《The Great legend of Fafnir: The Beginning》Chapter 5: Actions speak louder than words.


I wake up to the sound of an argument below from where I sleep. I try my best to truly wake myself up as to hear what is being talked about below more clearly. Cautious, and possibly ready for anything. I grab my short sword, but leave the rest of my equipment in the room, that I exit monetarily, but as I exit. Rhiannon appears to stand beside me, with clear eyes of concern, and it seems that she had been waiting for me to come out. She begins to speak in a very silent voice.

"There is trouble downstairs. The captain of the bandits is here, and he is looking for you."

I hear Marchosias speak in my mind, and it seems that he was also disturbed by my thoughts on what might be happening downstairs.

("That took longer than I expected. I thought that they'd rush the inn, once they find the bodies of their unconscious allies.")

I stay silent, but instead think from within my mind to speak with Marchosias and say that I will take a look. Next, I gesture to Rhiannon to stay here, and steer clear of the trouble that might come afterwards.

I head downstairs. The sound becomes clearer, and it overhear part of the conversation that had already started.

(???) "What a persistent woman you are. How would you explain 3 of my men being knocked out cold by a kid. I know that you're keeping him here. Now, give him up, otherwise. I'll run this inn down to the ground, and take your so-called daughter to suffer the same fate as her sister. You wouldn't like that, would you?"

As I listen intently. The situation becomes dire, as I hear the man say what will happen if I do not surrender myself, but as I listen. I think of an idea.

("I do not like where this is going.")

"You heard it correctly from my mind. So I guess I'll have to learn how to use your power as I go. Let's hurry."

I quietly exit through the back door, organizing how my plan should play out. I exit, and traverse to the building opposite to the in. Just so that they won't assume that they were keeping me there. I try to be very cautious, as people might easily see me from the sunlight's gleam.

I have successfully made my way through, and I end up to my planned location. I peek through the alley way from the building across the inn.

"Well, I might be starting to doubt my own plan."

Analyzing the area, and there stands 2 platoons of soldiers. Approximately 100 of them in total.

("If you're going to do it, then now would be the right time.")

*sigh* "here goes nothing. Let's just hope Andours' teachings will pay off for this battle. Tell me how to use your power Marchosias. We can't get out of this situation if we just knock them out. Blood will be shed regardless."


("You've become slightly mature, but not that much. Very well. If you remember the last time you used my power. Hold your hand out, palms facing your target. Feel my power and mana flowing from within your body. Let it flow through your arm, and let it build up from your hand. Do not let your mind wander, calm yourself and your flames will not explode. Most importantly. Remember that I can only supply you with enough mana that you can handle. So choose your targets wisely")

I follow Marchosias' command. Holding my arm out from a distance, palms facing the group. Thinking that it might hit more than one target, hopefully. I concentrate, closing my eyes, I can feel the mana flowing through me.

So this is what having mana feels like, but why does it seem so familiar. I open my eyes to the sight of blue flames engulfing my left arm. Terrified, I tried to fan the flames, but Marchosias stops me, saying that it will not hurt its master, and sure enough it does not harm me.

I release it, and It flies with unparalleled speed towards the group of guards, impacting them and burning all within the vicinity of the explosion.

Screams of pain could be heard all around. Catching the attention of the innocent people roaming the streets of the town, but now they all run in fear. For they bear witness to a blue flame up engulfing people, burning them to death.

"Alright, time to do this." With my body enhanced once again. I charge them in the confusion, bringing out my blade, leaping and I paint one of the men with my blade as I land on the ground. I slash sideward to the soldiers with their backs turned to me, and blood comes spilling everywhere.

Already alarmed and confused. The others bring out their weapons, challenging me, but I simply place my palm forward to them, and a blue flame spiral towards them, both blowing them away and burning the rest.

~meanwhile inside the inn~

(???) "what is all that ruckus about?"

A soldier comes running inside, and alarms all the soldiers about what is taking place outside. "Sir! It's the daemon boy, the one we are searching for. He's massacring our ranks. They're all burning to death. He's not normal. It's as if he's been raised to kill."

I stand, and order the soldiers inside to go and subdue the boy, alive. I bid the inn keeper goodbye, but I can clearly see in her expression that she is curious to see the sight of what is happening outside. So I gesture for her to follow, and she does. Bearing witness to the spectacle happening outside.

The first sight that I see as I exit the inn, was terrible. My ranks were getting thinned down by a blond haired boy, cutting down soldiers with inhuman speed, and blasting the others with blue flames? What kind of sorcery is this? So what the guards say is true, he truly is a demon boy. Which makes me want him more. I'll get that power once I subdue him. I shout at a soldier to bring the cavalry to reinforce my now 'thinned' ranks


~to my perspective once again~

"Ha!" With a swing of my sword, another one goes down, but there are more, much more than I thought there would be. I am badly wounded as I still find it hard to coordinate my entire body with these newly enhanced capabilities that I have. I'm exhausted, my vision is starting to fade slightly, and I can barely keep them open anymore. i do not know how long I've been fighting, and it feels like I could faint at any moment.

("Stay strong child. I will think of a way to get you out of this situation, but steel yourself for now.")

I manage to understand what Marchosias says, and I do my best, countering the various continuous attacks making their way to me, and it goes without saying that I am being cut from every direction. I am unable to keep up with every attack that comes my way.

(Deliah) "Hey Gordon! Stop what you're doing! Can't you see what you're doing? That's a kid for goodness sake."

(Gordon) "Order them to stop? But why? Power is there, and it stands in front of me. Free for the taking, and any second the child will collapse, and I shall receive my power."

I watch the fight happen, but surprisingly, the child puts up quite an excellent fight. He just refuses to give up, hacking and slashing away at his adversaries. What a sight to see. I just grin slightly as I think to myself, how much power I can gain from that child. Those blue flames will be mine, and I will conquer this country.

(Returning to the fafnir's perspective)


I need to catch my breath. The attacks just don't end. They just become stronger and stronger with each wave of reinforcements. There's no time to stop and think. One wrong step, and that might be the end of me.

As I focus on the battle, while I converse with Marchosias and myself. The ranks begin to grow once more, and they circle me tightly. Not allowing any escape routes.

("Act quick. I have an idea in mind.")

And without hesitation. I do what he says, prioritizing my escape, since it is getting harder to eve just carry my body. I jump with all my remaining strength, Marchosias giving me yet another enhancement to boost my lower body's capabilities, running, leaping etc.

I land on the roof of the inn. Hopping from roof to roof, nearing my destination, but when I black out for a brief moment. I fall into an open alley. The pain feels even heavier, but I struggle to get up, Running with reckless abandon. I head to the stables.

I kick the door open, and again I see the perplexed expression of the stable master, who tries to voice his words as I try my best to saddle up to Sleipnir.

(Stable Master) "uhh I fed your horse while you weren't here bu-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I throw another gold coin at him, and with that I let Sleipnir take me wherever he can, I clutch his reigns tightly as to not fall off. The day ends at that.

After what feels like half a day. I wake up in a forest, but it doesn't feel like the one we've been to. I can't think at all, I just want to rest. I fall off Sleipnir, and my consciousness begins to fade.

("Rest. You've done well child.")

~a day passes~

I try to move, but my entire body is in pain. I'm bleeding all over, and it doesn't look like I'll have enough bandages to cover these wounds. Wait.. I left my belongings at the inn. *sigh*

("Have you rested enough?")

"I have, but the pain is still there, and it is unbearable. Some wounds and cuts are deep. Just gritting my teeth won't be enough at this point."

("Recover for now. We will plan our return and this time, we will be triumphant I assure you.")

"Hey, Marchosias. I'm beginning to doubt myself whether I can get through this. I'm weak, and I'm sure Andour would be disappointed to see me like this. I think strength isn't meant for me.

(... "You become your weakest, the moment you doubt yourself. Do not let your emotions move you, for they will, and you might come to a decision that will end your dreams. For now, steel your mind, and rest.")

"Ha-ha. You're right, thank you Marchosias."

Bearing the pain. I lean back on a tree nearby, and Sleipnir comes to lie down beside me. The cold air wafting through the land. Unfortunately I have nothing to make a campfire with, and the cold might just claim my life. Suddenly; I feel a gentle heat rise within me, balancing the cold and the warm climate. It emits from my body and onto Sleipnir as well.

"Thank you again Marchosias. You just saved my life... Again."

And the day ends once more. All that remains, is the darkness of the night accompanied by the moonlight. The leaves rustle around every direction, emitting a very calming sound. My mind wanders once again, but this time in a deep sleep.

~meanwhile, at the town~

"I wonder if he's alright."

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