could not get much more out of him, he did not seem to enjoy the fact we were Genetically altered Soldiers. I believe his mumbled words were ‘unnatural’ even though all Generals and their direct staff are altered to ensure longer life spans. We just had the benefit of having the process from birth to ensure our superiority.”
One of his famous rants had just begun with that. He was an avid study of Military History, and worshiped the ground Generals walked on. Most of us did, though he reserved his Fervor for the long dead, and the Empress alone. Not even the High General had his fervor. He was an odd one, preferring the dead for their heroic deeds.
I was saved from the ramble by the entrance of Castielle and Mastema. I sent a silent thanks to them for their timely arrival. However, the news was not the best I could have hoped for. It appeared that the Support personnel, who arrived a mere five minutes later, had lost no one. It meant more bodies, yes, but that did not mean I had not wished the troublemakers to be dealt with by the beast they went to slay.
In the Supporting people walked. The smaller man that Lilith had knocked unconscious was glaring at us in general. That was to be expected, and I would have been more concerned if he were calm. Calm like Jerome appeared to be. He was minding his Military Protocol to the letter now. ‘Yes, Sir’ ‘No, Sir’. It seemed the large black man had a brain in there afterall. I’d have Gabrial watch him for a time, just to be safe.
I had them give me the run down of their mission to kill the beast. The little man opened his mouth, only to have Jerome smack him upside the head, and explain the details to me.
“We located the Juvenile Brujaw two clicks south of the Village, Sir. We were lucky, it had just fed and was digesting. This made it slow and allowed us to set it aflame. It was a standard OP. The time spent was due in locating the Beasts Den, well hidden in the vegetation.”
It was a standard action. Simple and straightforward in appearance. At least they took assignments somewhat seriously. I didn’t like the gleam that flashed in the big mans eye as he stated his Mission Log however. My instincts screamed he hid something, they screamed this entire Village hid something. It was making me somewhat nervous. Me, an Officer Graduate of the Academy was being made nervous by an unknown instinct within that told me of danger.
The instructors brought to the Academy from the front lines of whatever Rebel Planet that rose up against our glorious Empire. They had spoken of such feelings, called them ‘Gut Feelings’ that had kept them alive.
I believed it to be something far simpler, far more Primal in human Nature than their simplistic view. Something spanning back to long before we took to the stars, and our World of Origin became uninhabitable after so much abuse.
It told me I cannot trust anything of this Village, it told me of danger lurking within the corner of my eye. The hidden places just outside of sight. I put only as much stock within it as was necessary. More than that led to believing you could always trust such feelings. My time in the Academy had shown me that it was not always correct, this could be such a time as well. I would sit back, observe my surroundings, and make my move when I felt it was time.
It was one of the reasons for earning the Childs trust. She wished to become a Soldier of the Empire, so she would become one. Even an unknowing one.
I dismissed Jerome and the other Support Soldiers for the time being. I would not trust them with Guarding the Shuttles for the time being, instead I would have my own men move out in a pair for the Relieving Soldier to take the first place during watch, and the pair return. It would be the best moment for the time being. It was also not lost upon me that they had situated our housing as far from our shuttles as possible. I may need to increase the number of people Guarding the Shuttles. I could afford to lose the Support Staff, and one shuttle to damage.
I could not afford to lose one to Rebels though, nor could I afford to lose any of my Brothers or Sisters on my first mission for our General Azazel. It was bad enough that any Soldier I brought into my Squad to fill the last four spots would be Soldiers that had not survived the Crucible of the Academy. I was not so foolish as to believe that they, or I would not die in the future in service to our Empire, and General. But that did not mean I had a desire to fill my Squad with normal Soldiers undergoing Genetic Alterations as an adult that did not share our bonds, that were not forged in blood and steel.
I refused the urge to grind my teeth at the thought. It was not my place to have such thoughts. I was a Soldier, nothing more. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and collected myself. Emotions were weakness, thoughts contradicting the orders, and wishes of my General and the Empire were blasphemy. He would purge such thoughts from his mind, and his body tonight.
Smack! Smack!
I gritted my teeth with each resounding smack of the tough bits of leather I had obtained earlier. I was on the roof of the large building, a square topped domicile. It allowed me my solitude while I purged myself of the Blasphemy and Emotions.
Smack! Smack!
Once more I struck my bare back from right to left, the cool night breeze causing the fresh wounds to burn. I struck it again, the blood slickened leather striking harder each time. Emotions were weakness, thoughts beyond my station and objective were blasphemy.
The single sentence a mantra I sang within my mind with each strike, refusing to acknowledge the pain with something so weak as a sound. I resolutely continued this for the next hour. The strikes, while painful, would leave no lasting damage either. My genetics prevented that, at least.
When I finished, I rose from my kneeling position and allowed the bloodied leather strip to fall to the ground by my armor encase feet as I stared up at the night time satellite that orbited this Planet, or the moon if you wished to be romantic.
Steam came off my bare upper body. My ear twitched when I heard the sound of a door being opened, and turned around to see Lilith had arrived on the roof with me, a towel in her hand. I reached my hand out silently and she placed it within my outstretched hand. Wiping the sweat away I regarded her with a raised eyebrow. She was here for a reason after all.
The silence stretched as she looked at me and then out at the villages roof tops. I allowed her the silence as she collected her thoughts.
“Sir, something feels wrong. It feels as if we are within a trap and that we willingly allowed them to trap us without our knowledge. I do not like it.”
I snorted and finished wiping the sweat and blood from my body as best as I could, ignoring the stinging pain as I roughly wiped excess blood from the self inflicted lashes on my back. I called the Armor that I had allowed to collapse within my waistband with my mind, and it covered my body. I left my head bare.
“I’m aware. Have Castielle and Mastema gone to the Shuttles to guard them yet?” she nodded her head, and continued on from my question, stopping my second cold.
“Zepar, and Gabrial are moving through the town planting the mini explosives as well. They have just left, actually. I imagine things will be prepared before Dawn arrives. Azza is resting as well. I assumed it would be fine to allow her an hours sleep.”
I threw the towel to the floor of the roof and went by Lilith, resting my left hand upon her shoulder. The clink of the armor resounding in the quiet night.
“When have you last purged, Lilith?”
“Before our graduation, Sir. I have not felt the need to do so since. I am assured of our path, and my own faith and believe with the Empire has never been stronger. Thanks to you, Sir. Why have you Purged?”
“Because I began to think beyond my station, beyond my right. I had also allowed emotions to wriggle their way within my mind and heart. Emotions beyond devotion to the Empire, and our Empress. They had to be purged from my Mind and Body.”
She nodded silently, and I removed my hand and went inside, she followed me. “The Support Personnel, and the Child?”
“The fools are asleep, last I checked, and plans are moving with the Child without a problem. The Mother proved...less than helpful though I found a way in. The Child wants nothing more than to become a Soldier of the Empire, even at the young age of five. Her Devotion rivals even ours, I believe.”
I raised an eyebrow at that, no small compliment and claim coming from Lilith. She continued as we slowly made our way down the stairs.
“She stated her Mother had been acting oddly of late, the entire Village had, aside from the other Children. She was a font of unbridled and uninhibited information. A group of people had come to the Village, she said she saw them go into the Mayor's house shortly before we arrived, as if warned, and have not seen them since. She said that they arrived forty days ago and that was when the adults began acting oddly.” She paused, continuing after making sure no one was listening.
“I believe the Village has been swayed fully. We are in a nest of enemies, not unsuspecting sheep, Sir.”
“Will she have the other Children join in our game?” she nodded her head softly and I smiled. “Then tomorrow, you and Azza will go and play with her. If she is truly so dedicated to the Empire, she will aid even without understanding why. Truly, she will die a Hero. Rest now, I’m going to wake Azza, and then explain what she will do with you tomorrow.”
“Sir, yes Sir!”
Castielle and Mastema had returned an hour before dawn, their mission a success. The charges had been set throughout the Village. Three at key structural points along the outside of the Armory during Patrol blind spots. Several outlying buildings that were deemed unneeded but held importance as structural support for some portions of the Wall.
I had ordered them to sleep until Dawn arrived. Gabrial and Zepar had returned, relieved by Lilith and Azza. They reported nothing out of the ordinary, aside from odd activity in the house across from the Shuttles. People were moving around, but they did not wish to arouse suspicion by investigating.
Good, they may believe we are indeed ‘Greenies’ with this, and underestimate just what we are capable of.
“Sir, why don’t we put the Support Group to good use? They have not been helping much with our Operation beyond helping with a few small things after the Beast was slain.”
I looked at Gabrial a moment, contemplating my answer. My men were like me, fanatical followers of the Empire, and our Empress. That did not mean that they had the same foresight as I however.
“Because, something is off about them. I am unsure if it is a test from our General, or something more sinister. I will not allow them to be privy to the more detailed plans we have until I am sure.”
Gabrial nodded, and checked his Pistol after rising from where he had slept for the last short while. If he had been asleep at all. Gabrial was a quiet man, like myself. His Brother had been Alpha 1, my previous second during the Graduation Ceremony. He had taken the mantle from him.
“Gabrial, what is it you think of these Villagers?”
“They are hiding something, Sir. That I am certain of. Whether it is the Rebels, or some skimp on Taxes I do not know though. It hardly matters though, correct? We are burning the wretches to ash and cinder.”
“True enough, for the Empire.”
“For the Empire, Sir.”
Time ticked by, I decided that I would be a part of the relieve for this Shuttle watch. I gave Gabrial the outline of the current objectives, and informed him he was in charge of continuing the plan without issue. Zepar and I left for the Shuttles.
“They look at us like we are Vermin, Sir. It makes me want to burn them to ash now.” Zepa, ever the angry one. It was a wonder her Temper had not caused issues before. But like all good Soldiers, she knew how to direct it.
“Yes, I see Zepar. Soon enough they will feel the righteous might of the Empire.”
I kept my voice low, no need to allow another to hear us by mistake and cause my plans to go awry early. Motion, at the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see the tail end of someone's leg running behind a building. I got that feelings once more in the pit of my stomach.
I was beginning to feel that we were the hunted, instead of the Hunters now. I frowned, remembering what I had seen in that brief glimpse. Things were quickly beginning to grow complicated.
“Zepar, be prepared. We may be leaving sooner than three days.”
“Sir, yes Sir.” Her stoic reply. Lilith should have the Child and several other Children with her. I frowned, my plans were about to be rushed. I disliked this fact, though fact it was.
I had my helmet reform, Zepar followed suit. Breaking radio silence I spoke to each member of my Squad on our private channel. “Decode 12, Helmets up and prepare for conflict. Lilith, move ahead with operation ‘Hide and Seek’ as many as you can. Gabrial, Mastema double time to the shuttles. Out of sight.”
I switched the frequency to the all channel shared by the Support Personnel and did much the same. But I changed it around, even if our private station had been compromised the message would differ only slightly in tone. “Operation Cancel, move to the shuttles, the field is live.”
Agreed upon standard code for the Mission had gone fubar and we were to group and make a stand. When I finished the message I pulled my AK-99 free from its slot at the small of my back and Zepar did the same. We ran to the Shuttles as quickly as we could.
The glimpse of orange told me what I would find. Orange, the symbol of ‘freedom’ under the yolk of our mighty Empire, Orange, the Rebels were here.
When we arrived at the shuttles, I saw what I had feared. Damnit! They were destroying my prompt timeline. Before us was a mass of Villagers, a few hundred. Orange could be seen within the mass as well, inciting them, urging them on.
“Fuck you Emperial Dogs! Have you not taken enough? LEave our Home! Leave our Planet! We no longer serve your damned Empress!”
The chant of the mob, I ground my teeth. Luckily the Shuttles were sealed up tight. Lilith would have left as soon as possible to get the Child, leaving Azza alone within the shuttle. They could not be breached from the outside easily. The Village had the means to destroy them, but from how they were acting they wanted it in tact.
It proved they wanted out Shuttles, no doubt to try and return to the General's Flag ship and cause destruction where they could. I stopped behind the mob. That was a lot of people, far too many for Zepar and I alone to deal with easily.
“Gabrial, move to the gate ensure no one leaves. Prep the starter. We watch them burn today.” I said through our Private channel.
A soft click could be heard through my helmet as he responded, followed by another. “Sir, I have the Child and several others. forty was all I could manage. Where do you want us?”
“March them to the gate with Gabrial and Mastema. I’ll lead them to us.”
I lifted my gun, and took aim down the sight. My mind going to the calm place, the dark abyss within that would allow me to make the split second decisions needed to move and stay alive. I heard Zepar through the mic, asking to fire. I gave permission, and we opened fire.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
The sudden burst of gunfire created a small dome of silence as the Mob was shocked by the noise, then the screaming came. The several we had just shot in the back falling forward into the mob, dead.
We continued shooting, then the Mob turned as one. The hatred, fear, and loathing was enough to make me hate them all the more. Rebel scum. “Make for the gate, Zepar. Azza, mount the left wing gun. Open fire.”
“Sir, yes Sir!”
I moved, Zepar moved, and we ran while being chased by the Mob of Villagers, gunshots ringing out behind us, I felt several ding off the Armor given to us. Good, it held up under fire. Then the whirl of the mini gun on the Shuttle began to be heard, followed by the hum of bullets that cut their way through flesh and bone, and building.
More people died, building collapsed upon themselves, followed by the screams of those within. Still, the Mob seemed to be growing larger. The bodies behind us still fell however, cut in half at the extent of the Mini Guns range.
Run, keep running. Regardless of Armor and Training if we are caught we will be torn to pieces. “Double time it Soldier!” I screamed through the mic.
“Sir, yes Sir!”
I moved my left hand from the front of my AK-99 and grabbed where the black Grenades were, time to test them. I snagged one and clicked the button, letting it drop just behind me.
1, 2, 3...BOOM!
A loud explosion was heard just behind me, followed by the screams. I also heard, something strike my Armor, only to pierce my right Shoulders flesh. I grunted as the Impact through me forward a step, threatening to send me to the ground. I forced myself to regain my balance, though I had slowed. Shrapnel, the Black ones were Shrapnel Grenades.
We turned a corner, and I heard the words “Hit the Deck!” through the mic. Zepar seemed to not hear, I looked and saw sparks on the comm system. She had taken a hit. I picked up my speed and tackled her to the ground just as the first bullets went flying over our head.
Gabrial, Mastema, and Lilith were there shooting a steady stream of bullets from their AK-99’s. “Crawl!!” I screamed at Zepar, ignoring the mic for her. We crawled forward under the stream of bullets, and the screams of the dying and the screams of the forty plus children that were on their knees with their hands bound behind them. Our ‘Game’ had played out.
The only Child not bound was Melody, the girl was terrified, but she was making sure none of the others escaped. A soldier of the Empire indeed. It was truly a pity what her fate was.
When the bullets stopped because they were reloading, I got to my feet and turned, calling out in a loud commanding voice. “Stop! If you want your children to live, STOP!”
I grabbed my AK-99 and shot at the first ten that kept running, killing them where they stood. Two wore the Orange of Rebellion. But the Mob itself, seemingly grown to massive portions, had stopped. A single, loud, female voice rushing out over the entire Mobs Screams of ‘Damn Empire’ and other such slanderous Blasphemy.
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