《Duplicate!! (Complete)》Chapter 7 ** A Child’s Innocence Returning **
Dupli frowned, it was in the middle of the night! Why now?
“Bathe her many times, the head maid had said that she’s been sleeping near…Just bathe her many times!”
“Yes, Your Highness!”
Dupli was then sent to be bathed. She was scrubbed so hard, that her fair skin went red in pain, and at the same time they put a strange substance in her hair, pulling at her sculp.
The water continuously changed, and she was washed so much that it would make up for the last few weeks of only being able to use a bit of water to wash her entire body. Not a word came out of her mouth, as she stiffly let them wash her. The water...The water. Many times, she gulped her breath and tried to calm down, but the water was all around her! Was it going to swallow her whole? It felt horrible and unsafe. She could feel her heart beating so fast in her chest, as the water slowly splashed around her...
Her breath got faster and faster, as she was unable to continue to endure the water, as the time went by.
Once she was scrubbed, and her hair was dried, she was then already put into the process of getting ready to meet the second son of Lord Wiltsing.
All Dupli could think…Was that she was glad that she was out of the water…
Before leaving, Dupli was stopped by the Royal Consort, “Don’t ruin the Princess’s reputation, and you are to not give any kind of advance to this young man! Both the Princess and I are adamant upon this…Sebastian.”
Widening her eyes in shock, Dupli didn’t know how she had walked out and got onto a carriage, as the sun came up.
Not knowing that this ride was two hours long, Dupli got completely lost in her thoughts and realized that the word ‘Sebastian’ was familiar. Didn’t that mean that he would be the same person that might have known her?
Not that it mattered too much, at the moment he was probably better off to become engaged with the Princess…After all, she was just a maid…She felt her hope was gone and smashed, hanging by a tread, at the edge of a cliff, drowning in water...What could she possibly offer him?
Her eyes showed a dazed far away look for most of the trip towards this Lord Wiltsing, and the nanny let her be as she slept most of the way.
When they arrived, they were welcomed with people standing outside a large residence, having been waiting.
“Introducing, the daughter of King Antonio and the heir to the Kingdom of Eden, Princess Regina.” The nanny said, not letting Dupli out, until the words were complete.
Stepping down gracefully, Dupli forgot her troubles and smiled warmly at the people that she didn’t know. Actually, she welcomed the act of the Princess...Anyone but herself would be a better position...Anyone else...
“Greetings Princess, did you have a pleasant trip?” An older gentleman came up to ask her.
Dupli smiled warmly, not really knowing how not to say that she can hardly remember it, “Yes, thank you.”
The older man seemed a little taken aback, but then straightened up and took her hand to kiss it.
He was a man that looked like he could even be a grandfather, having bits of grey hairs amongst his black hair on both his head and beard. Wrinkles on his face started to show and his hands were hard against hers, making her feel funny.
“That is good, Princess, I am Lord Wiltsing, governor of this town, Gulberg, I am pleased to meet you!”
Dupli nodded, trying not to act like she had never heard of the town whatsoever.
Gulberg was one of the five towns still remaining in the Kingdom of Eden. It was close to the large sea of water, and it was nearly just as populated as the capital. It was probably safer then the capital as well…This is only said because the capital didn’t actually have much of a wall around it, it was more expressing where the capital finished, kind of wall, instead of one that could block an army. Whereas Gulberg had a better wall that one could actually stand upon and watch, making the people inside feel a lot safer. Even though this wall was still not great, it was a better defence than that of the capital, making it a big reason why the population was so high, especially because of the war that had happened recently.
Normally, as a Princess, all Dupli did was wonder around the capital, so this was the first time that she had to talk properly with people.
“Please Princess, meet my wife, Sandra, and my first son, Rick, my second son, Nathan…And then, here is my daughter, Annabel.”
As the Lord said the names, Dupli looked at each one of them, nodding in acknowledgement to them. Sandra wasn’t tall but looked shorter then what she might look because she had extra weight on her. Nonetheless, with this extra weight, she looked very much like a doting mother, having a sweet, happy smile on her face. Rick was nearly an exact replica of his father, but Nathan resembled his mother more. He had her brown hair and green eyes and was shorter than his older brother Rick. Annabel had her mother’s brown hair but her father’s brown eyes, which was quite normal, but she was still quite a cute little girl, still chubby in the cheeks and the innocent look in her eyes.
When Dupli didn’t say anything afterwards, an awkward silence lasted for about ten seconds, before the wife, Sandra, stepped forward, “Very pleased to meet you, Princess!”
Then the rest of them did the same, except the little two-year-old, who was holding firming onto her mother’s clothing.
Dupli couldn’t help but smile. Were they really pleased to meet her? Even if they really weren’t pleased to see her, she felt better hearing those words. It had been a long time, that her presence to others was more of a burden then a pleasure. If she really thought about it, she hadn’t really heard ‘pleased to meet you’ from anyone…At least of what she could remember…
Finally feeling something different, Dupli was able to move on and continue to pretend to be the Princess, to the best of her ability. “I am also pleased to meet you.”
“Ah, very good. I also have a personally written letter from King Antonio, stating that he would like the Princess to stay for a week, in place of himself.”
Dupli was stunned, as far as she was aware, the Princess never stayed anywhere else. “Oh. I…”
“It was of course something that happened in the last minute, Princess, but we were able to send a carriage to pick up some of your belongings already. Please come in.”
Dupli was troubled. Was she going to get punished for this? Was she really able to be the Princess, for a whole week? These thoughts were very troubling to Dupli, whom still had hardly any hope, but wanted something...What did she want? Why does she feel like she could do this? Or, is it that she wants to do this? Why?
The King of Eden had done this on purpose, not knowing about Sebastian.
Because of the fact that Dupli was even a secret to King Antonio, the Royal Consort had kept the healing of the Princess a secret as well.
It hadn’t been her first choice, as now both the Princess and Royal Consort wanted Sebastian to become the fiancée, but they still had not said anything about him to the King.
Since the King was looking for suitors for his daughter, he had done this himself. On purpose, he had only stated it would be a meeting, but he had already planned that the Princess was to stay an entire week. If the second son of the Lord finds the Princess suitable, he was already considering the engagement between them.
Sadly, when the Princess back in the capital finds out about this, she is quite upset. Not only does she have to act as someone else for an entire week, to show that the Princess wasn’t there in the capital, but she became worried about what Dupli will do!
Yet...She didn't want to go there to potentially save herself, instead, she'd much rather stay in the palace and wait it out...
Having had tea and spoken a small amount in a leisure kind of chat, Dupli was shown to where she was to stay.
It was such a magnificent room, that she gave much thanks in return, making her look very humble.
The Lord Wiltsing was stunned a few times already by this Princess, as he was sure that she was not previously like this. He had witnessed, some years ago, her treating another governor very badly in public, and had bad thoughts of her since!
If the King had not asked for them to see the Princess, they would not have wanted anything to do with her!
Dupli walked in and gracefully touched a few things, smiling.
She really wanted to do this, really wanted to feel…Exactly like a Princess!
To be able to sleep on such a big, comfortable bed. To eat a proper meal, to be dressed in proper clothes. Smiling to her inner, child like desires, Dupli couldn’t help but want to plead to stay! It was like a candle was lit, the water was being drained away, and the cliff became metres away...That small sliver of hope started to grow, very slowly.
Turning to the few who had brought her to this room, she smiled very heartedly, “I am very happy and hope I won’t be an inconvenience.”
Dupli had no other words. She was only taught so much! In fact…She didn’t even know exactly what that meant! But it sounded like, for what she had been taught, that this particular situation felt right to use the word she didn’t even understand.
“My, Princess, we are fortunate indeed. We have been away from the capital for some time and I am pleased to see the Princess has grown up very well!”
The Lord Wiltsing was very happy! He had expected the worst, but now, he has high hopes already! Looking at his second son, he nodded and left. Now there was only the second son, Nathan, outside of the door, and Dupli that was inside of the door…
Dupli had not spoken to many males…In fact, she could count them on her fingers, and that was including other servants like her.
Being nearly thirteen, she knew of simple things, and one was, they probably shouldn’t talk inside her proposed room.
Trying to come up with an idea, Dupli then tried to speak, but found that she couldn’t…How was she to ask? Was that even Princess like?
The Royal Consort hadn’t told her much about the interaction between a Princess and men…
“Would the Princess like to come for a walk, I can show you the residence if you’d like?” Nathan proposed.
Actually, he was like his father at first, thinking the worst, not interested whatsoever!
But, as they had gotten this far, this Princess seem to be the opposite!
He was sixteen and not married, he had not cared beforehand, and had wanted to rage at the King for suggesting him as a candidate for the Princess!
He helped his father govern and still was learning the business ways in a higher learning study school. So, he was still too busy to care about girls.
Being pushed into being the one that had to entertain the Princess while she was here, he had not looked forward to it at all. But now…
Her shy face and clumsy look. Her lips starting to part and then shut, making him sure that she didn’t know what to say…It was really adorable!
Doing the math, he would have to wait over two years, if they married, and Nathan was not feeling too bad about it. At this moment…He was going to do this! This week, he was going to entertain her!
Dupli smiled and nodded, so is that how it is done?
Perhaps, she thought, I did the right thing on waiting for him to talk instead…
Taking a steady breath in, Dupli walked out and was surprised when Nathan put her hand under his arm and on top of his forearm.
Never having done this before, she was stunned and stupidly stared at him.
She hadn’t spent much time in public, able to see how people walked…Was this normal then?
Dupli was questioning too much, in which made her misstep and she quickly tried to act properly again.
Nathan chuckled to the little girl beside him. She really was an innocent, little thing.
Taking her around, showing her even the kitchen, he couldn’t help but watch her enthusiasm grow.
Dupli hadn’t been this curious for a long time, and it burst out like a dam full of water, rapidly flowing out! She asked about business in the office and how the food here tasted, while in the kitchen. She asked about how a particular shelf was made in the dining hall and asked how they could have so many books, in the library.
Unable to hide the stars in her eyes, Dupli picked up a book and smiled so brilliantly, that even Nathan was astonished.
“This is great!” Dupli said, turning a few pages. “May I read this?”
Nathan looked at the cover and looked at her confused, “Are you able to use your inner force, Princess.”
Dupli lost her smile and then took a moment of silence, before closing the book.
He was right, she, above anyone, knew that the Princess did not practice in inner force nor Martial Arts.
Not answering back, Dupli replaced the book, and picked up another, which didn’t have anything to do with either.
“Don’t be upset, if you can’t use inner force, Princess. Many can’t do it! Even I!” Nathan said, trying to not have her become upset. Losing her smile to become very quiet like that, was a little depressing. It was like she was used to it and she’d forgotten how she would act…
“If you want to read it, then read it! I will not stop you, Princess!” Nathan said, getting the same book out once again and giving it to her.
Dupli looked at it and felt like she could cry, smiling and nodding, she looked at Nathan and said, “Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome!” Nathan said.
Dupli did not let go of the book, and Nathan found it funny. How could she have acted as her father had said, perhaps he had been wrong? This girl was as sweet as honey!
Taking her out to garden, he watched another smile grow on her face.
Dupli had never seen such a beautiful type of sculpture! It was a little girl, she was on the tip of her toes with one leg on the ground and the other in the air. Her hands reaching out to the side and a butterfly was inside her hands.
“Beautiful!” Dupli murmured.
Nathan smiled, to him it wasn’t even really something special anymore…Maybe it never was!
But, suddenly he appreciated it, “Someone! Show the Princess how it works!”
Hearing running footsteps, Dupli watched as someone went out of view, behind some bushes, and suddenly she heard water.
Dupli looked at the sound and widened her eyes. The little girl grew wings!
Staring holes through the sculpture, Dupli was mystified! Never had she seen this before! The water came out from somewhere and made the girl look like she had grown wings! So magical!
Nathan chuckled at the innocent girl’s reaction. “Do you like it, Princess?”
Her eyes still widened and even her mouth opened, Dupli nodded…It was beautiful!
Nodding at the servant, who was working hard with the water pump, the servant stopped, and the water disappeared.
“Ha! It stopped!” Dupli said, putting her head a little closer, “Is it broken? I promise you, I didn’t touch it!”
Laughter shot out, startling Dupli, making her drop the book, and she stared at Nathan.
It was exactly like doing chores, they would all laugh at her like this, they blamed her like this.
Dupli looked back at the fountain, “I…I didn’t break it.”
Forgetting she was the Princess, Dupli stood there, waiting to be dragged away…
“Princess?” Seeing a strange behaviour in her, Nathan immediately stopped laughing. “It’s not broken, Princess. Please be assured.”
…She wasn’t going to get dragged away?
Dupli took a calming breath and turned back to Nathan, but had troubles looking at him in the eyes, “Is that true? It’s not broken?”
Nathan took her clenched hand and said, “No, it isn’t. The water stopped because it isn’t being pumped anymore. Don’t be upset, Princess.”
Dupli didn’t know what to do…Normally she gets the blame and gets taken away and beaten…
What does she do now? Does she say ‘thank you’ or ‘that’s good’ or…
“Princess, relax your hand.” Nathan said in a hushed voice, trying to coax the little girl.
Dupli looked at Nathan and then her hand. Relaxing it, he put a hand on each side, “There, does that feel better?”
Not sure on what he was talking about, Dupli just nodded. Anything, other than a beating, would feel better!
Picking up the dropped book, Nathan held it himself and said, “Perhaps the Princess would like refreshments or is tired?”
Dupli looked at the book and figured he had taken it off her now, she probably wasn’t going to get it back…
Putting her head down, feeling down again, she just nodded.
Nathan sighed and shook his head, my dear girl, are you tired or do you want to eat? Or is it you want both?
Unable to know which one she wants, Nathan guessed it would be better if she ate first.
Grabbing her hand, he started to walk towards the dining hall.
Dupli followed after Nathan. She felt immensely in the wrong place! She didn’t know how to act full time as a Princess like this with somebody.
She’d already forgotten once that she had been the Princess…
Knowing that she had to act graceful and proper, Dupli tried very hard to remember what had been taught to her.
If she did badly, she would be punished!
Taking a deep breath, Dupli focused.
“Ah, Princess, lunch won’t be served for another half an hour. Will that be acceptable?” Nathan having inquired, turned back to Dupli, who was looking at the book in his hands.
Sighing once again, he held out the book to her and simply said, “Perhaps you would like to read, while we wait for lunch?”
The shining stars in her eyes were back and that dazzling smile, “I can read it?”
His father had been totally wrong! This Princess, was as cute as a button, innocent as the child she is! He wanted to pamper her already!
“Yes! You can!” Nathan said enthusiastically.
Gently taking the book, Dupli put her fingers lightly down the spine. She continued to be gentle as she slowly opened the book, making Nathan already think he’d been completely forgotten.
They were still standing, and she was already looking absolutely absorbed in the book!
Suddenly, he felt like he lost something special!
Only able to guide her to a chair, so that she could be comfortable, Nathen then turned and went to his father’s office.
Half an hour went by so fast, that Dupli had to be touched, to bring her back to the where she was outside of the book.
In a rush, she put down the book and bowed, forgetting once again that she was supposed to be a Princess.
With this word, Dupli looked up and met Sandra’s confused eyes.
“Oh! I’m sorry! I…” Dupli frowned, she was told never to apologize. That as a Princess, she didn’t have too.
Never understanding this, Dupli had already failed at it…
“Princess, please take a seat, it will only be a moment before lunch will be served.
“Ah…Thank you, very much.” Dupli felt like she had done miserably at everything!
Feeling down over being such a bad Princess, Dupli thought that she should stay quiet now.
Following Sandra a few steps, Dupli was guided into a head chair and welcomed to sit down. Sitting down, she had never thought someone would tuck the chair right underneath her and she stood back up.
Having seen it a couple of times, it was different having to experience it personally. Sitting down once again, Dupli let out a careless smile.
Really, this was so different! And I was to spend a whole week here!?
Looking up at the rest of the people, and seeing them all take a seat, Dupli pursed her lips.
Most people got over her strange behaviour quickly, as the food came in, but Nathan had a strange smile on his face.
She really didn’t act like a glamorous Princess at all…
Perhaps her stay in the mountains really changed her or made her like a little kitten.
Looking down at his plate, he decided then, that he will show her kittens tomorrow.
Dupli couldn’t believe the food! Were they all going to eat all of this!
She only had a bowl for each meal, yet, on the table before them, was fruits, soups, bread, meat, pasta and a few vegetable plates.
Looking at all the people here, then looking at the food, Dupli was sure there would be leftovers.
She had never seen left overs. Food left over after everyone had eaten…What was that?
Stuck in a stunned silence, Nathan took the initiative to give her some of the dishes and put them on her own small plate and bowl, “Please try some, Princess.”
Smiling, because of it’s smell and look, Dupli didn’t wait and took a spoon, lifting up the soup to her mouth.
When she opened her eyes, after dreaming away to the taste, a few people were looking at her expectantly and she desperately wanted to pick up the bowl and just drink the soup…
I’m a Princess…She had to repeat this in her head, I’m a Princess.
Smiling, Dupli happily stated, “It is very good!”
A few let out happy smiles or laughs to her words.
Dupli took in as much soup as she could with every spoonful, scared it will be taken away from her.
After she couldn’t get the tiny, little bit left in the bowl, Dupli decided to leave it and then try what else Nathan had given her.
Picking up a piece of meat, ready to put into her mouth, Nathan quietly said, “If you want, you can add more to the meat, you don’t have to have it by itself.”
Nathan didn’t know if she was shy or someone that didn’t act like a Princess at all.
Looking at her and her actions all morning, Nathan already had his d0ubts.
But, her innocence was too delightful to make his thoughts public. It would be a sad thing though, if this girl really wasn’t the real Princess…
Dupli was finally back within her room and the nanny suddenly jumped out at her.
Pushing Dupli against the wall, the nanny got close to her ear and said, “Who are you?”
Dupli really wanted to say the right thing, which one was right though?
“Dupli.” Taking a risk, she said the shortened name that she had been given, despising the longer version.
“Oh?” The nanny let go of Dupli and stood back. “So, you do remember!?”
Dupli bowed very respectively, “Yes, of course!”
“Never forget it! Take the floor, I’ll be sleeping on the bed!”
Still bowing, Dupli said, “Yes!”
Dupli slowly showed her head, to seeing the nanny go to the bed, and she went to the adjacent room to remove the Princess’s clothes.
“Blow out the candle!” The nanny said.
Dupli closed her eyes briefly then quickly blew out the candle, leaving the room in darkness.
How could she forget?
Carefully, in the dark, Dupli tried to continue to change her clothes, but had difficulty.
“Yes!” Dupli put the clothes upon a close by area, not sure what it was, and stood there for a moment. There was no sheet, pillow or blanket that she could use.
The floor was timber, and when she kneeled down, not only was it cold, but much harder then what she was used to.
Laying on it, Dupli found herself wanting to cry.
How could she forget!?
Her day had been so blessed, being able to read and taste such lovely food.
But, she forgot, to come here and feel as though it was all just a dream. The Princess had so much…And she nothing.
All the lovely things she had received, were limited and rare, it must be a dream…
The next morning, Dupli had the sniffles, but the nanny looked as though she had no care for it. She made Dupli wait on her, by dressing her and making the bed. She had to scrub her back and put up her hair…
Dupli, still in her under clothing and so cold that she was shivering, was finally able to get dressed herself.
“What are you waiting for!?” The nanny said impatiently.
Nodding, because she feared she’d cry if she talked, Dupli quickly got dressed and did everything herself. Her clumsy hair style did not look good enough, so the nanny told her to do it again…Then again…
Her hands…She needed to stop her hands from shivering!
Again, Dupli remembered about running away, changing her circumstance.
If she wasn’t so cold, she probably would have done her hair right the first time! Yet, this bullying, how had she forgotten about it! How could she forget on wanting to leave!?
She was out of the palace, it probably was a good time…
“Hurry up!” The nanny repeated, at the door ready to exit.
Putting on two pieces of jewellery, Dupli went to her and they left the room.
Entering into the dining hall, Dupli stopped after the nurse and the nurse sneered at her, before she left for the maid’s quarters.
Watching her leave, Dupli had lost everything that she had gained the day before. She no longer wanted to be curious, nor did she want to eat great food.
Her cold, indifferent face returned, and she heard the phrase in her mind calming her down.
“Princess?” Nathan asked.
Seeing her turn to him, changed to a different look, Nathan almost took a step back in shock.
Taking a step forward instead, he took her hand, noticing how cold it was, and squeezed it. “If the Princess did not sleep well last night, then tonight will be better!”
His low voice sounded strange to her. Looking at him, she wished it were true, but she doubted it…
No words in return had been said, so Nathan tried to say something that the little girl will understand instead, “I will be telling the nanny to sleep elsewhere from now on.”
Widening her eyes, Dupli became instantly scared, “Please, she looks after me.”
Please don’t! I will only get punished! Don’t interfere, please!
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hey I'm new. My grammar is a bit off sometimes or all the time,
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