《Am I, Amanda or Ambria》Chapter Ten
Before she was ready for it, it was Monday morning and time to return to the working world.
“Are you sure you feel like going back to work today?” He was concern the headaches would return by the stress of her going back to the office and working for Vernon.
“I’m fine. I need to get my work caught up before I start working for Chad.”
“Are you nervous about seeing Vernon again?”
She didn’t want to start crying in front of him and cause him anymore worry, and since she was already on the verge of tears due to her frazzled emotions, she nodded instead.
Dustin moved to her, pulling her into his arms when he saw her strained expression. “I’m sorry everything has been so rough lately for you. Working for Vernon has just added more stress for you.”
“It will get better once I transfer to Chad’s department, but in the meantime, I’m worried the working conditions in the office will be unbearable.”
“Maybe you should just go ahead and move on to Chad’s department. I’m sure they could get a temporary clerk to take your place.”
“I’ll try to find some time to talk to Chad about starting sooner.”
When they arrived at work, Dustin walked into the building with her, but after giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, they went their separate ways. When Ambria came to the door to her office, she took a deep breath, and then let it out. She straightened her shoulders and entered the office, and relaxed with she found it empty. So far, so good.
She felt she should go to Vernon’s office to let him know she was here, but her stomach began churning, so much so, she knew she was going to be sick. She rushed out of the office to the bathroom before she threw up in her office. After she had emptied her breakfast into the toilet, she felt better, then she rinsed out her mouth and washed her face. She wasn’t sure if it had been her apprehension of talking to Vernon or the baby that had caused her to be sick, but either way, she wasn’t going to tell her husband about this visit to the bathroom, as it would just cause him to fret more about her.
She returned to her office and started her day by sending Vernon an e-mail telling him she was here, and then started working on the files in her in-box. As she worked, she tried to keep her mind off her boss and his possible attitude towards her when she did see him. She jumped when she heard his office door open and turned to face him, preparing herself for some sort of rude remark from him.
“Ambria, it’s good to have you back at work. I hope you’re feeling better,” he said, his words sounding sincere.
His words and attitude had astounded her. “Thank you.” He moved towards her and sat down in the chair across from her. “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done or said to make this position stressful for you. Human Recourses just called to tell me they’ve hired someone to take over your position. I had interviewed her for the position before I’d hired you and she will be starting tomorrow. I’d appreciate if you can stay this week to train her.” He watched her closely, waiting impatiently for her response.
Ambria gave him a genuine smile. “Of course. I’ll be glad to. I’ll call Chad to let him know I can start next Monday.”
He stood. “I’ve probably made more work for you by trying to do your work than if I’d just left it for you to do.”
“No, I appreciate your help. It has made catching up much easier.”
“I better let you get back to your work,” he said, nodded at her, and then left the room.
Ambria was still in a state of shock by his turn around in his attitude, then the idea that maybe someone had told him to go easy on her entered her mind. She didn’t care, either way; she was just relieved her first meeting with him had been painless. She sent Dustin a short e-mail telling him about Vernon’s visit, and he responded he would see her at lunch.
She was just logging out of her computer for lunch when she heard someone open the door. She smiled when she saw Dustin standing there, then grabbed her purse and went to join him at the door.
“Where are we going for lunch today?”
“How about we take a walk first?” he asked, frustration could be heard in his voice.
To her, he sounded as if he was annoyed with her, but she wasn’t sure why. “Is something wrong?”
He turned to face her, his fingers tightly grasped her upper arms. “Why did I have to hear it through the office grapevine you’d thrown up this morning and not from you?” His cold eyes showed his displeasure.
She was stunned anyone knew what had happen in the bathroom this morning. She hadn’t checked under the stalls, but apparently, someone had been there when she’d entered.
“Yes, I did get sick this morning,” she said, putting her hands on his chest, hoping to calm him. “I just assumed it was because I was so apprehensive about seeing Vernon. If it wasn’t because of that, then it must have been morning sickness, something some pregnant women have to endure for the first few months.”
“It never occurred to you I would want to know,” he said softly, engulfing her into a tight hug.
“I didn’t want to cause you any more anxiety.” When she stepped back from him, she saw his unhappy expression and she put her hand on the side of his face. “I promise if it ever happens again, you’ll be the first one to know,” she smiled, “after me, of course,” she said trying to lightening the mood.
“Do you think it will?” He was concern about her health, and until they knew what had caused her to be sick, he was going to continue to worry about it.
“No, I don’t. I think I just got too worked up about seeing Vernon.”
“You make sure to tell your doctor about it when you see him.”
“I will. Now take your starving wife to lunch.”
They went to lunch and the incident wasn’t mentioned again. After lunch, they returned to work and didn’t see or speak with each other until quitting time.
The next day Ambria was at her desk working on her computer when the door to her office opened, and when she looked up, she saw an attractive woman about her age enter the room.
“Good morning. May I help you?” she asked pleasantly.
“Yes, you can. I’m to start work today.”
Ambria stood and moved around her desk to greet the new employee. “Vernon told me you were starting today. I’m Ambria Crenshaw,” she said as she put her hand out to the woman.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Amanda Waters,” she replied, taking hold of Ambria’s outstretched hand.
“What?” Ambria stuttered, her eyes growing wide as she stared at the woman. This couldn’t be happening. This woman couldn’t be the ‘Amanda Waters’, the character out of her book, the story she was now living. How she wished she’d read the new version of the book as maybe it would have explained why this woman was now standing in front of her. Was she here so the two of them could exchange places? The thought brought tears to her eyes.
“Miss, are you okay?” Amanda asked, concerned by the other woman’s expression, thinking she looked as if she was about to pass out.
Ambria could feel the world starting to swirl, her eyes fluttered, then she was falling, but she didn’t care.
Amanda quickly grabbed the woman before she could hit the floor. “Help!” she screamed. “Someone, please help me.”
Vernon rushed out of his office and was shocked to see Ambria on the floor and his new employee holding her. “What happened?” he asked, almost afraid Ambria was going to die right here on the floor of her office.
“I’m not sure. I introduced myself to her, her eyes quivered a bit, and then she fainted.”
Vernon rushed the phone and dialed Dustin’s extension.
Dustin looked at the phone and saw Ambria was calling him. “Hello, sweetie,” he said softly.
“Dustin, this is Vernon. Ambria has fainted in her office.”
Dustin jumped out of his chair. “I’ll be right there.” He threw the phone down on its cradle and ran out the door. He rushed into Ambria’s office, then knelt down beside her and pulled her into his arms. “Ambria, I’m here.” Fear filled him at the thought the tumor had caused her to be sick, and now fainting. His attention on his wife, too worried she might be dying, he didn’t notice the woman who had been holding Ambria.
Ambria’s eyes flickered a few seconds later, and then she opened them. When she saw Dustin holding her, she smiled, but before she could speak to him, she heard the other woman gasp and she turned to look at her.
“Dustin Crenshaw, I can’t believe it’s you,” Amanda exclaimed.
Dustin turned towards the voice, thinking she looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t place her.
Amanda chuckled. “From your confused expression, I see you don’t remember me. I’m Amanda Waters, from high school.”
“You can’t have him. He’s married to me now, it says so on our marriage certificate,” Ambria hollered at the woman, her hand tightly griping Dustin’s shirt.
Dustin then recognized her as the girl he’d dated his first year of high school, then he turned back to his wife. “Honey, it’s all right,” he uttered softly. “She just an old class mate, nothing more.”
“That’s not entirely true. You told me we were going to get married,” she said smiling, not even thinking how her comment would affect his wife’s mental status.
Ambria screamed, then started crying, and talking incoherently.
Dustin looked over at Vernon. “Can you please take Amanda out of here. I can’t calm Ambria with her in the room with us.”
Vernon grabbed hold of Amanda arm, physically escorting her out of the room and into his office. Once they were behind closed doors, he explained to his new employee about Ambria’s brain tumor. Telling her the tumor was probably why she had been talking so strangely and why she must have fainted.
Once they were gone, Dustin returned his attention to his wife and began stroking her face. “Ambria, look at me. Tell me what’s going on in head of yours.”
“She’s the woman you married, the one I exchanged places with on your honeymoon. You remember, I told you her name was Amanda Waters.”
“Yes, I remember,” he told her, confused to how she even knew Amanda’s name. “Honey, remember when we talk about this while you were in the hospital. It’s the growth in your head causing you to think you’ve been transport into a book. Now you have to calm down. Think of our baby and remember how much I love you.”
“You told her you were going to marry her,” she stammered, her tears running down her cheeks.
Dustin was unsure how to proceed. “Do you know how many years it’s been since my first year of high school?” he asked, hoping it was the right question to get Ambria’s mind off thinking Amanda was out to cause them trouble.
She gave him a weak smile. “Seven or eight.”
He smiled back at her. “Thanks right. Even if I did tell her we were going to get married, the love I might have had for her isn’t anything like what I have for you. You’re my wife, we’re going to have a baby, and I’m not going to let her or any woman come between us.”
Dustin’s words didn’t comfort her. “I have a feeling she’s going to try.”
“Then we’ll change jobs or move to another city. I’ll do anything it takes to keep her out of our lives and you away from harm.”
This time, his words did bring her a feeling of wellbeing. “Thank you, Dustin.”
“Will you let me take you home?” he asked, even though he already knew what her answer would be.
“No, I would go crazy worrying what was going on here.”
He frowned at her response. “Do you think you’re going to be okay now?”
She smiled at him. “Maybe if I had a kiss from my husband.”
Dustin leaned down and gave her a kiss strong enough to knock her socks off. “How was that?” he asked, moving back to look into her eyes.
“Wonderful. Now I guess we should get off the floor and return to work before we start taking all our clothes off.”
Dustin let out a loud laugh. “That wouldn’t be good,” he said as he stood, then helped her off the floor. “You want me to stay here while you meet Amanda again?”
“No, I’ll be all right.”
“You’ll call me if you need me for any reason.”
She nodded, then put her hand on his chest and gave him another kiss. “That will have to last you until lunch time. I’ll meet you out front.”
“I’ll see you then.” He hated leaving her, afraid for her mental being, but he couldn’t very well baby-sit her every minute of the day. Maybe he should call her doctor and tell him about this episode, as it could be a sign indicating the tumor was growing. He waved at her, then left the room, knowing lunchtime today would take forever to get here.
Ambria waited until Dustin left her office, then she went to Vernon’s door and knocked on it.
“Come in,” he called. When Ambria entered, she looked better than she’d had earlier, but he was still surprised Dustin wasn’t with her. “Are you feeling better?”
“Yes, much better, thank you,” she replied.
“Amanda and I were going over some of her duties. If you’re up to it, I’ll turn her over to you.” He wasn’t sure if Amanda was going to work out or not, as he’d been disturbed with her saying things to Dustin to cause Ambria pain. He was disappointed Ambria had married Dustin, but the last thing he wanted was to cause her any distress.
“That would be fine.” She smiled at him, then she turned to look at Amanda, forcing herself to continue smiling. “Amanda, if you come with me, I’ll take you around the office to introduce you to everyone. When we return, I’ll start showing you some of the work you’ll be doing.”
Ambria felt she could see the wheels turning in the other woman’s mind, wondering if she was thinking of ways to create trouble, but she wasn’t going to let Amanda upset her. Dustin was right, he had married her, not some high school flame he hadn’t seen in years. She had to remember the tumor in her head was causing her to think irrationally and Amanda wasn’t who she thought she was, she was just a girl Dustin knew from high school.
Ambria proceeded to explain to Amanda about her position as the two women stepped out of Vernon’s office, but the minute Vernon’s door closed, Amanda put her hand on Ambria’s arm.
“Yes.” Ambria looked at Amanda, telling herself not to believe anything this woman said about Dustin and her. If they had a relationship, it was over a long time ago.
“I’m sorry if my presence or anything I said upset you. I didn’t mean anything about my comment about your husband wanting to marry me. We were just teenagers, and we only dated a few months before we broke up. I swear I’m not going to try to take your husband from you.” She gave Ambria a slight grin. “Besides, I’m sort of interested in Vernon.”
Ambria was relieved to by her comment and smiled back at her, hoping what she’d said was the truth. “Thank you for telling me. I don’t know if Vernon told you, but I have a brain tumor and sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.”
“He did and I’m sorry. If you don’t mind my asking, what are the doctors are going to do for you.”
“I’m pregnant, so they don’t want to do too much until they absolutely have to,” Ambria explain, crying as she talked about her condition, then she wiped her tears away. “I can’t show you around with tears in my eyes. If Dustin should hear about it, I’ll never hear the end of it. Let me run to the bathroom to freshen up, then I’ll be ready.”
When she returned from the bathroom, Ambria took Amanda around the entire office before stopping at Dustin’s office. After the two women entered his office, Dustin and Amanda talked a about what they’d been doing since high school, then the two women returned to Ambria’s office. Once there, they spent the rest of the morning going over Amanda’s duties, and Dustin’s name wasn’t mentioned again. When lunchtime came, Ambria invited Amanda to eat lunch with them; she thanked her, but told her she was going to have lunch with Vernon.
When Ambria greeted her husband, she had to laugh at his concerned look. She hurried to him, and took hold of his hand. “I’m fine. Amanda and I have talked, she said she isn’t going to cause us any trouble.”
He took hold of her hand and his grip tightened on hers. “I’m so relieved.” He suddenly had a strong desire to take his wife to bed. “Come on,” he said, then quickly turned and started for their car.
Ambria was surprised by Dustin’s actions as they were practically running to the car. “Dustin, what has gotten into you?”
“I want to take you some place special.”
“Okay.” She watched as he pulled out of the parking lot and started for wherever he was taking her. It wasn’t until they pulled into their neighborhood that she realized where they were going. “Dustin Crenshaw, what do you think you’re doing?”
“You know what I’m doing,” he said, but didn’t look at her to see what her expression was.
“I thought we were going out to lunch.”
“We will, but first I what to show you how much I love you and this is the best way I know how.”
“And to think some women get jewelry from their husbands when they want to show how much they’re loved.”
He pulled into their driveway and stopped the car, then he turned to look at her. “If you rather have jewelry, I can buy you some.” He was prepared to leave if jewelry was her choice.
Ambria giggled at his comment, then leaned over and gave him an amorous kiss. “Now you tell me which one I’d rather have.”
“Then what are we waiting for,” he said, then jumped out of the car and rushed over to her side, grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her into the house.
After they enjoyed their afternoon loving, they stopped for lunch, and they even took the time to eat it before returning to work. By the time they arrived at the office from their noon activities, they had two minutes to spare before their lunch hour was over.
“We won’t ever try that again.”
“Never say never,” he called as he headed back to his office.
“I don’t think my heart can take the stress,” she teased him, then waved good-bye.
The rest of the afternoon went fast as Ambria spent it training Amanda. The two women talked about Dustin in between Amanda learning Ambria’s job, as she told stories about their high school days, and then the two women made plans for them to go out to lunch tomorrow.
Ambria wasn’t sure the reasoning behind Amanda appearing in her life, but she wasn’t going to worry if it meant something was going to change in her life. She thought about going home and reading the book to see if it explained what was happening, but she was still too scared to take the chance of her life changing back to the way it had been before she’d read it the first time. Maybe Dustin was right about the tumor causing her to think she’d been infused into a book, but she still had many unanswered questions.
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