《Am I, Amanda or Ambria》Chapter Nine
The next morning when Susie called the hospital, she had been expecting to hear Ambria had been killed, and was extremely disappointed when she found out she was going to recover. She let out a swear word, determined the next time she tried to kill Ambria; she would make sure the job was successful, as she had to make her pay for stealing Dustin from her.
* * *
The rest of Ambria’s morning was filled with eating breakfast, going for several tests, and then eating lunch. After lunch, she closed her eyes, an hour later she woke up saturated with sweat from the same terrifying dream she’d had earlier. She wanted to talk to Dustin about the dream, but knew he was too busy at work to be bothered by her nightmare. She spent the day wishing she were at home or at least at work where she could keep busy. Just before they brought her dinner, her doctor came in to talk to her.
“Hello, Mrs. Crenshaw,” Dr. Howard said as he stepped into the room. “How are you feeling this afternoon?”
“I still have a headache,” she told him, refraining from telling him about the two disturbing dreams she’d had.
“I’ll order you a prescription for a different medication. Maybe it will help.”
“Thank you. Did the new tests showed anything?”
“They did, but we still haven’t any idea what it is we’re dealing with. My guess is it’s some sort of tumor.”
“Do you think it is cancerous?”
“I don’t think so, but the only way to be sure would be to do a biopsy, but because of the baby, I rather we waited. I wouldn’t want to do anything that may cause you to go into premature labor.”
“Thank you for not saying anything in front of my husband about the baby. I hadn’t told him yet and I didn’t want him to find out from someone else.”
“I understand. Have you told him yet?” he asked, his eyes watching her intensely, wondering when and if she was going to tell her husband.
“Yes, I told him after you left.”
He was relieved by her answer. “Was he upset about it?”
Ambria smiled at him. “Not at all. He was surprise, but not upset. We’re concern if I have cancer or not. What do you think we should do?”
“I need for you to be retested again next month. If the tumor hasn’t grown, we’ll wait another two months, and then retest you, but if it has grown, then we might have to operate. Then if it’s cancerous, we make arrangement for you to start treatments as soon as the baby is born.”
“We can’t just go ahead and operate now?” she asked, tears building at the thought she may die.
“I would hate for you to go through surgery if the tumor isn’t a threat to yours or the baby’s life.”
“Can I go home tonight?” she asked, trying to keep her tears from falling.
“First, we need to get rid of your headache. I suggest you stay another night, and if your headache is gone in the morning, you can go home tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
He said good-bye, then left her.
Ambria didn’t want to stay another night here without Dustin, but she couldn’t very well walk out of the hospital without a doctor’s release. Dustin showed up to visit just as her dinner tray came, but instead of eating it, she just picked at her food. Finally, she pushed the tray away and Dustin finished it as she told him about what the doctor had told her.
Dustin stayed until ten, kissed her goodnight, then left. He had just gotten to the elevator when a strong desire to be with Ambria hit him. Not sure, what may have caused it; he quickly turned and rushed back to her room. When he stepped back into her room, he saw her staring at the television with her mouth hanging open and a traumatize expression on her face and knew immediately that something was wrong.
“Ambria, what is it?” he asked, rushing to her side. When she pointed to the television, he turned and looked up at it. He saw the news was on and the newscaster was talking about a young boy being kidnapped from a local store. “What’s wrong?” he asked, confused to why she was so upset. “Do you know the child?”
“No,” she replied, just above a whisper.
Tears started down her cheeks and he grabbed hold of her hand. “Tell me. What is it?”
“I dreamt about him last night and again today when I took a nap.”
“You just said you didn’t know him,” he said, confused by her statement.
“I don’t.” She looked at him unable to explain.
“Then how could you dream about him?”
“I don’t know. All I know is, I have to help find him.”
“How can you do that?”
“I’m going to call the police and tell them what I know.”
“Ambria, you can’t be serious.” He was shocked by her statement.
Her eyes filled with anger. “I can’t just lay here and not do anything while a child’s life is in danger. Can you imagine what his parents are going through?”
Dustin let go of her hand and pulled her to him. “What can you do to help?”
“I can tell them where to find him,” she said, wanting him to believe she knew where the boy was.
Dustin didn’t think she could actually know anything to help them find the boy, but he wasn’t going to tell her that, so he picked up the phone and handed it to her. “Call the police.”
Ambria picked up the business card Detective Martin Maxwell had given her and dialed the number on the card. When the detective answered, she quickly identify herself, then explained about her dreams of the boy, telling him she wanted to help him find the child.
Martin told her he would be right there and ten minutes later, he was walking into her room. He sat down and pulled out a writing tablet. “Start at the beginning.”
“I’m not sure, but I think my accident is part of the equation.”
He looked over at her. “I’m not following you.”
“When I had my car accident, I hit my head and have been having headaches. The doctor ran some tests and found something in my head, which may or may not be cancerous. I also just found out I’m pregnant. If this tumor is cancerous, I can’t have any treatment until after I have the baby,” she rattled off, giving him more information than he really needed to know.
“I’m sorry.” He was saddened at the thought of this lovely woman dying. He looked away, trying to control his emotions, as he didn’t want to cry in front of her.
“It may be the combination of the head injury, the tumor, and being pregnant, or none of the above, but whatever reason for my ability, I’ve dreamt about the missing boy.”
“Do you know him?” he asked, glancing first at Dustin, then back at her.
“No, but what I’m trying to say is, I know who kidnapped him and where he is.”
“What?” Martin stammered, as her words had stunned him. “How?”
“I saw everything. I even know where the child is being held.”
“Do you know the kidnapper?” His eyes bore into hers.
“No, but I know where he lives,” she stated, refusing to look away from his intense stare. She sensed he thought she may have had something to do with the crime, but she didn’t care, as this needed to done.
Martin Maxwell didn’t believe a word she was saying. For her to know anything about the abduction she must have had something to do with the kidnapping. “Tell me what you know.”
“The neighbor across the street took him.”
Martin shook his head, instantly disappointed by her statement. “We already checked his house and have ruled him out.”
“Did you check in the secret room he has in his garage?” she asked, knowing he hadn’t, otherwise, the child wouldn’t still be missing.
Martin’s mouth dropped. “What?”
“He has a secret room,” she replied, giving him a stern look.
“Where is it?” How could this woman know there was a secret room unless she was involved in some way? Maybe this was a scam and she thought there would be a reward and she was trying to get some of the money.
“Back his car out of the garage, and when you do, you’ll see a large black plastic mat on the floor. Pull it back and you’ll see a trap door. The boy is down there.”
“Is he alive?” he asked softly, expecting her to say no.
“He’s alive, but very frightened. The hole he’s in has just a nightlight for light, and all that’s down there for him is a cot and a something for him to go potty in.”
Martin grabbed his phone and made a call to one of his men, quickly telling him where they could find the boy. After he hung up, he looked at Ambria. “While we’re waiting, you want to tell me the truth of how you knew where to find the child,” he said coldly to her.
She looked at him. “I have,” she replied calmly, refusing to let him intimidate her, as she knew he couldn’t tie her to the boy’s kidnapping.
“Where were you at six last night?” he asked, giving her a fierce look.
“You know where I was,” she replied, forcing herself not to smile.
“I do?” His expression showed his confusion.
“You came to the ER to talk to me about my brake line being sabotage, remember?”
“Yes, you’re right. So I guess your husband is innocent as well,” he said as he looked over at Dustin.
“Of course he is.” She smiled, extremely happy they had the detective for their alibi, as she doubted he would have believed her otherwise.
The phone rang and Martin took the call, watching Ambria closely as he listened to what the caller had to say. He thanked the person, then hung up. “The boy is safe and back home with his parents and the kidnapper has been arrested.”
“I’m glad. Did you hear why he took the boy?”
“No, but I’m sure he wasn’t up to any good.”
“I’m afraid you’re probably right.”
“I guess I’m done here. Call me if you have another,” he waved his hand in the air, “whatever.”
She smiled at his uncertainty as to why she had dreamed about the boy’s abductor. “I will.” Before he could leave the room, she called out to him. “Detective Maxwell.”
“Yes,” he replied, turning back towards her.
“I don’t want any of this to get out to the public.” She watched him intently, waiting for some sort of comment from him.
Her statement had surprised him, as he thought she would want the public to know what she’d done to find the boy. “What if there’s a reward?” Now he would find out her true colors.
“Donate it to a charity for missing children or a children’s charity of your choice. I don’t care where, just as long as I don’t see my name in the paper. With my health situation, I don’t want my privacy disturbed.”
He’d nodded, then left the room.
Ambria and Dustin were silent for several seconds, each thinking about the kidnapping and her dream.
“He had a hard time believing you weren’t involved in the kidnapping, but I’m sure he’s glad he finally did.”
“I’m relieved they were able to find the boy.”
“I’m just thankful we had an iron tight alibi.”
Ambria laughed. “So am I.”
“I think you did a wonderful thing donating any reward to a children’s charity.”
“It’s the right thing to do.”
He smiled at her as he reached over and took hold of her hand. “Yes, it is.”
* * *
The next morning Ambria watched the news and when the story about the kidnapping came on, she listened intently, waiting to hear if they would mention her name. The announcer just stated an anonymous caller had told them where to find the child and Ambria was relieved to know she wouldn’t be bombard with questions from the media.
A few hours later, she was released from the hospital. She still had a mild headache, but didn’t tell the doctor, thinking it would go away once she was resting in her own bed. Dustin decided to stay home from work to make sure she in fact did rest. At eleven, he ran to the video store and rented several movies, then stopped at a local fast food restaurant to get lunch for them. After lunch, they watched the movies, spending a nice quiet day together and by nine that night, she was in bed asleep.
Ambria woke with a start from another nightmare. The room was still dark, and when she looked at the clock, she saw it was two in the morning. She reached over in the darkness to find Dustin, then moved closer to his body, trying to clear the dream from her head.
“Ambria, is something wrong?” he mumbled, still half asleep.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Could you hold me?”
“Sure, but you didn’t answer my question,” he said as he pulled her against him.
“I had another bad dream.” She closed her eyes tightly, trying to forget the memory of the dream.
“And you’re afraid it might come true too?” he asked softly against her head.
“Yes,” she whispered against his chest.
“What was it about?”
“This time it was a little girl who had been kidnapped.”
He tightened his arms around her. “Did you see who did it?”
“The father doesn’t want his wife to know he’s been having affair with his assistant girlfriend and he had the girlfriend take her. He’s going to let his wife think their child has been killed by the kidnappers, then he’s taking the child and leaving his wife to start a new life with the girlfriend in Seattle.”
“How horrible!”
“I hope it isn’t true, as how am I supposed to forget a dream like that?”
“I know a way to take your mind off your dream,” he said seductively in her ear.
“What way would that be?” she asked as her hand found his ready maleness.
“I think you already know the answer.”
After they made love, Ambria was able to forget about the nightmare and fall back to sleep and if the dream came back, she wasn’t aware of it. The next morning the phone ringing woke her, and when she looked at the clock, she saw it was already seven. She quickly looked over at the other side of the bed, and saw it was empty. When she heard the shower running, she figured Dustin hadn’t been up long himself.
“This is Detective Maxwell. I’m sorry for calling so early, but I was wondering if by any chance you had another nightmare last night?”
She thought for a split second before responding. “I did, but I’m sorry to say I don’t remember anything about it. What’s the matter?’
“A three year old little girl was kidnapped late last night. We aren’t sure if she’s being held for ransom yet, but the father has put up a ten thousand dollar reward for the child’s safe return.”
“I’m sorry I can’t be of any help,” she responded, regretting she couldn’t remember any of the dream. She jumped when Dustin touch her arm. “Just a second Detective Maxwell.” She turned to her husband, shielding the mouthpiece with her hand. “What is it?”
“You told me about your dream last night. Let me talk to him.”
“Just a moment Detective Maxwell, my husband wants to talk to you.” Ambria handed him the phone.
“Last night Ambria told me the father of the little girl has been having an affair and the woman he’d been fooling around with took the child. The husband plans to leave his wife and run off with girlfriend, taking the child with them to Seattle.” Dustin felt Ambria grip his arm, and looked over at her and saw her tears.
Martin let out a gasp. “He wants his wife to think their child’s dead, then leave her, and go live his life with the girlfriend and his daughter?” He couldn’t believe another human being could be so cruel.
“I can’t believe he’s that coldhearted. That’s why he put up such a large reward. He was positive no one would ever be able to claim it. What a ruthless bastard!”
“Well, he could have killed his wife, then run off with the girlfriend,” Dustin told him.
“Yeah, you’re right, he could have. I’ll get back with you if I need any more information.”
“Good-bye,” he said, but just before he hung up, he heard the detective call out his name. “What is it?”
“Did Ambria happen to mention the woman’s name?”
“No, she didn’t, but she did say the woman was the father’s assistant.”
“Thanks. That should do it for now.”
The two men hung up, then Dustin pulled Ambria into his arms and held her until her tears were spent.
“I wish I wasn’t having these terrible dreams. I don’t know how much more I can take,” she muttered into his chest.
“I know you don’t like it, but at least you’re helping reunite children with their family.”
She moved away him, nodded, and then forced a smile on her face. “Now I’ve cried all over your clean shirt, how about us going out for breakfast?”
“Are you sure you feel up to it?”
“My headache is gone and I want to celebrate life,” she said happily, relieved the headache was in fact gone.
“Okay, breakfast it will be,” he said giving her a big smile.
“Is it all right if I take a quick shower?”
“We aren’t on any sort of timetable, so take your time.”
Ambria leaned over and gave him a quick kiss, then went into the bathroom and shut the door. Dustin had just heard the shower start, when the phone rang and he answered it. It was Rob Clayton calling to tell them Susie was dead, then went on to explained what happened. Rob told him that when she’d been confronted by the police about sabotaging Ambria’s computer, she’d calmly denied she had anything to do with it, even though they had proof she’d been in the office after she’d been fired. Then when Ambria’s brake line was mentioned, Susie jumped out of her chair and ran out into the street, and was killed instantly when a passenger bus hit her. He told Dustin their nightmare was over and Ambria was safe.
He thanked him, hung up the phone, and then it rang again. “Hello.”
“This is Detective Maxwell. The child has been found and has been returned to her mother, the husband and his girlfriend have been apprehend.”
“That’s great.”
“I want to make sure your wife still wanted the reward to be donated.”
“There’s still a reward?”
“Yes, it was offered, so the wife wants to still give it out.
“Ambria said to donate it; she said it’s the right thing to do.”
“I’ll see to it. Tell her thanks.”
“I will.” He hung up the phone, and then turned when he heard the bathroom door open. Ambria was watching him as she walked out of the bathroom. “They found the child safe.”
“Thank God!” she exclaimed, bringing her hand up to her mouth.
He walked to where she was standing and took hold of her arms. “Rob called earlier to tell us that Susie’s dead. She can’t hurt you ever again,” he said, putting his arms around her and holding her in a tight embrace.
“I think we really have to celebrate now,” she said, thinking of going to Perkins or Denny’s instead of some fast food restaurant for breakfast.
“Me too,” Dustin said in a lusty voice, then began kissing her neck.
Ambria pushed out of her husband’s arms and shook her head. “We are not going to have sex, I just made the bed.”
“I’ll remake the bed afterwards,” he said as a bribe.
Ambria laughed. “Can’t you think of anything besides sex?”
“Not with you as my wife,” he said, pulling her back into his arms.
“I’ll compromise. You take me out to breakfast and when we get home, you may have your way with me.”
“Anyway I want,” he asked seductively.
She laughed at his antics. “Yes, anyway you want.”
“Oh, baby, you got a deal,” he said seductively.
His bright expression concerned her. “It can’t be anything kinky,” she informed him, giving him a worried look.
“You said anyway I wanted and that what it’s going to be,” he said, then grabbed hold of her hand and rushed them to the car, with Ambria laughing all the way to the garage.
To give her husband a rough time, she ate as slowly as she possibly could, but it only it took Dustin a few minutes to realize just what she was doing.
He smiled at her once he realized what she up to. “I’ll give you ten more minutes to finish your breakfast. If you aren’t done by then, I’m going to bodily drag you out of here,” he quietly threatened, giving her a boyish grin.
She laughed loudly, causing several of the other people around them to turn and stare at them. “Well, it was worth a try,” she muttered, then started eating her breakfast normally.
As soon as the newlyweds were in their bedroom, Dustin started removing Ambria’s clothes, but stopped when he saw her make a face of pain.
“Are you hurting?”
“My head hurts.”
“Let me see if I can help.”
He started by undressing her, and once she was completely naked, he undressed himself. He had her lay down on the bed, and then he rolled her onto her belly. Keeping most of his weight off her, he knelt down on her bottom. He took the lotion bottle and squirted the cold liquid directly onto her back, and when it landed on her skin, she jumped.
“Sorry, I should have warmed it in my hands first.”
He took his hands and started spreading the lotion up and down her back, then he pushed the heel of his hand against her skin, kneading into her back muscles. Up and down, back and forth, smiling as he listened to her moaning sounds of pleasure. He put more lotion on his hands and then started rubbing lotion on her bottom, slowly moving down each of her legs and spending a few minutes rubbing the bottom of her feet.
“Turn over,” he told her as he got off her.
“I don’t know if I can,” she said, contently.
He pushed her over before putting more lotion on his hands. This time he started at her feet and worked his way upwards. He stroked her legs, thighs, hips, then her belly, adding lotion several times, as he continued to rub her stomach.
“I can’t believe we have a child growing there,” he said as his hand rested on her belly. “I wonder when you’ll start showing.”
“My guess is not for another three more months, but I’m not sure. Dustin, I’m ready for you to make love to me,” she said softly, trying to pull him down on top of her.
“Not yet, I’m not done with your massage.” He gave her a sly smile as his hands started up her body towards her breasts, but just before he got to the edge of them, his hands moved to her shoulder, then down each arm.
“Dustin,” she cried her disappointment.
“How’s the headache?” He was worried about the return of her headache, afraid he was going to lose his wife and child to the tumor, but he refused to let her know how scared he was.
“It’s gone,” she said, relived the pain had vanished.
He continued rubbing, first her arms, then her elbows, her wrists, stopping with her palms. Then he went up her arms, swiftly moving to her breasts. After a few minutes of playing with her breasts, he leaned his head down next to hers. “How do you feel now?”
“Horny,” she replied.
He moved his body down on top of hers. “Maybe I can fix the problem for you as well,” he whispered in her ear.”
“You’re the only one who can.”
“Are you sure I’m enough for you?” he asked, whispering in her ear just as he entered into her body.
Her response was a satisfied moan.
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