《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 10-The Plans


Chapter 10-The Plans

When I enter the guild house, I`m quite disappointed. There are two middle-aged men looking at the huge board that full of posted mission papers and an old woman receptionist. In the back of the old women, there is a huge shelve that full of alcoholic drinks, all the alcoholic drinks are inside of the big cylindrical wood. There are also a lot of long wooden tables and chairs.

They notice that they are in the presence of the king, all of them slightly bowed and resume on what they are doing. From my other memories, I can`t remember any memories of the guild house, the former owner of my body think that he doesn`t need it because he can command the Royal army. I can command now the Royal army to search for the bitter Solaris fruit but they don`t have any experience in exploration and most of them don`t know the weaknesses of different beasts.

I check out some mission papers that posted on the board Search My pet-Difficulty Rank E,Escort my Caravan-Difficulty Rank B,Bane Hatchling-Difficulty Rank A, Undamaged Gryphon Head-Difficulty Rank S, Dead or Alive-Difficulty Rank A. There are much more but I don`t have any clue in what the description is saying, most of them are Rank B or Rank A difficulty. After checking out, I approach the old woman receptionist.

"King Michael, This is the first time that I see you here. How the Adventurer guild can help you?" The old woman receptionist said in a well-mannered tone.

"I want to post some mission. What is the process?" I asked her and this old woman looks like quite strong, I can`t measure their rank if they don`t use any of their mana.

"You have an army, right? Why do you need help? You should know this. You can`t post a mission to defend your kingdom. I just want to inform you." She explained to me.

"My army is not an expert in exploring.. right? I just need help to get some fruits and the tree of it if possible." I explained to her.


"I`m sorry King Michael if I offended you. Yes Of course, What is the name of the fruit?" She apologized and asked me.

"The Bitter Solaris fruit." I said to her and still checking out the area.

"The bitter fruit? Why do you need it? That will be a B rank mission difficulty. You need to pay 2 gold for the fruits and if they have the tree, you will pay another 2 gold for it." She asked and explained the details to me.

"I`m just curious how bitter the bitter fruit is.." I said to her to satisfied her curiosity and ask more about the adventurer guild.

The old woman receptionist told me that the Adventurer guild is independent, they do not serve any kingdom or empires. I must have a valid reason if I want to help a kingdom or empire. If I came from a royal family or local from the kingdom, I can help my kingdom but still, I cannot post a mission that is related to the wars between kingdoms and empires. Also, the kingdoms and empires must not damage the property of the adventurer guild or else, they will wage a war in that kingdom and even empires. I also asked her details, the old woman name is Brena Breath, An evolve sound user and an SS-ranker from the Scarlet Sun Empire. My eyes got widened after I heard her personal information and she just laughed at my reaction.

'..Back in the earth the old people are weak but I don`t think that is the case in this world..' I thought to myself after the little chat with the monster old woman. The Sky is quite dark and it`s almost night time. While walking back to the Royal castle, I see some lights that powered by mana in the road and different kind of shops that closing.

An hour later I arrived at the Royal Castle, I see Ms. Dana Evergreen and she told me the details about my designed clothes.


In the next morning, while eating breakfast with my uncle, I ask Ms. Dana Evergreen to join us but she refused.


"Uncle, What are you planning to do now?..and also to Ms. Dana Evergreen.. You must take responsibility to her you know.." I asked him and he got choked after I mentioned Ms. Dana Evergreen while Ms. Dana Evergreen to the side is blushing.

"You..Damn Brat.. I thought you`ve changed! I mean my King.. Cough, Cough, I`m gonna go back to the Army Headquarters and check out the two vice generals on what they`re doing. I will prepare the army and recruit some able-bodied people to the upcoming war because I don`t think they gonna back off after they learned that I reached rank S. They know that I’m just a primary element user." He said and explained to me the details of his plan.

"Uncle, You really good at changing the subject.. What I asking is, What will you do to Ms. Dana Evergreen.. I told her that you are responsible man.. I`m losing my King`s dignity you know.. but that`s good, prepare the army early. I have other plans to stop the war." I told him and chuckled.

"What..What King dignity? When do you have a dignity! Of course, I am a responsible man unlike you. I am going to marry my Lovely Dana Evergreen after we survive the war. What are you planning to stop the war? Do you really know how to devise a plan?" He said to me in serious and full of determined face. My eyes rolled to Ms. Dana Evergreen position, I see her hands covering her blushing face.

"Haha, Congratulations Ms. Dana Evergreen and uncle! I`m looking forward to your wedding. I will create something that may stop the war but I don`t really know if I can create that.. Well, Congratulations again to the two of you.. I`m going to leave first, I will resume my training.." I said to the two of them and immediately leave, I used my Lightning feet Skill and reached the Royal Training Room in a matter of seconds.


Royal Dining Room, The Great Bow Kingdom. (P.O.V Leon Port)

"Wait!" I shouted to the King that suddenly vanished.

"What skill was that? It`s almost the same speed as my wind walk skill! Ms. Dana Evergreen can you explain to me what happened to the king this past 4 months?" I asked Ms. Dana Evergreen to my side and she explains to me what happened to the king.

'..That`s how it is! That boy void unique element has awoken but that`s not a blink skill.. I saw some of his body afterimages. That`s why he said he may stop the war.. If he reached A-rank that`s equivalent to S-rank evolve and primary element user.. but how did that boy unique element awoken?..'

"I`m going now to the Army headquarter in Lower Limb City, Don`t forget to visit me okay?" I said to her and kissed her cheeks.


Royal City, The Great Bow Kingdom. (P.O.V Karylle Jez)

JEZ Tailoring shop.

While testing the sports bra and the panty that the king designed, I feel more comfortable and much easier to move. '..Why didn`t I think these before..Why did I focus on the lining of the robes..'

My Father told me that the new king of this kingdom is a fool and I should not come near to him or else I might get pregnant, but I don`t think that`s the case. Only genius can come up with the idea like this and I think it`s alright to have a child that came from the genius.

Ms. Dana Evergreen suddenly become look young and beautiful. '..I think the King have something to do with her beauty secrets..I will deliver this design personally to the Royal Castle..I want to know how the King came up with the clothes design like this..and ask what did he gave to Ms. Dana Evergreen that become beautiful again..' I thought to myself with the face that full of determination.


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