《Nandemonogatari: A New Story of Something Else》Chapter 14: Mindgames
Katsuki leans back in her chair and stares at the ceiling. Ever since they started going over the Games Club members in the Studex, time has seemed to grind to a halt. All of Hotaru’s input has melded into one continuous wall of white noise.
She leans forward and holds her head in her hands, “Argh! Are you really unable to give us information without sounding like the driest walkthrough ever recorded?! How are we going to spice this up for the...low INT members?”
Hotaru hesitates for a moment, then pats Katsuki on the back, “We’ve still got plenty of time! It’s only been fifteen minutes!”
Katsuki’s head drops onto the table.
Kirie holds her hand up, “I have another idea!”
Hotaru nods, “Let’s hear it Kirie.”
“What if we just spy on them to find out what their plans are!”
Hotaru pinches the bridge of his nose. “Do you not remember what I said before!?”
Katsuki mulls it over and mutters into the table, “Actually, that’s not a bad idea.”
Hotaru slams his hands on the table, jolting Katsuki, and stands up. Neither girl has seen him this upset before. “I’m sorry, but I will not condone this! We honestly cannot be thinking about undergoing covert surveillance of our opponents to gain an upper hand on them!”
Katsuki stands up as well but slams a fist into her palm, “We’re no longer thinking about it, we’re doing it! Let’s go!”
The young boy grumbles as his two older classmates walk out the room. He hastily packs the Studex back up and walks out of the room to catch up.
Katsuki creeps down the hallway of the now empty school. Kirie mimics the shorter girl’s movements as best she can. The two dash down to the second floor where the Games Club is located and peek around the stairwell towards the door. They can hear Hotaru’s exasperated sighs as he slows down to a stop behind them.
“So...what do we do now?” Kirie whispers to the others.
Katsuki looks dumbfounded, “Seriously!? This was your plan Kirie!”
“I know!” Kirie snaps her fingers, “They haven’t seen Hotaru before so we’ll use him!”
“Did you forget we met with them last week!?” Hotaru says.
“You’re the smallest, so your DEX should be enough to dodge out of the way!” Katsuki slaps the smaller boy on the back, causing him to lurch forward around the corner.
Hotaru shakes his head and creeps towards the door, taking extra caution to not alert those within. He begins to hear the muffled conversation of two individuals inside when his foot strikes something. The boy can only watch in muted horror as a small metal trash can clatters onto the floor and the room goes deathly silent.
The two Paranormal Club girls panic from their position. Kirie dashes out and scoops Hotaru up, returning them to their hiding spot and colliding into Katuski as she rounds the corner. The redhead squeaks in response only to be shushed by Kirie’s free hand, pushing her back into the stairwell. Kirie pokes her head back out to listen.
“Did you hear that Kyo?” A voice emanates from the clubroom.
Kyo speaks, her soft voice barely being heard through the walls, “A-Aika, you can’t pause a fighting game like that…”
“Nonono, I definitely heard something,” Aika says as shifting noises can now be heard from inside the room.
Hotaru lets out a slow breath and whispers to the girls, “This isn’t worth it. Let’s just go!”
Following the sound of a door sliding open, Aika’s voice echoes through the hallways, “I think someone is spying on us!”
Kyo’s voice still sounds distant, “Why would anyone spy on us? Yamato’s not here…”
The trio catch a glimpse of Aika walking out of the room. As she scans over to the stairwell, the group ducks and plasters themselves to the wall.
Kirie whispers to her clubmates, “Don’t worry. I know just what to do in this situation!”
“Run?” Katsuki responds.
Kirie clasps her hands together and holds them to her mouth. Soon the stairwell is filled with the sounds of bird noises.
Hotaru and Katsuki look at their clubmate, completely at a loss for words.
Aika slides in front of the stairwell and points directly at the trio, “Aha! A bird flew into the school!” She stands there, wondering why the bird is actually three students looking back at her in shock. She shakes her head, “Wait, you guys!?”
Kyo catches up to Aika. “The Paranormal Club?”
Katsuki shakes her head, “At least you had her for a second.”
Aika pouts, putting her hands on her hips, “The hell are you guys doing here?”
“Not spying on you if that’s what you think!” Katsuki blurts out.
Kirie smiles, putting her hands together and bowing her head. “Oh! We were...just taking care of some school cleaning!”
Aika points at them again, “With what cleaning materials?”
“We were just coming to get them!,” Hotaru answers. “Isn’t there a janitor’s closet on this floor?”
“N-No one told us you would be doing this…” Kyo says.
“No one told us until today...,” Katsuki lies.
Aika twirls one of her pigtails in thought, “Well... If you were going to clean we would’ve let you in.”
“You sounded so into the games that we didn’t want to disturb you!” Kirie answers.
“It would’ve been fine!” Kyo motions to the group, “Grab your stuff and come in! You can even play some games if you want!”
With Kyo’s assistance, the three gather the cleaning supplies out of the janitor’s closet and enter the Games Club’s dorm. It’s set up in almost the same layout from their original meeting, now with a television, game console, and candy wrappers littering the room.
“I’ll get to work grabbing the wrappers off the floor.” Hotaru keeps up the facade as he begins cleaning.
Kyo smiles, “That’d be sweet of you!”
Hotaru chuckles at the pun.
“I don’t see a lot of members here. Where is everyone?” Kirie asks.
Aika grumbles and pouts again, crossing her arms, “Yamato had errands to run, Kira and Hiro went to the arcade, S-”
Kirie tilts her head, “Are they dating or something?”
Kyo frantically waves her arms, “They’re both boys!”
Aika blinks before continuing her thought, “Sayaka said she had ‘special training’ to do, and that shithead Haru is off at track practice.”
Hotaru looks up from the wrappers on the floor, “Excuse me, but do you happen to have…” He trails off looking for the right word, “history with Haru?”
“He’s a creep!” Aika stomps her foot. “The only reason he runs track is because he gets to watch the girls run in those tiny shorts. Hell, he tried hitting on Yamato the first time they met and it took us the rest of the day to get her out of hiding!”
Katsuki scratches her head, “Yamato was hiding? What for?”
Kyo presses her fingers together, “S-She has Androphobia…”
Kirie and Katsuki look at Hotaru for an explanation.
“It means she has a fear of men.” He answers before looking back to the Games Club girls, “Does she react to all men like this? Or just men making advances to her? Or men threatening her? O-”
Aika interrupts Hotaru’s line of thought with a laugh, “I don’t think Yamato would have any problems with you kid!”
“T-There are certain conditions where it makes it better for her…” Kyo trails off again.
Kirie raises her hand, “Is Haru trying to be like Haruhiko? Haruhiko has a lot of girlfriends and he’s not a pervert.”
Katsuki nods, “Yeah, sounds like he takes a lot from him.”
Aika doubles over in laughter, “He wishes he could be like Haruhiko!”
“Then how does he work? Besides wanting to be a playboy, I mean.” Hotaru asks.
Aika composes herself and stands upright, “He lies about his powers for one. It’s something new every day. I can't even remember what it actually is half the time!”
Katsuki snaps her fingers, “I get it now! He says he has a cooler power than what it really is to try to get in with the girls right?”
Aika shrugs. “Probably, but it doesn’t really work..”
Hotaru throws the last wrapper into the trash, “Would explain why he was hovering so close to Rina the other day outside the stadium.”
“Oh, you didn’t see anything.” Aika says, getting invested now that the conversation has shifted to Haru critique, “He was practically hanging off of her the entire time in the AV room. I’d be worried about her if Haru keeps hanging around.”
“Trust me, she can handle Haru if he rubs her the wrong way,” Katsuki says.
“Anyway!” Kirie interjects, “What kinds of games do you have?”
Kyo perks up. “Oh! We have plenty of multiplayer games!”
“How about any dating sims?”
Kyo is caught off guard by Kirie’s question, “A few! Just for fun~”
Kirie claps her hands together, “Great! I’m not very experienced in human relationships and I heard these are good references! Like shoujo manga!”
Kyo stops, double-checking to make sure she heard Kirie right.
“Human relationships?” Hotaru mumbles, “I wonder…”
Kyo breaks her silence with laughter, ignoring the first part of Kirie’s line, “Well, they are a bit glamorous but I suppose that’s true!”
“Do you mind if I borrow some?” Kirie asks.
Kyo walks over to a nearby tote and opens it, pulling a handful of games out, “Not at all! Anyone’s computer should be able to handle these.”
Kirie accepts the present, “I’ll take care of them!” She notices the cover of the top game, “This one has a lot of boys on the cover. Can boys love boys?”
Kyo nervously shakes, “M-Maybe…”
Kirie tilts her head, “Like Kira and Hiro?”
Kyo’s face turns a dark shade of red as she stammers, “M-M-M-Maybe!?”
Katsuki takes advantage of the situation to make their escape, “Looks like we’re finished, right Hotaru?”
“Hm?” Hotaru notices Katsuki’s eyes shifting towards the exit and picks up the story, “Y-yeah! All finished here!
Katsuki rounds up her two clubmates and begins pushing them out the door, “We better get moving to our next room! Thanks for the games! See you around!”
Kyo smiles, waving at the trio as they leave. Aika scowls as Katsuki shuts the door behind them.
Cerys leads her group down to the first floor to an unmarked classroom. The determination had not left her eyes since leaving the roof to prove Haruhiko innocent.
“Alright, no matter what happens, do not fall for Haruhiko’s charms. Please, do not be that dumb.” Cerys looks at the girls in the group, who all slowly nod in return, “Now wait here, I’m going to unlock the door.”
Cerys disappears in an instant and after a few seconds, the door slides open to the room.
“Was that...really necessary Cerys?” Yuuri sighs.
Before she can answer, a hunched over figure with black hair grabs Cerys from behind and lifts her up in a hug, causing the Brit to blush wildly.
“Oh, Miss Cerys~!” The figure says in an excited, bubbly voice.
“H-Haruhiko!?” Cerys squirms, trying to get loose, “Put me down now!”
The rest of the club gawks at the scene, wondering why Cerys is putting up with his antics as the boy now rubs his cheek against hers.
“D-Don’t do that! There are people here!” Cerys shouts, her face blushing the same color as her hair.
Haruhiko sets Cerys down and squats down next to her as if talking to a child, “How’s my rockstar doing?”
Cerys waps him on the head and speaks to him in English, “Don’t embarrass me in front of my club like this!”
Rina snickers from outside the room, not missing a beat on the conversation.
Haruhiko smiles and boops Cerys on the nose. “Okay, my lady,” he replies back in English.
It’s Kirika’s turn to giggle now, “Haruhiko! More like...Boyfriendiko!” She giggles harder at her own joke, drawing the attention of the Idol Club President.
“Hmmm, you never said anything about these guys joining us.” Haruhiko looks between the group and Cerys.
Cerys continues to speak in English, “I didn’t need to tell you.”
Haruhiko changes back to English as well, “Oh? But Cerys wouldn’t lie to me!” He pokes her cheeks, which garners more snickering from the peanut gallery in the doorway.
Cerys pouts and smacks his hand away, “Stop playing around! Where is Kotoha?”
Mari pushes her clubmates out of the way to step into the room with the two. “Can...Ah touch yer face?” She giggles, wiping drool away from her mouth.
Yuudai realizes what’s happening, “Oh nononono!”
Cerys attempts to push Mari back out into the hallway, “Stop! We aren’t here for that!”
Mari pants, “‘S not laike he’s yer boyfrien or nothin’...”
Haruhiko walks over, trying to diffuse the situation, “Calm down Cerys. If she wants to touch my face, she can! Don’t let anyone know I let a trashie touch me though…” He steps back and laughs at his own bad joke, “Just kidding!”
Cerys spins back around and glares at Haruhiko, hands on her hips, “We’re here to interrogate Kotoha, not touch you!”
Haruhiko’s bubbly demeanor is replaced with a more stern face, “Interrogate?”
Yuudai shuffles to the door, “Yeah! Where is Kotoha anyway!?”
Haruhiko’s hand shoots up, silencing the crowd outside, “I’m sorry, I was informed this was a conversation between us and Cerys. Not you.”
Cerys snaps her fingers, “Answer his question! We think your club members are doing something behind your back!”
Haruhiko sighs in defeat, “Last I heard from her, she was on the way back from track practice. I don’t know when she’ll be back.”
A few grumbles originate from the crowd in the door.
“Seems pretty fishy that you can’t even keep track of your own club!” Rina shouts from outside.
“Yeah!” Suzaka joins in. “You don’t deserve Cerys, ya tuna!”
Haruhiko remains stoic at the heckling as he intently watches Yuuri. A faint smirk creeps across his face and as if on cue, she stands stiff and turns to her club.
“Let’s...just leave,” Yuuri says in a monotone.
“Mwee?” Mari snaps out of her stupor to face the group. She begins sniffing the air and her nose crinkles at a new scent emanating off Yuuri. “Hay Kotoha, looks laike ya finally made it.”
The group outside looks around inside the room attempting to find Kotoha while their president begins trying to corral them away.
“Hay Saito, Ah think yer girlfriend’s…” Mari says to the air, just now noticing that Saito isn’t with them.
Cerys marches to Haruhiko and stares him down, despite the height disadvantage, “Tell me where she is right now!”
He shrugs in return, “I promised to meet with you, not your club.”
Mari runs up to Yuuri and squeezes her butt. Yuuri whips around and smacks Mari’s hand away, a faint blush on her face, “M-Mari!”
“What was the last thing ya remember ‘fore Ah grabbed yer butt?” Mari asks her.
Yuuri furrows her brow, “I don’t remember. We were on our way over here, and now here I am.”
“Ah thought so!” Mari faces Cerys and Haruhiko again, now brandishing her wand, “Get yer ghost gal to show, pretty boy!”
Haruhiko chuckles, “Already resorting to violence? You truly are trash. I think we’re done here.”
“Wait!” Cerys stomps her foot, “I’ll get them to leave but in return, Kotoha has to answer all my questions!”
Haruhiko’s face softens a bit as he smiles, “Deal.”
Cerys faces her club, “I’ll meet up with you guys after this. Haruhiko won’t harm me.”
Akina rolls her eyes, “I’m sure the loli and the lolicon won’t touch each other or anything once we leave.”
Yuuri nods, “We’ll see you when you get back.” She begins leading the club down the hallway, their footsteps and disappointed chatter getting fainter with each passing second.
Haruhiko gives the group a few more seconds before speaking again, “Are we clear?”
“They’re out of earshot by this point,” Cerys says.
Haruhiko lets out a whistle. Kotoha enters the room, coming in from the opposite direction the Paranormal Club just left.
“So,” she begins, eyeing the shorter redhead, “What is the meaning of all this?”
Cerys walks around Kotoha as she initiates her interrogation, “I have reason to believe that you like cherries.”
Kotoha watches Cerys with a confused expression, “That’s...odd. What does that have to do with anything?”
“I have my reasons! Answer yes or no.”
“Uh, yes. They’re sweet and delicious. Not my favorite fruit though.”
Cerys stops her pacing to point at Kotoha, “Have you used your powers recently on anyone besides our president?”
Kotoha raises an eyebrow, “Why should I tell you?”
“Because Haruhiko said you would!”
Kotoha clicks her tongue as she looks away.
Cerys presses on, “We think you’re controlling someone within the Idol Club to injure or kill members of the Yosakoi Club!”
Haruhiko shakes his head, “Not this nonsense again. We already cleared Mako’s name and now you’re trying to pin the blame on Kotoha?”
Cerys crosses her arms, “I’m not blaming anyone! I’m just going down the list!”
Haruhiko breaks out laughing, his bubbly personality returning as he pats Cerys’ head, “Awww aren’t you cute!”
“S-Stop this is serious!” Cerys tries to protest but the returning blush on her face betrays her, “...Buuuut you can keep calling me cute.”
Kotoha sighs, “PDA aside, what proof do you have that I did it?”
Cerys bats Haruhiko’s hand away to continue her interrogation, “We found your track equipment in the room underneath the hole Naomi almost fell in!”
Kotoha raises an eyebrow, “And? That’s some serious mental gymnastics to try and pin it on me.”
“And your perfume, your cherry perfume!” Cerys points her finger at the girl. “Who else would you know that likes cherries that much and would sneak into that room and try to sabotage the roof?”
“No one comes to mind.” Kotoha responds.
“Well...there’s one other person that could do it. Renge!” Cerys snaps her fingers.
“Now Renge’s involved too!?” Haruhiko says.
“Renge is the only person we know that could make the roof dissolve like that,” Cerys explains
“Then why are you on my case!?” Kotoha says, her voice becoming increasingly irritated.
“You’re her accomplice!” Cerys continues, “You’re the only person that knows about that room so you let her in there to dissolve the roof.”
Kotoha snaps her fingers mockingly, “Haru runs track too! He knows where all the equipment is stored!”
Cerys laughs, “Do you really expect me to believe that you trust Haru with the keys to that room?”
Kotoha is taken aback by Cerys’ claim, but soon hangs her head in defeat, “Fine. I don’t trust him at all.”
Haruhiko has given up on following the scene, and pats Cerys’ head again, “Alright, my rockstar, are you done interrogating my friend?”
Cerys shakes her head, “Not until I find out who did this so I can clear your name!”
Haruhiko shrugs, “I doubt anyone knows this besides your club anyways. Just don’t go spreading rumors alright? It took Mako forever to get in a good light.”
“People are talking. They think the Idol Club is trying to hurt other clubs. If this gets back to Roka, I’m not sure how she will react.”
“Oh you should probably keep it a secret then,” Haruhiko stands up, “Though, the Student Council tends to handle things like this…”
“Then help me out with this,” Cerys holds her hand out to him, “Whoever is doing this isn’t really holding back and if this isn’t not solved soon then someone will die.”
Haruhiko gives an innocent smile, “Ah~ but what do you want moi to do?”
“I know you’re well connected, so just keep a lookout for anyone who could be responsible for this.”
Haruhiko grabs Cerys’ hands and pulls her in for a hug, “It’s a deal~ But you owe me big for this.”
Cerys escapes the hug and takes her leave, stopping at the door to look back at the duo, “I hope you aren’t the one doing this. I would really hate to cut up that pretty face of yours.”
Haruhiko giggles, “I assure you, I’m innocent!”
Kotoha’s gaze remains unwavering as Cerys shuts the door behind her.
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