《Nandemonogatari: A New Story of Something Else》Chapter 2: Settling In
After Roka excuses the students, they all group up outside in the hallway planning the next move. Suzaka looks around at the others. “So… Tha’ assistant lady was sayin’ everyone here was havin’ powers an’ stuff.” She pauses awkwardly. “W-What kinda powers y’all got?”
Yuudai is the first to speak up. “Yeah, I kinda… don’t have a special power. Oh! I can play baseball real good!”
Saito scoffs. “That’s not a power, Yuudai.” He looks over at Suzaka. “I don’t have one myself, and I’m not going to joke about my mad rhythm game skills as one either.”
“Eh? How th’ heck did y’all get inta this kinda school?” Suzaka asks in confusion.
A sudden bright light flashes in front of Suzaka, with Cerys appearing out of it in front of her. “Ooh, haw da heck did y’all get inta this kinda skewl?” she says mockingly. “We didn’t get in on a speech therapy scholarship like you, at least. We stopped a demon invasion.”
Suzaka recoils in surprise “Hey, you ain’t gotta be-”
“Apparently you didn’t stop all of them, since you’re still here.” Rina says, stepping towards the short Brit. “Is your power being a complete jackass to everyone you meet?”
“Yeah, it is.” Mari says with a smirk.
Yuuri steps between everyone and pushes them lightly aside. “AHEM, Cerys. Rina, was it?” She looks at them in turn. “Let’s calm down and NOT start fighting again.” She turns to Suzaka. “To answer your question, Zonzai tried to recruit those of us with powers, and we insisted that we stay as a full team. Obviously, we won that argument!” Yuuri smiles boastfully.
“Hey, you. You seem to know things. How violent are the competitions she was talking about back there?” Akina turns to Kirie, cracking her knuckles as she asks.
Kirie smiles. “Not as violent as I’m sensing you want them to be, Miss Gedou. But, you will still be pleased at the level of competition.”
Hotaru looks at Kirie curiously. “Hey, Lucy mentioned that the Paranormal Club was completely new here at Zonzai. But you seem to be familiar with this building… wait, I know! You went here last year, right? What club were you in last year?”
Kirie turns to him. “Oh, aren’t you smart?” She pats his head. “I used to be in the soccer club, which explains my muscular legs!” She twists her leg that doesn’t look very muscular.
Akina gives her a nonplussed look. “They’re like twigs. Twigs with no muscle.”
Kirie looks away and makes a faux whistling noise. “I… I was the manager.”
“What made you want to switch clubs, then?” Hotaru blushies at the continued headpatting.
“Well… I developed… an interest in the paranormal!” Kirie says. “I was managing a game once, and the lead striker said he was seeing ghosts. I investigated, and… I saw them too!” Kirie smiles.
Everyone looks at her blankly. “Al...right! Well, we welcome you regardless, Kirie! Now, can… we check out our dorms?” Yuuri looks to Kirie for guidance as to where they need to go next.
“Oh, right, yes!” Kirie says, taking her hand off Hotaru. “Please, follow me!”
As they go down the hallways, Suzaka looks between the students, investigating them closely. She looks at Saito’s ‘backpack’ with her finger under her chin. Akina looks over, catching Suzaka checking out Saito. “Hey, mosshead, didn't anyone teach you it's rude to stare? Are you trying to find our weaknesses?”
Suzaka looks over at Akina with a shocked expression. “W-what? Why would I be lookin’ for weakenin’ points on my own clubmates?”
Akina puts her fist up. “I don’t know, but if you’re planning on double crossing us, your head will be crossing the yard after I knock it off your shoulders.”
“Y-You think ya can? I bet… W-well, I ain’t gonna be findin’ out! Because I ain’t gonna be doin’ no crossin’, double-wise or not!”
Yuudai pushes Akina’s fist down,“You won’t be finding out because Yuuri said not to start any fights.”
Akina grunts and shoulder checks Yuudai as she walks away. Yuudai puts his hand back up, offering a handshake to Suzaka.
Yuudai sighs and offers Suzaka a handshake. “Sorry about Akina, she’s, uh… She’s different. I’m Yuudai Akayama, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.” Suzaka shakes his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Suzaka shakes his hand. “You… Yer shakin’ hands like a loser!” She tries to mean mug him and fails.
Yuudai laughs, tightening his grip. “You don’t have to put on that tough act, we’re not all like those two.”
She laughs back. “Oh… phew. Bein’ mean all the time would be exhaustin’.” She looks over to Akina and Cerys, who are shit-chatting as they walk. “Dunno how people like them can be doin’ it all the time…”
“I don’t either, Suzaka. Once you get used to their barbs, they’re still pretty good people at least.” He says before smiling. “But enough about them. You got any questions about the rest of us?”
She looks up at him. “The… eh, short demon said that y'all were stoppin’ demons an’ stuff. But ya said you didn’t have any powers or nothin’... that true? How did ya do that? Were ya like… cheerin’ them on? Did ya get kidnapped an’ they had ta rescue ya?”
“Wait, wait, one at a time, please.” He puts his hand up as if to physically stop the flow of questions. “Yeah, it’s a bit of a secret, but… our old school got destroyed by some demons trying to use it as a portal to Earth, take it over and all that. And no, I was right there in the thick of the fight. Though, guessing someone was kidnapped isn’t too off base…”
“But… Ya just fought ‘em fist ta fist with only yer own strength? Yer crazy!”
“Crazy awesome!” Suzaka yells, causing everyone to stop and look at her. “E-eh? Did ah... did ah yell that out loud?”
“Yes. You did.” Kirie says, her smile not leaving her face.
“Whoopsies. Sorry, ehehe…” Suzaka scratches the back of her head.
“No problem. We had just arrived at the dorm anyhow.” She sweeps her arms to the side, presenting a worn down door. “Welcome to your rooms!”
Yuudai steps forward to open the door, showing everyone their new accomodations. There’s a few cheap chairs around a hastily put together table to accommodate all of them, and a plain couch in front of a CRT television. Upon seeing this, Kirika elbows her way past everyone, staring at it. “Wh...What? How can they put us in rooms like this? This is… even our servants would say this is inhumane treatment!” She falls to her knees, sobbing. “Why? Why do we have to live in this...this!?”
Suzaka walks in next, stopping to ask Yuudai, “Are th’ rest of y’all drama queens ‘n not jerks?” Yuudai just grimaces in response, waiting for the others to file in before entering himself and closing the door.
“No, little miss priss is right, Suzaka. This dorm is a dump.” Rina says.
Mari tries to calm down Kirika. “It’s… cozy! Homey! It’s… a blank space we can make up ta be our own!”
Kirika cries harder, “Homey is what poor people say to not feel so poohoohooor!”
Yuuri pats Kirika on the back. “Well, if we think it’s this bad, then… we’ll just have to perform well in the competitions! Then we’ll be out of here in no time!”
Kirika’s crying softens and she turns to look at Yuuri. “At least… if I have to be stuck in this prison, I can have you here with me.”
Yuuri pulls out the Paranormal Club’s room chart from her paperwork. “Yeah, uh… Let’s see if we’re in the same room together!”
Kirie looks over Yuuri’s shoulder. “Oh, I’m with-”
Yuuri silently shushes Kirie and pulls her aside. “
“Hey, um…” Yuuri whispers, “Would you mind if we switch rooms?”
“But, the parchment says that-”
Yuuri shushes Kirie more firmly. “I think it’s best for Kirika’s well being if we at least give her some comfort right now…”
Kirie thinks it over, then smiles. “Fine with me, then.”
“Phew.” Yuuri waves over Kirika. “Hey Kirika, we are in the same room! Along with... “ She looks over the chart, noticing the two second year girls. “Rina and Susum- oh, right, Suzaka!”
“You mean I have to sleep with,” Rina points at the elf, “that in my ear all the time? I need to get real rest if I want to stay strong!”
Suzaka steps up to Rina. “Hey, don’cha think it’s a bit mean ta be bullyin’ ‘er when she’s already all sad? Ya should be givin’ ‘er a chance! I’m sure it can’t be all bad!” Suzaka tries to smile, but she’s obviously also displeased.
“Whatever,” Rina turns her back on Suzaka, arms crossed. “ As long as none of you keep me up all night.”
“As for room two… Mari, Cerys, Akina and Y-” Yuuri catches herself, “Kirie!”
“Hey, why is it three second years and one third year in one room, and the opposite in the other room? Shouldn’t we all be grouped by-” Cerys gets slapped in the back of the head by Mari. Cerys rubs where she was hit, then looks back at her. “Hey, what the hell? That was a legitimate question!” Mari just stares back angrily, giving Cerys the idea to let it go.
“As for the final room, it’s just the guys.” Yuuri says before looking up.
“Wait, what about Katsuki?” Yuudai asks.
Yuuri looks back down at the paper. “Huh, she should be… wait. Oh no...She’s in there with you three!” She looks back up at Yuudai. “They must have thought Katsuki was a guy’s name...” She sighs, then hangs her head. “I guess there’s nothing we can do, one of the girls has to be with the guys. That’s just how the math works out.”
“Huh? I don’t think they can force that kind of thing on us!” Yuudai says, walking over to Yuuri, looking at the paper over her shoulder. “We can’t be changing with a girl in the room!”
Mari peeks her head into one of the bedrooms, then turns back to the crowd. “Yeah, it doesn’t look laike we can be fittin’ another bed intah one ah these rooms. Kats is just stuck roomin’ with ya, boys.”
“It looks like you three will just have to be on your best behavior.” Yuuri says, looking at them before parking her gaze on Saito. “Your. Absolute. Best.”
Saito shrugs. “You don’t have to worry about it.” he says. “I already have a girlfriend, right?” He looks directly at Yuuri.
Yuuri is overcome with a blush, she hides her mouth with her hands. Mari smirks. “Oooh? I guess that spell ah placed on ya had tha opposite effect~” she playfully says.
“You can do magic, Mari?” Hotaru asks.
“‘parrently not as much as Ah thought Ah could.” Mari chuckles. “Ah cursed these two ta split, an now they-”
“Y-You don’t have to say it!” Yuuri runs over and covers Mari’s mouth.
Cerys laughs. “Isn’t the guy usually taller than the girl?”
Akina smirks. “Yes. You’re going to look very weird together.”
Saito snaps back at them. “Hey, it’s not like either of you two will ever have that problem!”
Hotaru’s stomach growling cuts through the banter. “Oh… I forgot, I skipped lunch today…”
“What kind of fool skips meals?” Akina says, “You need food to stay in top shape. Speaking of… I should go check out the kitchen here.” She walks back into the cooking area, looking it over. “The rest of this place may be basic, but this kitchen seems well equipped comparatively. We just need ingredients.”
“I guess they can’t let us starve.” Yuudai says. “And the cafeteria isn’t open yet.”
Yuuri perks up. “Hey, then we should go shopping! We can get some food so the new members can experience how great Akina’s cooking is! And we can get some decorations to liven the place up a little, too!” She turns to the door. “Yeah, let’s- wait.” She turns back and grabs the folder again, pulling a paper out of it. “Hotaru, what time is it?”
Hotaru looks up. “It’s about two hours until the assembly, Yuuri.”
“Good, then we’ll have just enough time to get some shopping done before then!”
“It’s mandatory, everyone, so you have to make sure not to miss it.” Hotaru adds. “I don’t want any of you to get expelled on the first day!”
“Pssh.” Rina waves him off. “They can’t expel you on the first day, it’s against the rules.”
“What rules?” Saito asks.
“You know, the rules!” Rina replies. “Don’t you ghost dorks know anything?”
“You know you’re a ghost dork now too.”
Hotaru interjects “Actually, in section 27, appendix A, of the rule handbook says th-” He cuts off mid sentence, noticing Rina glaring at him. Hotaru shrinks back from her, then looks over at Yuuri frantically “C-C-Can we go to the store now!?”
Yuuri nods and smiles, stepping forward to grab Hotaru’s hand and pull him away.
Cerys appears next to the newcomers. “You know, none of you have to stick with this club.”
“Oi!” Suzaka says, “Don’t try ta be pushin’ me out! I think y’all are kinda cool! Mostly!” She holds up a fist up, but the shaking betrays her intentions, “An’ even if yer… f-fightin’ ghosts, I wanna see y’all beat ‘em more than they scare me!” She puts a fist up, but it’s shaking enough to betray her actual fear.
“A-And I joined because I’m actually interested in the paranormal! And just because some people have to be mean doesn’t stop my curiosity!” Hotaru yells to Yuuri. The others look at Rina, who snorts.
“Fine, fine, I’ll play nice. You guys said you beat some demons, and I want the next crack at one.” She says.
“Well, HOPEFULLY you never get to see that period.” Yuuri replies with a smattering of disdain in her voice. She sighs, then puts her smile back on. “Anyway, we need to do this shopping before the ceremony, so we need to get going! I’ll bring the address up on my phone, and we’ll figure out how to get there and back in time!”
The group travels to the gate, hooking a left to travel down the road indicated on Yuuri’s map. The sun is shining bright, glistening off of the fresh leaves. As they travel the road, however, the sun shines through less and less as the flora thickens around them.
“Hey, g-guys…” Suzaka says, clinging to Yuudai’s arm. “Y-Y’all are seein’ it get darker ‘n all that, right? It ain’t gettin’ late or nothin’” she says with a shaky voice.
“Have you never seen a group of trees before?” Cerys snarks. “You must be real sheltered.”
“Hay, we were too busy savin’ the city ta be playin’ in the jungle!” Suzaka snaps back.
“If you think this is a jungle, then you’re even more sheltered than I thought.” Cerys grins before turning back and not giving the pouty greenhead a chance to respond. “And if you think you saved a city, you’re delusional too. Maybe you should take off the shades and read a book.”
Suzaka perks up, taking off her sunglasses. “Oh!” she says… before returning to her pout. “It...It’s still darker than it should be.”
Cerys laughs before the rest of the conversation turns to idle chit-chat until they reach the store. It’s as basic as they come. They’re greeted by a MIDI jingle and a bored store clerk.
Yuuri goes to the counter. “Um, excuse me, we’re new here and want to buy some food for tonight, if you could point us in the right direction.”
The clerk leans over the counter, desperate for human contact. “Looking for anything in particular? Our bakery area is over there, that aisle over there is instant food and noodles. Fresh vegetables and fruit are at the back in the fridges, next to the meat and dairy products! If you need any help I can walk you over!”
“No, we should be fine now, thanks!” Yuuri says, backing away towards the others. Akina takes point, looking through the fresh ingredients. Suzaka peels off to the candy aisle, while Hotaru peruses the magazine rack. Mari and Yuuri stand off in a corner, talking.
“If tha point was ta let Akina get food ‘n stuff, why’d we all have ta come?” Mari asks.
“It’s team building, Mari. Walking and talking together will… hopefully smooth out the edges! Plus, I need to get some shampoo! My hair will go out of control if I don’t use the right product.”
Mari giggles, then turns around. Her face drops, then she leans to Yuuri’s ear and whispers, “Hey, Yuuri… are ya sure about Saito? He’s…”
Yuuri brushes her off. “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, Mari!” She pauses. “Or his first chapter… or second.”
Mari looks confused “Gonna give me a synopsis then?”
Yuuri blushes. “L-Look, I promise there’s more to him than what you see, Mari. He’s… He’s more than some instant ramen enthusiast.”
As if on cue, Saito walks past the girls, his arms full of instant noodle cartons.
“Yew were sayin’?” Mari watches him pass. “Ah mean,” she says to Yuuri in a stage whisper, “he don’t seem different from when we were in Miyafuji.”
Yuuri smiles. “He isn’t. You’ve just never seen the real Saito.”
“Yer way outta his league,” Mari says. “He’s one a’ them guys girls like me settle fer when we can’t get the hunks.” She sneaks glances at Yuudai, holding a can of energy drink with a baseball player on it. She notices Rina walk up to him and sighs, lowering her head.
“Mari,” Yuuri says. “Are you crying?”
“No!” Mari barks, wiping away tears. “Ah got hay fevah’..”
There’s a painful silence between the two of them, broken up by another girl’s voice.
“Excuse me, could I get to the shelf behind you?” A girl with shoulder length brown hair accompanied by a red headband speaks up from behind them. She’s shorter than both of them by a few centimeters and is about the same cup size as them. Despite her assets, she looks like a relatively plain girl.
Yuuri steps aside, gently nudging Mari to follow.
“We’re sorry,” Yuuri says.” “We were just… oh! Isn’t that a Zonzai uniform?”
The brown haired girl smiles. “It is! Do you go to Zonzai too?”
“Yep!” Yuuri says.
“Have you joined a club yet? We’re still recruiting for the Games club!”
“This gal is tha vice prez of tha Paranormal Club!” Mari says pridefully. She slaps Yuuri on the back, pushing her forward. “Don’t be shy now, Yuuri!”
Yuuri grunts from the force.. “Heh, yeah, I’m the vice president, Yuuri Sayamura.” She bows, regaining her composure. “Our prez is… well, she’s running other errands, yeah!”
The eager girl bows back. “Well, it’s nice to meet the new club on the block! I’m Yamato Kirasaki!”
Akina walks past the three girls, Cerys not far behind her. Their arms are loaded with bags.
“I’ve gotten everything I needed,” Akina says. “I’m leaving.”
Mari and Yuuri panic slightly.
“Well it was nice meeting you Yamato,’ Yuuri starts to ramble, “but we’ll have to do this another time!” She hurries off to try and round up the remaining members of the club. Mari follows behind her.
“Come meet us tomorrow morning then!” Yamato shouts after them.
Mari turns around, walking backwards, “Where at?”
“Don’t worry about it!” Yamato says as the combini doors close.
The dorm room door swings open and the club pours back in. Everyone is carrying at least one bag.
Akina marches directly into the kitchen, wordlessly starting on dinner.
Yuudai puts down his haul of bags, double the others were carrying, and pulls out the drink he bought.
Rina looks at the can in Yuudai’s hand. “You like baseball, Big Guy?”
Yuudai grins. “I’ve been playing it since I was 8, of course I like it. Why would I play it so hard if I didn’t?”
Rina stares blankly at him, “I’ve known you for like an hour, how the hell would I know that!?”
Yuudai loses his grin. “Relaaax, it was a joke. Maybe not a good one, but I try.”
Rina glares a hole through him.
Yuudai sighs, “I guess introducing myself would be a better start,” he bows, “I’m Yuudai Akiyama.”
“Akiyama? Where have I heard that before...” Rina scrunches up her face, deep in thought.
Yuudai recoils from Rina, “You’re not trying to recruit me to your school are you!?”
Rina’s blank stare returns, “We go to the same school dude…”
Yuudai matches her stare before the awkwardness gets to him, “T-that was a joke too!”
Rina laughs, “No it wasn’t!”
Yuudai blushes, then joins in the laughter. “Heh. you caught me…” He laughs for a few seconds, until he coughs, “W-well...I’m going to go to my room now.”
“Have fun.”
“That was a joke, right?”
Rina stares at him, eyebrow raised. Yuudai slinks off into his new dorm room.
Rina snerks. “What a dork.”
After a short look around Yuudai steps back out. “Hey does everyone have a set of clothes laid on their beds or is it just the boys?” He takes a quick peek into the room. “And Katsuki I guess.”
Everyone else looks at him, confused.
Hotaru ponders, “Didn’t you say they thought she was a guy due to her name?”
“Maybe Roka did but Lucy was smarter than that,” Saito responds.
Yuuri realizes what this means first. “Oh! That must be the uniforms. I guess they have them ready to go so we’re prepared for the opening ceremony. Let me just go check to make sure everyone is accounted for.” She checks the second year room first, then the third year room, then the second again before regrouping with the rest. “Yep, every uniform is where it should be!”
She claps to rouse her club members. “Ok everyone, we have to go and get changed for the ceremony.” The rest of the Paranormal head to their rooms grumbling as they go.
Rina lets out a frustrated yell from her room. “Arrgh! They got my sizes all wrong! This is way too tight.” She then looks around the room at the other girls. “Wait is it supposed to be this tight?”
“Ah, no. Rina I think you have on the wrong uniform.” Yuuri informs the blonde while checking her own outfit. “ Did you check the nameplate on top of the uniform?”
“Huh? Nameplate? I didn’t see anything like that when I grabbed this.”
Suzaka walks out of the bathroom and into the conversation, pulling up her too-big skirt every ten seconds. "Y'know, fer a fancy school, you'd think they'd be able ta get a proper sizin' uniform. This one's damn near big enough for two of me!!"
Yuuri looks between the two girls trying to figure out a way to tell them without upsetting them too much.
Kirika dashes Yuuri’s hopes, “You two dummies are wearing the others' uniforms.”
The blonde and green haired girls look at each other
Suzaka shrugs. “Well whaddya know?”
Rina gets in Suzaka’s face. “Gimme my clothes back.”
With the issue resolved, the Paranormal Club find themselves in the living room of the dorm wearing matching outfits again. All but one.
“Come on Akina,” Yuuri pleads. “You have to wear this! It’s the school’s rules”
Akina scowls, no humor on her face. “No. I’m not wearing a skirt. What if some pervert like Saito tries to look at my panties?”
Yuuri stamps her foot. “Saito is not a pervert and you have to wear this. You can’t get in trouble on the first day!”
“I’ll wear a boys uniform but not a skirt.” Akina stares down her vice president, unwavering.
“Fine! You can ask for one tomorrow before class.” Yuuri sighs, mostly relieved the problem was solved without violence.
“Ah feel laike we’re forgettin’ somethin’.” Mari says scratching her head.
Hotaru finally speaks up from the table, “Don’t we have to be at the opening ceremony in…” He checks his phone, “30 minutes?”
A silence falls between the three before Yuuri panics a second time, “R-right! Let’s go, people! We can’t be late for this!” Yuuri runs across the dorm trying to get everyone in gear and ready to face their first school event as the new Paranormal Club.
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