《The Great legend of Fafnir: The Beginning》Chapter 4: Take control of your destiny.


I exit the library not realizing how late it is since I last entered. I was too careless, and had immersed myself too much in what I had been reading. They were all in fact interesting. I think I read at least 15 thick books about the history of the past, and other things that I found interesting.

Mostly the other titles that I focused on we're: The history of fact and fiction:Gods and mythic beings, The basics of reading and writing, Honeyed words: how to interact with women effectively, kingdoms of old:a great history redefined, and 'The story of our people: Rydia'.

Hmm, so the name of the town is 'Rydia' huh. I think back on the many things I've learned today, and I am looking forward to returning again.

"Marchosias, what do you think we should do next? The evening has arrived."

The sun begins to set, and I give thought to what I could do next as I never thought that a town could be full of things to do, but as I think to myself once again. Marchosias reminds me of something.

("I suggest that we head to the outskirts of the town, somewhere you can not be seen, and there you can improve your swordsmanship. Yours is basic at best. Practice fighting a series of enemies at once, and I will teach you the basics of using my power along with that.")

I agree with Marchosias, and we begin to head to the stables to pick up Sleipnir; with the intention of heading out, and training.

As as we get there. I see a somewhat familiar face, being approached by 3 adults, clad in full armor. Curious, I eavesdrop on the conversation, and luckily I overhear the start of the conversation.

I hear 1 of the men speak. "Hey! You're the inn lady's kid right? I hear that a kid entered the inn. Gold hair, short; maybe as tall as you. Tell us everything you know, otherwise we'd have to get it out of you through more 'conventional methods' like your sister.

The girl backs away from the men, clearly terrified of the men, forcing her into confessing. I think of what to do, but I will have to consult Marchosias so that I won't make any false moves that might harm the girl.

"Have any ideas Marchosias?"

He answers coldly. ("Maybe you shouldn't get involved. That girl has nothing to do with you after all.")

"Hmm this is a bit complicated. I want to help her out, but it feels too troublesome to get involved with those men. I recognize those clothings and armor sets. They're with the ones we met in the forest, and if you piece it together with what the inn woman said. Then it only means that those bandits control the town, but bandits? I haven't really seen them do anything bad here in the town for them to be branded as bandits. Hmm I feel really conflicted. Hey Marchosias, how about I just knock them out?"

("Are you confident that you can handle, knocking out all 3 of them before one of them finds the time to react, and alarm the other soldiers that might be patrolling the area? Aside from that. What I am truly confused about, is why they would ask a mere child when they could instead ask the woman at the inn. Are they that pathetic?")


*sigh* "Thanks for the vote of confidence, but now that you think of it, maybe they're too afraid to talk to the innkeeper because she might beat them into oblivion for no reason. Remember how she looks like? Bulky, a bit scary, at first I thought that it was a he. I sure hope that she doesn't overhear this."

("I'll enhance your body, but you must take them all out in that instance, fail, and you might have a battle with the entire town itself. Now if you don't like the idea of fighting all of them. Then do your best.")

"By the way, don't you remember us beating you up? I think I can manage to knock them out." I finish my witty retort to Marchosias, and begin to sneak up on the soldiers, still interrogating the girl, but a little bit more, and it might get a bit physical between them.

Luckily the light of the full moon illuminates their position. Giving me a clear path to them, but as I get close to them, a strange and small creature approaches me, making strange noises.

*meow* "shhh! Stay quite, whatever you are." *meow?* Alas the creature does not stop making noises, and of course, the armed bandits take notice of our general area, and approach us.

I quickly clutch the furry creature in my arms, and quickly run to the shade of a nearby building covering the mouth of this annoying creature.

("The 3 of them are heading here. Release the cat, and let it distract them, then knock them out quickly.")

"So this things name is a cat huh, oh, release it? Right, sure thing. Here you go little ball of fur, go get them."

I stand by the side of a building; under the shade, and wait patiently for the cat to head out of the alleyway to distract them, but the cat simply looks at me, with its head tilting to the side, making a cat noise.

"Oh come on!" I whisper to it irritatingly. "Don't give me that."

With bad timing. The men reach the entrance into the alleyway, and peer into it, but with a good stroke of luck, they only seem to see a silhouette.

"Oy! You there, get out of there, we 'ave some questions for you"


Marchosias gives me the go ahead, and with my enhanced capabilities. I leap with great strength, and I hit one of the men peering into the alley directly on the stomach; feet first, knocking him down. Next, I sweep kick the man that now stands beside me, (clearly confused) also knocking him down, and I quickly deliver a powerful punch into his stomach, Making him lose consciousness. Lastly the 3rd man who readies his sword, and begins to charge me, but the man does not realize this but I've enhanced my entire body, and I dodge backwards, but I react a bit too slowly, and my body gets a shallow cut by the tip of the sword. I then quickly speed forward, striking his throat with my fists, silencing him. He takes hold of his neck from the pain of being punched. Lastly, I repeat what I did to the others, and deliver yet another blow to his stomach, knocking him out cold.

*sigh* "That was nerve-wracking, but I did it. See Marchosias, I told you I could do it."


As I was talking to Marchosias. The victim, or rather the girl in question looks at me with eyes of concern. She approaches me, running to me from her position.

She speaks with a scared and stuttering voice. "A-are you okay? You're hurt aren't you?" She points at my chest wound from earlier, and it is slightly bleeding, staining my clothes.

I respond half jokingly. "Oh this? Well it does itch a bit, it's not that deep of a cut at all."

Quite insistent, she takes my hand, and leads me to the inn, offering to help seal the light wound, and we leave the scene where 3 bandits lie unconscious under the moonlight.

We enter the bustling inn, filled by the noise of rowdy people, but not through the front door, but instead through the back door, where we encounter Deliah, with a slightly angry and maybe a slight concerned expression. She speaks with authority.

"Well. I hope you have a very good explanation for this."

The girl that took me here explains what had happened in a very detailed way, including how I saved her, and what I did to those men. And lastly about my wounds, which didn't really need any medical attention.

The one thing that caught me by surprise was Deliah's sudden change in personality. She thanked me again and again for the rescue of her daughter, but she suddenly speaks to herself.

*tch* "that damned bandit will harm anyone just to get what he wants"

Curious about what she said, I ask for further information.

"What are you planning to do little boy? I suggest that you do not ask about him when you get out of here, but before any of that. Get that wound fixed up, and rest for the night. We'll talk a bit more tomorrow, but you know what? You come off as a very manly boy to me. I'm curious as to what kind of man you'll become in the future. Besides that. Rest well boy, and be good to my daughter"

She winks at me as she exits, not knowing what she meant by that, and she goes back to the front of the bar I presume. I notice that Marchosias has not said a single word ever since the rescue, but I decided to do it tomorrow, as he might be tired. Then I notice the girl tugging on my shirt calling out to me.

"P-please follow me upstairs."

I follow her as she leads the way upstairs, where I see many doors but we enter only one.

"This is where you'll be staying, oh and do not worry. You don't need to pay for it. Take this as a thank you reward for saving me earlier. I was really scared of what might happen next, but are you the one they are looking for? You have gold hair just like the one they were searching for."

I reply, not really knowing what I should say, but hey, this may be a good time to use the things I learned about from that book regarding interacting with people, and honeyed words? Although I do not truly know the meaning of honeyed words. It is the only closest one that teaches me about human interaction.

"Please do not worry, I'll keep you safe from harm. I thank you for giving me a place to stay, but might I ask what your name is? I've been wondering for the longest time, and I feel restless, not knowing your name, and it might keep me up tonight.

I do as the book says, smiling afterwards as I clasp her hands in mine, but it seems that it had a very bad effect. She does not react, but merely stares at me with a dazed expression, and her hands become hotter by the second. (I'm staring to doubt the authenticity of the book that I had read.) she might have a fever although.

I ask her, but try the teachings of the book one last time, just to make sure. "Are you alright? You seem tired, and feverish. You'd better get some rest yourself, lest you want me to concern over you. Oh and don't worry about my wounds, I think I can bandage myself well enough.

She speaks. "Uhm please hear me out. I know this a selfish request, but I saw you fight those men. Please save my older sister from those bandits. They took her because she opposed to the bandits taking anything they wanted without anyone trying to stop them. It's been 2 years, and I have not seen her ever since. I know this request seems impossible considering that you are still a kid like me, but seeing how you fought, I was filled with hope that you might be able to do it. You don't need to defeat them all. All I want to ask from you is to break her out and escape."

I think to myself of how hard this would be if I undertook this request. I simply tell her this.

"Rest for now. I cannot make any promises, but I will ask Deliah about it tomorrow."

"Thank you for hearing me out, and one more thing. I should have told you my name earlier, but I just couldn't find the time. My name is Rhiannon. Please call me that from now on.

She exits. And closes the door once she finishes talking, and bids me Goodnight.

("Are you truly intent on taking that request?")

"Marchosias. Where have you been?"

("Observing. It is quite amusing, the way you handled that girl. You may have a talent for being a devil that mainly focuses on debauchery and tempting humans. I am also looking forward to what will happen to you in the future just as what the innkeeper said.")

*sigh* "who knows. I might become a daemon if fate makes me take that route, but not until I finish the current quest at hand, specifically finding out my past and saving my foster father. Until then, I won't let fate take control of me yet.

("You do not realize it, but fate already holds you captive.")

"I meant it as a boost of confidence. You really have no talent for encouraging people don't you?"

("I am a daemon of loyalty. I must be blunt at times, and sometimes sarcastic. There are more I can tell, but it is best saved for another day")

"You're right. I still need to figure out how to handle Rhiannon's request. I wonder how this will turn out."

~meanwhile in the library~

"What is this? How come my book is out here? I'll say this. This book is filled with lies. Honeyed words, Hmph. Such lies! I've tried it with the women here. But it does not work." *sigh* I wish I was more handsome."

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