《Nandemonogatari: A New Story of Something Else》Chapter 1: New Horizons
The sun shines brightly upon a large school campus. It’s a warm, windy morning, birds chirp happily above three teens being led by a student in a crisp white and blue school uniform. Her glasses and poise make her seem older than those following her.
A girl in jeans, a tank top, and a light jacket stuffs her hands into her jacket pockets as she looks around. “Hey, ain'tcha s’posed t’ be givin’ us a tour? What'cha walkin’ so fast fer?” She pulls down her sunglasses slightly, looking at the leader.
The leading girl stops and turns to the group.“I’m sorry, the tour will have to wait.” She looks at the third girl of the group, a dirty blonde with a ponytail. “Having to wait on Miss Rina caused quite the delay.”
Rina shrugs, “Who cares? I slept through my alarm this morning. Not like I need to see much of this place anyway.”
“I dunno, this place ain’t seemin’ all that bad.” The jacket-wearing girl says. “A’ least what we been seein’ of it.”
“Yes, let’s g-give it a chance before we start badmouthing it…” says a short, blonde young boy.
“That’s not filling me with confidence, coming from someone who looks like they belong in sixth grade,” Rina says. “Why did you bring your little brother, Kirie?”
“Oh, he’s not related to me. He’s a student here just the same as all of us.” Kirie says with a smile.
Rina shakes her head, “Whatever, let’s just get movin’ again.”
“I apologize to you three for causing even more of a delay. Let us get going so we can get to Miss Roka’s office.” Kirie replies before turning around and walking again, some light bickering coming from her followers until they reach a large door. She knocks on it, the door opening soon after. It appears that nobody is there.
“Oh, are you the new students?” A voice says, causing the four to look down. They see a young girl dressed in official-looking garb.
The girl wearing sunglasses starts to chuckle. “Hey, ya leadin’ us t’ the principal's office ‘r a daycare?” she says.
“This isn’t a daycare! This IS the principal’s office!” The young girl glares at her, as she steps back a little. “And I AM the principal! You should show me the proper respect!”
“Wait… you’re Roka?” The boy says with a large amount of surprise.
“Yep, That’s me! I’m the principal here at Zonzai High!” Roka says, puffing her chest out proudly.
Kirie smiles. “Here are the new students, Ma’am. This is Rina Warren, Susumu Yuuma, and Hotaru Fujinuma.”
“Hay, ya gotta call me by m’ cool name, Suzaka!” Susumu exclaims, sunglasses jittering on her face.
“My apologies, Suzaka,” Kirie says, her smile unwavering.
Rina looks back over at the other two new students. “Cut the chitchat, you two! Are you really fine with a little girl as principal?”
“Yes, I don’t see w-why it would matter if she’s… little, i-if she does her job well!” Hotaru says sheepishly.
“You’d think so bein’ such a little guy yourself, wouldn’t you... Little Guy?” She retorts. Hotaru steps behind Suzaka, who’s looking at Rina.
“Ain'tcha bein’ too rude t’everyone fer no reason? We gonna be a club, we can’t be actin’ like enemies already.”
A lady steps out behind Roka, holding a clipboard.
Rina points at the lady, “M-Ms. Usha!?”
Lucy clears her throat sharply, silencing the group. “Yes. No arguments between the new students before the year has even begun. Especially not in front of the principal.” She then points to the seats inside the room, a hint which the three new students quickly take. They each take a seat, with the secretary closing the door behind everyone.
“So, these are the prospective new Paranormal Club members.” Lucy says while passing the three students sitting in front of a large desk. “Here’s their enrollment sheets, Miss Roka.” She hands the clipboard to the young girl sitting behind the desk, who lets out a “Hmmm?”.
Roka looks up at her secretary. “Lucy, why are the letters so small? I told you to make them huge so I could see them! Anyway… you three are the last group I have to see today. You’re all joining the Paranormal Club, right? That’s the club we’re importing from that one school that had the big explosion! You know they’re all already a club, right? Are you sure you wanna join in with them?”
The two girls lean forward excitedly hearing the words “big explosion”. Hotaru, on the other hand, looks mortified. “B-Big explosion?” he says before going quiet quickly. “D...did they…cause it?”
“I dunno!” Roka says cheerfully. “But this is the biggest special school left in the country, so they’re all coming here! Because I brought them here!”
Hotaru pipes up. “Oh, they were part of that school that had the television show.”
Roka nods. “Yes, but it’s nothing like that! We don’t have any cameras and stuff where you’re gonna be on TV all the time!” She slams her palms, trying to emphasize in a way her stature can’t match. “By special I mean… SUPER POWERS!”
“Like this?” Rina raises her hand, embers launching from her fingertips. The other two students look in astonishment, then look back to Roka.
“Yes, yes! Like that! And you two!” She points at Hotaru and Suzaka. “You also have something like that too!”
Suzaka is stunned and confused, but Hotaru is able to speak through his shock. “I have… that? No… No, I don’t! There’s no way I do…” He holds his hand up like Rina did, looking at Roka as nothing happens.
“It seems yours hasn’t developed enough to appear yet, but we can tell you have the potential to harbor such a power.” Lucy says in a matter of fact voice. “And you, Miss Susumu Yuuma…”
Suzaka breaks out of her daze. “It’s Suzaka! Ya gotta be callin’ me by me cool name!”
“Fine… Ms. Suzaka.” Lucy says without breaking her serious tone. “Your powers are... “
“Wai’ wai’ wai’! Ya can’t say that either! It’s personal!” she says, waving her hands with a panicked expression.
Lucy sighs, giving up and continuing with her explanation, “You all were chosen because of your powers, potential, and-”
“Well, what’s her power then?” Rina points back at Kirie, who’s been standing by the doorway.
“Oh, me? Well..” Kirie takes off her jacket, two majestic wings unfurling from her back. “This should answer your question,” she says as they reach full growth.
“Oh, so you’re a bird?” Rina asks sarcastically.
Kirie smiles, but her face soon turns to shock. She sheepishly begins to retract them, putting her jacket back on afterward. “Y-yes... Bird. I am a bird. Bawk bawk.”
“So! Do you have any further questions!? If so, say them now, or forever hold your peace!” Roka says with a laugh.
Hotaru looks at his fist again, then back at Roka. “Can’t you… tell me what my power is?”
Lucy answers again quickly. “We won’t know until your power develops itself. We can only sense its presence, not its nature. Beyond… bare generalities.”
“So... “ Hotaru speaks up again, but is cut off by the hyperactive young principal.
“Where are the others? They should be here by now to meet up with their new members!” Roka blurts impatiently. “They’re late! Just like you four were! Is it just something that comes with being interested in ufos and ghosts?”
“Wai’... Ghosts? G-G-GHOSTS? Wh...Whatcha mean g-ghosts? No one telt me th’ club was all ghosts!”
Rina looks to her side. “That’s what paranormal means, ghosts and zombies and aliens! Did’ya even read the description before ya signed up?”
Suzaka looks back sheepishly. “‘A course not! I just joined tha one with tha most int’restin’ name! Aww… I didn’ know what Para Normal meant! Ah thought it was some kinda foreign business!”
Seven familiar faces quickly walk down the hallway. “Aww, I can’t believe we’re going to be late on the first day! Before the first day! Arrgh!” Yuuri says, walking in front.
Saito grumbles to no one in particular. “Of course we’re late. We don’t have our club president here. We were waiting on her for so long. I don’t know why she waited till HALF AN HOUR after the meeting time to say she wasn’t coming.”
“Ah’m sure she has her reasons.” Mari says, sweating heavily as she keeps up with the pace of the others.
“Are you okay there Mari? You’re looking pretty winded.” Yuudai says, looking back over his shoulder.
Mari nods. “Yea… I’m totally fine!” She says before sucking in a big gulp of air.
Saito looks over at the vice president. “Do you even know where we’re going Yuuri? It feels like I’ve seen class 1-2 12 times already.”
“Of course, I have the map the principal sent!” She waves a piece of paper in Saito’s face with a map poorly drawn in crayon. Saito can only sigh as they trudge on.
Kirika speaks up, “Don’t be mean, Saito! I’m sure Yuuri wouldn’t get lost so easily!”
“Of course she would. Look at who she chose to date. Her decision making is questionable.” Akina quips, easily walking at the pace the others are hustling.
“Don’t you start insulting Saito again, Akina. Besides! You don’t know how trustworthy he really is!” She says with a slight blush. Before anyone can answer, she quickly runs into a big door. “Ah-ha! This should be it!”
The others stop behind her. Mari hunches over hands on her hips and breathing heavily. “Ah hope there... ain't no... demons in this'n.” She says between puffs.
“The only way we’ll know is by opening the door.” Akina walks towards it, cracking her knuckles.
“O-or we could look at the room sign!” Kirika says, but she’s ignored. Akina throws a tough kick at the door, blowing it off its hinges into the room. The four students inside look at it sliding across the floor.
“Oh, they’re here!” Roka says happily as if she expected this grandiose entrance.
“As if on cue,” Lucy says, adjusting her glasses.
Akina walks in confidently, the others sheepishly following her. “We’re here.” She says.
Hotaru can only look on in fear, while Suzaka’s jaw is slack in bewilderment. Rina is the only one to recover from her shock. “What the hell, are they the campus police or something!?”
Yuuri waves with a weak giggle. “N-No... W-we’re just your new club! You are the second-years we’re welcoming into the Paranormal Club, right?”
“...What the hell kind of club did I get myself into?” Rina says miserably.
“Are.. are ya sum kinda g-g-ghostpunchas or somthin’!?” Suzaka says, barely able to stammer out the words.
“You can’t punch ghosts, dummy.” Rina rolls her eyes at Suzaka.
Suzaka looks back in fear. “That's what makes ‘em so scary!”
Akina shoots a piercing glare at Rina. “Corporeal or not, my skill could defeat anything it needs to.”
“What about anyone? I bet I could take you.” She takes a step forward. “You look kinda scrawny.”
“Now, now, Akina! No need to scare our juniors already!” Yuuri says with another weak laugh. “W-We’re actually very friendly, I swear!” She turns to the newcomers, walking up to introduce herself. She extends her hand out to the trio. “I’m Yuuri Sayamura, and we’re the Paranormal Club!” She points them out one by one, naming each member. As she finishes, she frowns. “Oh, wait… I forgot we’re missing our President, Katsuki.”
“Yeah, she… Wait… Ohmahgaawwww!!!!” Mari yelps as she sees Roka. “Is this our new dean!? She’s so kyuuuuttteeee!” She dashes towards Roka, arms outstretched for a massive hug. She’s swiftly restrained by Lucy before she can get too far, her body being wrapped in Lucy’s arms and lifted off the ground slightly.
“Please do not hug the principal.” Lucy says, matter of factly.
Rina whistles at Lucy’s display of dexterity. “Woah… do you have super strength or something? You don’t look like you should be able to handle something that big rushing at you so easily.”
Mari looks over at Rina. “Hey, we just met an’ yer tryin’ ta start somethin’ already?,” she barks angrily.
“Hey I didn’t mean anything by it,” Rina responds, leaning back in her chair. “I was just really impressed she was able to block and hold you so casually.”
Before Lucy even has a chance to answer the teen’s question Roka slams her palms on the desk. “I am Roka Kurosaki. I am the AUTHORITY and the SUPREME COMMANDER of this high school." She points to Mari. “And no one will hug me!”
“Oh, did your daddy buy you this school? I asked my daddy to do that for me, but he said I wasn’t fit for it yet.” Kirika inquires eagerly, causing the entire room to look at her in confusion.
Cerys breaks the silence with a chuckle. “Well, at least I’ll be taller than the headmaster.”
Yuuri holds up the map she was following earlier. “Oh, so that’s why this map was so cute? Did you make it yourself?”
Roka jumps from her seat, face flushed. “Lucy! Grab that map and destroy it! Right now! Turn it into dust! Then destroy the dust too!”
Lucy drops Mari like a sack of potatoes. A few quick steps later, she’s in front of Yuuri. She doesn’t even get a chance to react to the more mature woman’s sudden movements before the map is torn from her hands, then shredded before her eyes. Lucy adjusts her glasses as she moves back in-between Roka and Mari, who is now just looking on.
Saito groans at the whole procession. “So now that we know our headmaster is a 9 year old child, what’s the point of us being here?”
Roka growls at him, but then coughs and speaks up. “Anyway, I hear you guys were the most powerful group over at Miyafuji, is that true?”
Kirika smiles and nods. “Yep! They were so strong they were able to rescue me from a de-”
Yuuri quickly claps her hand over Kirka’s mouth. “Y-Yeah, hehe, we… we rescued her from a D grade all the way to an A! And we were the most popular on the rankings!” She laughs nervously again. “The… strongest in every way!”
Kirie tilts her head and looks at Yuuri. “Ah, I see why you guys were so popular at your old school… You have a large personality, Yuuri.”
Rina chuckles. “She’s also got a huge chest. Must have been a real star attraction.”
Yuuri shoots Rina a glare, while Suzaka and Hotaru both blush and hide their heads. “That’s not important! That’s not why we won! We dominated our competition by being a strong team, and having great teamwork, and winning as a team!” She says, flustered.
Saito groans. “Stop falling for easy bait, Yuuri,” he says, cutting her off. “But if you got a problem with her, then we are gonna have a problem, too.”
“Easy there. I don’t have a problem.” Rina says. “Just calling it like it is.”
“You sure have quite the mouth on you, don’t you?” Yuudai steps next to Saito.
“And you’re...a big guy. But don’t look down on me.” Rina retorts with a smirk.
“Stop, Stop! Everyone calm down!” Roka yells, quashing the situation for the moment. She points at Rina, “You, stop provoking them!” Roka then switches to the old club. “And you all, stop being provoked! You’re all going to be friends now, so act like it!” Everyone stops, and they all let their guard down. “That’s better.” Roka says. “We can’t have you tearing up your dorm during the year, after all.”
“What does that mean? We’re not going to break the walls down just because someone got us angry.” Saito says.
“No, you’re all living together now! You’re going to be sharing the Paranormal Club dorm!” Roka smiles.
Everyone stares blankly at Roka, only broken up by Akina saying “No. FUCK no.”
“Fuck yes, Miss Gedou!” Roka says back, causing Lucy to slap the desk with a ruler.
“Miss Roka, please do not use those filthy words. They are unbecoming of a lady, much less a headmistress.”
Before Roka can respond, Kirika interrupts.“Does.. does that mean… we have to be in the… same room as… t-those?!” Kirika points at Saito and Yuudai. “And that, too!?” She points with her other hand to Hotaru.
“Yes!” Roka says with joy in her voice. “Everyone’s together, so you can all build lasting friendships!”
“N-No! I don’t wanna! Not with those disgusting, stinky, no-good… t..things!” she retorts, her face showing visible disgust.
“Hey! I don’t stink. I shower every morning, and If I don’t I spray myself with that Haliburd stuff afterwards!” Saito yells. Everyone looks back at him. “What? None of you noticed.”
Roka commands attention back quickly. “Well, we WILL have seperate rooms for the boys. We can’t have anyone catching cooties!” She laughs despite the lack of reaction. She looks right at Kirika. “Hey, you’re the cute one, so you’re the leader, right? Here’s all the paperwork for you to fill out!” She picks up a manila envelope and offers it to the elf.
“W-what? Me, leader?” Kirika jumps back in shock.
“Hey, what do you mean this pipsqueak’s the leader?” Rina jumps out of her chair.
“Yeah, I ain’t gonna be followin’ no soft gal like that!” Suzaka says, doing the same.
Kirika clears her throat, stepping forward. “I'll decide who you're following young lady, as the Queen of The Paranormal Club I-”
Yuuri groans before stepping forward and grabbing the envelope. “Calm down you knuckleheads. Roka just made a mistake, since the leader isn’t here. For right now, the vice will-”
“You’re right she made a mistake!” Rina says, cracking her knuckles. “I can take her down in a flash! I’ll win the right to be leader instead!”
“That’s not how it wooorrrkkksss!” Roka yells. “This girl isn’t the president, but that girl said the president isn’t here, then that she was vice president, so she’s the president now!” she says while pointing her arm frantically between Kirika and Yuuri.
“W-wait, I don’t want to take Katsuki’s place, I’m fine being the vice president!” Yuuri says, holding her hands up defensively.
“No! I’m not waiting! Waiting is dumb and boring! You’re the president now! End of discussion!” She yells before crossing her arms and turning her head, letting out a cute “humph!” as an exclamation mark.
“Or…” Yuuri says, taking the papers. “I’ll fill out the forms for her and-”
“As a reminder, Miss Vice President.” Lucy says, adjusting her glasses. “Filling this form out with incorrect roles WILL have negative consequences.”
Yuuri hangs her head and sighs. “She owes me a lot for this one.”
“Take it easy, ‘prez’,” Mari says, making airquotes. “It ain’t really a mutiny if tha person just isn’t here.”
“And you! Miss bubblegum hair! You’re the new secretary!” Roka yells, pointing at Mari.
“W-Wait, what?” Mari exclaims, pointing at herself. “Ah ain’t finished with mah OL cosplay yet!”
“Fiiiine.” She points to Kirie instead. “You’re the secretary then. Because I said so!” Roka crosses her arms in triumph as Kirie cheers.
“So... What job does this Princess get?,” Kirika says with a flutter of her lashes and a tilt of her head.
Yuuri looks at the papers. “Umm… there isn’t a spot to list a secretary on these forms, Miss Roka. So… I don’t think you can force us to have one.”
“What? Darnit!” Roka says, childishly pounding the desk. “Fine! Do whatever! I don’t care anymore, just fill out the paperwork miss dumb vice president! And get out of my office!”
“Psssh, some headmaster you are.” Cerys says grinning at the little girl.
“Grrrr, 10 points from Paranormal Club!” Roka says.
“Miss Roka, we abolished the points system.” Lucy corrects.
“Ahhhh! Just go to your dorm room and fill out the paperwork! Now go!”
Lucy chimes back in with a softer tone. “You forgot to explain the competitions, Roka. Let’s get this done, send these students away, and I can get you a snack while you watch your cartoons?”
Roka pouts. “Fiiine. I don’t care anymore. Do what you want!” She pauses. “And I want a pudding with my snack!”
Lucy nods, then returns to her formal tone. “Here at Zonzai, our students compete in televised matches throughout the school year. Every Saturday there’s two club-on-club competitions, meaning four clubs per week will battle. Your rank will be determined by your record, with a boost for higher popularity as voted by your peers and the audience.” She pauses.
“Why does every school we go to have this shit?” Saito groans.
“This… stuff will be what determines the quality of the dorm you reside in throughout the year, Mr. Naoyuki. Being the newest club on campus, you will start at the bottom.”
“Huh? You mean we’re getting put into a dump?” Kirika exclaims.
“It’s not a dump, Miss Komori. It’s a low-standard opening-level residence.” Lucy says back nonchalantly.
“How horrible! I bet it doesn’t even have multiple bathrooms!” Kirika yelps.
“Don’t worry, there’s two bathrooms. We adhere to the standards of living.” Lucy replies.
“Standards of living? Even with two bathrooms, I’ll have to share with…. A lot of people! That’s not standard living!” Kirika says with a low growl before turning and hiding her face in Yuuri’s chest.
“We didn’t have any of those before, though.” Yuudai says, falling on deaf elf ears.
“Anyway, you will have the chance to build your reputation and gain better accommodations through your deeds on campus and in battle.” Lucy continues. “The competitions are… unique for each affair. You shall be notified of the rules and nature of each contest shortly before they begin. Any questions?” She finishes, looking across the crowd.
Suzaka stands up, raising her hand. “Ma’am I gotta ques-”
She’s cut off by Lucy. “Good, you’re quick to understand. That will help you greatly. For now, Miss Hoshikawa, please show them to their dorm.” She says, looking over at Kirie.
“Gladly!” Kirie smiles as she turns towards the doorway. “Follow me, fellow Paranormal Club members!” She says before opening the door and stepping out. The others look between themselves uneasily, but start to move behind her, exiting Roka’s chamber and onto their new school year.
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