《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 7-The General`s Arriving


Chapter 7-The General`s Arriving

Inside the throne room, While sitting on the highest ground chair, I`m waiting until the General Arrives. The General is on his way and should arrive any minutes from now, all the 10 ministers are present except for Minister Martin Dawn. They told me that Minister Martin Dawn is on a mission to persuade the two remaining Kingdoms to not join the alliance that will wage war on us.

'..Minister Martin Dawn look like one of those corrupt and antagonist guys in the movies. I don`t know that Minister Martin Dawn is such a good man.. Well, I should not judge the book by its cover, I thought that being a King is fun but now i don`t. I`m sitting here talking with this different old man and don`t know what they`re really thinking..' Pondering things and sighing.

After half an hour of waiting, A man arrived that looks like in his 30`s. His height is about 6'2 or 6'3 ft., a diamond face shape with Angular cheekbones and slightly pointed nose. His eyes, thick eyebrows, thin beard and hair are all black. '..This man should be a Hollywood actor instead of doing general things here. He`s quite a good-looking fellow..' He is wearing a plain dark red robe with some white lining on it. He is Leon Port the General of The Great Bow Kingdom Army, his real age is 83 and a wind element user, he doesn't have child and wife yet.

When I turn my head on the left side, I see the Royal Maid head Ms. Dana Evergreen looking to General Leon Port. Her face revives that looks like she got rejuvenated and I can`t see any wrinkles on her face. She became a beautiful all of a sudden that looks like in her 30`s. '..So that`s the case huh..' I thought to myself like I solve a puzzle then General Leon talk and interrupt my thoughts.

"My King, I`m back sorry.. I made you worried." He said in sad tone but he is smiling.

"Welcome back, Uncle." I said to him and smiled too and slowly approaching him. "What is this something did you do? And what is the good news you`ve got?" I asked him in a respectful tone as I got near to him.

"Just One at a time my King, Haha!. The Reports that I got is really true, You`re quite matured now. You really look like a King now even your behavior, but why you`re accent is a bit different? Anyway, The reports said that you even didn`t do the things in the girls in this past 4 months. haha, That report is the most unbelievable thing that I heard.. I`m eating that time you know.. my food in my mouth got on the face of the man that reported to me at that time when I heard that.." He said and everyone laughing loudly in the throne room.


That`s the real him. '..Sigh.. how can this guy be the general..' I suddenly feel ashamed after I heard what he said to me.

"Haha, Everyone stop now, The good news is.. I had recently breakthrough. I`m now an S-ranker." He said in a jokingly manner but everyone silence when they heard the S-ranker word. Even me is surprised, According to this boy`s memories, his uncle is stuck in A-rank for 45 years and that is normal.

According to this boy`s memories, If I am a primary element user, I can have a breakthrough from A-ranker to S-ranker when I age around 250 years old. If I am a evolve element user I can have a breakthrough from A ranker to S-ranker when I age 160 years old and if I am a Unique element user you can have a breakthrough around 70 years old and this is just an average talent. '..The man in my front is what they called genius?..' I thought to myself and I see this man now in a different light after he said that he is now an S-ranker.

"How is that possible? You are a primary element wind user, right? That`s over 150 years.." Said one of the ministers near him and suddenly General Leon Port cut.

"On what causes my breakthrough is, I will only tell the details to the King. If the King wants to share you the information, He will tell it himself." General Leon Port Said in a loud and serious voice.

After he said that, we celebrate till evening, I drink a few Alcoholic drinks and it`s quite bad compared back to the earth. '..Damn.. I miss the beer, if only I know how to brew..' I thought to myself after tasted all the alcoholic drinks here.

I approach Ms.Dana Evergreen, I whisper some words to her ears and chuckle. Her face is really red after she heard what I said and I see General Leon walking towards us after she talked to some beautiful noble women’s.

"My Kinggg.. Whyzit yuu aree nott drinkingg?" He said in a typical drunk man tone.

I am quite surprised because he can walk straight when he is really drunk. "I am quite sleepy because I trained earlier in the morning. So, I will leave first." I said and he nodded. '.. Sorry uncle, It`s not because I can`t drink but because I don`t want to, the Alcoholic drinks here are really terrible and different compared back to the earth..' I thought to myself and go to my bedroom.


‘..I should have studied on how to brew some alcoholic drinks back in the earth.. Sigh..’


Throne Room, The Royal Bow Kingdom. (P.O.V Dana Evergreen)

Our king approaches me, “Hey Ms. Dana, You should take care of my uncle and his needs.. I know my uncle is responsible man and if you succeed tonight, you might become her wife.. Good luck!” Our king whispered in my ears and chuckled while he`s whispering I feel ashamed.

'..How did the King know? Am I really that obvious.. Is Minister Ren told it.. that old man!..' After a while, all the nobles and ministers are leaving while General Leon looks like sleeping on the chair. My hands signal the other maids nearby that I will take care of General Leon Port personally. I slowly lift up General Leon and put his arms on my back while hugging him and started walking to the guest room.

After a while, we arrived at the front door of the guest room. '..This is my chance!..' I thought to myself and resolving my will. My hands open the door and enter inside while putting General Leon slowly to the bed, he is sleeping soundly.

I slowly removing my clothes but before I remove all my clothes. '..I can`t do something like this.. Wake Up! Dana!..' I thought to myself and slap my face, I put again my clothes and slowly open the door to exit.


Throne Room, The Royal Bow Kingdom. (P.O.V Leon Port)

This is the first time I drink alcoholic when I reached S-rank. I drink everything but still fine. While checking around, I see the King whispering something to Ms. Dana Evergreen, her face turns red and the King chuckled. '..hmm.. Do they in that kind of relationship? Is she the reason why the king didn`t get any girls in the bedroom these four months?..' I thought to myself and get curious. I go towards them and pretend that I’m drunk.

"My Kinggg.. Whyzit yuu aree nott drinkingg?" I said in a typical drunk man tone.

"I`m quite sleepy because I trained earlier in the morning. So, I`m leaving first." The King said that`s looks like exhausted and I nodded. '..This Boy really become the King huh..' I thought to myself while seeing his back further and further away.

Ms. Dana Evergreen is on the side waiting for the celebration party to end. '..What the hell did that boy say? I mean King..' I thought to myself and really curious, I still pretending that I`m drunk and sleepy. Ms. Dana Evergreen slowly lifts me up and we slowly go to the guest room.

After we arrived at the guest room, we stop for a moment in the front of the door then we enter. Ms. Dana Evergreen put me to the bed slowly. It`s quite dark here but there is slightly moonlight that passes through the window and illuminating the room. I lift my left eyes slightly, I see her back and she`s slowly removing her clothes. '..So.. that was it.. That boy! He doesn`t change at all!, He even makes use Ms. Dana Evergreen..' I thought to myself as I feel my blood boiling.

I am waiting for Ms. Dana Evergreen to come to my bed as I lift up my eyes again. I saw her now in complete clothes and she`s about to leave. '..She`s not that kind of woman huh..' I thought to myself and get myself up while she`s opening the door, I hold her hand.

"I`m waiting for you.. you know.. The S rank users have a high tolerance in Alcohol." I whispered to her ears while she looked shocked, I kiss her cheeks and put her to the bed.


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