《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 9-Strange Day


Chapter 9-Strange Day

In the morning, I finally see Ms. Dana Evergreen. She is blooming and looks like getting younger and younger, Even though I don't see any makeup on her face.

"So, Ms. Dana Evergreen.. You look like younger than before.. And.. How was the General?" I asked her while eating my breakfast.

"What.. do you.. mean.. My King?" She said in her stuttering voice while blushing. The two maids beside her chuckled. "You two why are you laughing?" She said in a serious tone that looks like she regains her composure and the two maids stop chuckling.

"Haha.. I designed some clothes. I want you to give it to a trustworthy tailor shop and ask if they can create the designs." I said to Ms. Dana after appearing of the rolled paper in my hands from my storage ring and gave it to her.

She looks curious on what my designs are but she didn't open it. She immediately leaves after giving some signals to the other maids.

While applying different magic skills, I run around and do light training exercises in the Royal castle. I`ve planned yesterday to check the General Library and search if there is a cocoa tree here. After I finished my light training, I took a quick shower, changed my robe to a plain gray color that has Golden Bow icon embedded at the back of it and leave immediately.

The Royal guards suggested that I should take a carriage because it's quite far. From my other memories, it's just an hour of walking. I refused them and started to walk to my destination.

It's now in the afternoon, I think it's around 2pm, If there's a clock. When I see some people, I'm quite surprised. They`re not running nor hiding from me, Instead, they are bowing their head and smile at me.


'..Maybe they are happy because of the breakthrough of the S-rank general..' This is what I thought at first, but I see a group of kids that also bowed at me.

‘.. I don't remember anything good that I did for these people. This day is quite strange.. All the people I met are greeted me and even smiling when they see me...' While walking I see the general library, there is a gray double door that is opened and 2 guards besides it. It's quite big and looks like a small castle, I saw some nobleman going out and some are going in.

When I enter inside the library, All the noble man that I encountered are bowed at me and I just smiled to them, some women are even blushing. '..Well.. What can I do? I look like Chris Hemsworth after all.. I see an old man in the long desk and walk towards to him.

"My King, it's been a long time since I saw you here.. What kind of books are you searching?" He said and looks like he got his life again after he seen me.

"About the plant and tree books." I said to him while my eyes are rolling in different directions and checking out the area.

"Why the king suddenly interested in plants and trees? This old man just wants to know.. The plants and trees related books are in section 5 on the left." He explained while I just nodded and ignored his question.

In the book shelves, I get all the books trees related. Its 12 thick books and I start reading it in the reading section area.

There are coconut trees, papaya trees and other trees that are similar to earth. One hour later, I read some cocoa related trees but I'm quite disappointed because most of them can be seen only in the wilderness. The cocoa tree is called Bitter Solaris and the people ignoring it because it's bitter.


The main ingredient of the chocolate is cocoa but I don`t know the process of transforming it to a tasteful chocolate. ‘.. I need to do some experiments in this.. I wish.. There is internet here.. Sigh..’ If I go to the wilderness, my training progress will hinder and there is a possibility that I might die.

After reading the cocoa related trees, I exit and see a big house on the back of the general library castle. I walk curiously to the big house, After I arrived, I see big words on the top of the opened door Adventurer Guild. ‘..Now.. That is, what you called solution..’ Slowly, I enter into the adventurer guild house.


Royal City, The Great Bow Kingdom.

JEZ Tailoring shop. (P.O.V Dana Evergreen)

"Madam Dana Evergreen, It`s good to see you. I heard that the King changed.. Wait.. I think you`re the one who`s changed.. You look beautiful.. So, beautiful.. What.. What did you do? Tell me!" She said in her stuttering voice and checking my face closely. An 18 years old young girl with a slender 5`6 ft. body, oval-shaped face, pale skin, small lips, brown eyes, black thin eyebrows and a silver with some black highlights on her hair. She is wearing a pink robe with some silver lining design that only reaches her knees. She is the daughter of Arturo Jez the owner of the JEZ tailoring shop. She is the manager of their branch in the Royal City, she is Karylle Jez.

"Ms. Karylle Jez, Please back off, I have important business, I have clothes designs here, I want to check if your tailor shop can create this." I said to her in a cold voice and give the designs to her. She opens the paper and her eyes get wide.

"Who.. Who design this?" she asked in her stuttering voice again and astonishment can be seen on her face while checking the designs.

"The King. Who else? Can you create the design clothes?" I asked again to her coldly.

"That f.. King?.. Impossible.. This is.. Of course, we can create this and I will do this design personally. We will deliver this to the Royal Castle in 4 days." She said and looks like she lost in her own world.

"About my beauty secret, Your Beautiful than me, So.. I will not share it.." I said to her while she still lost in her own world.

'..I wonder what the king designs are.. even Karylle looks impressed. This is the first time I saw her impressed.. She is the type of prideful when it comes to the clothes and designs.. Oh, She`s back..' I thought to myself and suddenly someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Heyy! Tell me!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. I just ignored her and board to the carriage.


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