《Duplicate!! (Complete)》Chapter 6 ** The Flaw In Duplicating **
Dupli found herself against the same tree as the day before. It was nearly dark now, and she was sure that she had fallen asleep closer to lunchtime…
Looking around, she didn’t see anyone around, making her feel slightly uneasy. Getting up slowly, she felt her muscles and exhaustion once again, she really wanted to just eat and have a drink, then climb into bed...
Just after she stood, she finally realized that the fence had nearly been completed…
Slowly walking up to it, she put her hand on the wood and frowned.
Looking around, to see nobody again, Dupli pursed her lips.
Seeing that the fence hadn’t been totally completed, Dupli finished it, and looked around once more before leaving.
There was something strange going on…
Getting help was not something she was used too, yet, she was sure now that someone had helped her. Yesterday she hadn’t been sure, but now she was, knowing that she had not been able to start putting the fence together at all and seeing it up and almost complete upon waking...
But who was it?
Dupli was scared to rely on this person. She wanted to, but if she did and they left…She’d be alone again.
Even though she was late for dinner once again, Dupli saw that a bowl was still left for her. One bowl was still better than none…
Making the rest of the dog pen continued in this fashion. Dupli would start it, and either be knocked out for a short time or fall into exhaustion and would wake to find her job was completed or nearly completed.
It was a strange circumstance, yet, Dupli didn’t want to think about it. If she put too much faith into who was helping her, she might find herself in the depths of hell once again.
But she, still a young, little girl, didn’t understand the reason why she was not letting anyone in and the reason why she was safeguarding herself…To depend and trust someone, seemed to make her breath heavily and make her sad...
Upon the fifth day, from starting the dog pen, it was completed and Dupli, before walking away, quietly said, “Thank you.”
The man was stunned that he found himself gently nodding his acknowledgment and wanted to hit himself.
He would repeatedly tell himself not to help her anymore, but he seemed to help her as though his thoughts weren’t his…
It was really disturbing, finding his heart touched by another.
The girl, being so young, yet so full of so many things, was what he had loved about his beloved other half in the first place…If she were to hear that he was starting to see another this way…
Shaking his head, he himself couldn’t believe that he was wavering.
Seeing her leave, he tried to admit that he was glad, that this was it. No more.
Yet, upon her leaving he did feel the absence in the next day. It was similar to the absence without his other half…
Conflicted, the man couldn’t work out his feelings.
Dupli went about with her chores normally after that and another week went by.
Then, again, she was taken to the Royal Consorts courtyard to be redressed into the Princess once again.
Both the Princess and herself will be thirteen in a couple of months and the Royal Consort was upset with the King for already looking for a partner for marriage for her daughter.
But, the idea was now known to her and the Royal Consort now had to start looking for eligible bachelors for her daughter, whether she wanted to or not.
She had time, as the engagement didn’t have to be finalized for half a year, but it still made her upset to hear this. It was becoming more and more obvious to her now, that the Prince, will most certainly be named the King's heir in the near future.
Knowing it was normal to have a male as the King of a Kingdom, the Royal Consort still was upset that the power of having the heir as her child, was going to be taken away.
But what could she do, her daughter would most likely never be seen as the heir…While the Prince was still alive…
Conflicted and seeing the predicament of what would have to be done to change the King’s mind, Royal Consort Muriel decided to do nothing for now.
The Prince was only three…There will be no doubt, enough time to consider something that might work in her favour…
And if she was lucky enough, someone else might even do the deed for her…
Seeing Dupli all dressed up and looking like her daughter, the Royal Consort suddenly remembered that Dupli had been healed the last time that she had been out and thought that the person…
How could she not think of it before! Being healed on the spot would most like be a Pure Priest! The one to have ended war!
“Mother?” Princess Regina said, coming out of another dress area, in her maid clothes.
Royal Consort Muriel smirked, “That man, that saved you. If you see him next, tell him to come see me.”
Regina smiled, in her new mask, but it was obviously a happy smile nonetheless. “Of course, mother! Oh, mother, I heard that I am to be married, can I marry him!?”
Smiling, the Royal Consort was silent for a few seconds, “Tell him to meet me first.”
Princess Regina ran to her mother and hugged her in delight. “Yes! I will!”
“Dupli, you hear that?” The Royal Consort asked, her voice losing any indulgence it had a moment ago.
Dupli showed no emotion and bowed, “Yes, I’ll tell him to come and see Royal Consort Mother.”
Sneering at a servant calling her mother, she shook her head and waved, “Be off then. Perhaps you have made an impression on him and he’ll return to see you.”
The Princess happily skipped out the door and Dupli slowly walked out, already acting her role…
This time, while they were out in the capital, Dupli was ordered to stay inside the carriage.
The maid outside the carriage slowly walked along side, pretending to ask the Princess what she would like, but really answering herself instead.
Three times, they stopped, picking up cakes, jewellery and trying out tea.
When the tea was being tried, it was only the maid that had sat down inside, Dupli still staying outside, in the carriage.
The cakes were put to the side, for the Princess to eat later and the jewellery was in the nanny’s hands, for safe keeping.
Dupli didn’t care at all.
She was used to be treated like she was nothing, so to her, this wasn’t as strange as others were seeing it.
...Seeing a maid personally try tea for the Princess was strange to other bystanders though. Seeing the Princess stay in the carriage and not showing herself to anybody…What was going on? But, they were 'acting' normal, as last time they had been out, they had been attacked...But that news had not really become known to many...Strangely.
The maid finished her tea and continued on, seeing a silk shop that just re opened again, because the war had stopped.
Walking in freely, the maid happily looked from one to the another. There were no cares for anyone else and only her want to find the best silk there for herself…
Dupli, on the other hand, was suddenly being spoken too.
“Is Your Highness well?”
That voice…
Unintentionally being very quiet, Dupli showed surprised in her eyes, as she found familiarity with that voice…
Being poked with a hair pin, the nanny shoved her.
Dupli nodded, “…I am well. Thank you.”
Silence entered both ears…
That ‘Thank you’ was so similar…
“Your Highness, will you do me the honour of having tea with me again?”
Dupli blinked to that voice again, it was…It sounded so similar from the phrase? Wasn’t it the same voice?
Her breathing became heavier and she, again, forgot to reply. She couldn’t doubt it at all, that this man, was probably the same one from the voice in that phrase!
The nurse once again poked and shoved her.
“Ah!...I…I am willing.” Dupli rubbed where she got poked and then breathed out, before getting out of the carriage.
Before stepping completely onto the ground, she was stunned to see the same man as last time.
He had saved my life…
Looking at his gentle eyes, Dupli felt like something was desperately wrong.
She…At the moment, she was the Princess, and he was looking at her like this!
Feeling a loss uncontrollable run through her, she stepped down the carriage, nearly tripping because of her unstable thoughts.
The man wanted to help her, but she glared at him, stopping him in his tracks…
Dupli stopped, she wasn’t her, she was the Princess…
Smiling suddenly, she bowed slightly and said, “I must thank the lord, for saving my life upon the last time we met.”
The man’s feelings were a little haywire, but her words brought him back. “I am glad to do so, Princess! Please, come, let’s have tea!”
“Oh! Princess, just a moment, come inside for a brief time!” The maid said in a rush, walking straight towards Dupli and to the carriage.
Without more words able to be spoken, Dupli was taken inside the carriage and the nanny came out, “Please my lord, the Princess will come out in just a moment. We will wait inside.”
The man frowned and followed the nanny, looking back once, before walking inside the tea house, about ten metres from the carriage.
Dupli hurriedly did as she was told and took off her clothes and jewellery. She was not going to fight the Princess and would obediently stay out of her way.
The man wasn’t here for her anyway, it was best that the real Princess was to speak with him. Dupli didn’t want any extra problems, especially if she were to be punished because of them.
All she cared about, was staying alive and well…
The strange sense of loss went through her again, but she tried not to think about it. Even if she wanted to have tea with him, what was the point? She was a slave, a lowly maid, a nobody with no last name…
“Right, do I look alright?” Princess Regina asked Dupli.
Dupli pointed to her face, “The mask.”
“Oh! Right!” The Princess turned away, to change her face and then let out a satisfied smile. “Anything else?”
Dupli looked at her hair, “Should I put your hair up again?”
Frowning, the Princess was upset that her new Princess hairstyle, from changing it from a maid hairstyle, wasn’t good enough.
Turning around in a huff, Dupli fixed her hair and then she was gone.
Dupli, finding herself alone, put the maid’s clothes on and waited…
Three hours later, Dupli having fallen asleep, she was startled awake by the Princess entering the carriage.
“Oh! I forgot about you!”
Dupli moved hastily out of the way, only to be moved once again when the nurse entered.
“Go out!” The Princess said, annoyed at having little room.
The nurse hushed the Princess and said, “She has your face Princess! She can’t go out!”
“Send her out!” Princess Regina yelled.
Dupli was pushed out of the carriage, not even able to land upon her feet. Finding her hands and knees on the ground…
Hearing footsteps coming, Dupli felt an imminent sense of danger.
She wasn’t sure why it would be bad to be found that she had the same face as the Princess, but she could feel it and hear it in the nanny’s voice.
She didn’t want to be punished, so all she could do is hide her face, even though she hardly understood why.
“Miss? Miss are you hurt?”
Widening her eyes, Dupli tried to think quickly.
Bending down, she tried to look as though she was hurt, but instead, put dirt on her face.
Dupli stayed on the ground, “I am fine, sir. Leave this lowly one, I…I…Am…Punishment!”
That was all she could think of in this circumstance.
Perhaps if it wasn’t that same man she was talking to hours beforehand, she could possibly just get up and walk, but she was still too scared to look at him, even with dirt on her face.
“Punishment?” The man asked. He looked at the carriage that was nearly out of sight and wondered why he wasn’t chasing after it already.
Dupli continued to stay on her hands and knees, desperate for him to leave her alone! “Yes.”
For some reason, the man thought of the maid that made the fence. Could it be her?
Suddenly, he really wanted her to get up and look at him, he wanted to see her face. If it were her, he could help her send her back.
“The carriage is gone. Can’t you get up now?”
Raising his eyebrows, he found the stubbornness in her voice really cute. “Then how long must you kneel here for?”
“…They…Will bring someone here to let me know.” Dupli said. She had not been in the predicament before, what would happen if a servant was left outside the palace?
How was she going to get back?
Suddenly, Dupli found herself worried, knowing they guarded the palace very well.
But then…Breathing heavily, she realized, she was…Out of the palace.
Widening her eyes and wondering if she could get excited, Dupli started to already think about staying away from the palace now. This was her chance!
Through thinking this, the man had said words, but Dupli hadn’t heard them.
Lifting her head, and looking around, she suddenly saw the man’s head in front of hers.
Getting up in a rush, she ran away…He saw me! He saw my face!
Running as fast as she could, Dupli had no idea where she was going.
Hiding behind a well, she waited for a moment, then looked back the way she had come.
Sighing in relief, Dupli put her head against the well and closed her eyes.
The relief from running away didn’t last long, though, as someone stopped in front of her and deeply looked at her face.
“Dupli?” He said.
Looking at the unfamiliar person in front of her, she edged a step to the side, around the well, but he harshly took her hand and then took some water from a bucket, wiping at her face.
“Found you.”
Roughly throwing Dupli over his shoulders, Dupli was stunned and didn’t know what to do!
“I was sent to look for you and bring you back, let’s go!”
Dupli tried to look around, but everything was upside down and she still wasn’t very knowledgeable with the capital. What she saw though, wasn’t the business part of the capital, there were a lot more trees the way they were going, and Dupli was clearly lost.
The man saw a manservant carrying a little maid.
Frowning, he guessed that she had been right, that someone had gone to get her.
When she had run away from him, completely scared like that, he hadn’t the heart to frighten her more. He had stayed at a distance, for some reason, and watched as she calmed down.
Was he really that scary? And why was her face so dirty!?
When the manservant had come, the man watched and didn’t like what had transpired between them, but who was he to stop them. They were both from the palace…
He had rarely gotten involved with the affairs of the countries in many, many years. If a manservant came for a maid, it sounded pretty normal…It just didn’t look normal. She had finally relaxed, then to be scared again…
It vexed the man, who watched as the manservant took her away.
Following them, he wasn’t surprised to see the manservant taking her to the Princess’s courtyard, as she had fallen out of the Princess’s carriage just before.
Hiding once again, now out of sight from everyone, the man was confused.
When he was having tea with the Princess, it was like she had become somebody else. Over the space of twenty minutes, the man really wanted to know how to handle this side of her. She seemed like, she thought she owned the world and that it owed her whatever she wanted…
How had she become this way?
Yet, before the tea, she had been courteous and sweet.
Something strange was going on…
It was like his beloved other half had gained some kind of strange personality…But how could he never have met this side of her before?
Was she playing with him?
What was really surprising to him, was that he honestly didn’t like it. He even had wanted to leave after an hour, yet, if she was making things hard for him on purpose, he could understand…
Then, finding even more evidence that she was the person he had been looking for, the man could not bare to leave. That bracelet was hers, he had given it back to her as soon as she could wear it...It signified a special part of her past...
Just…If this was going to be a part of her now…
The man was very confused.
Dupli had been beaten upon her return. Not only did she not have her mask, but the Princess had felt like the man hadn’t liked her. As it was, it took quite an amount of effort to get his name!
And he was charming!
Yet, it was like he was holding back…
So, after Dupli had gotten her punishment from the Royal Consort, she got a whole new one from the Princess and ended up fainting.
“Serves yourself right!” The Princess said, walking up to the newly whipped body.
“Princess? What should we do with her?” The nanny asked.
Turning to the nanny, the Princess smiled, “Has the dog come yet?”
The nanny shook her head, “The King still has not giving you approval to have a dog, Princess.”
Rolling her eyes and walking away, the Princess growled, “When has he ever given me anything!”
Kneeling on the floor, the nanny rushed to say, “Your Highness, please calm your anger!”
“Ah! Get up!”
Standing up, but still lowering her head, the nanny went quiet.
Looking back down at the body on the floor, the Princess frowned, “Do I still need her?”
The nanny nodded, “If more assassins come for your life, Princess…”
“Mmm.” The Princess said, huffing. “Okay, just…Just whip her more then. Don’t feed her for a day…That will do.”
The nanny bowed, “Yes, Princess.”
A whole week went by, and Sebastian was unable to see either the Princess or the maid.
It was coming to a point, that he was unsure why he was hiding so much. He had originally come to slowly talk things out with her and protect her from afar, but…
Things were starting to change. His other half had some strangeness about her now, that he didn’t understand and had to admit, he didn’t like. And…He was worried about this maid.
Having seen how they treated her…And, he hadn’t seen her all this time…
Spending a day, looking on the outside of the whole courtyard, he never saw her once.
What he did hear though, was a few maids talking, and a conversation or two did land on someone called ‘Dupli’.
Having a bad feeling, he put a hand to his chest, feeling slightly suffocated. Having heard that she had been harshly punished, and had been bed ridden, he was so worried that he wanted to storm the whole maid’s quarters!
Upon nightfall, he silently searched for this maid ‘Dupli’ and found her laying on her stomach on the floor. She wasn’t even on a bed, as she was close to the buckets that people do their business in and Sebastian felt a surging rage inside of him building up.
Staying on the rooftop until everyone fell asleep, even kicking ‘Dupli’ as they passed her, he couldn’t wait to go down there.
Creeping inside the window and landing softly on the ground, he listened for a moment, then went to Dupli. Picking her up slowly and quietly, he frowned to her cold body.
Holding her in his hands, he walked quietly to the window and jumped out, going to his hiding spot.
Once he got comfortable, in the tree, he finally put a hand to her chest to heal her and found her taking a lot more inner force and pure air than normal.
Sebastian, feeling this happen, couldn’t believe this maid’s misfortune. If he had not saved her now, she probably wouldn’t have survived one more day…
Sighing in relief, he put her safely down and went to get new clothes for her and a brush.
It was far from the first time that he would look after a little girl.
Acting as a big brother was a joy to him, most of the time.
So, changing this girl’s outer clothes wasn’t even really that special.
After her dirty clothes were taken off, he sat her up in front of him and gently did her hair.
As he did this, he could see the auburn growth near her sculp!
Breathing heavily, Sebastian dropped the comb and couldn’t believe his eyes. Davina had auburn hair!
Turning her around, he saw a face that didn’t look familiar.
What was going on?
Not sure on what to do, Sebastian felt many questions start to uprise in his mind.
If this maid is Davina…Then why did he…
The chime, her smile and tear…
But the auburn hair…
Both the Princess and maid held similar attributes to his other half. But who really was Davina?
The Princess held the face, yet the maid had the auburn hair…
If he takes this maid away, but what if this person isn’t Davina?
Feeling torn, Sebastian didn’t know what to do!
“Dupli! Dupli’s gone!”
Sebastian looked at the person yelling and wanted more time! Yet, he can’t get her into more trouble!
He decided that he will check Davina's specific mole next time…
Quietly, Sebastian went swiftly towards the maid’s quarters and placed Dupli onto one of the beds, then disappeared.
Surely both of them won’t have Davina’s specific mole on the back of her arm.
It really was worrisome though, as he had felt the possibility of both of them being Davina. Conflicting thoughts went through him when he thinks of one and not the other…
If the Princess is really Davina, then, the maid isn’t…If the maid is Davina…
Dupli woke up when someone pushed her off the bed.
“Why didn’t you just say you were here!? We were looking for you!” The head maid yelled.
Dupli looked up and remembered the last painful week. Yet, she wasn’t hurting anymore and wondered if she had been able to heal herself, while in her sleep...She hadn't wished upon it...She hadn't wanted that at all...
The head maid slapped Dupli and she tumbled over, “I…I’m sorry!”
“Good! Fine, the Royal Consort is asking for you! Get up and go!” The head maid sneered and walked away.
Dupli slowly got up and walked away, trying to understand why she was suddenly healed completely. The last week was the worst in her life, she had honestly thought it as the end…
Even though, prior to this day, she hadn’t wanted to give up, this time, she had not the energy to fight her circumstance. She hadn’t the willpower, nor the strength. It was all just too much! It came to a point, that death would be a release, a place where she wouldn’t have to worry anymore. She had hurt so much after the Royal Consort had punished her and even tried to heal herself, but after the Princess had punished her right afterwards, and she had fainted, Dupli just wanted it all to end.
She had cried soft, quiet tears, letting the other maids kick her and spit on her, as she had laid there, near the stench. How could she had cared? Why? What was the point? Was there a reason to survive?
Her hope was dashed, crumbled and beaten. It was practically gone, hardly a speck had survived.
At that time of pure pain and heartbreak upon her situation, Dupli hadn’t cared and let herself succumb to sleep, not caring to heal herself beforehand. She had given up…
Upon being called into Royal Consort Muriel’s quarters, Dupli bowed respectfully and waited. She felt like her whole world was gone, that she was now a walking corpse...
Shaking her head, the Royal Consort sighed, “The Princess is keen on only one man, but, His Majesty the King has wanted her to meet with Lord Wiltsing’s second son. And I absolutely agree that you can go in her place!”
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