《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 2-Throne Room


Chapter 2-Throne Room

"Status." I said in a low voice.

"Menu, Character Information, Status screen" I said with an angry and louder voice.

'..Nothing happened.. Sigh..'

The language here is quite strange, It's similar to English at the same time it's not while their writing here is similar to what I saw in United Arab of Emirates. I was there before and because of this boy`s memories, I can understand most of them.

After checking out my new look in the mirror, I check out the closet and all I can see are different robes. I get the long black robe with golden lining on it and a bow medium size icon stitch could be seen on the back of it. After I wear the robe, I open the brown door and go towards the throne room.

While walking through the corridor, the walls that I seeing have an ancient vibe on it. After a few moments, I arrived in the throne room, I sit on a chair that located on the higher ground. The Throne Room is quite big and there is similarity from medieval period back in the earth. The walls here are color light brown and some letters and strange carving will be seen that embedded on it.

The seven ministers on my front are busy talking about some important issues, All of them focus on the issues that they did not know that I arrived. It took a while until they see me sitting on the throne.

"My King, What are you doing here?" Asked the old minister that look around in his 80's. He is on my right side. His hair is all gray even his mustache and long beard is gray, while his height is around 5'8 ft. and has a slim build. He is wearing a plain white robe, his name is Ren Dart.

"I am the King, I should be here right?" I simply said while looking down on them. '..This is the feeling of a King like?.. This feeling is not bad..' I want to laugh loud but I choose not to. They might think I became crazy.


As a former gold medalist, I`m quite good at speeches. After I won the 2012 gold medal, there is a lot of press conferences that I attended. I covered in different magazines and my girlfriend Alicia is one of the journalists that asked me if I do have a girlfriend.

"What is the reason that you are here?, My King." Asked the bald fat Minister on my left side in a sarcastic manner. He is wearing a green robe that many designs stitches could be seen. He looks like one of those extremely rich middle aged man CEO guys. He's name is Martin Dawn.

"Minister Martin! Show respect to the King!" Minister Ren shouted angrily in front of Minister Martin while Minister Martin just ignored him.

"Enough!, I'm here to say that I will make this kingdom rise again! And we will be the top kingdom of the East!" I said in a loud voice while standing. I saw the look in their eyes and they look lifeless and dejected.'..Did I say something wrong? My charisma didn`t work?..'

"My King, We're happy to see that you want to change but I think it is quite too late now. Three out of the seven neighbor kingdoms are now in alliance. According to my intelligence reports, they will attack us after a year or two. As for the remaining 4 kingdoms, two of them are planning to join the alliance. They know that you will marry the 9th princess of Scarlet Sun Empire after you turn age 21 and if the princess is here they cannot touch us. They will act fast, I requested backup from the empire but after they know that your father died and your personality is .., they ignored us and said that they will only help us, if the princess is already your wife." Explained Minister Ren in a clear and well-mannered tone.

'..I will marry a princess and she's from the empire? This is my childhood dream! To marry a princess. Man.. But I think this kingdom will be done, before I get to my wedding. Sorry, Alicia, I'm not planning to cheat on you..' I'm still pondering things and feel a bit guilty about my Princess dreams until someone interrupted me.


"My King?.. Are you alright?" Minister Ren asked in a worried voice.

"I'm good. All of you dismissed." I told to everyone loudly and they slowly walk towards the huge door in my front.

From this boy`s memories, the Emperor of the Scarlet Sun Empire, once helped by this boy`s father when they are both prince and doing some mission. After this boy`s father lend a hand on the Emperor, the Emperor said that if this boy`s father will have a child, as long as his child is close to the boy`s father child and opposite gender, they will marry each other.

'..The princesses are all beauty, right? According to the novel's and history of the earth most of them.. but what if? .. Alright don't worry that things.. Saving this kingdom and find a way to go back on the earth. These should be my goal for now. These are the things that I must do here..'

I remember clearly what happened before our airplane got crashed, the airplane is falling down too fast and there is high chance that my real body is dead. I think it's better to say that my real body is just an ash right now. This boy gave me a second chance and even it is not intentional, I will try to help his kingdom and find a way back into the earth. While observing my surroundings, I see a strange stone near the pillar and the door of the throne room. I think, this is the stone that measures your rank and elemental affinity. I slowly get up in my throne chair and approach the rank stone.

After I arrived near the door, I hold the rank stone and see Minister Red on the door. "Minister Ren, This is the rank stone right?" I asked him, he's right foot is almost outside but he stopped quickly and looked at me.

"Yes, My King that is a rank stone." he said while looked dejected and sigh after his respond.

After his confirmation, I put my mana in the stone. My mana is easy to control because of this boy`s existing memories on my mind ‘..What is this result? I`m rank D?..' The result is different than I expected.

Minister Ren see the rank stone and his eyes wide open, he quickly runs fast towards me and holds my hand that holding the rank stone. He put his face near the rank stone to see the result more clearly.

"My King, this result is ..." He said to me in hoax voice. His eyes look tearful but at the same time, he is smiling.


Royal City, The Great Bow Kingdom.

In front of the Big and luxurious house.

'..That fool king!, He wants to revive this dying kingdom of him? Dream on! If only I don't need him to open that Treasury room, we already killed him..' Then someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Lord Martin Dawn, You`re Carriage is ready." Said the knight looking man in a loud but respectful voice.

I slowly enter the carriage, I'm going to see the two kings that showed an interest in joining the alliance. This will be a long trip.

"Let's leave!" I said in a loud voice while sitting on the carriage. '..Enjoy your life in last two years of that throne of yours fool King..' I thought while grinning.


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